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开设课程 线性代数, 抽象代数, 群论, 有限群表示, 代数编码. 工作经历 1946.3月31日出生于中国湖北武汉. 1969.07, 毕业于华中农业大学. 1981.10, 研究生毕业于武汉大学数学系. 1981.10 - 1989.04,武汉大学数学系讲师、副教授. 1989.04 - 1996.01, 湖北大学数学系副教授、教授. 1996.01 - 2004.06, 武汉大学数学系教授. 2004.06 – 今, 华中师范大学数学系教授. 研究成果 Yun Fan, Jing Shen, On the phase transitions of random k-constraint satisfaction problems, Artificial Intelligence 175 (2011) 914-927. doi:10.1016/j.artint.2010.11.004 Yun Fan, Hyperfocal subalgebras of blocks and computation of characters, Dedicated to Lluis Puig, Journal of Algebra 322 (2009) 3681-3692, doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2009.05.045 Yun Fan, Ying Gao, Codes over algebraic integer rings of cyclotomic fields, IEEE Transaction Inform. Theory 50(2004) No.1, 194-200. Yun Fan, On group stable commutative separable semisimple subalgebras, Math. Zeit. 243(2003), 355-389. Yun Fan, L. Puig, On blocks with nilpotent coefficient extensions, Algebras and Representation Theory, 1(1998) 1: 27-73; Errantum Algebra and Representation Theory, 2(1999), 209(27-73). Yun Fan, The source algebras of nilpotent blocks over arbitrary ground-fields, J. of Algebra 165(1994) 3: 606-632. 研究项目 1. 群论. 2. 有限群表示. 3. 代数编码. 4. 计算机算法.


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