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教育背景: 2014.09-2018.07:中国海洋大学,环境科学专业,博士 2016.09-2017.09:加拿大国家研究理事会测量科学与标准研究所(Measurement Science and Standards, NRCC),国家公派联合培养博士研究生 2011.09-2014.07:中国海洋大学,环境科学专业,硕士 2007.09-2011.07:安徽科技学院,环境科学专业,学士 工作经历: 2021.05-至今:中国海洋大学,环境科学与工程学院,副教授 2018.08-2021.05:中国海洋大学,水产学院,博士后 科研兴趣: (1)海洋藻毒素的检/监测技术; (2)生物体内藻毒素的代谢转化与毒性变化; (3)贝类毒素的生物可利用性; (4)海洋藻毒素的环境行为及其生态效应; (5)海洋藻毒素的分离纯化与标准品制备; 招生计划: 每年拟招收2-3名硕士研究生,欢迎有志于从事有害赤潮、海洋藻毒素、生态毒理学等相关研究的同学联系报考。 科研项目: (1)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,麻痹性贝毒在人体内的生物可利用性与代谢转化过程的模拟(41906116),2020.1-2022.12,主持; (2)中国博士后科学基金面上项目,贝类体内腹泻性贝毒的代谢转化及其与脂质代谢的关系(2019M652468),2019.6-2020.8,主持(已结题); (3)国家重点研发项目,重要深海生物毒素及生物伤防护关键技术研究(2019YFC0312600),2020.01- 2021.12,参与; (4)国家科技基础资源调查专项,我国近海有毒有害藻类与藻毒素调查及开发数据库构建(2018FY100200),2019.01-2023.12,参与; (5)国家自然科学基金面上项目,我国南海北部湾贝类体内Gymnodimine毒素的溯源与代谢转化研究(41876112),2019.01-2022.12,参与; (6)国家自然科学基金面上项目,海洋环境中神经毒素BMAA的溯源及其生态健康风险研究(41676093), 2017.01-2020.12,参与; (7)国家自然科学基金面上项目,扇贝滤食甲藻的过程中麻痹性贝毒代谢轮廓及代谢物毒性研究(41376122),2014.01-2017.12,参与; (8)国家自然科学基金面上项目,东海贝类养殖区贻贝累积脂溶性毒素的机制及其溯源研究(41276103),2013.01-2013.12,参与。 荣誉奖励: 2019年山东省优秀博士学位论文; 2019年度海洋科学技术奖二等奖(3/10); 2018年度山东省高等学校科学技术奖三等奖(4/4);


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1)Chao Liu#, Jiangbing Qiu#, Zhixuan Tang, Hong Hu, Fanping Meng, Aifeng Li*, 2021. Effects of polystyrene microplastics on growth and toxin production of Alexandrium pacificum. Toxins 13: 293. (2)Chao Wang, Chen Yan, Jiangbing Qiu, Chao Liu, Yeju Yan, Ying Ji, Guixiang Wang, Hongju Chen, Yang Li, Aifeng Li*, 2021. Food web biomagnification of the neurotoxin β-N-methylamino-L-alanine in a diatom-dominated marine ecosystem in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 404: 124217. (3)王超, 邱江兵, 宋甲亮, 李爱峰*, 2021. 不同液相色谱-质谱联用法分析贝类样品中神经毒素β-N-甲氨基-L-丙氨酸的比. 中国渔业质量与标准 11(1): 34-45. (4)Jiangbing Qiu, Ying Ji, Yuan Fang, Mingyue Zhao, Shuqin Wang, Qinghui Ai, Aifeng Li*, 2020. Response of fatty acids and lipid metabolism enzymes during accumulation, depuration and esterification of diarrhetic shellfish toxins in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 206: 111223. (5)Jiangbing Qiu, Elliott J. Wright, Krista Thomas, Aifeng Li, Pearse McCarron, Daniel G. Beach*, 2020. Semiquantitation of paralytic shellfish toxins by hydrophobic interaction liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry using relative molar response factors. Toxins 12: 398. (6)Jiangbing Qiu, Huidan Chen, Ying Ji, Tianshen Li, Aifeng Li*, 2020. Evaluation of different strategies to minimize the matrix effects on LC-MS/MS analysis of multiple lipophilic shellfish toxins in both acidic and alkaline chromatographic conditions. Toxicon 188: 16-26. (7)Yijia Che, Ling Ding, Jiangbing Qiu, Ying Ji, Aifeng Li*, 2020. Conversion and stability of new metabolites of paralytic shellfish toxins under different temperature and pH conditions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 68: 1427-1435. (8)Aifeng Li*, Mingyue Zhao, Jiangbing Qiu, Ying Ji, 2020. Accumulation and esterification of diarrhetic shellfish toxins from the aqueous phase in laboratory-exposed mussels. Harmful Algae 93: 101797. (9)Shuqin Wang, Jiangbing Qiu, Mingyue Zhao, Fangxiao Li, Rencheng Yu, Aifeng Li*, 2020. Accumulation and distribution of neurotoxin BMAA in aquatic animals and effect on the behavior of zebrafish in a T-maze test. Toxicon 173: 39-47. (10)李爱峰*, 李方晓, 邱江兵, 闫晨, 柳超, 孟范平, 李正炎, 李瑾, 郎印海, 胡泓, 2019. 水环境中微塑料的污染现状,生物毒性及控制对策. 