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工作经历: 助教 1994—1996南开大学公共外语教学部 讲师 1996—2006南开大学外国语学院西语系 访问学者 1999—2000俄罗斯图拉国立大学 副教授 2006年至今南开大学外国语学院西语系(从2017年9月起俄语系) 教育经历: 1990.09——1994.07 南开大学外文系俄语语言文学专业 本科生 1996.09——1999.07 南开大学外文系俄语语言文学专业 硕士研究生 2003.07——2009.12 南开大学文学院比较文学与世界文学 博士研究生 Translation: 1. Alexander Bullock (approximately 66,000 words): History of Russian Literature in the Silver Age (1890s-early 1920s), Dunhuang Literature and Art Publishing House, August 2006. 2. On Wang Meng's Novels (about 10,000 words): Russian Literature and Art, Issue 2, 2013. 3. Translation of the third book The Beginning of the Unknown Century and the fourth book A Time Full of Hope of Stories of Life (6 volumes) (by Kon Paustovsky), published by Guangxi Normal University Society, 2019. Research projects: 1. The general project of Nankai University's school-level teaching reform Research and practice of seminar-style teaching of advanced intensive reading courses for Russian majors (2014-2016) 2. Host the Chinese academic translation project The Dimension of Stupidity: A Cultural Interpretation of Russian Literary Classics (Project approval number 19WWWB001) 3. Basic Russian (the person in charge of the course) was approved as a first-class offline undergraduate course in Tianjin in 2019 【教授课程】 本科生课程: 俄罗斯文学史 俄罗斯文学选读 基础俄语4-1,4-2 俄语实践语法4-1,4-2 硕士生课程: 当代俄罗斯社会思潮研究 荣誉称号: 1.论文《<丽人集>中的艺术世界》被评为南开大学1999年度优秀硕士毕业论文三等奖。 2.1999年在南开大学本科生教学评估工作中获二等奖。 3.1999年1月,被评为南开大学外国语学院1998年度 “三育人”活动先进个人;2003年1月,被评为南开大学外国语学院“三育人”先进个人。 4.2002年,2006年,被评为南开大学“优秀学生宿舍导师”;2007—2009年连续三年荣获南开大学“优秀学生宿舍导师”二等奖。 5.指导2013级本科生刘婧玲完成的《以纪录片<生于苏联>为例浅析苏联解体》被评为南开大学2017届本科毕业生优秀毕业论文。




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On Kang Balmont's Creation: From Decadentism to Symbolism (Russian): Collection of International Academic Symposium The Role of Language and Literature in International Communication, Tula State University Press, 2000 year. The Process of Life-Comment on Blok's Long Poems Twelve: Guide to Western Modernist Literary Masterpieces in the 20th Century: Poetry Volume, Tianjin People's Publishing House, 2000. Flick the smoke and dust of history, and reappear the glory of the long gone: Research on Russian Language and Literature, an electronic journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences Information Network of Chinese Universities, Russian Language and Literature Research Center of Heilongjiang University, Issue 4, 2004. Li Jiye and Russian-Soviet Literary Translation: Professor Li Helin Li Jiye Centennial Birthday Commemoration Collection, Nankai University Press, October 2005. Jiang Min. The Fusion of Horizons: An Analysis of the Image of Coachmen in Chinese and Russian Literary Works. Proceedings of the Ninth China-Russia Cooperation History and Prospects of Cooperation Proceedings (May 20-28, 2019, Blagovi Shensk-Heihe, Tianjin, Beijing), 9th Series, Volume 6, Chief Editor И. Л. Grigoriev,-Blagoveshchensk: Blagoveshchensk State Normal University Press , 2019, pages 148-154. I. Boldonova, Jiang Min. Pawstovsky's Natural Aesthetics as a Resource of Ecological Ethics. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecological Ethics and Sustainable Development, Ulan-Ude: East of Russia Siberian State University of Technology and Management Press, 2020, pp. 38-56.
