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教育背景 2000-2003 南开大学,环境科学与工程学院,博士 1997-2000 华北电力大学,环境工程系,硕士 1993-1997 河北大学,化学系,学士 科研教学经历 2015-今 南开大学,环境科学与工程学院,教授 2014-2015 新墨西哥州立大学,化学工程和材料系,访问学者 2007-2014 佐治亚理工学院,市政和环境工程访问学者 2005-2007 南开大学,环境科学与工程学院,副教授 2002-2005 南开大学,环境科学与工程学院,讲师 科研项目 季铵化合物对硝化细菌活性的抑制特性研究(50908117),国家自然基金,2010-2012,项目负责人。 北方城市污水深度除磷脱氮与污泥减量化技术研究,国家发改委、科技部和环保部联合资助“水体污染控制和治理”重大专项下设的“城市水污染控制与水环境综合整治技术与示范”重点主题研究项目“海河流域典型城市水环境整治技术研究与综合示范”子课题,1803万元,项目编号2008ZX07314-002,主要参加人。 Factors affecting the biodegradation of quaternary ammonium,国家自然科学基金,基金委,2011,20万元,国内联系人。 含氮季铵盐在污水处理厂中迁移转化和归趋以及对微生物的影响,教育部科技项目(教外司留[2010]609号)2010年,3万元,主持。 天津市科技创新专项资金项目,城市污水深度除磷脱氮关键技术研究和工程示范,500万,主要参加人。 污水好氧生物处理工程技术规范 生物接触氧化法,国家环保部,20万元,标准参编人,2008~2009。 丰田汽车有限公司(天津)综合污水处理设施问题诊断及相关技术咨询和引进,项目负责人,2006~2007。(10万) 天津科委,纳米晶粒TiO2多孔微球的中试及在杀菌抑菌领域的应用开发子课题光催化氧化处理废水的研究,子项目主持人,2004.11~2006.3。 天津科委,利用海河底泥、剩余活性污泥和工业废水制备生物降解材料聚羟基脂肪酸酯PHA,参与,2005.6~2007.12。 国家自然基金,厌氧同时脱氮除硫新工艺及其机理研究,参与,2003.12~2006.12。 三菱丽阳,中日膜分离技术合作研究,参与,2002~2004。 天津科委,利用海河底泥、剩余活性污泥和工业废水制备生物降解材料聚羟基脂肪酸酯PHA,参与,2005.6~2007.12。 企业、家庭中水自动处理装置的开发,项目主持人,2004.3~2005.3。 主要行业用水定额制修订,天津市节约用水事务管理中心,126万元,2015年,主持。 天津市用水定额制修定,天津市节约用水事务管理中心,91.8万元,2014,主持。 天津市滨海新区主要行业用水定额指导意见,李克勋,天津市滨海新区建设和交通局,20万元,2013年,主持。 天津市电子行业产品用水定额的制定、修订研究,天津市节约用水事物管理中心,42万元,2012年,主持。 天津市第一次全国水利普查市区六区经济社会用水情况及水利行业能力建设情况专项普查服务,天津市节约用水事务管理中心,120万元,2012年,主持。 天津市重要行业综合用水定额制定,天津市节约用水事务管理中心 240万元,2012年,主持。 天津市滨海新区“十二五”节约用水规划,天津市滨海新区塘沽资源管理中心,15,2012年,主持。 滨海新区第一次全国水利普查技术支撑及组织实施,滨海新区建设和交通(水务局),433.5618万元,2010年,主持。 水利部、天津市基于水权理论的节水机制研究(经费50万) 天津市支柱性行业用水情况调查研究(32万) 天津市节水型生态校园地方标准(7万) 天津市节约用水事务管理中心,天津市节约用水管理信息系统统计分析,参与,2006~2007。(10万) 南开大学节水型生态校园规划(3万) 联合国开发署,三门峡市环境达标规划(子课题)水环境达标规划,项目主持人,2005.6~2006. 1。 乌鲁木齐头屯河环保局,乌鲁木齐头屯河工业区环境影响评价,参与,2004~2005。 南开大学985基地,节水型社会初试水权分配方法研究,项目主持人,2005~2006.12。 研究报告及会议报告: Pavlostathis, S. G.; Li, K.; Tezel, U.; Pierson, J. A. (2008) Preliminary Assessment of Biological Nitrogen Removal in Poultry Processing Facilities. Final Report – Project No. 0607-E004; US Poultry & Egg Association, Tucker, GA. Li, K., U. Tezel, J. A. Pierson, and S. G. Pavlostathis. “Effect of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds and Temperature on Nitrification,” US Poultry & Egg Association – 2008 Environmental Management Seminar, Atlanta, GA, March 2008. Kexun Li,Dongfang Liu,Jingxuan Du,Chong Zhang,Spyros G.The inhibition of Quaternary ammonium compounds to nitrification, 2nd International Conference on Pollution Control and resource reuse for a better Tomorrow and Sustainable Ecnomy, Nanjing , 2009. 刘红姝,刘东方,李克勋.我国城市污水处理厂污泥处置探讨.中国环境科学学会学术年会论文集(2009),736-739. 刘红姝,宋君,穆东雪,李克勋,刘东方.北方典型城市污水处理厂污泥焚烧处置可行性分析.第四届水务会. 相关专利 刘东方,李克勋,一种推流式污水处理脱氮处理工艺,200910068900.9 刘东方,李克勋,一种利用序批式生物反应器强化脱氮除磷处理污水工艺,200910068898.5 刘东方,李克勋,一种农村生活污水生态复合处理方法,200910068899.X 02155594.X城市生活污水处理工艺流程及方法 200410093994.2臭氧/双氧水联合处理含农药废水的装置及工艺 200410093953.3一种聚醚多元醇生产污水回收利用的处理工艺 200410093951.4一种油烟处理方法 200310106891.0新型的膜生物反应器 200310119369.6重金属污水处理及重金属回收的装置和方法 200310119368.1城市污水处理工艺及方法 200510133645.3从活性污泥中提取聚羟基脂肪酸酯的方法 200320125742.4全密封微波消解罐 200420029192.0臭氧紫外联合处理污水装置 200420056801.1一种油烟处理装置 200420029266.0家庭中水自动处理装置 荣誉与奖励 南开大学教学三等奖 天津市科技进步二等奖,多水源关键点危害控制安全供水技术的应用,刘东方,徐廷云,马旭丽,文丰涛,王玉强,李克勋,张丽,鲁金凤,2014-12-31 天津市教育先锋岗。




