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教育背景 2016.09—2019.06:南开大学,环境科学专业,获理学博士学位 2017.09—2018.11:美国纽约州卫生署Wadsworth研究中心,博士联合培养 2013.09—2015.06:中国农业大学,环境工程专业,获工学硕士学位 2009.09—2013.06:中国农业大学,环境工程专业,获工学学士学位 科研教学经历 2019.07至今,南开大学,环境科学与工程学院,讲师 科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,42007328,有机磷酸酯在大气颗粒物与植物叶面间的异相光反应与富集代谢行为研究,2021-01至2023-12,24万元,在研,主持 2. 科技部,国家重点研发计划项目,2020YFC1807001,场地土壤-水污染物多介质迁移分配规律与时空分布特征,2020/12至2024/11,349万元,在研,参与 3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,41977273,铁硫还原-氧化耦合体系对镉赋存状态及移动性的影响机制,2020/01至2023/12,61万元,在研,参与 4. 科技部,国家重点研发计划项目,2019YFC1804105,典型油田开采区土壤污染控制与修复技术集成示范工程,2019/12至2023/11,550万元,在研,参与 5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,41773109,可降解与不可降解微塑料颗粒在土壤中的变化及其对典型有机污染物归趋与生物有效性的影响,2018/01至2021/12,69万元,在研,参与 已授权专利:胡树文; 汪玉; 高子登一种缓/控释微胶囊农药及其制备方法. CN 103340197 A (201310313939.9), 2013. (1) 许宜平、王子健等著. 有机磷酸酯的暴露、毒性机制及环境风险评估. 科学出版社:X-1638.31,2019(ISBN:978-7-03-062974-6)。第四章作者。 (2) 《缓/控释肥料》,2014,化学工业出版社,北京. 第八章作者。




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Liu, Yarui; Hu, Hongwei; Wang, Yu*; Wang, Lei; Feng, Yujie*, Effects of heavy metals released from sediment accelerated by artificial sweeteners and humic acid on a green algae Scenedesmus obliquus. Science of the Total Environment 2020,729, 138960. Wang, Yu; Yao, Yiming; Han, Xiaoxin; Li, Wenhui; Zhu, Hongkai; Wang, Lei; Sun, Hongwen*; Kannan, Kurunthachalam*, Organophosphate di- and tri-esters in indoor and outdoor dust from China and its implications for human exposure. Science of the Total Environment 2020,700, 134502. Wang, Yu.; Li, Wenhui; Martinez-Moral, María Pilar; Sun, Hongwen; Kannan,Kurunthachalam*. Metabolites of organophosphate esters in urine from the United States: Concentrations, temporal variability, and exposure assessment. Environment International 2019,122, 213-221. Wang, Yu; Yao, Yiming; Li, Wenhui; Zhu, Hongkai; Wang, Lei; Sun, Hongwen*; Kannan, Kurunthachalam*, A nationwide survey of 19 organophosphate esters in soils from China: Spatial distribution and hazard assessment. Science of the Total Environment 2019,671, 528-535. Wang, Yu; Zhu, Hongkai; Kannan, Kurunthachalam*. A review of biomonitoring of phthalate exposures. Toxics 2019,7, (2), 21. Wang, Yu; Kannan, Pranav; Halden, Rolf U.; Kannan, Kurunthachalam*. A nationwide survey of 31 organophosphate esters in sewage sludge from the United States. Science of the Total Environment 2019,655, 446-453. Wang, Yu; Kannan, Kurunthachalam*. Concentrations and dietary exposure to organophosphate esters in foodstuffs from Albany, New York, United States. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2018,66, 13525-13532. Wang, Yu; Sun, Hongwen*; Zhu, Hongkai; Yao, Yiming; Chen, Hao; Ren, Chao; Wu, Fengchang; Kannan, Kurunthachalam. Occurrence and distribution of organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) in soil and outdoor settled dust from a multi-waste recycling area in China. Science of the Total Environment 2018,625, 1056-1064. Wang, Yu; Gao, Zideng; Shen, Feng; Li, Yang; Zhang, Sainan; Ren, Xueqin*; Hu, Shuwen*, Physicochemical Characteristics and Slow Release Performances of Chlorpyrifos Encapsulated by Poly(butyl acrylate-co-styrene) with the Cross-Linker Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015,63, (21), 5196-204. Li, M.; Yao, Y.