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已获得30多个科研项目资助,发表SCI论文80余篇,获得授权专利30余项,国际专利6项,英文专著2部,国家级教材10余种。担任广东省智能工程国际联合研究中心主任、广东省智能与装备工程技术研究中心主任。广东特支计划青年拔尖人才。2020年度广东省科技进步二等奖(排名第一)。 工作经历 2010 - 2011年 香港中文大学精密工程研究所 博士后 2011 - 2013年 华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院 讲师 2013 - 2017年 华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院 副教授 2017 - 至 今 华南理工大学吴贤铭智能工程学院 教授 教育经历 1998 - 2002年 浙江大学 学士 2002 - 2005年 浙江大学 硕士 2007 - 2010年 香港中文大学机械与自动化系 博士 科研项目 人工智能算法及应用 面向人体或智能系统的多种信号,如EEG脑电信号、sEMG肌电信号、声音、视觉信号、运动信息等,开发人工智能算法,实现对信号特征的识别、多模态信号的融合分析,实现智能分析和决策以支撑执行系统的动作。实验室具备上述多种信号的商用采集系统,同时自主研发了多款智能传感器,有力的支撑了智能算法的研究和应用。 智能机器人 面向人体的康复训练需求,设计和制造康复训练机器人,包括上肢机器人、下肢机器人和外骨骼等;开展人机融合的机器人动力学分析和优化分析, 研究符合患者不同康复阶段进行康复训练所需的控制方法,采集多模态人体生理信息(脑电信号、表面肌电信号、坐姿压力信号、惯性运动信号等)并利用人工智能算法为患者提供按需辅助和智能康复训练方案。 脑机接口 脑控机器人是本实验室的研究重点,其关键是对脑电信号的高效率、高质量识别以获取足以控制机器人的决策信息。项目组以基于信号处理和深度学习的高性能意图识别方法为切入点,通过建立高效人工智能模型有效提取EEG中重要特征来获知用户意图,同时缓解个体差异带来的不易用性,进而与机器人控制技术结合,完成安全可靠的主动康复辅助系统。 智能传感器 感知是智能系统的基础。面向智能机器人和智能制造的数据采集需求,开发低成本的智能传感器,目前实验室已经开发了表面肌电信号传感器、柔性生理信号传感器(电子皮肤)、分布式压力传感器等,结合嵌入式系统、边缘计算等技术,实现高性能数据采集。 智能制造 针对制造行业中多品种、定制化产品的智能化制造需求,研究基于边云协同的制造物联技术、基于人工智能自主学习的智能装配和检测技术、以及制造大数据分析决策和多机多工位的协同优化等关键技术,开发制造系统数据集成与智能管控平台,实现柔性生产过程智能管控和智能化协同作业。 研究专利 PCT国际专利 [1].一种血管结扎手术装置 PCT/CN2018/124820 [2].一种交互式上肢康复训练系统 PCT/CN2018/124825 [3].一种沉浸式上肢康复训练系统 PCT/CN2018/124878 [4].一种偏瘫上肢代偿运动多模态交互的康复机器人训练系统 PCT/CN2019/114914 [5].一种多模态交互的上肢康复机器人训练系统 PCT/CN2019/114915 [6].一种偏瘫上肢代偿运动监测与抑制的康复机器人训练系统 PCT/CN2019/114917 授权中国专利 [1].一种管状的背包动能捕获装置及其方法,ZL201410753977.0 [2].收集人体动能并转换为电能的装置及其方法, ZL201110191997.X [3].一种可自供电的建筑物楼梯照明装置及其方法,201210003444.1 [4].一种捕获机械动能并转换为电能的装置及其方法, ZL201210260906.8 [5].一种车用减震器及利用该车用减震器发电的装置, ZL201310121651.1 [6].一种腕式人体动能捕获装置,ZL201310362907.8 [7].一种具有振荡频率可调的人体动能捕获装置, ZL201310362800.3 [8].一种可馈能的主动控制型减震器,ZL201310624943.7 [9].一种自主运动式胶囊内窥镜及自主运动方法,ZL201410078434.3 [10].一种漂浮式微型海浪发电装置及方法,ZL201410111580.1 [11].一种可产生能量的馈能减振装置及其能量捕获方法,ZL201510114617.0, [12].可产生电能、主动控制馈能减振装置及其能量捕获方法,ZL201510114592.4 [13].一种电池自动充电装置及其方法,ZL201410698357.1 [14].一种背包载荷减负装置,ZL201721194524.4 [15].一种可调节的背包负重减负装置,ZL201721193909.9 [16].收集人体动能并转换为电能的装置,ZL201120241365.5 [17].一种可自供电的建筑物楼梯照明装置,ZL201220005137.2 [18].捕获低频率小位移压力动能并转换为电能的装置,ZL201220005162.0 [19].基于双振动模型的动能捕获装置,ZL201220005139.1 [20].可辅助步行的人体生物动能捕获装置,ZL201220005161.6 [21].一种捕获机械动能并转换为电能的装置,ZL201220364687.3 [22].一种人体动能捕获及机电转换的装置,ZL201220364260.3 [23].一种车用减震器及利用该减震器发电的装置, ZL201320175291.9 [24].一种可馈能的主动控制型减振器, ZL201320778307.5 [25].一种自主运动式胶囊内窥镜,ZL201420098515.5 [26].一种可穿戴的人体动能捕获装置,ZL201420122246.1 [27].一种可自供电的定位装置, ZL201420135053.X [28].一种漂浮式微型海浪发电装置, ZL201420135045.5 [29].一种电池自动充电装置,ZL201420725226.3 [30].一种管状的背包动能捕获装置,ZL201420774907.9 [31].一种可产生电能、主动控制馈能减振装置,ZL201520148667.6 [32].一种可产生能量的馈能减振装置,ZL20152148670.8 [33].一种可辅助运动的穿戴式人体动能捕获装置,ZL201420724481.6 [34].一种用于上肢康复训练的双臂机器人,ZL201721194360.5 [35].一种可穿戴医疗康复助行装置,ZL201721018571.3 [36].一种可移动式空间可调节双臂机器人底座装置,ZL201821873973.6 [37].一种血管结扎手术装置,ZL201821405473.x [38].一种模拟肌力分级的人体上肢假肢装置,ZL201822107030.9 [39].一种沉浸式移动抓取服务机器人硬件系统,ZL201822107029.6