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1.SongZhangab, WeiSua, KexunLib, DiLiub, JunjieWangb, PeiTianb,Metal organic framework-derived Co3O4/NiCo2O4 double-shelled nanocage modified activated carbon air-cathode for improving power generation in microbial fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 396, 31 August 2018, Pages 355-362. 2.CuicuiLvabc, BolongLiangabc, KexunLiabc, YongZhaod, HongwenSunabc. Boosted activity of graphene encapsulated CoFe alloys by blending with activated carbon for oxygen reduction reaction, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Available online 11 July 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2018.07.020 3.Pei Tian, Di Liu, Kexun Li*,Tingting Yang, Junjie Wang, Yi Liu, Song Zhang. Porous metal-organic framework Cu3(BTC)2 as catalyst used in air-cathode for high performance of microbial fuel cell,·Bioresource Technology, Volume 244, Part 1, November 2017, Pages 206-212. 4.F Dong, P Zhang, K Li, X Liu, P Zhang. Nano Copper Oxide-Modified Carbon Cloth as Cathode for a Two-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell, Nanomaterials, 2016 - mdpi.com. 5.Surface-oxidized cobalt phosphide used as high efficient electrocatalyst in activated carbon air-cathode microbial fuel cell,Tingting Yang; Zhong Wang; Ke Xun Li; Yi Liu; Di Liu; Junjie Wang, Journal of Power Sources, 2017,363 :87-94. 6.The performance of spinel bulk-like oxygen-deficient CoGa2O4 as an air-cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cell, Di Liuabc1, Xiaoping Moabc1, Kexun Liabc∗,Yi Liuabc, Junjie Wangabc, Tingting Yangabc, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 359, 15 August 2017, Pages 355–362. 7.Carbon-supported binary transition metal chalcogenide used as cathode catalyst for oxygen reduction in microbial fuel cell, Liangtao Pua, b, c, 1, Di Liua, b, c, 1, Kexun Lia, b, c, , , Junjie Wanga, b, c, Tingting Yanga, b, c, Baochao Gea, b, c, Ziqi Liua, b, c,10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.04.074. 8.The influence and mechanism of different acid treatment to activated carbon used as air-breathing cathode catalyst of microbial fuel cell, Zhong Wanga, b, 1, Yi Liua, b, 1, Kexun Lia, b, , , Di Liua, b, Tingting Yanga, b, Junjie Wanga, b, Jinfeng Lua, b, Electrochimica Acta, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2017.05.086. 9.The excellent performance of nest-like oxygen-deficient Cu1.5Mn1.5O4 applied in activated carbon air-cathode microbial fuel cell, Junjie Wanga, b, c, 1, Pei Tiana, b, c, 1, Kexun Lia, b, c, , , Baochao Gea, b, c, Di Liua, b, c, Yi Liua, b, c, Tingting Yanga, b, c, Rong Rend, Bioresource Technology, Volume 222, December 2016, Pages 107–113. 10.Z Liu, B Ge, K Li, X Zhang, K Huang. The excellent performance and mechanism of activated carbon air cathode doped with different type of cobalt for microbial fuel cells, Fuel, Volume 176, 15 July 2016, Pages 173–180. 11.T Yang, K Li, Z Liu, L Pu, X Zhang. One-Step Synthesis of Hydrangea-like Cu2O@ N-doped Activated Carbon as Air Cathode Catalyst in Microbial Fuel Cell,doi: 10.1149/2.0401704jes J. Electrochem. Soc. 2017 volume 164, issue 4, F270-F275. 