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开设课程 常微分方程(本科生) 常微分方程定性理论(硕士生) 常微分方程分支理论(硕士生) 生物动力系统(博士生) 教育经历 2000.6 博士毕业于中国科学院数学研究所
1990.6 硕士毕业于华中师范大学数学系
2010.11-2011.2 在西雅图癌症研究中心协作研究
2011.3-2011.11 在匹兹堡大学协作研究
工作经历 2000.10-现在 教授
1992.8-1997.8 讲师
1990.6-1992.7 助教
研究项目 主持的国家自然科学基金面上项目: 1.数学和计算机在癌症生物学中的应用(2008.1-2010.12)。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zhang, X., Zhao, Y. and Neumann, A., Partial Immunity and Vaccination for Influenza, Journal of Computational Biology, 17(12) (2010), pp 1689-1696。
Yang, C., Liang, Z., Zhang, X. (Corresponding author), Five limit cycles for a class of quadratic systems in R 3, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, 31(3)(2010), pp 297-306.
Feng, G., Liu, J., Zhang, X. (Corresponding author), The multiplicity of the equatorial limit cycle of a class of planar polynomial vector fields, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications, 72(3-4)(2010), pp 1477-1480。
沈玲丹,闵芮。苏婉霞,袁烨,张兴安(通信作者),人类血型的基因预与分析,生物数学学报, 24(2)(2009), pp 260-264。
冯光庭,张兴安,一类传染病持续生存和消亡的阈值,数学的实践与认识, 40(13)(2010), pp 138-143。
冯光庭,张兴安,一类具有星型结点的三次微分系统的赤道闭轨线的性质,华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 44(2)(2010), pp 200-203。
冯光庭,张兴安,R 2 中一类拟齐次向量场及其诱导向量场的几何性质,华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 43(2)(2009), pp 186-189。
Zhang, X., Liang, Z., Chen, L., The global dynamics of a class of vector field in R3, Acta Mathematica Sinica. 27(2011)。
Yang, C., Ma, L., Zhang, X. (Corresponding author), Closed orbits for a class of cubic systems in R3, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Biological Dynamics System and Stability of Differential Equations, Chongqing, P.R. China, May, 2010, 935-941.
杨翠红,梁肇军,张兴安(通信作者),R3中一类二次系统的5个极限环,数学年刊A辑(中文版), 31A(4)(2010), pp 497-506。
柳静,冯光庭,张兴安,,一类具有星型结点的四次拟齐次多项式微分系统的全局拓扑结构,华中师范大学学报(自然科学版),教学与研究卷,第2期, 2010, pp 1-2。
Simon, R., Zhang, X., On the dynamics of breast cancer development in women carrying germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, International Journal of Cancer, 122(8),(2008), 1916-1917.
Zhang, X., Chen, L., The linear and non-linear diffusion of the competitive Lotka-Volterra model, Nonlinear Analysis, 66(12), (2007): 2767-2776.
Zhang, X., Simon, R., Estimating the number of rate limiting genomic change for human breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 91(2), (2005): 121-124.
Dahari, H., Major, M., Zhang, X., Mihalik, K., Rice, C.M., Perelson, A.S., Feinstone, S.M., Neumann, A.U., Mathematical modeling of primary hepatitis C infection: Non-cytolytic clearance and early blockage of virion production. Gastroenterology, 128(4), (2005): 1056-1066.
