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黄正达,教授,计算数学专业博士生导师。2022年永平教学贡献提名奖,2021年宝钢优秀教师奖,2021年浙江省优秀教学成果一等奖(5/8),中国高等教育学会教育数学专委会第五届理事会常务理事。 学历和学位 1980年9月--1984年7月 浙江师范学院数学系 理学学士 1987年9月--1992年7月 杭州大学数学系计算数学专业 理学博士 职位 1984年 助教 1992年 讲师 1994年 副教授 2003年 教授 2005年 博士生导师


研究兴趣 计算数学专业数值代数方向及其相关的领域。特别有兴趣于线性与非线性方程(组)求根算法和数值最优化方法。 曾经从事于非线性方程(组)求解的Newton型迭代方法的收敛性研究、数值最优化理论中的共轭梯度法、Newton型方法的构造及其收敛性研究,以及这些方法在求解具体偏微分方程中的应用研究;鞍点问题基于系数矩阵分裂的求解算法研究。 近年来的研究重点主要在于预条件技术的研究及其应用、数据分析中的数值代数方法。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

主要论著 [1] Yun-Xia, Tan, Zheng-Da, Huang, On a nonlinear fast deterministic block Kaczmarz method for solving nonlinear equations, Commun. Appl. Math. Comput. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42967-024-00427-5, submitted to the special issue in memory of Prof. Zhong-Ci Shi. [2] 宋胜重, 黄正达,解不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程的非精确块因子分解预处理子, 高校应用数学学报, 38 (3), 2023 [3] Song, Sheng-Zhong, Huang, Zheng-Da(corresponding author), A two-parameter shift-splitting preconditioner for saddle point problems, Comput.Math. Appl., 124,2022. (SCI) [4] Chen, Jia-Qi, Huang, Zheng-Da(corresponding author), A fast block coordinate descent method for solving linear least-squares problems, East Asian J.Appl.Math., 12 (2),2022. (SCI) [5] Chen, Jia-Qi, Huang, Zheng-Da(corresponding author), On a fast deterministic block Kaczmarz method for solving large-scale linear systems, Numer. Algo., 89 (3), 2022.(SCI) [6] Shengzhong Song, Zhengda Huang(corresponding author), A modified SSOR-like preconditioner for non-Hermitian positive definite matrices, Appl. Numer. Math., 164(2021).(SCI) [7] Zhengda Huang, Huidi, Wang, On a progressive and iterative approximation method with memory for least square fitting, CAGD,82 (2020), 101931. (SCI) [8] Chen, Jia-Qi, Huang, Zheng-Da(corresponding author), On the error estimate of the randomized double block Kaczmarz method. Appl. Math. Comput., 370 (2020), 124907.(SCI) [9] 黄正达, 关于合同变换矩阵的一种结构形式, 大学数学,36(2020)3,57-65.(教学论文) [10] 黄正达, 关于矩阵方程求解的一点注记, 大学数学,35(2019)4,48-53.(教学论文) [11] Zhengda Huang, Huidi Wang, On the optimal convergence factor of the accelerated parameterized inexact Uzawa method with three parameters for augmented systems, Numer.Linear Algebra Appl., 25(5), 2018.(SCI) [12] Huidi Wang, Zhendga Huang(corresponding author), On convergence and semi-convergence of SSOR-like methods for augmented linear systems, Appl. Math. Comput., 326, 2018.(SCI) [13] Yonghui Ling, Zhengda Huang(Corresponding Author), An Analysis on the Efficiency of Euler's Method for Computing the Matrix pth Root, Numer.Linear Algebra Appl., 24(6), 2017.(SCI) [14] Wang Huidi, Huang Zhengda(Corresponding Author), On a new SSOR-like method with four parameters for the augmented systems, East Asian J.Appl.Math., 7(1), 2017.(SCI) [15] Gao Qin, Huang Zhengda, Cheng Xiaoliang, A finite difference method for an inverse Sturm-Liouville problem in impedance form, Numer. Algo., 70(3), 2015.(SCI) [16] Zhengda Huang, On the behavior of the four order iteration in Euler's family near a zero, Journal of Mathematical Study, 48(1), 2015.(ESCI) [17] Huang Zhengda, Zhou Xiaoyan, On the minimum convergence factor of a class of GSOR-like methods for augmented systems, Numer. Algo., 70(1), 2015.(SCI) [18] Yang Aili, Wu Yujiang, Huang Zhengda, Yuan Jinyun, Preconditioning analysis of nonuniform incremental unknowns method for two dimensional elliptic problems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39(18), 2015. (SCI) [19] Gao Qin, Huang Zhengda, Cheng Xiaoliang, Inverse spectral problem for the density of a vibrating elastic membrane, Compt. Math. Appl., 70(5), 2015.(SCI) [20] Kong Xiangyin, Zhang Zhengfang, Huang Zhengda(Corre, Piecewise constant level set algorithm for an inverse elliptic problem in nonlinear electromagnetism, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7(3), 2015.(SCI)