12.Liu, Di; Mo, Xiaoping; Li, Kexun; Liu, Yi; Yang, Tingting; Wang, Junjie; Ren, Rong, Nanorod β-Ga2O3 semiconductor modified activated carbon as catalyst for improving power generation of microbial fuel cell, revision. 13.Junjie Wanga, b, c, Kexun Lia, b, c,*, Lixin Zhangd, Baochao Gea, b, c, Yi Liua, b, c, Tingting Yanga, b, c, Di Liua, b, c, Temperature-depended Cu0.92Co2.08O4 modified activated carbon air cathode improves power output in microbial fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, accept, 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.09.104. 14.Junjie Wanga, b, c, 1, Pei Tiana, b, c, 1, Kexun Lia, b, c, , , Baochao Gea, b, c, Di Liua, b, c, Yi Liua, b, c, Tingting Yanga, b, c, Rong Rend,The excellent performance of nest-like oxygen-deficient Cu1.5Mn1.5O4 applied in activated carbon air-cathode microbial fuel cell, Bioresource Technology, Volume 222, December 2016, Pages 107–113. 15.Yi Liu, Kexun Li* , Baochao Ge, Liangtao Pu, Ziqi Liu. The role of micropore and mesoporous in activated carbon as air-cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cell for oxygen reduction reaction, Electrochimica Acta, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 214, 1 October 2016, Pages 110–118. 16.Tingting Yanga, b, Kexun Lia, b, Liangtao Pua, b, Ziqi Liua, b, Baochao Gea, b, Yajun Pana, b, Ying Liuc, Hollow-spherical Co/N-C nanoparticle as an efficient electrocatalyst used in air cathode microbial fuel cell, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 86, 15 December 2016, Pages 129–134, doi:10.1016/j.bios.2016.06.032 17.Zhou Fu Waterproof breathable membrane used as the gas diffusion layer in activated carbon air cathode microbial, Fuel Cells, accept 18.Ziqi Liua, 1, Baochao Gea, 1, Kexun Lia,* , Xi Zhanga, Kan Huangb, The excellent performance and mechanism of activated carbon air cathode modified with different types of cobalt for microbial fuel cells,Fuel, Volume 176, 15 July 2016, Pages 173–180. IF, 3.520,二区。 19.Yajun Pan1, Xiaoping Mo1, Kexun Li*, Liangtao Pu, Di Liu, Tingting Yang, Iron-nitrogen-activated carbon as cathode catalyst to improve the power generation of single-chamber air-cathode microbial fuel cells, Bioresource Technology, Volume 206, April 2016, Pages 285–289, 1区 ,IF:4.494。 20.Baochao Gea,b, Kexun Lia,b,[1], Kan Huang#, Zhou Fua,b, Liangtao Pua,b, Xi Zhanga,b, Ziqi Liua,b, The peformance of nano urchin-like NiCo2O4 modified activated carbon as air cathode for microbial fuel cell, journal of power source, Volume 303, 30 January 2016, Pages 325–332 IF:6.217. 21.Peng Zhanga, b, Xian-Hua Liua, Ke-Xun Lib, Yi-Ren Lua. Heteroatom-doped highly porous carbon derived from petroleum coke as efficient cathode catalyst for microbial fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(39): 13530-13537,IF:3.313,2区. 22.Peng Zhanga,b, Xian-Hua Liua,z, Ke-Xun Lib,z and Zhi-Quan Songa, Optimization of Fabrication Parameters to Enhance the Performance of Activated Carbon Air-Cathode[J]. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162(12): F1347-F1355. IF:3.266,2区. 23.Ge B, Li K, Fu Z, Liangtao Pu, Xi Zhang. The addition of ortho-hexagon nano spinel Co 3 O 4 to improve the performance of activated carbon air cathode microbial fuel cell[J]. Bioresource technology, 2015, 195: 180-187. IF:4.494, 1区。 24.X Liu, Y Yang, X Shi, K Li. Fast photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue dye using a low-power diode laser[J]. Journal of hazardous materials, 2015, 283: 267-275. 4.529,1区。 25.Yu J, Liu D, Li K. Influence of Tetracycline on Tetracycline-Resistant Heterotrophs and tet Genes in Activated Sludge Process[J]. Current microbiology, 2015, 70(3): 415-422. IF:1.423, 4区。 26.Z Fu, L Yan, K Li, B Ge, L Pu, X Zhang. The performance and mechanism of modified activated carbon air cathode by non-stoichiometric nano Fe 3 O 4 in the microbial fuel cell[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 74: 989-995. IF:6.494,1区。 27.Zhang X, Li K, Yan P, et al. N-type Cu 2 O doped activated carbon as catalyst for improving power generation of air cathode microbial fuel cells[J]. Bioresource technology, 2015, 187: 299-304 .IF:4.494, 1区。 28.Yang J, Tezel U, Li K, et al. Prolonged exposure of mixed aerobic cultures to low temperature and benzalkonium chloride affect the rate and extent of nitrification[J]. Bioresource technology, 2015, 179: 193-201. IF:4.494, 1区。 29.Chen Z, Li K, Zhang P, Liangtao Pu, Xi Zhang, Zhou Fu. The performance of activated carbon treated with H 3 PO 4 at 80° C in the air-cathode microbial fuel cell[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 259: 820-826. IF: 4.321, 2区。 30.Yunting Liu a, Kexun Li *ab, Yi Liu a, Liangtao Pu a, Zhihao Chen a and Shuguang Deng b . The high-performance and mechanism of P-doped activated carbon as a catalyst for air-cathode microbial fuel cells[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015,3,21149-21158. IF:7.443,1区。 31.Liu Z, Li K, Zhang X, Baochao Ge, Liangtao Pu. Influence of different morphology of three-dimensional CuxO with mixed facets modified air–cathodes on microbial fuel cell[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 195: 154-161. IF:4.494, 1区。 32.Guowei Zhanga*, Dongfang Liua*, Xiancai Songa*, Xianrong Menga*, Matthew Frigona*, Jianbo Lua* & Kexun Lia*, Distribution of Pb(II) in the chemical fractions of activated sludge during sorption, Received: 18 Dec 2013, Accepted: 17 Oct 2014, Published online: 25 Nov 2014, desalanation and water treatment. 33.X Song, D Liu#, G Zhang, M Frigon, X Meng, K Li#, Adsorption mechanisms and the effect of oxytetracycline on activated sludge[J]. Bioresource technology, 2014, 151: 428-431. 34.Pu L, Li K, Chen Z, et al. Silver electrodeposition on the activated carbon air cathode for performance improvement in microbial fuel cells[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 268: 476-481. 35.Zhang P, Li K, Liu X. Carnation-like MnO 2 modified activated carbon air cathode improve power generation in microbial fuel cells[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 264: 248-253. 36.Chen Z, Li K, Pu L. 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