查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

2021年 [1].Zikang Zhou, Binghong Liang, Guowei Huang, Jinjin Nong, Biao Liu, and Longhan Xie*, Individualized Gait Generation for Rehabilitation Robots based on Recurrent Neural Networks,IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering,Accepted. [2].Lie Yang, Yonghao Song, Ke Ma and Longhan Xie*,Motor Imagery EEG Decoding Method Based on a Discriminative Feature Learning Strategy,IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering,Accepted. [3].Lie Yang, Yonghao Song, Ke Ma, Enze Su and Longhan Xie*,A novel motor imagery EEG decoding method based on feature separation,Journal of Neural Engineering,Accepted. [4].Yan Chen, Song Yu, Qing Cai, Shuangyuan Huang, Ke Ma, Haiqing Zheng and Longhan Xie*, A Spasticity Assessment Method for Voluntary Movement using Data Fusion and Machine Learning, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol.65, no.102353, 2021.3. [5].Yan Chen, Ke Ma, Lie Yang, Song Yu, Siqi Cai, and Longhan Xie, Trunk Compensation Electromyography Features Purification and classification model using Generative Adversarial Network, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol.65, no.102345, 2021.3. 2020年 [1].Longhan Xie, Siqi Cai, Jiehong Li, Xiaodong Li, Ledeng Huang and Guowei Huang,On Energy Harvesting from a Vehicle Damper, ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics,vol.25, iss.1, 2020.2 [影响因子4.9, SCI Q1] [2].Siqi Cai; Xuyang Wei; Enze Su; Weifeng Wu; Haiqing Zheng; Longhan Xie*, Online compensation detecting for real-time reduction of compensatory motions during reaching: a pilot study with stroke survivors,Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol.17, article 58, 2020.4. [影响因子3.58, SCI Q1] [3].Siqi Cai, Guofeng Li, Enze Su, Xuyang Wei, Shuangyuan Huang, Ke Ma, Haiqing Zheng and Longhan Xie*, Real-time detection of compensatory patterns in patients with stroke to reduce compensation during robotic rehabilitation therapy, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Accepted. DOI. 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2963365 [影响因子4.21, SCI Q1] [4].Song Yu, Yan CHEN, Qing Cai, Ke Ma, Haiqing Zheng, Longhan Xie*,A Novel Quantitative Spasticity Evaluation Method Based on Surface Electromyogram Signals and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System,Frontiers in Neuroscience,14, article 462, 2020.5 [影响因子3.65, SCI Q1] [5].Lie Yang, Guanghua Hu, Yonghao Song, Guofeng Li, Longhan Xie*,Intelligent video analysis: A Pedestrian trajectory