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Fitzgerald, K. & Vaughan, B. (2016). A snap-shot of attrition from the osteopathy profession in Australia. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. Vaughan, B., Mulcahy, J. & Fitzgerald, K. (2016). Health literacy screening of patients attending a student-led osteopathy clinic: A pilot investigation. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 24, 41-44. Waters, M., Barkley, J., Evans, L., Fitzgerald, K., Hendry, F. & Potter, S. (2013). Self-directed learning in osteopathic education: Identifying and enhancing independent student learning. Journal of pedagogic development, 3(3). Brugman, R., Fitzgerald, K. & Fryer, G. (2010). The effect of osteopathic treatment on chronic constipation–a pilot study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 13(1), 17-23. Wood, K., Cameron, M. & Fitzgerald, K. (2008). Breast size, bra fit and thoracic pain in young women: A correlational study. Chiropractic & osteopathy, 16(1), 1. Fitzgerald, K. (2015), 'Evidence informed introduction to visceral osteopathic treatment and visceral treatment approach to the upper GIT', (workshop) 1st Asia-Pacific Conference of Osteopathic Medicine, Seoul, South Korea. Fitzgerald, K. (2015), 'Evidence informed visceral treatment approach to the lower GIT', (workshop) 1st Asia-Pacific Conference of Osteopathic Medicine, Seoul, South Korea. Fitzgerald, K. (2015), 'Evidence informed visceral treatment approach for dysmenorrhoea', (workshop) 1st Asia-Pacific Conference of Osteopathic Medicine, Seoul, South Korea. Fitzgerald, K. (2012), 'Educating osteopaths of the future', British School of Osteopathy Faculty Conference, London, UK. Wood, K., Cameron, M. and Fitzgerald, K. (2007), 'The relationship of breast size and bra fit to back pain', Australian New Zealand Osteopathy Research Conference (ANZORC), Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand.
