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科研项目 1.汽车尾气处理新型稀土纳米催化剂的合成与性质研究。唐山市环保局资金支持。 2.国家863计划专题课题《基于离子液体电解液的Li-S二次电池材料的研究》 3.纳米材料的环境行为研究,天津市自然基金。 4.利用新型纳米技术去除饮用水中藻毒素和内分泌干扰物的研究,教育部项目。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Lu Liu, Huajie Liu, Hui-Zhong Kou, Yuqiu Wang, Xiwen He. Morphology control of chrysanthemum-like β-In2S3 microspheres through one-step solvothermal route. Cryst.Growth.design, 2009, 9(1),113-117. 2. L. Liu, H.J. Liu, Y.P. Zhao, Y.Q. Wang, Y.Q. Duan, G.D. Gao, M. Ge, W. Chen. Directed Synthesis of Anatase TiO2 3D microspheres and its Photocatalytic Degradability for Phenol Contamination. E. S&T, 2008, 42, 2342–2348. 3. Xiao-Yong Ma, Lu Liu, Wen-Ling Mo, Huajie Liu, Hui-Zhong Kou,YuqiuWang Surfactant-assisted solvothermal synthesis of Bi2S3 nanorods. Crystal Growth. 2007, 306,159-165. 4. Lu Liu, Huizhong Kou, Wenling Mo, Huajie Liu,Yuqiu Wang. Surfactant-assisted of α-Fe2O3 Nanotubes and Nanorods with Shape-Dependent Magnetic Properties. J.Phys.Chem.B. 2006,110, 15218-15223. 5. Lu Liu, Yaping Zhao, Huajie Liu, Huizhong Kou,Yuqiu Wang. Directed Groeth of TiO2 Nanorods into Microspheres.? Nanotechnology.? 2006, 17, 5046-5050. 6.Lu Liu, Qing-Sheng Wu,Ya-Ping Ding, Hua-Jie Liu? Control of the Morphosynthesis of Barium Chromate by Carriers with Emulsion Liquid Membrane System??? Cryst. Res. Technol. 2006, 41, 27 – 31. 7.Lu Liu, QingSheng Wu, YaPing Ding, HuaJie Liu.? Synthesis of ZnSe Quantum Dots and Assembly Orthohexagonal Morphology through Emulsion Liquid Membrane System of Gas-Liquid Transport? ?Chin. Chem. Lett. 2005, 16, 375-378. 8.Lu Liu, Qingsheng Wu, Yaping Ding, Huajie Liu??? Biomimetic Synthesis of Ag2CrO4 Quasi-nanorods and Nanowires by Emulsion Liquid Membrane?? Australia journal of chemistry (Aust.J.Chem)? 2004,57,219-222. 9.Liu Lu ,Wu QingSheng, Ding YaPing, Liu Hua-Jie, Zhang Bao-Quan Biomimetic Synthesis of CdSe Quantum Dots through Emulsion Liquid Membrane System of Gas-Liquid Transport.? ?Chin.J.Chem. 2004, 22(5), 441-444. 10. Lu Liu, Qingsheng Wu, Yaping Ding, Huajie Liu, Baoquan zhang?? Synthesis of HgSe Quantum Dots through Templates controlling and Gas-Liquid Transport with Emulsion Liquid Membrane System.? Colloids and surfaces A. 2004, 240,135-139.


J.Phy.Chem.B, J.Phy.Chem.C, Chem.Mater, E.S&T,Langmuir等杂志的审稿人