*; Wang, Y.; Bastiaensen, M.; Covaci, A.; Sun, H., Organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers in a Chinese population: Significance of hydroxylated metabolites and implication for human exposure. Environmental Pollution 2020,257, 113633. Li, D.; Yao, Y.; Sun, H.*; Wang, Y.; Pu, J.; Calderon, R.; Alder, A. C.; Kannan, K., Artificial Sweeteners in Pig Feed: A Worldwide Survey and Case Study in Pig Farms in Tianjin, China. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, 7, 4059–4067. Gong, X.; Wang, Y.; Pu, J.; Zhang, J.; Sun, H.; Wang, L.*, The environment behavior of organophosphate esters (OPEs) and di-esters in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): Uptake mechanism, in vivo hydrolysis and subcellular distribution. Environment International 2020,135, 105405. Zhu, H.; Wang, Y.; Sun, H.; Kannan, K.*, Fertilizers as a Source of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid in Soils: A Nationwide Survey in China. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2019,6, (2), 55-61. Li, W.; Wang, Y.; Kannan, K.*, Occurrence, distribution and human exposure to 20 organophosphate esters in air, soil, pine needles, river water, and dust samples collected around an airport in New York state, United States. Environment International 2019,131, 105054. Li, W.; Wang, Y.; Asimakopoulos, A. G.; Covaci, A.; Gevao, B.; Johnson-Restrepo, B.; Kumosani, T. A.; Malarvannan, G.; Moon, H. B.; Nakata, H.; Sinha, R. K.; Tran, T. M.; Kannan, K.*, Organophosphate esters in indoor dust from 12 countries: Concentrations, composition profiles, and human exposure. Environment International 2019,133, (Pt A), 105178. Kim, U. J.; Wang, Y.; Li, W.; Kannan, K.*, Occurrence of and human exposure to organophosphate flame retardants/plasticizers in indoor air and dust from various microenvironments in the United States. Environment International 2019,125, 342-349. Ji, Y.; Wang, Y.; Yao, Y.*; Ren, C.; Lan, Z.; Fang, X.; Zhang, K.; Sun, W.; Alder, A. C.; Sun, H., Occurrence of organophosphate flame retardants in farmland soils from Northern China: Primary source analysis and risk assessment. Environmental Pollution 2019,247, 832-838. Zhu, H.; Sun, H.*; Yao, Y.; Gan, Z.; Wang, Y.; Kannan, K., Legacy and alternative brominated flame retardants in outdoor dust and pine needles in mainland China: Spatial trends, dust-plant partitioning and human exposure. Environmental Pollution 2018,243, 758-765. Chen, H.; Yao, Y.; Zhao, Z.*; Wang, Y.; Wang, Q.; Ren, C.; Wang, B.; Sun, H.*; Alder, A. C.; Kannan, K., Multimedia Distribution and Transfer of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) Surrounding Two Fluorochemical Manufacturing Facilities in Fuxin, China. Environmental Science & Technology 2018,52, (15), 8263-8271. Du, Z.; Deng, S.*; Liu, D.; Yao, X.; Wang, Y.; Lu, X.; Wang, B.; Huang, J.; Wang, Y.; Xing, B.; Yu, G., Efficient adsorption of PFOS and F53B from chrome plating wastewater and their subsequent degradation in the regeneration process. Chemical Engineering Journal 2016,290, 405-413. 汪玉,高子登,张剑南,吕连启,刘冬梅,胡树文*, 甲草胺在玉米籽粒上的QuEChERS_HPLC残留分析方法探究. 中国农学通报2014,30, (31), 295-299.
