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孙海,2009年哈尔滨工程大学力学博士毕业;2017年担任ASME (美国机械工程师协会),海洋风电分会主席。2013-2018年密西根大学安娜堡 (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor),博士后;Vortex Hydro Energy Inc.高级工程师。近5年以第一作者及第一通讯作者发表SCI检索论文22篇 (其中中科院一区论文11篇),发明专利4项。 教育经历 2006/09-2009/06,固体力学,哈尔滨工程大学,航天与建筑工程学院,博士,导师:梁立孚2005/09-2008/01,飞行器设计,哈尔滨工程大学,航天与建筑工程学院,硕士,导师:梁立孚2001/09-2005/07,飞行器设计与工程,哈尔滨工程大学,航天与建筑工程学院,学士 工作经历 (1) 2013/03-2018/03,海洋工程,密西根大学(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor),博士后,合作导师:Michael M. Bernitsas (2) 2014/03-至今,兼职于Vortex Hydro Energy (Ann Arbor, U.S.) ,高级工程师 (Senior Engineer) (3) 2017/06-至今,哈尔滨工程大学,航天与建筑工程学院,副教授 (5) 2009/12-2012/01,船舶与海洋工程,哈尔滨工程大学,船舶工程学院,博士后,合作导师:孙丽萍 承担项目 1. 政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项,YS2017YFGH00163,基于被动耦合控制的流致振动新型可再生能源研发,2018/01-2020/12,270万元,在研,排名2,技术负责人 2. 黑龙江省自然科学基金优秀青年项目,JJ2019YX0435,基于非线性振子的流致振动与能量效率的多维度优化研究,2019/06-2021/06,在研,主持 3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51609053,基于Vck系统的圆柱流致振动及其能量收集与转换效率参数化研究,2017/01-2019/12,21万元,在研,主持 4. 美国能源部项目,DE-EE0003644,Synergy of Multiple Cylinders in Flow Induced Motion to Harness Horizontal Hydrokinetic, 2015/10-2019/09,300万美元,在研,参与 5. 美国密西根大学UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunity) 项目,JE0006128365, Control Scheme of Virtual Spring-Damping System,2014/1-2015/10,0.5万美元,已结题,主持 6. 高技术船舶科研项目,GK1010900023, FPSO失效数据库及风险评估软件研发,2015/01-2018/6,2400万元,在研,参加 7. 国家国际科技合作专项项目,2013DFE73060,海上浮式风电系统风险评估软件研发,2013/12-2016/11,200万元,已结题,参加 学术交流 2013 ~ Present, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 招生信息 Graduate: Work on Flow-Induced Vibration of linear and nonlinear oscillator; coding on nonlinear dynamics 本科生授课课程 Reliability and Risk Software Design 专利成果 1. 一种自复位摇摆内筒减震水箱;中国:CN 104847153 B;2017.04.12; 2. 用于远程脱钩的无线拉绳多杠杆联动装置;中国:CN106005268A;2016.05.25; 受理: 3.一种基于流致振动能量收集的非线性振动系统;中国:CN201910117203.1;2019.02.15 4. 一种基于电子弹簧的低阻尼比振动试验装置;中国:CN201910123262.X;2019.02.19 出版著作 (1) 孙海,郭峰,吴限德,空中机器人(四旋翼)专项教育教材,哈尔滨工程大学出版社,63千字,2015 奖励 (1) 孙海 (11), 新型海洋立管系统设计及安装关键技术研究, 黑龙江省政府, 科学技术进步奖, 一等奖, 2016


Flow-Induced Vibration; VIV; Galloping; Hydrokinetic energy conversion; Alternating Lift Technologies; nonlinear dynamics; risk and reailability analysis


