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教育背景 2006.7-2008.7 南开大学环境科学与工程学院, 博士后 2003.9-2006.6 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,获理学博士学位 科研教学经历 2015.1-2016.1 美国麻省大学,访问学者 2013.12- 南开大学环境科学与工程学院,教授 2008.12-2013.12 南开大学环境科学与工程学院,副教授 科研项目 针对多环芳烃、农药、溴代阻燃剂等有机污染及重金属污染开发了功能铁矿物材料、类Fenton氧化与微生物联合新型修复技术。针对农田改良和重金属污染制备了铁矿物材料负复合材料及菌剂,并将复合材料和菌剂推广至农田示范修复应用中。主持/或作为学术骨干研究项目包括科技部重点研发、科技部973计划课题、863前沿探索、农业部重大专项及国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目等科技项目10余项。近年主持及参加的代表性项目如下: 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目“生物炭源溶解性有机质对土壤团聚体中抗生素迁移转化影响的关键机制”,2021.01-2024.12,主持。 2.农业部重大行业专项“农产品产地土壤重金属污染修复技术示范与跟踪监测”(天津), 项目负责人。 3.科技部重点研发项目“复合有机污染场地高效氧化修复材料与技术”,2018.12-2022.12,课题负责人。 4.科技部重点研发项目“场地土壤典型污染物生态生物有效性标准测试方法的建立”,2018.12-2022.12,课题骨干。 5.宁夏科技厅重点研发项目“宁夏工业园区土壤及地下水污染特征识别与系统防治研究”,2019.5-2022.05,课题负责人。 6.国家自然科学基金面上项目“腐殖酸与铁矿物对在淹水干旱交替作用下土壤-植物根际微域中多溴联苯醚迁移行为的影响机制”,2017.01-2020.12,主持。 7.天津市重点基金项目“电气石强化植物根系微生物对重金属与多溴联苯醚复合污染土壤修复,2017-2019,主持。 8.科技部973计划课题“土壤复合有机污染过程与生物有效性”,2014-2018,课题骨干。 9.农业部重大行业专项“农田土壤重金属污染修复与示范”,2013-2016,课题负责人。 10.农业部重大行业专项“农田土壤重金属污染示范修复”,2016-2019,课题负责人。 11.中加项目“城市污泥水热碳化过程中典型药物和个人护理用品降解及生物有效性”,2017 -2019,项目负责人。 12.天津市面上项目“铁电气石类芬顿辅助微生物对土壤多溴联苯醚污染修复”,2013-2015,主持。 13.国家自然科学基金青年基金“电气石-微生物联合修复土壤中多环芳烃污染及 机理研究”,2010-2013,主持。 14.亚洲研究中心项目“电气石修复土壤中多环芳烃污染”,2010-2012,主持。 15.南开大学创新基金“电气石修复土壤污染”,2008-2010,主持。 16.国家科技支撑项目“滨海新区及周边地区海岸带生态系统保护与恢复技术及示范”,2012-2015,主要骨干。 17.科技部863高技术项目“原位电动生物技术修复多环芳烃污染土壤”,2008-2010,主要骨干。 18.天津市基础研究重点项目“利用共代谢机制修复汽油与三氯乙烯复合污染土壤”,2010-2013,主要骨干。 19.国家基金重点项目“土壤典型有机污染物的界面过程及修复技术原理”,2008-2011,参与。 参与编写专著: 1. 参与编写主编《生物技术在核工业中的应用》,国防科技大学出版社,2002年10月; 2. 参译《环境化学》(教材,Environmental Chemistry,Manahan S.E., Taylor & Francis, 2012),高等教育出版社,2013年1月; 3. 参与编写《环境化学电子教案》,高等教育出版社,2010年12月; 4. 参与编写《环境科学大字典(修订版)》,中国环境科学出版社,2008年9月。 荣誉与奖励 2019年 获得天津市科技进步一等奖. 2018年 “风险评估与污染修复创新团队”科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队 2017年 “风险评估与污染修复创新团队”入选天津市创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队




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1. Weili Jia, Chuanxin Ma, Mengfei Yin, Hongwen Sun, Qing Zhao, Jason C. White, Cuiping Wang,* Baoshan Xing. Accumulation of phenanthrene and its metabolites in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) as affected by magnetic carbon nanotubes and dissolved humic acids. Environ. Sci.Nano, DOI: 10.1039/d0en00932f 2. Fang Yang, Qi Zhang, Hongxian Jian, Cuiping Wang*, Hongwen Sun, Baoshan Xing, Yueli Hao. Effect of dissolved organic matters (DOMs) released from biochar on sulfamethoxazole and chloramphenicol adsorption. J. Hazard. Mater., 2020, 396: 122598. 3. Fang Yang, Hongxian Jian, Cuiping Wang, Yu Wang, Erhu Li, Hongwen Sun. Effects of biochar on biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole and chloramphenicol by Pseudomonas stutzeri and Shewanella putrefaciens: Microbial growth, fatty acids, and the expression quantity of gene. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124311. 4. Qing Zhu, Nan Li, Cuiping Wang*, Hongwen Sun. Effect of interaction between various humic acid fractions and iron nanoparticles on the toxicity to white Rot Fungus. Chemosphere, 2020, 247: 125895. 5. Huimin Cao, Haibin Liu, Weili Jia, Cuiping Wang*, Hongwen Sun*. Enzyme activities during Benzo[a]pyrene degradation by the fungus Lasiodiplodia theobromae isolated from a polluted soil. Scie. Rep., 2020 10:865 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-57692-6. 