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学科方向:中药学 教师简介: 长期从事中医药复方药物与系统生物学研究,擅长从分子、靶点和通路入手揭示中药药效成分的网络作用机理。通过整合基因组、蛋白组和代谢组等生物信息,并结合化学生物学和结构生物学的方法,在靶蛋白的分离捕获、构效关系以及作用机制研究方面取得进展,在揭示中药方剂的现代生物学基础方面取得初步成果。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Yanqi Han, Mengge Zhou, Liqiang Wang, Xuhui Ying, Jiamin Peng, Min Jiang* , Gang Bai, GuoanLuo. Comparative evaluation of different cultivars of Flos Chrysanthemi by an anti-inflammatory-based NF-kappa B reporter gene assay coupled to UPLC-Q/TOF MS with PCA and ANN. JournalofEthnopharmacology. 2015, 174(4), 387-395. 2. Min Jiang, Yanqi Han, Mengge Zhou, Hong-zhi Zhao, Xue Xiao, Yuanyuan Hou, Jie Gao,Gang Bai*, Guoan Luo. The screening research of anti-inflammatory bioactive markers from different flowering phases of Flos Lonicerae Japonicae. PLoS One. 2014, 9(5):e96214. 3. Liqiang Wang, Qingxin Cui, YuanyuanHou, Fang Bai, Jixue Sun, Xiaofang Cao, Pi Liu, Min Jiang*,Gang Bai*. An integrated strategy of ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry andvirtual screening for the identification of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors inacarviostatin-containing complex. Journal of Chromatography A. 2013; 1319: 88-96. 4. Min Jiang, Mengge Zhou, Yanqi Han, Lu Xing, Hongzhi Zhao, Linyin Dong, Gang Bai*, Guoan Luo*.NF-κB inhibitors identification from Xuebijing injection in treatment of sepsis by bioactivity-integrated UPLC-Q/TOF spectrometry. JournalofEthnopharmacology. 2013, 147(2) 426-433. 5. Lu Xing, Min Jiang*, Linyi Dong, Jie Gao, YuanyuanHou, Gang Bai, Guoan Luo. Cardioprotective effects of the YiQiFuMai injection and isolated compounds on attenuating chronic heart failure via NF-κB inactivation and cytokine suppression. JournalofEthnopharmacology. 2013, 148(1):239-245.