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

一、学术论文 (期刊,第一作者或第一通讯作者) 1. Ding, W., Sun, H.*, Xu, W., & Bernitsas, M. M. (2021). Experimental and computational investigation of interactive flow induced oscillations of two tandem rough cylinders at 3× 104≤ Re≤ 1.2× 105. Ocean Engineering, 223, 108641. (SCI,If=3.068,中科院大类二区) 2. Yuan, W., Sun, H.*, Li, H., & Bernitsas, M. M. (2020). Flow-induced oscillation patterns for two tandem cylinders with turbulence stimulation and variable stiffness and damping. Ocean Engineering, 218, 108237. (SCI,If=3.068,中科院大类二区) 3. Sun, H., Bernitsas, M. M., & Turkol, M. (2020). Adaptive harnessing damping in hydrokinetic energy conversion by two rough tandem-cylinders using flow-induced vibrations. Renewable Energy, 149, 828-860. (SCI,If=6.247,中科院大类一区) 4. Ding, W., Sun, H. *, Xu, W., & Bernitsas, M. M. (2019). Numerical investigation on interactive FIO of two-tandem cylinders for hydrokinetic energy harnessing. Ocean Engineering, 187, 106215. (SCI,If=3.068,中科院大类二区) 5. Sun, H. *, & Bernitsas, M. M. (2019). Bio-Inspired adaptive damping in hydrokinetic energy harnessing using flow-induced oscillations. Energy, 176, 940-960. (SCI,If=6.082,中科院大类一区) 6. Sun, H., Ma, C., & Bernitsas, M. M. (2018). Hydrokinetic power conversion using Flow Induced Vibrations with cubic restoring force. Energy, 153, 490-508. (SCI,If=6.082,中科院大类一区) 7. Sun H, Ma, C., Bernitsas, M. M. (2018). Hydrokinetic power conversion using Flow Induced Vibrations with nonlinear (adaptive piecewise-linear) springs. Energy, 143, 1085-1106. (SCI,If=6.082,中科院大类一区) 8. Sun, H., Ma, C., Kim, E. S., Nowakowski, G., Mauer, E., & Bernitsas, M. M. (2017). Hydrokinetic energy conversion by two rough tandem-cylinders in flow induced motions: Effect of spacing and stiffness. Renewable Energy, 107, 61-80. (SCI,If=6.247,中科院大类一区) 9. Sun, H., Kim, E. S., Nowakowski, G., Mauer, E., & Bernitsas, M. M. (2016). Effect of mass-ratio, damping, and stiffness on optimal hydrokinetic energy conversion of a single, rough cylinder in flow induced motions. Renewable Energy, 99, 936-959. (SCI,If=6.247,中科院大类一区) 10. Sun, H., Ma, C., Kim, E. S., Nowakowski, G., Mauer, E., & Bernitsas, M. M. (2019). Flow-induced vibration of tandem circular cylinders with selective roughness: Effect of spacing, damping and stiffness. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 74, 219-241 (SCI,If=2.131,中科院大类三区) 11. Wu, W., Sun, H. *, Lv, B., & Bernitsas, M. M. (2018). Modelling of a hydrokinetic energy converter for flow-induced vibration based on experimental data. Ocean Engineering, 155, 392-410. (SCI,If=3.068,中科院大类二区) 12. Dahai Zhang, Hai Sun*, Wenhao Wang, Michael M. Bernitsas, “Rigid Cylinder with Asymmetric Roughness in Flow Induced Vibrations”, Ocean Engineering 150 (2018) pp. 363–376 (SCI,If=3.068,中科院大类二区) 13. Ma, C., Sun, H. *, Bernitsas, Marinos M., “Nonlinear Piecewise Restoring Force in Hydrokinetic Power Conversion Using Flow Induced Motions of Two Tandem Cylinders”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME Transactions, (Jan. 2018) DOI: 10.1115/1.4038584. (SCI,If=1.186,中科院大类四区) 14. Ma, C., Sun, H. *, Nowakowski, G., Mauer, E., & Bernitsas, M. M. (2017). Nonlinear piecewise restoring force in hydrokinetic power conversion using flow induced motions of single cylinder. Ocean Engineering, 128, 1-12. (SCI,If=3.068,中科院大类二区) 15. Ji, C., Xu, W., Sun, H. *, Wang, R., Ma, C., & Bernitsas, M. M. (2018). Interactive Flow-Induced Vibrations of Two Staggered, Low Mass-Ratio Cylinders in the TrSL3 Flow Regime (2.5× 104< Re< 1.2× 105): Smooth Cylinders. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 140(4), 041801. (SCI,If=1.186,中科院大类四区) 16. Xu, Wanhai, Ji, Chunning, Sun, Hai*, Ding, Wenjun, Bernitsas, Michael M., “Flow Induced Vibration (FIV) and Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion of Two Staggered, Mass-Ratio Cylinders, with Passive Turbulence Control in the TrSL3 Flow Regime (2.5•104


Regular reviewer for journals including: Ocean Engineering; Renewable Energy; Applied Energy; Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics; Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy.
