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个人简介 2009/09-2013/07 云南大学 软件学院 学士 2013/09-2016/03 天津理工大学 机械学院 硕士 导师:王收军教授 2016/09-2019/07 南开大学 人工智能学院 博士 导师:孙青林教授 2019/07-至今 南开大学 人工智能学院 助理研究员 主持科研项目: [1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于异构多智能体协同与动力学约束的翼伞回收系统轨迹优化研究,24万元; [2] 装备预研教育部联合基金,82万元; [3] 博士后基金面上项目,基于复杂动力学特性的伞翼无人机的敏捷控制研究,8万元; [4] 203所横向课题,翼伞控制技术,14.28万元; [5] 人工智能学院,学科振兴计划,30万元。 同时参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目、天津市重点基金等项目,课题组经费充足。 主要研究方向: [1] 伞翼无人机的建模、轨迹规划与控制; [2] 基于深度学习、强化学习的微小物体声波操纵; [3] 深度学习、强化学习算法在控制、图像识别方面的应用,包括肿瘤细胞识别等; [4] 多智能体系统控制技术、水下机器人控制等。 所获奖励: [1] 2020年天津市年科技进步二等奖(参与) [2] 2020年全国博士后人工智能发展与应用论坛,优秀奖 [3] 2018年FLINS Best Student Paper Award [4] 2020年南开大学人工智能学院“学科振兴计划” [5] 2020年南开大学人工智能学院“悟空”优秀博士后奖教金 [6] 2021年华北五省大学生机器人创新大赛,一等奖\优秀指导教师奖。 讲授课程 数据结构、电路基础实验 。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Hao Sun,Qinglin Sun,Mingwei Sun,et al. Accurate Modeling and Homing Control for Parafoil Delivery System based on Wind Disturbance Rejection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2022. (SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊, if:4.1) [2] Hao Sun,Fuyong Wang,Qinglin Sun,et al. Distributed consensus algorithm for multiple parafoils in mass airdrop mission based on disturbance rejection[J].Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 109: 106437.(SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊, if:5.1) [3] Hao Sun, Qinglin Sun, Wannan Wu, et al. Altitude control for flexible wing unmanned aerial vehicle based on active disturbance rejection control and feedforward compensation[J], International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2020, 30(1): 222-245. (SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊, if:4.4) [4] Hao Sun, Qinglin Sun, Xianyi Zeng, et al. Accurate Homing of Parafoil Delivery Systems based Glide-ratio Control[J], IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2020, 56(3): 2374 - 2389. (SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊, if:4.1) [5] Hao Sun, Qinglin Sun, Shuzhen Luo, et al. In-flight compound homing methodology of parafoil delivery systems under multiple constraints[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 79: 85-104.(SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊, if:5.1) [6] Hao Sun, Shuzhen Luo, Qinglin Sun, et al. Trajectory optimization for parafoil delivery system considering complicated dynamic constraints in high-order model[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 98: 105631.(SCI,中科院1区,Top期刊, if:5.1) [7] Sun H, Sun Q, Wu W, et al. Flexible modelling and altitude control for powered parafoil system based on active disturbance rejection control[J]. International Journal of Systems Science, 2019, 50(12): 2385-2408.(SCI,中科院3区, if:2.2) [8] Sun H, Sun Q, Tao J, et al. A hybrid control approach for powered parafoil combining active disturbance rejection control and unbalanced load compensation[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2018, 232(3): 299-314. (SCI,中科院4区, if:1.7) [9] Hao Sun, Qinglin Sun, Zengqiang Chen, et al. An optimal‐multiphase homing methodology for powered parafoil systems[J]. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2020, 41(4): 1118-1142. (SCI,中科院4区, if:2.5) Chinese: [1] 孙昊,孙青林,陈增强等. 复杂环境下考虑动力学约束的翼伞轨迹规划[J]. 航空学报,2021. [2] 孙昊,孙青林,陈增强等. 大规模空投中的多翼伞一致性控制算法[J].控制理论与应用,2021.


IEEE TAES, ISA T,IJRNC,AST,Chinese Science: Informtion Science, 航空学报等多个国内外期刊审稿人
