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Wuzong obtained his BSc in 1982 at Fudan University, Shanghai, and PhD in 1988 at the University of Cambridge. He was elected to a Research Fellowship of Queens’ College, Cambridge, in 1987 and was appointed Assistant Director of Research in Chemistry, University of Cambridge in 1993. He moved to University of St. Andrews in 1999.


He has a longstanding interest in the synthesis and characterization of solid state materials and has about 200 publications.


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

The application of inelastic neutron scattering to investigate a hydrogen pre-treatment stage of an iron Fischer-Tropsch catalyst. Warringham, R., Hamilton, N. G., Silverwood, I. P., How, C., Webb, P. B., Tooze, R. P., Zhou, W., Frost, C. D., Parker, S. F. & Lennon, D. Jan 2015 In : Applied Catalysis. A, General. 489, p. 209-217 Phase transformation of Mg-calcite to aragonite in active-forming hot spring travertines. Greer, H. F., Zhou, W. & Guo, L. 2015 In : Mineralogy and Petrology. Domination of second-sphere shrinkage effect to improve photoluminescence of red nitride phosphors. Huang, W-Y., Yoshirnura, F., Ueda, K., Pang, W. K., Su, B-J., Jang, L-Y., Chiang, C-Y., Zhou, W., Duy, N. H. & Liu, R-S. 15 Dec 2014 In : Inorganic Chemistry. 53, 24, p. 12822-12831 Zeolites with continuously tuneable porosity. Wheatley, P. S., Chlubná-Eliášová, P., Greer, H., Zhou, W., Seymour, V. R., Dawson, D. M., Ashbrook, S. E., Pinar, A. B., McCusker, L. B., Opanasenko, M., Cejka, J. & Morris, R. E. 24 Nov 2014 In : Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 126, 48, p. 13426–13430 The application of inelastic neutron scattering to investigate CO hydrogenation over an iron Fischer–Tropsch synthesis catalyst. Hamilton, N. G., Warringham, R., Silverwood, I. P., Kapitán, J., Hecht, L., Webb, P. B., Tooze, R. P., Zhou, W., Frost, C. D., Parker, S. F. & Lennon, D. Apr 2014 In : Journal of Catalysis. 312, p. 221-231 Surface ligand mediated growth of CuPt nanorods. Yu, F., Xu, X., Baddeley, C. J., Bellabarba, R., Lignier, P., Tooze, R. P., Fina, F., Irvine, J. T. S. & Zhou, W. 7 Mar 2014 In : CrystEngComm. 16, 9, p. 1714-1723 A three-dimensional Mn3O4 network supported on a nitrogenated graphene electrocatalyst for efficient oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media. Bikkarolla, S. K., Yu, F., Zhou, W., Joseph, P., Cumpson, P. & Papakonstantinou, P. 2014 In : Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2, 35, p. 14493-14501 Membrane lipid peroxidation by the peroxidase-like activity of magnetite nanoparticles. Wang, L., Min, Y., Xu, D., Yu, F., Zhou, W. & Cuschieri, A. 2014 In : Chemical Communications. 50, 76, p. 11147-11150 Microstructural study of the formation mechanism of metal-organic framework MOF-5. Zheng, C., Greer, H. F., Chiang, C-Y. & Zhou, W. 2014 In : CrystEngComm. 16, 6, p. 1064-1070 One-step synthesis and shape-control of CuPd nanowire networks. Yu, F., Zhou, W., Bellabarba, R. M. & Tooze, R. P. 2014 In : Nanoscale. 6, 2, p. 1093-1098