extraction method for the whole indoor space without blind areas,Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol.196, article 102968, 2020.7 [影响因子2.645,SCI Q1] [6].Yangjun Lin, Shaoyan Guo, Longhan Xie*, and Gu Xu, Multi-projection of unequal dimension optimal transport theory for generative adversary networks, Neural Networks, vol.128, pp.107-125, 2020.8 [7].Yonghao Song, Siqi Cai, Lie Yang, Guofeng Li, Weifeng Wu, Longhan Xie*,A Practical EEG-based Human-Machine Interface to Online Control an Upper-Limb Assist Robot, Frontiers in Neurorobotics , vol.14, article 32, 2020.7 [8].Ledeng Huang, Zhenhua Yang, Ruishi Wang, Longhan Xie*, Physiological and biomechanical effects on the human musculoskeletal system while carrying a suspended-load backpack, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol.108, article 109894, July 2020 (IF(2018)=2.576, Q1) [9].Ledeng Huang, Ruishi Wang, Zhenhua Yang, Longhan Xie*,Energy Harvesting Backpacks for Human Load Carriage: Modelling and Performance Evaluation,Electronics, vol.9, issue 7, article 1061, 2020; (IF(2018)=1.76, Q1) 2019年 [6].Longhan Xie*, Guowei Huang, Ledeng Huang, Siqi Cai and Xiaodong Li,An Unpowered Flexible Lower-Limb Exoskeleton: Walking Assisting and Energy Harvesting,ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics,vol.24, issue5, pp.2236-2247, 2019.10, [影响因子4.9, SCI Q1] [7].Longhan Xie, Xiaodong Li, Siqi Cai, Guowei Huang, Ledeng Huang:Knee-braced energy harvester: Reclaim energy and assist walking,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.127, pp.172–189, 2019. [影响因子5.0, SCI Q1] [8].Siqi Cai, Guofeng Li, Xiaoya Zhang, Shuangyuan Huang, Ke Ma, Yan Chen, Haiqing Zheng and Longhan Xie*, Detecting compensatory movements of stroke survivors using pressure distribution data and machine learning algorithms, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, Vol.16, Article No.131, 2019.11 [影响因子3.58, SCI Q1] [9].Ke Ma, Yan Chen, Xiaoya Zhang, Haiqing Zheng, Song Yu, Siqi Cai, and Longhan Xie*,sEMG-based Trunk Compensation Detection in Rehabilitation Training,Frontiers in Neuroscience,vol.13, article 1250, 2019.11。[影响因子3.65, SCI Q1] [10].Siqi Cai, Yan Chen, Shuangyuan Huang, Ke Ma, Yan Wu, Haiqing Zheng, Xin Li, Longhan Xie*, SVM-based classification of sEMG signals for upper-limb self-rehabilitation training,Frontiers in neurorobotics,vol.13, article 31, 2019.06. [影响因子3.0, SCI Q2] [11].Siqi Cai, Guofeng Li, Shuangyuan Huang, Longhan Xie*,Automatic detection of compensatory movement patterns by a pressure distribution mattress using machine learning methods,IEEE Access,vol.7, issue 1, 2019.12 [影响因子4.1, SCI Q1] [12].Shuangyuan Huang, Siqi Cai, Guofeng Li Ke Ma, Yan Chen, Haiqing Zheng and Longhan Xie*, sEMG-based detection of compensation causing by fatigue