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Aki Lehtinen is a talent professor of philosophy at Nankai University, Tianjin, China. He has written on modelling, simulation and robustness, philosophy of game theory, and social choice theory and voting. His most recent work is on confirmation in climate models, philosophy of macroeconomics, generalisation in modelling. He is currently working on the philosophy of meta-analysis, simulated data, fictional accounts of modelling and an epistemic account of model-identity. 【Education】 Title of Docent University of Helsinki, practical philosophy 11. January 2011 Doctor of Philosophy Erasmus Institute for Economics and Philosophy Rotterdam, The Netherlands 10.10.2007 PhD thesis: The welfare consequences of strategic voting Master of Social Sciences University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences Finland 16.12.1998 Major subject: practical philosophy Minor subject: economics Master’s thesis: Observability and interpersonal comparisons of utility Master of Philosophy Erasmus Institute for Economics and Philosophy Rotterdam, The Netherlands 5.6.1998 Master of Economics and Business Administration Turku School of Economics and Business Administration Finland 20.3.1996 Major subject: economics Minor subject: business administration and management Master's thesis in Finnish: Yhteinen etu ja äänestäminen; Tutkimus strategisen käyttäytymisen vaikutuksista äänestystuloksiin ja julkishyödykkeiden tarjontaan (The general will and voting; an investigation of the consequences of strategic voting for voting results and the supply of public goods) Certificat d’ Etudes Politiques Institut d’Etudes Politiques Aix-en-Provence, France 5.6.1991 【Work Experience】 - University researcher Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Helsinki 1.1.2018 – 30.10.2018 - Professor of the philosophy of the social sciences (50%) Practical philosophy, University of Helsinki 15.2.2015-31.12.2017 - Principal investigator University of Helsinki three-year grants, a project on Climate ethics and economics 1.1.2014-30.12.2016 - University researcher Academy of Finland, a project on Models and simulations, Department of Political and Economic Studies 1.6.2013-31.12.2017. Between 15.2.2015-31.12.2017 the position was 50%. - University lecturer University of Helsinki, Department of Political and Economic Studies 1.1.2013-30.5.2013 - Adjunct professor in practical philosophy (Docentship) University of Helsinki, Department of Political and Economic Studies 12.1.2011 - Postdoctoral researcher, University researcher Academy of Finland, a project on Strategic voting, a cursed blessing 1.1.2010-31.12.2012 - Adam Smith Visiting Professor Department of Philosophy, University of Bayreuth, Germany 15.10.2007-15.2.2008 - Researcher Academy of Finland, a project on Trends and tensions in intellectual integration 1.1.2007-31.12.2009 - Researcher Academy of Finland, a project on Economics imperialism 1.1.2004-31.12.2006 - Doctoral student Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics 1.1.2002-31.12.2003 - Assistant professor Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 1.9.1998-30.12.1999 【Research Grants】 - Nankai University general research grant ‘Philosophy of modelling’ 2021, 150000 RMB


Modelling and simulation, philosophy of economics


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Lehtinen, Aki (2022): “The epistemic benefits of generalisation in modelling II: Expressive power and abstraction”, Synthese, vol. 200, no. 2, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-022-03530-3 Lehtinen, Aki & Kuorikoski, Jaakko (2022): “Computer simulations in economics”, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of economics, eds. Conrad Heilmann & Julian Reiss, Routledge, pp. 355-369. Lehtinen, Aki (2021): “The epistemic benefits of generalisation in modelling I: Systems and applicability”, Synthese, vol. 199, no. 3-4, pp. 10343-10370. Lehtinen, Aki & Kuorikoski, Jaakko (2021): “Uusi taloustieteen metodologia” (’The new methodology of economics’), Kansantaloudellinen Aikakauskirja vol. 117, no. 2, pp. 142-154. Lehtinen, Aki (2021): The Helsinki Approach to Economic Methodology, Or, how to Espouse the Mainstream?, Journal of Economic Methodology, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 79-87. Lehtinen, Aki (2021): “Core models in macroeconomics”, Ch. 12 in Modern Guide to Philosophy of Economics, ed. Harold Kincaid and Don Ross, Edward Elgar 2021, pp. 254-283. Lehtinen, Aki (2020): ”Johdatus ilmastotutkimuksen tieteenfilosofiaan” (”Introduction to the philosophy of climate science”), in Ilmastonmuutoksen filosofia [Philosophy of Climate Change] eds. Simo Kyllönen & Markku Oksanen, Gaudeamus, pp. 46-64. Lehtinen, Aki & Kuorikoski, Jaakko (2022): “Computer simulations in economics”, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of economics, eds. Conrad Heilmann & Julian Reiss, Routledge, pp. 355-369.
