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徐兆发,教授,博士生导师,环境卫生学教研室,国务院政府特殊津贴获得者 教育经历 1972-1975年:中国医科大学 临床医学 本科 1978-1981年:中国医科大学 劳动卫生与环境卫生学 硕士 工作经历(包括博士后及出国进修经历) 1975-1986年:中国医科大学预防医学系劳动卫生学教研室 助教 1986-1992年:中国医科大学预防医学系劳动卫生学教研室 讲师 1987-1988年:美国范得比尔特大学化学系和分子毒理中心 访问学者 1992-1996年:中国医科大学预防医学系劳动卫生学教研室 副主任 副教授 1992-1995年:美国亚利桑那大学分子和细胞生物系 博士后 1996-1998年:中国医科大学预防医学系劳动卫生学教研室 副主任 教授 1997-1998年:美国罗得岛大学药理和毒理系 访问教授 1998-2011年:中国医科大学公共卫生学院环境卫生学教研室 主任 教授 2011-至今:中国医科大学公共卫生学院环境卫生学教研室 教授 主持课题情况 1. 国家自然科学基金:谷氨酸代谢转运障碍和氧化应激在甲基汞神经毒性中的交互作用及其分子机制。2012-2015年;58.0万元。 2. 国家自然科学基金:锰对谷氨酸神经递质代谢和转运的影响及其分子机制。2008-2010年;30.0万元。 3. 国家自然科学基金:镉致肾脏损伤的分子机理探讨及其预后评价。2004-2006年;18.0万元。 4. 国家自然科学基金:脉络丛对铅镉屏护作用及其机理探讨。1998-2000年;9.0 万元。 5. 辽宁省教育厅高等学校科学研究项目:脉络丛对锰屏护作用及锰神经毒性作用分子机理的研究。2005-2007年;4.0 万元。 6. 辽宁省教育厅高等学校科学研究项目:镉污染区居民肾损伤的追踪观察及预后评价。2001-2003年;4.0 万元。 7. 辽宁省自然科学基金:口服二巯基丙磺酸钠对汞毒性防治效果的研究。1997-1999年;4.5万元。 8. 卫生部卫生标准课题:环境镉污染健康危害区判定标准的研制。1992-1994年;0.5万元。 9. 辽宁省科学技术委员会课题:几种络合剂驱镉效果的研究。1991-1993年;1.5万元。 10. 卫生部卫生标准课题:车间空气中镉尘卫生标准的研制。1989-1991年;0.5万元。 获得科学技术奖情况 1. 国家教委中国高校自然科学二等奖:几种络合剂驱铅镉汞效果的实验研究。2000年;第一完成人。 2. 辽宁省科技进步三等奖:几种络合剂驱铅镉汞效果的研究。1999年;第一完成人。 3. 辽宁省教委科技进步一等奖:几种络合剂驱铅镉汞效果的研究。1999年;第一完成人。 4. 国家环保部科技进步三等奖:汞大气质量的流行病学调查研究。1988年;主要参加者。 5. 沈阳市科技进步三等奖:职业性镉中毒诊断标准,处理原则与大米中允许限量的研究。1988年;主要参加者。 6. 卫生部乙级成果奖:张士灌区镉污染潜势研究。1985年;主要参加者。 研究生培养情况 硕士招生:1998年开始,共招收31人,已毕业30人。 优秀硕士学位论文:2012年,杨海波,学校优秀硕士学位论文。 博士招生:1999年开始,共招收17人,已毕业16人。 获得奖励及荣誉称号情况 2008年:中国医科大学国家重点学科建设先进个人 2002年:中国医科大学先进教师 2001年:沈阳市教委授予“岗位标兵”称号 2001年:国务院政府特殊津贴




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Wei Liu, Zhaofa Xu*, Li Hongpeng, Guo Meixin, Tianyao Yang, Shu Feng, Bin Xu, Yu Deng. Protective effects of curcumin against mercury-induced hepatic injuries in rats, involvement of oxidative stress antagonism, and Nrf2-ARE pathway activation. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2016 Nov 11. [Epub ahead of print, DOI: 10.1177/0960327116677355]. 2. Wei Liu, Zhaofa Xu*, Tianyao Yang, Bin Xu, Yu Deng, Shu Feng. Memantine, a Low-AffinityNMDA Receptor Antagonist, Protects against Methylmercury-Induced Cytotoxicity of Rat Primary Cultured Cortical Neurons, Involvement of Ca2+ Dyshomeostasis Antagonism, and Indirect Antioxidation Effects. Mol Neurobiol. 2016 Aug 18. [Epub ahead of print, DOI 10.1007/s12035-016-0020-2]. 3. Yang Tianyao, Xu Zhaofa*, Liu Wei, Feng Shu, Li Hongpeng, Guo Meixin, Deng Yu, Xu Bin. Alpha-lipoic acid reduces ethylmercury- induced neuronal injury in rat cerebral cortex via antioxidation pathways. Environ Toxicol. 2016 Jun 14. [Epub ahead of print, DOI: 10.1002/tox.22294] 4. Shu Feng, Zhaofa Xu*, Fei Wang, Tianyao Yang, Wei Liu, Yu Deng, Bin Xu. Sulforaphane Prevents Methylmercury-Induced Oxidative Damage and Excitotoxicity Through Activation of the Nrf2-ARE Pathway. Mol Neurobiol. 2016 Jan 7. [Epub ahead of print, DOI 10.1007/s12035-015-9643-y] 5. Yang Tianyao, Xu Zhaofa*, Liu Wei, Xu Bin, Deng Yu. Protective effects of Alpha-lipoic acid on MeHg-induced oxidative damage and intracellular Ca2+ dyshomeostasis in primary cultured neurons.Free Radic Res. 2016 May; 50 (5): 542-556. 6. Liu Wei, Xu Zhaofa*, Yang Tianyao, Deng Yu, Xu Bin, Feng Shu. Tea Polyphenols Protect Against Methylmercury-Induced Cell Injury in Rat Primary Cultured Astrocytes, Involvement of Oxidative Stress and Glutamate ptake/Metabolism Disorders. Mol Neurobiol. 