during rehabilitation therapy: A pilot study, IEEE Access,vol.7, issue 1, pp. 127055-127065, 2019.12. [影响因子4.1, SCI Q1] [13].Yan Chen, Song Yu, Ke Ma, Shuangyuan Huang, Guofeng Li, Siqi Cai, Longhan Xie*, A continuous estimation model of upper limb joint angles by using surface electromyography and deep learning methods, IEEE Access,Vol.7, issue 1, pp. 174940-174950, 2019.12, [影响因子4.1, SCI Q1] 2018年及以前 [14].Xie,L.H. Li, J.H, Cai SQ, Li XD: Electromagnetic Energy-Harvesting Damper with Multiple Independently-Controlled Transducers: On-Demand Damping and Optimal Energy Regeneration, ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, vol.22, no.6, pp.2705-2713, 2017.12. [影响因子4.9, SCI Q1] [15].Xie, Longhan, Jiehong Li, Xiaodong Li, Ledeng Huang, and Siqi Cai. 'Damping-tunable energy-harvesting vehicle damper with multiple controlled generators: Design, modeling and experiments.' Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.99, pp. 859-872, 2018. [影响因子5.0, SCI Q1] [16].Xie, Longhan; Li, Xiaodong; Cai, Siqi, Increased energy harvesting from backpack to serve as self-sustainable power source via a tube-like harvester, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.96, pp.215-225, 2017. [影响因子5.0, SCI Q1] [17].Xie,L.H. and Cai, M.J.: An In-shoe Harvester with Motion Magnification for Scavenging Energy from Human Footstep Motion, ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, vol.20, no.6, 2015.12 10.1109/TMECH.2015.2428618. [影响因子4.9, SCI Q1] [18].Xie,L.H. and Cai, M.J.: Increased Energy Harvesting and Reduced Accelerative Load for Backpacks via Frequency Tuning,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,Vol.58-59, pp. 399-415, 2015 [影响因子5.0, SCI Q1] [19].Xie,L.H. and Cai, M.J.: “Develop a Suspended Backpack for Harvesting Biomechanical Energy”, Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, vol.137, no. 5, 054503. 2015 [影响因子2.8, SCI Q1] [20].Xie,L.H. and Cai, M.J.: Increased Piezoelectric Energy harvesting from human footstep motion by using an amplifying mechanism, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.105, no.14, pp.143901-1~4, 2014.10. [影响因子3.5, SCI Q1] [21].Xie,L.H., Ko, P.H. and Du,R.X.: “ The Mechanics of Spiral Springs and its Application in Timekeeping”, Transactions of ASME: Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.81(3), pp.034504, 2013.9. [影响因子2.77,SCI Q1] [22].Xie,L.H. and Du,R.X.: “Frequency Tuning of a Nonlinear Electromagnetic Energy Harvester”, Transactions of ASME: Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol.136(1), 011010 (Oct 23 2013); [影响因子1.93, SCI Q2] [23].Xie,L.H. and Cai, M.J.: Human Motion: Sustainable Power for Wearable Electronics,IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol.13, no.4, pp.42-49, Oct.2014. [影响因子3.8, SCI Q1]
