1.Hongwei Lin,Takashi Maekawa,Chongyang Deng.Survey on geometric iterative methods and their applications.Computer-Aided Design,95,40-51,2018
2.Hongwei Lin,Jingning Zhang,Chenkai Xu.Diffusion curves with diffusion coefficients.Computational Visual Media,4(2),149-160,2018
3.Zihao Wang,Hongwei Lin,Chenkai Xu.Data driven composite shape descriptor design for shape retrieval with a VoR-Tree.Applied Mathematics,A Journal of Chinese University,33(1),88-106,2018
6.Lin Hongwei,Wang Zihao,Feng Panpan,Lu Xingjiang,and Yu Jinhui.A computational model of topological and geometric recovery for visual curve completion.Computational Visual Media,2(4):329-342,2016
7.Hongwei Lin,Sinan Jin,Hongwei Liao,Qun Jian.Quality guaranteed all-hex mesh generation by a constrained volume iterative fitting algorithm.Computer-Aided Design,67-68,107-117,2015.10.
8.Hongwei Lin,Jin Sinan,Hu Qianqian,Liu Zhenbao.Constructing B-spline solids from tetrahedral meshes for isogeometric analysis.Computer Aided Geometric Design,35-36,109-120,2015.
9.Hongwei Lin,Linjie Sun.Searching globally optimal parameter sequence for defeating Runge phenomenon by immunity genetic algorithm.Applied Mathematics and Computation,264,85-98,2015.8.
10.Liu,Z.,Xie,C.,Bu,S.,Wang,X.,Han,J.,Lin,H.,Zhang,H.Indirect shape analysis for 3D shape retrieval.Computers&Graphics,46,110-116,2015.
11.Bu,S.,Han,P.,Liu,Z.,Han,J.,Lin,H.Local deep feature learning framework for 3D shape.Computers&Graphics,46,117-129,2015.
13.Hongwei Lin,Yunyang Xiong,Hongwei Liao.Semi-structured B-spline for blending two B-spline surfaces.Computers and Mathematics with Applications,68(7),706–718,2014.10.
14.Yunyang Xiong,Hongwei Lin.On the set of equations representing a Bézier curve and its applications.Journal of Information and Computational Science,11(9),2835-2845,2014.6
15.Panpan Feng,Hongwei Lin,Jinhui Yu.Generating path on mesh by projecting.Journal of Information and Computational Science,11(9),2983-2992,2014.6.
16.Hongwei Lin,Yang Qin,Hongwei Liao,Yunyang Xiong.Affine Arithmetic Based B-spline Surface Intersection with GPU Acceleration.IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,20(2),172-181,2014.2
17.Chongyang Deng,Hongwei Lin.Progressive and iterative approximation for least squares B-spline curve and surface fitting.Computer-Aided Design,47,32-44,2014.2.
18.Hongwei Lin,Zhiyu Zhang.An efficient method for fitting large data sets using T-splines.SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,35(6),A3052-A3068,2013.12.
19.Hongwei Lin,Qianqian Hu,Yunyang Xiong.Consistency and convergence properties of the isogeometric collocation method.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,267,471–486,2013.12.
20.Hongwei Lin.Adaptive Fitting by the Progressive-iterative Approximation.Computer Aided Geometric Design,29(7),463-473,2012.
21.Y.Kineri,M.Wang,Hongwei Lin,Takashi Maekawa.B-spline surface fitting by iterative geometric interpolation/approximation algorithms.Computer-Aided Design,44(7),697-708,2012.
22.Hongwei Lin,Ye Cai,Shuming Gao.Extended T-mesh and Data Structure for the Easy Computation of T-spline.Journal of Information and Computational Science,9(3),583-593,2012.
23.S.Okaniwa,A.Nasri,Hongwei Lin,A.Abbas,Y.Kineri,T.Maekawa.Uniform B-spline Curve Interpolation with Prescribed Tangent and Curvature Vectors.IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,18(9),1474-1487,2012.
24.Chuhua Xian,Hongwei Lin,Shuming Gao.Automatic cage generation by improved OBBs for mesh deformation.The Visual Computer,28(1),21-33,2012.
25.Honwei Lin,Yu Zhao.Variational progressive-iterative approximation for fairing curve and surface generation.In Proceedings of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics’2011,258-261,Jinan,China,2011.
26.Hongwei Lin,Yu Zhao.The PIA Property of Low Degree Non-uniform Triangular B-B Patches.In Proceedings of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics’2011,239-243,Jinan,China,2011.
30.Hongwei Lin,Zhiyu Zhang.An extended iterative format for the progressive-iteration approximation.Computers&Graphics,35(5),967-975,2011.
31.Dong Xiao,Hongwei Lin,Chuhua Xian,Shuming Gao.CAD mesh model segmentation by clustering.Computers&Graphics,35(3),685-691,2011
32.Sederberg T.W.,Hongwei Lin,Xin Li.Curvature of singular Bézier curves and surfaces.Computer Aided Geometric Design,28(4),233-244,2011.