2016; 53 (5): 2995-3009 7. Tian-Yao Yang, Zhao-fa Xu*, Wei Liu, Bin Xu, Yu Deng, Yue-hui Li, Shu Feng. Alpha-lipoic acid protects against methylmercury-induced neurotoxic effects via inhibition of oxidative stress in rat cerebral cortex. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2015, 39 (1): 157-166 8. Deng Y, Xu Z*, Xu B, Liu W, Feng S, Yang T Antioxidative Effects of Schidandrin B and Green Tea Polyphenols Against Mercuric Chloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity in rats. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 2014; 33 (4): 349-361 9. Liu W, Xu Z*, Yang T, Deng Y, Xu B, Feng S, Li Y. The protective role of tea polyphenols against methylmercury-induced neurotoxic effects in rat cerebral cortex via inhibition of oxidative stress. Free Radic Res. 2014; 48 (8): 849-863 10. Feng S, Xu Z*, Liu W, Li Y, Deng Y, Xu B. Preventive Effects of Dextromethorphan on Methylmercury- Induced Glutamate Dyshomeostasis and Oxidative Damage in Rat Cerebral Cortex. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2014; 159 (1-3): 332-345 11. Yu Deng, Zhaofa Xu*, Bin Xu, Wei Liu, Yangang Wei, Yuehui Li, Shu Feng, Tianyao Yang. Exploring Cross-Talk Between Oxidative Damage and Excitotoxicity and the Effects of Riluzole in the Rat Cortex After Exposure to Methylmercury. Neurotox Res 2014; 26 (1): 40-51 12. Wei Liu, Zhaofa Xu*, Yu Deng, Bin Xu, Haibo Yang, Yangang Wei, Shu Feng. Excitotoxicity and oxidative damages induced by methylmercury in rat cerebral cortex and the protective effects of tea polyphenols. Environ Toxicol. 2014; 29 (3): 269-283 13. Zhai L , Zhao J , Xu B , Deng Y, Xu Z*. Influence of indoor formaldehyde pollution on respiratory system health in the urban area of Shenyang, China . Afr Health Sci. 2013; 3 (1): 137-143 14. Wei Liu, Zhaofa Xu*, Yu Deng, Bin Xu, Yangang Wei, Tianyao Yang. Protective Effects of Memantine Against Methylmercury-Induced Glutamate Dyshomeostasis and Oxidative Stress in Rat Cerebral Cortex. Neurotox Res. 2013; 24: 320–337 15. Bin Xu, Zhaofa Xu*, Yu Deng, Wei Liu, HaiBo Yang, Yan-Gang Wei. MK-801 Protects against Intracellular Ca2+ Overloading and Improves N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Expression in Cerebral Cortex of Methylmercury-Poisoned Rats. J Mol Neurosci. 2013; 49 (1): 162-171 16. Bin Xu, Zhao-Fa Xu*, Yu Deng, Wei Liu, Hai-Bo Yang, Yan-Gang Wei. Protective effects of MK-801 on methylmercury-induced neuronal injury in rat cerebral cortex: Involvement of oxidative stress and glutamate metabolism dysfunction. Toxicology. 2012; 300 (3): 112-120 17. Yu Deng, Zhaofa Xu*, Bin Xu, Donghui Xu, Yawen Tian, Wanyu Feng. The Protective Effects of Riluzole on Manganese-Induced Disruption of Glutamate Transporters and Glutamine Synthetase in the Cultured Astrocytes. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2012; 148: 242-249 18. Yu Deng, Zhaofa Xu*, Wei Liu, Haibo Yang, Bin Xu, Yangang Wei. Effects of Lycopene and Proanthocyanidins on Hepatotoxicity Induced by Mercuric Chloride in Rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2012; 146: 213-223 19. Haibo Yang, Zhaofa Xu*, Wei Liu, Yangang Wei, Yu Deng, Bin Xu. Effect of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extracts on Methylmercury-Induced Neurotoxicity in Rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2012; 147: 156-164 20. Wei