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教育背景 2009.09-2013.07 北京航空航天大学化学与环境学院环境工程系工学学士 2013.09-2018.07 北京航空航天大学能源与动力工程学院热能工程系工学博士 科研教学经历 2018.09-2019.10 新加坡国立大学化学与生物分子工程学院博士后研究员 2019.11-至今 南开大学环境科学与工程学院副教授 科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,22006075,低温等离子体耦合催化重整生物质焦油定向富氢合成气转化及原位机理研究,2021.01-2023.12,24万,主持 2. 中央高校基本科研业务费,63201136,介质阻挡放电等离子体协同催化重整生物质焦油的研究,2020.01-2021.12,14万,主持 3. 广东省固体废物污染控制与资源化重点实验室开放基金,2020B121201003, 等离子体辅助生物质气化燃气催化除焦研究,2021.01-2022.12,3万,主持 4. 北京航空航天大学博士生卓越创新基金项目,2017026,介质阻挡放电等离子体协同催化重整生物质焦油的研究,2017.06-2018.05,4万,主持 5. The National Environmental Agency, R279-000-491-279, Energy Efficient MSW Incinerator via Integrated Catalytic Membrane Gasification, Participant 6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21477006,等离子体协同催化生物质焦油的定向生物氢和高级烃耦联转化机制,2015.1-2018.12,87万,主要参与人 7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21677007,钢铁烧结过程中UPOPs的源头控污和低毒性产物削减方法与原理,2017.01-2020.12,68万,主要参与人 发明专利 1. 刘丽娜,戴静,张芝昆,李原玲.一种轻质烷烃的催化偶联方法:中国,202011563044.7. 申请日期:2020.12.25. 2. 孙轶斐,徐佳妮,刘丽娜,张亚迪,李文沛. 一种硫脲甲醛高分子在铁矿石烧结飞灰中的应用:中国,ZL201710559452.7. 授权公告日:2020.08.11. 荣誉与奖励 先后获得2017年CASC社会公益奖学金一等奖 2017年博士卓越创新基金第1级别 2017年北京航空航天大学研究生十佳提名奖 2016年度工信部创新创业奖学金 2016年度国家奖学金 2016、2017、2018年度优秀学术论文奖 2016年度优秀研究生 2014、2015、2016年度博士生学业奖学金一等奖 2014年8th i-CIPEC国际会议Outstanding Oral Presentation奖等奖项20余次


低温等离子体催化技术在环境、能源领域的应用(Non-thermal plasma catalysis for environmental and energy applications); 生物质气化产氢 (Biomass gasification for hydrogen evolution); 生物质焦油催化重整 (Catalytic reforming of biomass tar); CO2捕集与资源化(CO2 capture and utilization);