33.Feifei Wei,Jieqing Feng,Hongwei Lin.GPU-based parallel solver via the Kantorovich theorem for the nonlinear Bernstein polynomial systems.Computers&Mathematics with Applications 62(6):2506-2517,2011
34.Hongwei Lin.Local progressive-iterative approximation format for blending curves and patches.Computer Aided Geometric Design,27(4),322-339,2010.
35.Hongwei Lin.The convergence of the geometric interpolation algorithm.Computer-Aided Design,42(6),505-508,2010.
36.Dengfeng Chai,Hongwei Lin,Qunsheng Peng.Bisection approach for pixel labelling problem.Pattern Recognition 43,1826–1834,2010.
37.Shuming Gao,Wei Zhao,Hongwei Lin,Fanqin Yang,Xiang Chen.Feature suppression based CAD mesh model simplification.Computer-Aided Design,42(12),1178-1188,2010.
38.Hongwei Lin,Yunbo Zhang,Charlie C.L.Wang,and Shuming Gao,Flattenable mesh processing by controllable Laplacian evolution,ASME IDETC/CIE 2010 Conference,30th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,Montreal,Quebec,Canada,August 15-18,2010.
39.Chuhua Xian,Hongwei Lin,Shuming Gao.Automatic generation of coarse bounding cages from dense meshes.IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2009,pp.21-27.
40.Hongwei Lin.On the derivative formula of a rational Bezier curve at a corner.Applied Mathematics and Computation,210(1),197-201,2009.
41.Wei Zhao,Shuming Gao,Yusheng Liu,Hongwei Lin.Poisson based reuse of freeform features with NURBS representation.Computers in Industry,60(1),64-74,2009.
42.Youdu Huang,Huaming Su,Hongwei Lin.A Simple Method for Approximating Rational Bezier Curve Using Bezier Curves.Computer Aided Geometric Design,25(8),697-699,2008.
43.Thomas W.Sederberg,G.Thomas Finnigan,Xin Li,Hongwei Lin,Heather Ipson.Watertight trimmed NURBS.ACM Transactions on Graphics,27(3),2008.
44.Hongwei Lin,Wei Chen,Hujun Bao.Adaptive Patch-based Mesh Fitting in Reverse Engineering.Computer-Aided Design.39(12),1134-1142,2007.12
45.Hongwei Lin,Kai Tang,Ajay Joneja,Hujun Bao.Generating strictly non-self-overlapping structured quadrilateral grids.Computer-Aided Design.39(9),709-718,2007.9.
46.Junsong,Zhang,Jinhui Yu,Hongwei Lin.Capturing character contours from images of ancient Chinese calligraphy.In Proceeddings of 2nd International Workshop on Digital Media and its Application in Museum and Heritage,Chongqing,China,36-41,2007.12.
47.Wei Zhao,Shuming Gao,Hongwei Lin.A Robust Hole-Filling Algorithm for Triangular Mesh.The Visual Computer,23(12),987-997,2007.12.
48.Junsong Zhang,Hongwei Lin,Jinhui Yu.A novel method for vectorizing historical documents of Chinese calligraphy.In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics,Beijing,China,219-224,2007.10.
49.Hongwei Lin,Guojin Wang,Ligang Liu,Hujun Bao.Parameterization for Fitting Triangular Mesh.Progress in Natural Science,16(11),1214-1221,2006.11.
50.Huahao Shou,Hongwei Lin,Ralph Martin,Guojin Wang.Modified Affine Arithmetic in Tensor Form for Trivariate Polynomial Evaluation and Algebraic Surface Plotting.Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,195(1-2),155-171,2006.9.
52.Hongwei Lin,Hujun Bao.Regular Bezier curve:Some geometric conditions and a necessary and sufficient condition.In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics,Hongkong,China,52-57,2005.12.
53.Hongwei Lin,Wei Chen,Guojin Wang.Curve Reconstruction Based on an Interval B-spline Curve.The Visual Computer,21(6),418-427,2005.6
54.Hongwei Lin,Hujun Bao,Guojin Wang.Totally Positive Bases and Progressive Iteration Approximation.Computers and Mathematics with Applications,50(3-4),575-586,2005.4.
55.Hongwei Lin,Guojin Wang,Chenshi Dong.Constructing Iterative Non-Uniform B-spline Curve and Surface to Fit Data Points.SCIENCE IN CHINA,Series F,47(3),315-331,2004.3.
56.Hongwei Lin,C.L.Tai,Guojin Wang.A Mesh Reconstruction Algorithm Driven by Intrinsic Property of Point Cloud.Computer-Aided Design,36(1),1-9,2004.1.
58.Huahao Shou,Hongwei Lin,Martin R.,Guojin Wang.Modified affine arithmetic is more accurate than centered interval arithmetic or affine arithmetic.In Proceedings of 10th IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces,LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE,Leeds,England,355-365,2003.9.
60.Hongwei Lin,Ligang Liu,Guojin Wang.Boundary Evaluation for Interval Bézier Curve.Computer-Aided Design,34(9),637-646,2002.9.