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李颖慧,1989.01,单胃动物营养方向。2017年6月毕业于中国科学院大学(中科院亚热带农业生态研究所)生态学专业(动物生态营养与环境方向),获理学博士学位。博士期间于2015年12月至2016年12月在美国North Carolina State University进行访学研究。毕业后在湖南农业大学动物科学技术学院工作,主要从事猪的肠道健康、猪肉品质与营养调控研究。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、湖南省自然科学基金青年基金1项,先后参加国家973课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划等课题。相关研究成果先后发表在Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Meat Science, Journal of Animal Science, Journal of functional foods和Journal of Animal Science & Biotechnology等权威期刊,以第一作者/通讯作者在SCI收录期刊上发表科研论文近20篇,其中JCR一区文章14篇(有7篇为TOP期刊论文),参编英文专著1部。 教育及科研经历: (1)2007.9–2011.6 湖南农业大学生物技术专业读本科,获理学学士学位; (2)2011.9–2017.6 中国科学院大学生态学专业读博士,获理学博士学位; (3)2015.12-2016.12 美国North Carolina State University动物科学系,访问学者; (4)2017.7-2020.12 湖南农业大学动物科学技术学院,讲师。 (5)2021.1-至今 湖南农业大学动物科学技术学院,副教授。 项目来源: (1)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31802074,德氏乳杆菌通过调控细胞自噬缓解仔猪肠道炎症的机制研究,2019/01-2021/12,在研,主持。 (2)湖南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,2019JJ50264,基于转录组测序技术探究德氏乳杆菌对猪肝脏脂质代谢的调控机制,2019/01-2021/12,在研,主持。 (3)国家自然科学基金面上项目,31872991,基于Th17/Treg细胞平衡研究壳寡糖调控仔猪肠黏膜免疫对ETEC感染的防御机制”,2019/01-2021/12,在研,参与。 (4)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31601954,PPARγ-LXRα信号通路介导桑叶黄酮调控巴马香猪脂质代谢的作用机制研究,2017/01-2019/12,在研,参与。 (5)国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,U20A2055,影响宁乡猪脂质代谢的肠道关键微生物挖掘及其作用机制研究,2021/01-2024/12,在研,参与。




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(1)Yinghui Li, Shulin Hou, Jiashun Chen, Wei Peng, Wen Wei, Fengming Chen, Xingguo Huang*, Oral administration of Lactobacillus delbrueckii during the suckling period improves intestinal integrity after weaning in piglets, Journal of functional foods, 103591, 2019. (2)Yinghui Li, Shulin Hou, Wei Peng, Qian Lin, Fengming Chen, Linyuan Yang, Fengna Li, Xingguo Huang*, Oral Administration of Lactobacillus delbrueckii during the Suckling Phase Improves Antioxidant Activities and Immune Responses after the Weaning Event in a Piglet Model, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 6919803, 2019. (3)Yinghui Li, Fengna Li*, Yehui Duan, Qiuping Guo, Chaoyue Wen, Wenlong Wang, Xingguo Huang, Yulong Yin, Low-protein diet improves meat quality of growing and finishing pigs through changing lipid metabolism, fiber characteristics, and free amino acid profile of the muscle, Journal of Animal Science, 96: 3221-3232, 2018. (4)Yinghui Li, Yingying Liu, Fengna Li*, Qian Lin, Qiuzhong Dai, Jianbang Sun, Xingguo Huang, Xiao’an Chen, Yulong Yin, Effects of dietary ramie powder at various levels on carcass traits and meat quality in finishing pigs, Meat Science, 143: 52-59, 2018. (5)Yinghui Li#, Yingying Liu#, Fengna Li*, Ao Sun, Qian Lin, Xingguo Huang, Yulong Yin, Effects of dietary ramie powder at various levels on growth performance, antioxidative capacity, and fatty acid profile of finishing pigs, Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 103(2):564-573, 2018. (6)Yinghui Li, Fengna Li*, Yehui Duan, Qiuping Guo, Wenlong Wang, Chaoyue Wen, Xingguo Huang, Yulong Yin*, The protein and energy metabolic response of skeletal muscle to the low-protein diets in growing pigs, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(39): 8544-8551, 2017. (7)Yinghui Li, Hongkui Wei, Fengna Li*, Yehui Duan, Qiuping Guo, Yulong Yin*, Effects of low-Protein diets supplemented with branched-Chain amino acid on lipid metabolism in white adipose tissue of piglets, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65(13): 2839-2848, 2017. (8)Yinghui Li, Fengna Li*, Shuai Chen, Yehui Duan, Qiuping Guo, Wenlong Wang, Chaoyue Wen, Yulong Yin*, Protein-restricted diet regulates lipid and energy metabolism in skeletal muscle of growing pigs, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64(49): 9412-9420, 2016. (9)Yinghui Li#, Hongkui Wei#, Fengna Li*, Sung Woo Kim, Chaoyue Wen, Yehui Duan, Qiuping Guo, Wenlong Wang, Hongnan Liu*, Yulong Yin, Regulation in free amino acids profile and protein synthesis pathway of growing pig skeletal muscles by low protein diets for different time periods, Journal of Animal Science, 94(12): 5192-5205, 2016. (10)Yinghui Li, Fengna Li*, Li Wu, Hongkui Wei, Yingying Liu, Tiejun Li, Bie Tan, Xiangfeng Kong, Kang Yao, Shuai Chen, Fei Wu, Yehui Duan, Yulong Yin*, Effects of dietary protein restriction on muscle fiber characteristics and mTORC1 pathway in the skeletal muscle of growing-finishing pigs, Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 7(1): 47-58, 2016.