Liu, Zhaofa Xu*, Yu Deng, Bin Xu, Haibo Yang, Yangang Wei, Shu Feng. Excitotoxicity and oxidative damages induced by methylmercury in rat cerebral cortex and the protective effects of tea polyphenols. Environ Toxicol. Available online 2012 Jan 5. doi: 10.1002/tox.21755 21. Yu Deng, Zhao-Fa Xu*, Wei Liu, Bin Xu, Hai-Bo Yang, Yan-GangWei. Riluzole-Triggered GSH Synthesis via Activation of Glutamate Transporters to Antagonize Methylmercury-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rat Cerebral Cortex. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2012;2012:534705. Epub 2012 Aug 22 22. Wei Liu, Zhaofa Xu*, Haibo Yang, Yu Deng, Bin Xu, Yangang Wei. The Protective Effects of Tea Polyphenols and Schisandrin B on Nephrotoxicity of Mercury. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2011; 143 (3): 1651-1665 23. Yu Deng, Donghui Xu, Bin Xu, Zhaofa Xu*, Yawen Tian, Wanyu Feng, Wei Liu, Haibo Yang. G0/G1 Phase Arrest and Apoptosis Induced by Manganese Chloride on Cultured Rat Astrocytes and Protective Effects of Riluzole. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2011; 144 (1-3): 832-842 24. Yang Haibo, Xu Zhaofa*, Liu Wei, Deng Yu, Xu Bin. The Protective role of procyanidins and lycopene against mercuric chloride renal damage in rats. Biomed Environ Sci. 2011; 24 (5): 550 -559 25. Zhaofa Xu*, Ke Jia, Bin Xu, Anning He, Jing Li, Yu Deng, Fanglin Zhang. Effects of MK- 801, taurine and dextromethorphan on neurotoxicity caused by manganese in rats. Toxicol Ind Health. 2010; 26 (1): 55-60 26. Bin Xu, Zhao-Fa Xu*, Yu Deng. Protective effects of MK-801 on manganese-induced glutamate metabolism disorder in rat striatum. Exp Toxicol Pathol. 2010; 62 (4) 381-390 27. Bin Xu, Zhao-Fa Xu*, Yu Deng, Jing-Hua Yang. Protective effects of Chlorpromazine and Verapamil against cadmium-induced kidney damage in vivo. Exp Toxicol Pathol. 2010; 62 (1): 27-34 28. Bin Xu, Zhao-Fa Xu*, and Yu Deng. Manganese Exposure Alters the Expression of N-Methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Subunit mRNAs and Proteins in Rat Striatum. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2010; 24 (1): 1-9 29. Yu Deng, Zhaofa Xu*, Bin Xu, Yawen Tian, Xin Xin, Xiaoqiang Deng, Jian Gao. The protective effect of riluzole on manganese caused disruption of glutamate-glutamine cycle in rats. Brain Res. 2009; 1289: 106-117 30. Yu Deng, Zhaofa Xu*, Bin Xu, YaWen Tian, Xiaoqiang Deng, Xin Xin, Jian Gao. Excitotoxicity in Rat’s Brain Induced by Exposure of Manganese and Neuroprotective Effects of Pinacidil and Nimodipine. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2009; 131 (2): 143-153 31. Bin Xu, Zhao-Fa Xu*, Yu Deng. Effect of manganese exposure on intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and expression of NMDA receptor subunits in primary cultured neurons. Neurotoxicology. 2009; 30 (6): 941-949 32. Fanglin Zhang, Zhaofa Xu*, Jian Gao, Bin Xu, Yu Deng. In vitro effect of manganese chloride exposure on energy metabolism and oxidative damage of mitochondria isolated from rat brain. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2008; 26: 232-236 33. Zhaofa Xu*, Jinghua Yang, Jiaming Yu, Zhongwei Yin, Wei Sun and Jing Li. Effects of BSO, GSH, Vit-C and DMPS on the nephrotoxicity of mercury. Toxicol Ind Health. 