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教育经历: 1980-1984,华东师范大学数学系,理学学士 1987-1989,清华大学应用数学系,理学硕士 1995-1998,清华大学应用数学系,理学博士 工作经历: 1984-1998,山东省教育学院数理系,曾任助教、讲师、副教授 1998-2000,中国科学院海洋研究所,博士后 2000至今,中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室,教授,博士研究生指导教师 研究成果: 从事海洋动力学数值模拟与同化研究,在数值模型与观测资料的有机结合方面做出了一系列创新成果。建立了精度高、稳定可靠的伴随同化模型,这些模型包括:Ekman风海流伴随同化模型、二维潮波伴随同化模型、海表面温度伴随同化模型、天文潮与风暴潮耦合伴随同化模型、PM2.5伴随同化模型、生态系统(NPZD)动力学伴随同化模型、三维正压潮汐潮流伴随同化模型、密度分层内潮模型的伴随同化模型和三维悬浮泥沙输运伴随同化模型。上述伴随同化模型能够在最大限度地利用已有观测资料的条件下,把相关模型中的重要控制参数的确定变成依赖于区域内部相关要素观测值的数值迭代过程,实现了相关模型中的重要控制参数自动优化,得到的模拟结果与观测结果有良好的一致性。对传统调和分析方法进行改进,提出了非平稳潮汐调和分析方法(EHA);并将其应用于验潮站资料、内潮潜标观测资料和河流潮汐资料的分析中,得到了业内人士的认可和关注。 在国内外专业期刊Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,Ocean Modelling,Deep-Sea Research I,Continental Shelf Research,Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,Journal of Marine Systems,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,Ecological Modelling,Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology & Oceanography,Physics of Fluids,Science China-Earth Sciences,Ocean Dynamics,Ocean Science,Scientific Reports等发表论文100余篇。 研究生培养: 2019年,被评为第五届山东省优秀研究生导师。 曾获得山东省优秀博士学位论文指导奖2次,中国海洋大学优秀博士学位论文指导奖5次;在海洋学动力学数值模拟与同化方面,至2020年已培养毕业硕士研究生12人,博士研究生22人,其中9人获得山东省优秀毕业研究生称号。已毕业研究生和在读研究生有17人次获得研究生国家奖学金,8人次获得中国海洋大学博士研究生校长奖学金,14人次获得赫崇本奖学金、中国银行学术之星奖学金、獐子岛奖学金、浪潮奖学金和春华奖学金个人奖。 科研奖励: [1] 国家海洋局2006年海洋创新成果奖二等奖,第五位;获奖项目:中国近海潮汐潮流的分析、模拟和动力学研究。 [2] 国家海洋局2014年海洋创新成果奖二等奖,第九位;获奖项目:渤海海底重大溢油事故海洋生态损害调查评估与修复技术体系。 科研项目: 主持和参加高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题,国家高技术研究发展计划课题和子专题(863计划),国家自然科学基金面上项目,山东省自然科学基金项目,国家重点研发计划课题,山东省重点研发计划(重大关键技术)、国家自然科学基金面(联合基金)等科研项目 寻求合作: 招收硕士研究生、博士研究生和博士后,竭诚欢迎具有海洋科学或数学或物理学或力学等学习背景,并对物理海洋学研究有兴趣者。 竭诚欢迎有共同兴趣或相关需求的同行开展合作,在海洋学数值模拟与同化方面做点值得一提的工作。





查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Anzhou Cao,Zheng Guo,Xianqing Lv,Jinbao Song,Jicai Zhang,Coherent and incoherent features, seasonal behaviors and spatial variations of internal tides in the northern South China Sea,Journal of Marine Systems,2017,172,75-83. 2.Daosheng Wang,Jicai Zhang,Ya Ping Wang,Xianqing Lv,Yang Yang,Daidu Fan,Parameter estimation of a three-dimensional cohesive sediment transport model by assimilating in situ observations: temporal variations of settling velocity and resuspension rate,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2017,34,7,1469-1482. 3.Guangzhen Jin,Anzhou Cao,Xianqing Lv,On the equilibration of numerical simulation of internal tide: A case study around the Hawaiian Ridge,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2017,34,7,1545-1563. 4.Haidong Pan,Zheng Guo,Xianqing Lv,Inversion of Tidal Open Boundary Conditions of the M2 Constituent in the Bohai and Yellow Seas,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2017,34,8,1661-1672. 5.Liu Yongzhi,Shen Youli,Lv Xianqing,Liu Qiang,Numeric modelling and Risk Assessment of Pollutions in the Chinese Bohai Sea,Science China Earth Science,2017,60,8,1546-1557. 6.Zheng Guo,Haidong Pan,Wei Fan,Xianqing Lv,Application of surface spline interpolation in inversion of bottom friction coefficients,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2017,34,9,2021-2028. 7.Daosheng Wang,Jicai Zhang,Xianqiang He,Dongdong Chu,Xianqing Lv,Ya Ping Wang,Yang Yang,Daidu Fan,Shu Gao,Parameter estimation for a cohesive sediment transport model by assimilating satellite observations in the Hangzhou Bay:Temporal variations and spatial distributions,Ocean Modelling,2018,121,34-48. 8.Haidong Pan,Zheng Guo,Yingying Wang,Xianqing Lv,Application of EMD method to river tides,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2018,35,4,809-819. 9.Xinyan Mao,Daosheng Wang,Jicai Zhang,Changwei Bian,Xianqing Lv,Dynamically constrained interpolation of the sparsely observed suspended sediment concentrations in both space and time,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2018,35,5,1151-1167. 10.Zheng Guo,Haidong Pan,Anzhou Cao,Xianqing Lv,A harmonic analysis method adapted to capturing slow variations of amplitudes and phases,Continental Shelf Research,2018,164,37-44. 11.Dong Jiang,Haibo Chen,Guangzhen Jin,Xianqing Lv,Estimating smoothly varying open boundary conditions for a 3D internal tidal model with an improved independent point scheme,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2018,35,6,1299-1311. 