中国海洋大学学报 49(10): 88-100. (11)Jiangbing Qiu, Cheryl Rafuse, Nancy I. Lewis, Aifeng Li, Fanping Meng, Daniel G. Beach, Pearse McCarron*, 2018. Screening of cyclic imine and paralytic shellfish toxins in isolates of the genus Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) from Atlantic Canada. Harmful Algae 77: 108-118. (12)Jiangbing Qiu, Fanping Meng, Ling Ding, Yijia Che, Pearse McCarron, Daniel G. Beach, Aifeng Li*, 2018. Dynamics of paralytic shellfish toxins and their metabolites during timecourse exposure of scallops Chlamys farreri and mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis to Alexandrium pacificum. Aquatic Toxicology 200: 233-240. (13)Jiangbing Qiu, Hua Fan, Ting Liu, Xia Liang, Fanping Meng, Michael A. Quilliam, Aifeng Li*, 2018. Application of activated carbon to accelerate detoxification of paralytic shellfish toxins from mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis and scallops Chlamys farreri. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148: 402-409. (14)Ying Ji, Jiangbing Qiu, Tian Xie, Pearse McCarron, Aifeng Li*, 2018. Accumulation and transformation of azaspiracids in scallops (Chlamys farreri) and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) fed with Azadinium poporum, and response of antioxidant enzymes. Toxicon 143: 20-28. (15)Aifeng Li*, Meihui Li, Jiangbing Qiu, Jialiang Song, Ying Ji, Yang Hu, Shuqin Wang, Yijia Che, 2018. Effect of suspended particulate matter on the accumulation of dissolved diarrhetic shellfish toxins by mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) under laboratory conditions. Toxins 10: 273. (16)Ling Ding, Jiangbing Qiu, Aifeng Li*, 2017. Proposed biotransformation pathways for new metabolites of paralytic shellfish toxins based on field and experimental mussel samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 65: 5494-5502. (17)Meihui Li, Geng Sun, Jiangbing Qiu, Aifeng Li*, 2017. Occurrence and variation of lipophilic shellfish toxins in phytoplankton, shellfish and seawater samples from the aquaculture zone in the Yellow Sea, China. Toxicon 127: 1-10. (18)郑季平, 李群, 吕颂辉*, 岑竞仪*, 李爱峰, 邱江兵, 2017. 广西涠洲岛底栖蛎甲藻(Ostreopsis sp.)的产毒特性研究. 生态环境学报 26(4): 663-670. (19)Aifeng Li*, Huidan Chen, Jiangbing Qiu, Heshan Lin, Haifeng Gu, 2016. Determination of multiple toxins in whelk and clam samples collected from the Chukchi and Bering seas. Toxicon 109: 84-93. (20)Hua Fan, Jiangbing Qiu, Lin Fan, Aifeng Li*, 2015. Effects of growth conditions on the production of neurotoxin 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DAB) in Microcystis aeruginosa and its universal presence in diverse cyanobacteria isolated from freshwater in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22: 5943-5951. (21)Aifeng Li*, Geng Sun, Jiangbing Qiu, Lin Fan, 2015. Lipophilic shellfish toxins in Dinophysis caudata picked cells and in shellfish from the East China Sea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22: 3116-3126. (22)Lin Fan, Geng Sun, Jiangbing Qiu, Qimin Ma, Philipp Hess, Aifeng Li*, 2014. Effect of seawater salinity on pore-size distribution on a poly(styrene)-based HP20 resin and its adsorption of diarrhetic shellfish toxins. Journal of Chromatography A 1373: 1-8. (23)Jiangbing Qiu, Feifei Ma, Hua Fan, Aifeng Li*, 2013. Effects of feeding Alexandrium tamarense, a paralytic shellfish toxin producer, on antioxidant enzymes in scallops (Patinopecten yessoensis) and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Aquaculture 396-399: 76-81. (24)Hui Zhao, Jiangbing Qiu, Hua Fan, Aifeng Li*, 2013. Mechanism and application of solid phase adsorption toxin tracking for monitoring microcystins. Journal of Chromatography A 1300: 159-164.


国际有害藻类研究学会(International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae,ISSHA)会员