2007; 23 (7): 403-410 34. Mary M Aposhian, Richard M Maiorino, Zhaofa Xu, H Vasken Aposhian. Sodium 2, 3- dimercaptopro pane-1-sulfonate treatment does not redistribute lead or mercury to the brain of rats. Toxicology. 1996; 109 (1): 49-55 35. Richard M Maiorino, Zhaofa Xu and H Vasken Aposhian. Determination and metabolism of dithiol chelating agents: XVII- In humans, sodium 2, 3- dimercapto-propane-1-sulfonate is bound to plasma albumin via mixed disulfide formation and is found in the urine as cyclic polymeric disulfides. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1996; 277 (1): 375-384 36. Richard M Maiorino, Diego Gonzalez-Ramirez, Miguel Zuniga-Charles, Zhaofa Xu, Katherine M. Hurlbut, Mary M. Aposhian, Richard C. Dart, James S. Woods, Patricia Ostrosky-Wegman, Maria E. Gonsebatt, H. Vasken Aposhian. Sodium 2, 3- dimercaptopropane-1-sulfonate challenge test for mercury in humans: III - urinary mercury after exposure to mercurous chloride. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1996; 277 (2): 938-944 37. H. Vasken Aposhian , Richard M Maiorino , Diego Gonzalez-Ramirez, Miguel Zuniga-Chaes, Zhaofa Xu, Katherine M. Hurlbut, Pablo Junco-Munoz, Richard C. Dart, Mary. M. Aposhian. Mobilization of heavy metals by newer, therapeu-ically seful chelating agents. Toxicology. 1995; 97 (1): 23-38 38. Diego Gonzalez-Ramirez, Richard M Maiorino, Miguel Zuniga-Charles, Zhaofa Xu, Katherine M. Hurlbut, Pablo Junco-Munoz, Mary M. Aposhian, Richard C. Dart, Jose Horacio Diaz Gama, Diana Echeverria, James S. Woods, H. Vasken Aposhian. Sodium 2, 3- dimercaptopropane-1-sulfonate challenge test for mercury in humans: II - urinary mercury, porphyrins and neurobehavioral changes of dental workers in Monterrey, Mexico. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1995; 272 (1): 264-274 39. Richard M Maiorino, Mary M Aposhian, Zhaofa Xu, Yushun Li, Robin L. Polt, H. Vasken Aposhian. Determination and metabolism of dithiol chelating agents: XV- The meso-2, 3-dimercaptosuccinic acid-cysteine (1:2) mixed disulfide, a major urinary metabolite of DMSA in the human, increases the urinary excretion of lead in the rat. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1993; 267 (3): 1221-1226 40. Baohui Xu, Yaping Jin, Zhaoliang Feng, Zhaofa Xu, Matsushita T. Lipid peroxidation induced by maternal cadmium exposure in mouse pups. Bulletin Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1993; 51: 772-779 41. Pramod K. Singh, Mark M. Jones, Zhao-fa Xu, Glen R.Gale, Alayne B. Smith, Loretta M. Atkins. Mobilization of lead by esters of meso-2, 3- dimercapto succinic acid. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 1989; 27 (4): 423-434 42. Zhaofa Xu and Mark M. Jones. Comparative mobilization of lead by chelating agents. Toxicology. 1988; 53: 277-288 教材: 1. 2013年:《卫生学》(第八版, 全国高等学校教材),人民卫生出版社,编委 2. 2012年:《环境卫生学》(第七版, 卫生部规划教材). 人民卫生出版社,编委 3. 2008年:《卫生学》(第七版, 全国高等医药院校教材),人民卫生出版社,编委 4. 2007年:《环境卫生学》(第六版, 卫生部规划教材). 人民卫生出版社,编委 5. 2007年:预防医学与保健(新编乡村医生系列丛书),人民军医出版社,编委 6. 2004年:《卫生学》(第六版, 全国高等医药院校教材),人民卫生出版社,编委 7. 2003年:《环境卫生学》(第五版, 卫生部规划教材)人民卫生出版社,编委 8. 2001年:《卫生学》(第五版, 全国高等医药院校教材),人民卫生出版社,编委 期刊: 1. 2014年:《实用预防医学》杂志第二届编委会 常务编委 2. 2010年:《环境卫生学杂志》第一届编委会 编委 3. 2007年:《微量元素与健康研究》第三届编委会 编委 4. 2003年:《毒理学杂志》第五届编委会 编委 5. 2010年:《环境与职业医学》编委会 审稿专家 6. 2009年:《中国医科大学学报》编委会 审稿专家 7. 2009年:《环境保护与循环经济》编委会 审稿专家 8. 2008年:《中华预防医学杂志》编委会 审稿专家 9. 2008年:《中国临床康复》杂志第六届专家组 审稿专家