12.Guangzhen Jin,Haidong Pan,Qilin Zhang,Xianqing Lv,Wei Zhao,Yuan Gao,Determination of Harmonic Parameters with Temporal Variations: An Enhanced Harmonic Analysis Algorithm and Application to Internal Tidal Currents in the South China Sea,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2018,35,7,1375-1398. 13.Xiaolong Zong,Minjie Xu,Junli Xu,Xianqing Lv,Improvement of the Ocean Pollutant Transport Model by Using the Surface Spline Interpolation,Tellus A Dynamic Meteorology & Oceanography,2018,70,1,1-13. 14.Yongzhi Liu,Xuehai Liu,Xianqing Lv,Wei Cao,Chengjun Sun,Jing Lu,Chunsheng Wang,Bo Lu,Jichao Yang,Watermass properties and deep currents in the northern Yap Trench observed by the Submersible Jiaolong system,Deep-Sea Research I -Oceanographic Research Papers,2018,139,27-42. 15.Anzhou Cao,Zheng Guo,Jinbao Song,Xianqing Lv,Hailun He,Wei Fan,Near-inertial waves and their underlying mechanisms based on the South China Sea Internal Wave Experiment (2010-2011),Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,2018,123,7,1-15. 16.Xiaolong Zong,Haidong Pan,Yongzhi Liu,Xianqing Lv,Improved Estimation of Pollutant Emission Rate in an Ocean Pollutant Diffusion Model by the Application of Spline Interpolation with the Adjoint Method,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2018,10,1961-1975. 17.Haidong Pan,Xianqing Lv,Yingying Wang,Pascal Matte,Haibo Chen,Guangzhen Jin,Exploration of tidal-fluvial interaction in the Columbia River estuary using S_TIDE,Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans,2018,123,9,6598-6619. 18.Yongquan Li,Haibo Chen,Xianqing Lv,Impact of error in ocean dynamical background on the transport of underwater spilled oil,Ocean Modelling,2018,123,30-45. 19.Lv Xianqing,Wang Daosheng,Yan Bing,Yang Hua,Coastal sea level variability in the Bohai Bay: influence of atmospheric forcing and prediction,Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,2019,37,2,486-497. 20.Haidong Pan,Xianqing Lv,Reconstruction of Spatially Continuous Water levels in the Columbia River Estuary: The Method of Empirical Orthogonal Function Revisited,Estuarine,Coastal and Shelf Science,2019,22,81-90. 21.Yuzhe Wang,Haidong Pan,Daosheng Wang,Xianqing Lv,A methodology for fitting the time series of snow depth on the Arctic sea ice,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2019,36,8,1448-1462. 22.Ruichen Cao,Shuya Wang,Guohui Xu,Xianqing Lv,Characteristics of Liquefied Soil Motion in Wavy Environment,Physicsof Fluids,2019,31,1-9. 23.Haidong Pan, Quanxin Zheng, Xianqing Lv, Temporal Changes in the Response of the Nodal Modulation of the M2 tide in the Gulf of Maine,Continental Shelf Research,2019,186,13-20. 24.Yafei Nie, Yuzhe Wang, Xianqing Lv,Acquiring the Arctic-scale spatial distribution of snow depth based on AMSR-E snow depth product,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2019,36,10,1957-1965. 25.Zheng Guo,Anzhou Cao,Xianqing Lv,Jinbao Song,Impact of multiple tidal forcing on the simulation of the M2 internal tides in the northern South China Sea,Ocean Dynamics,2020,70,2,187-198. 26.Daosheng Wang,Haidong Pan,Guangzhen Jin,Xianqing Lv,Seasonal variation of the principal tidal constituents in the Bohai Sea,Ocean Science,2020,16,1,1-14. 27.Zheng Guo,Anzhou Cao,Xianqing Lv,Jinbao Song,Impacts of Stratification Variation on the M2 Internal Tide Generation in Luzon Strait,Atmosphere-Ocean,2020,https://doi.org/10.1080/07055900.2020.1767534. 28.Junyong Zheng,Xinyan Mao,Xianqing Lv,Wensheng Jiang,The M2 Cotidal Chart in the Bohai,Yellow and East China Seas from Dynamically Constrained Interpolation,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2020,37,7,1219-1129. 29.Bingtian Li,Zexun Wei,Xinyi Wang,You Fu,Qingjun Fu,Juan Li and Xianqing Lv,Variability of Coherent and Incoherent Features of Internal Tides in the north South China Sea,Scientific Reports,2020,https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-68359-7. 30.Yafei Nie,Junting Guo,Baonan Sun,Xianqing Lv,Evaluation of satellite-derived water color in China offshore using in-situ Forel-Ule scale observation,Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science,2020,246,1-10. 31.Daosheng Wang,Haidong Pan,Lin Mu,Xianqing Lv,Bing Yan,Hua Yang,A methodology for estimating the response of the coastal ocean to meteorological forcing: A case study in Bohai Bay,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2021,38,1,103-117. 32.Minjie Xu,Yuzhe Wang,Shuya Wang,Xianqing Lv,Xu Chen,Ocean Tides Near Hawaii from Satellite Altimeter Data I,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,2021,Accepted.