6. Weili Jia, Chuanxin Ma, Cuiping Wang*, Jicheng Wang, Hongwen Sun, Baoshan Xing. Mineral elements uptake and physiological response of Amaranthus mangostanus (L.) upon exposure to biochar. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 2019, 175: 58-65. 7. Weili Jia, Sheng Zhai, Chuanxin Ma, Huimin Cao, Cuiping Wang*, Hongwen Sun, Baoshan Xing. The role of different fractions of humic acid in the physiological response of Amaranth treated with magnetic carbon nanotubes. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety, 2019, 169: 848-855 8. Weili Jia, Chuanxin Ma, Jason C. White, Mengfei Yin, Huimin Cao, Jicheng Wang, Cuiping Wang*, Hongwen Sun, Baoshan Xing. Effects of biochar on 2, 2', 4, 4', 5, 5'- hexabrominated diphenyl ether (BDE-153) fate in Amaranthus mangostanus L.: Accumulation, metabolite formation, and physiological response. Sci. Total Environ., 2019, 651: 1154-1165. 9. Weili Jia, Cuiping Wang*, Chuanxin Ma, Jicheng Wang, Hongwen Sun. Element uptake and physiological responses of Lactuca sativa upon co-exposures to tourmaline and dissolved humic acids. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 2018, 25: 15998–16008. 10. Cuiping Wang*, Chuanxin Ma, Weili Jia, Dong Wang, Hongwen Sun, Baoshan Xing. Combined effects of dissolved humic acids and tourmaline on the BDE-153 in Lactuca Sativa, Envirion. Pollut., 2017, 231: 68-77. 11. Cuiping Wang*, Weili Jia, Dong Wang, Organic matter in surface sediments from the Gulf of Mexico and South China Sea: Compositions, distributions and sources. Mar. Pollut. Bullet., 2017, 120: 174-183. 12. Nan Li, Jiaqi Zhang, Cuiping Wang*, Hongwen Sun. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of tetraprombisphenol A by toumaline-TiO2 composite catalyst. J. Mat. Sci. 2017, 52: 6937-6949. 13. Weili Jia, Baolin. Wang, Cuiping. Wang*, Hongwen Sun. Tourmaline and biochar for the remediation for acid soil polluted with heavy metals. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2017, 4: 2107-2114. 14. Li Yu, Cuiping Wang*, Feiyang Chen, Jiaqi Zhang, Yuefei Ruan, Jiayao Xu. Investigating the synergistic effects in tourmaline/TiO2-based heterogeneous photocatalysis: underlying mechanism insights. J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 2016, 411: 1-8. 15. Jing Li, Cuiping Wang*, Dong Wang, Zhenyang Zhou, Hongwen Sun, Sheng Zhai, A novel technology for remediation of PBDEs contaminated soils using tournaline-catalyzed Fenton-like oxidation combined with P. chrysosporium. Chem. Eng. J., 2016, 296: 319-328. 16. Cuiping Wang*, Zhiyuan, Zhang, Haibin Liu, Hongwen Sun. Electrokinetic-assisted bioremediation of field soil with historic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination. Env. Eng. Sci., 2016, 33: 44-52. 17. Nan Li, Xin Lia, Cuiping Wang,* Xueping Shi, Jingting Liu. Desprption of Cd(II) from tourmaline at acidic conditions: kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2016, 4: 30-36. 18. Zhiyuan Zhang, Cuiping Wang*, Jing Li,Baolin. Wang, Jianyu Wu, Hongwen Sun. Enhanced bioremediation soil from Tianjin, China, contaminated with polybrominated diethyl ethers. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 2014, 21: 14037–14046. 19. Cuiping Wang*, Jing Li, Yan Jiang, Zhiyuan Zhang. Enhanced bioremediation of field agricultural soils contaminated with PAHs and OCPs. Int. J. Environ. Res., 2014, 8:1271-1278. 