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Liu L, Dai J, Yang Z, Li Y, Su X, Zhang Z*, Plasma-catalytic carbon dioxide conversion by reverse water-gas shift over La0.9Ce0.1B0.5B’0.5O3-δ perovskite-derived bimetallic catalysts, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021. 2. Li Y, Liu L*, Yu H*, Zhao Y, Dai J, Yu H, Carbon self-doped boron nitride as an adsorbent for CO2 capture: Effect of pyrolysis temperature on properties and performance, Science of the Total Environment, 2021. 3. Zhang Z, Tang M, Yang Z, Ma J, Liu L*, Shen B. SO2 and NO emissions during combustion of high-alkali coal over a wide temperature range: Effect of Na species and contents, Fuel, 309 (2021) 122212. 4. Li Y, Yu H, Liu L*, Yu H*, Application of co-pyrolysis biochar for the adsorption and immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated environmental substrates, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 420 (2021) 126655. 5. Liu L, Dai J, Zhang Z*, Liu S, Sun Y*, Mechanism and Prediction of Cr and Zn Immobilization from Industrial Residues by Glass-ceramics, ACS ES&T Engineering, 1 (2021) 1323−1332. 6. He O, Zhang Y, Wang P, Liu L*, Wang Q, Yang N, Li W, Champagne P, Yu H*. Experimental and Kinetic Study on the Production of Furfural and HMF from Glucose, Catalysts, 11(2021) 11. 7. Liu L, Yu H, Li Y, Zhang Z*. Stabilization behavior and mechanism of heavy metals in eco-friendly glass-ceramics derived from wastes, Journal of Cleaner Production, 269 (2020) 122417. 8. Liu L, Das S, Chen T, Dewangan N, Ashok J, Xi S, Li Z, Borgna A, Kawi S*. Low temperature catalytic reverse water-gas shift reaction over perovskite catalysts in DBD plasma, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020. 9. Liu L, Zhang Z, Das S, Xi S, Kawi S*. LaNiO3 as a precursor of Ni/La2O3 for reverse water-gas shift in DBD plasma: Effect of calcination temperature, Energy Conversion and Management, 2020. 10. Liu L, Liu Y, Song J, Ahmad S, Liang J, Sun Y*. Plasma-enhanced steam reforming of different model tar compounds over Ni-based fusion catalysts, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 377 (2019) 24-33. 11. Liu L, Zhang Z*, Das S, Kawi S*. Reforming of tar from biomass gasification in a hybrid catalysis-plasma system: A review, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 250 (2019) 250-272. 12. Liu L, Li W, Xu J, Xiong Z, Sun Y*, Synergistic effect of iron and copper oxides on the formation of persistent chlorinated aromatics in iron ore sintering based on in situ XPS analysis, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 366 (2019), 202-209. 13. Liu L, Meng Y, Liang J, Xia D, Sun Y*. Low-temperature decomposition of Aroclor 1254 over AC-supported Ni-Fe bimetallic catalysts: Kinetic and thermodynamic study, Science of the Total Environment, 666 (2019) 591-597. 14. Zhang Z, Zhu Z, Shen B*, Liu L*, Insights into biochar and hydrochar production and applications: A review, Energy, 171 (2019) 581-598. (ESI热点论文,TOP 25 most-cited articles from Energy) 15. Zhang Z, Liu L*, Shen B*, Wu C*. Preparation, modification and development of Ni-based catalysts for catalytic reforming of tar produced from biomass gasification, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 94 (2018) 1086-1109. 16. Liu L, Wang Q, Song J, Yang X, Sun Y*. Dry reforming of model biomass pyrolysis products to syngas by dielectric barrier discharge plasma, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 10281-10293. 17. Liu L, Wang Q, Shakeel A, Yang X, Sun Y*. Catalytic steam reforming of toluene as model biomass tar to H2-rich syngas in a DBD plasma reactor, Journal of the Energy Institute, 91 (2018) 927-939, (ESI高被引论文) 18. Liu L, Wang Q, Song J, Shakkel A, Yang X, Sun Y*. Plasma-assisted catalytic reforming of toluene to hydrogen rich syngas, Catalysis Science & Technology, 7 (2017) 4216-4231. 其他共同作者文章 1. Sun Y*, Liu L, Fu X, Zhu T, Buekens A, Yang X, Wang Q. Mechanism of unintentionally produced persistent organic pollutant formation in iron ore sintering, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 306 (2016) 41–49. (一区TOP, IF2016: 6.065) 2. Sun Y*, Liu L, Oshita K, Zeng X, Wang W, Zhang Y. Influence of activated-carbon-supported transition metals on the decomposition of polychlorobiphenyls. Part II: Chemical and physical characterization and mechanistic study. Chemosphere, 159 (2016) 668-675. (二区TOP, IF2016: 4.208) 3. Sun Y*, Liu L, Wang Q, Yang X, Tu X. Pyrolysis products from industrial waste biomass based on a neural network model, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 120 (2016) 94–102. (三区, IF2016: 3.471) 4. Das S, Bhattar S, Liu L, Wang Z, Xi S, Spivey JJ, Kawi S. Effect of partial Fe substitution in La0.9Sr0.1NiO3 perovskite-derived catalysts on reaction mechanism of methane dry reforming. ACS Catalysis, 21 (2020) 12466–12486. 5. Liu Y, Song J, Diao X, Liu L, Sun Y*. Removal of tar derived from biomass gasification via synergy of non-thermal plasma and catalysis. Science of the Total Environment, 721 (2020) 137671. 6. Chen T, Wang Z, Liu L, Pati S, Wai M H, Kawi S.Coupling CO2 separation with catalytic reverse water-gas shift reaction via ceramic-carbonate dual-phase membrane reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 379 (2020) 122182. 7. Chen T, Wang Z, Das S, Liu L, Li Y, Kawi S, Lin J, A novel study of sulfur-resistance for CO2 separation through asymmetric ceramic-carbonate dual-phase membrane at high temperature, Journal of Membrane Science, 581 (2019) 72-81. 8. Saleem F, Rehman A, Abbas Aumbe, khoja AH, Ahmad F, Liu L, Zhang K, Harvey A. A Comparison of the decomposition of biomass gasification tar compound in CO, CO2, H2 and N2 carrier gases using non-thermal plasma, Journal of the Energy Institute, 97 (2021) 161-168. 9. Zhang Z, Wang J, Liu L, Ma J, Shen B*. Preparation of additive-free glass-ceramics from MSW incineration bottom ash and coal fly ash. Construction and Building Materials, 254 (2020) 119345. 10. Zhang Z, Wang Y, Wang J, Liu L, An W, Shen B*. Preparation and characterization of glass-ceramics from oil shale ash: Effect of basicity and sintering temperature on crystallization behavior, properties, and environmental risk. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 249 (2020) 123012. 11. Zhang Z, Wang J, Liu L, Shen B*, Preparation and characterization of glass-ceramics via co-sintering of coal fly ash and oil shale ash-derived amorphous slag, Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 20058-20065. 12. Zhang Y, Liu L, Sun Y, Zhu R, Gao X*, Yang J, Han Z, Wang H. Formation of persistent chlorinated aromatic compounds in simulated and real fly ash from iron ore sintering. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 19 (2017) 1437-1445. 13. Sun Y*, Tao F, Liu L, Zeng X, Wang W. Influence of activated-carbon-supported transition metals on the decomposition of polychlorobiphenyls. Part I: Catalytic decomposition and kinetic analysis, Chemosphere, 159 (2016) 659-667. 14. Zhang Y, Buekens A, Liu L, Zhang Y, Zeng X, Sun Y*. Suppression of chlorinated aromatics by nitrogen and sulphur inhibitors in iron ore sintering, Chemosphere, 155 (2016) 300-307. 15. 陶飞,刘丽娜,王激扬,姚鑫华,王强,孙轶斐. 生物质废物热解过程中气相产物的生成及等离子体重整研究,环境工程,34 (2016) 100-104.


Energies杂志Topic Editor Energies杂志特刊“Biomass Gasification for Hydrogen Evolution and Syngas Purification” Guest Editor Carbon Capture Science & Technology杂志特刊“Solid Sorbents for Carbon Capture” Guest Editor Frontiers in Energy Research杂志Review Editor 中国电工技术学会高级会员 天津市企业科技特派员(中海石油环保服务(天津)有限公司) 担任Environmental Science & Technology, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Conversion and Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery等期刊审稿人