20. Cuiping Wang*, Li Yu, Zhiyuan Zhang, Baolin. Wang, Hongwen. Sun. Tourmaline combined with Phanerochaete chrysosporium to remediate agricultural soil contaminated with PAHs and OCPs. J. Hazard. Mater. 2014, 264: 439–448. 21. Cuiping Wang, Habin. Liu, H.W. Sun*. Degradation of PAHs in soil by Lasiodiplodia theobromae and enhanced Benzo[a]pyrene degradation by the addition of TW-80. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 2014, 21: 10614-10625. 22. Cuiping Wang, Hongwen Sun*, Haibin Liu, Baolin Wang. Biodegradation of pyrene by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and enzyme activities in soils: Effect of SOM, sterilization and aging. J. Environ. Sci., 2014, 26: 1–10. 23. Li Yu, Cuiping Wang*, Xinhao. Ren, Hongwen Sun. Catalytic oxidative degradation of bisphenol A using an ultrasonic-assisted tourmaline-based system: Influence factors and mechanism study. Chem. Eng. J., 2014, 252: 346–354. 24. Cuiping Wang*, Yanwei Zhang, Li Yu, Zhiyuan Zhang, Hongwen Sun. Oxidative degradation of azo dyes using tourmaline. J. Hazard. Mater., 2013, 260: 851–859. 25. Baolin Wang, Cuiping Wang*. Remediation of alkaline soil with heavy metal contamination using tourmaline as a novel amendment. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2014, 2: 1281–1286. 26. Haibin Liu, Cuiping Wang*,Jingting Liu, Baolin Wang, Hongwen Sun. Competitive adsorption of Cd (II), Zn(II) and Ni(II) from their binary and ternary acidic systems using tourmaline. J. Environ. Manage., 2013, 128: 727-734. 27. Cuiping Wang*, Jingting Liu, Baolin Wang, Zhiyuan Zhang, Hongwen Sun, Adsorption of Cd(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) by tourmaline at acidic conditions: Kinetics, thermodynamics, and mechanism. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2012: 51: 4397− 4406. 28. Cuiping Wang*, Jingting Liu, Baolin Wang, Zhiyuan Zhang, Hongwen Sun, Adsorption of Cd(II) from acidic aqueous solutions by tourmaline as a novel material, Chin. Sci. Bullet., 2012, 57: 3218−3225. 29. Cuiping Wang*, Hongwen Sun, Ying Chang, Adsorption of Pb(II) Ion from aqueous solutions by tourmaline as a novel adsorbent. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2011, 50: 8515–8523. 30. Cuiping Wang*, Hongwen Sun, Zhiguang Song. PAHs distribution in marine sediments associated with gas hydrate and oil seepage from the Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Pollut. Bullet., 2011, 62: 2714–2723. 31. Cuiping Wang, Hongwen Sun*, Jieming. Li, Yimeng. Li, Qingmin Zhang, Enzyme activities during degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium in soils. Chemosphere, 2009, 77: 733–738. 32. Cuiping Wang*, Hongwen Sun, Zhiguang. Song. Distribution of organic matters in surface sediments associated with gas hydrate from the Gulf of Mexico. Acta Oceanol. Sinica., 2008, 12: 1-6. 33. 王翠苹*, 王宝琳, 刘婧婷, 余力, 孙红文, 吴济舟新型材料电气石对酸性溶液中镉离子的吸附,科学通报, 2012, 57: 1992 ~ 1999. 34. Zhiguang Song (导师), Cuiping Wang. The biomarkers of 2,6,10,15, 19-pentamethylicosenes and their carbon isotopic composition in the sediments from the Gulf of Mexico. Chin. Sci. Bullet., 2006, 51: 1736−1740. 35. 宋之光(导师),王翠苹. 墨西哥湾沉积物中 PMI∆系列生物标记物及其碳同位素组成. 科学通报, 2005, 50: 2769−2773.


J. Hazard. Mater., Chem. Eng. J., Environ. Pollut., Sci. Total Environ.等期刊审稿人.
