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教育工作经历: 2016年5月至今:福州大学生物科学与工程学院 旗山学者 2015年4月--- 2016年4月:巴斯夫(BASF)博士后 2009年8月--- 2014年12月:美国俄亥俄州托莱多大学 (The University of Toledo) 化学工程博士 2005年9月 --- 2009年5月:北京师范大学 化学学士 承担课程: 本科: 学科导论 研究生:专业英语、工程英语、食品物性学 科研简介: 聚电解质复合、自组装行为和机理; 天然高分子(壳聚糖,明胶)及其衍生物的微纳米颗粒以及水凝胶的开发,及其在日化、食品与生物医药领域的相关应用。 所得研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者在Advanced Functional Materials, Journal of Material Chemistry B, Langmuir, Soft Matter等国际顶尖SCI杂志上发表10篇论文,被引近400次,获批并成功转让一项聚电解质水下粘合剂美国应用专利,多次在国内外会议上进行学术报告。 科研项目: 旗山学者启动基金:基于壳聚糖的离子交联微-纳米颗粒生成机理与性质研究。(2016-2019,25万,主持) 国家自然科学基金青年基金:分子间作用对壳聚糖-反离子复合微纳米颗粒理化性质及递送效率的调控机制(2019-2021,25万,主持) 福建省自然科学基金面上基金:复合过程动力学对壳聚糖/反离子微-纳米颗粒性质的调控机理(2019-2022,10万,主持) 专利: Ionically crosslinked polyelectrolytes as underwater adhesives as controlled release vehicles. Y Lapitsky, Y Huang; US Patent 9,814,778 (已产业化) 其他 个人网页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yan_Huang101




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

代表性论文:(*为通讯作者) Yuan, Y.; Huang, Y.*, Ionically Crosslinked Polyelectrolyte Nanoparticle Formation Mechanisms: The Significance of Mixing. Soft Matter 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9SM01441A. He, Q.; Huang, D.; Yang, J.; Huang, Y.*; Wang, S.*, Dual Cross-Link Networks to Preserve Physical Interactions Induced by Soaking Methods: Developing a Strong and Biocompatible Protein-Based Hydrogel. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2019, 2 (8), 3352-3361. Ding, L.; Huang, Y.*; Cai, X.; Wang, S.*, Impact of pH, ionic strength and chitosan charge density on chitosan/casein complexation and phase behavior. Carbohydr. Polym. 2019, 208, 133-141. He, Q.; Huang, Y.*; Wang, S.*, Hofmeister Effect-Assisted One Step Fabrication of Ductile and Strong Gelatin Hydrogels. Adv. Func. Mater. 2018, 28, 1705069. (AFM当月热点文章Top 10) Huang, Y. and Y. Lapitsky., On the kinetics of chitosan/tripolyphosphate micro- and nanogel aggregation and their effects on particle polydispersity. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 2017, 486, 27-37. Huang, Y.; Cai, Y; Lapitsky, Y., Factors affecting the stability of chitosan/tripolyphosphate micro- and nanogels: resolving the opposing findings. J. Mater. Chem. B 2015, 3, 5957-5970. Huang, Y.; Lawrence, P.; Lapitsky, Y., Self-assembly of stiff, adhesive and self-healing gels from common polyelectrolytes. Langmuir2014,30, 7771-7777. (front cover) Huang, Y.; Lapitsky, Y., Determining the colloidal behavior of ionically crosslinked polyelectrolytes with isothermal titration calorimetry. J. Phys. Chem. B2013,117, 9548-9557. Huang, Y.; Lapitsky, Y., Salt-assisted mechanistic analysis of chitosan/ tripolyphosphate micro- and nanogel formation. Biomacromolecules2012, 13, 3868-3876. Huang, Y.; Lapitsky, Y., Monovalent salt enhances colloidal stability during the formation of chitosan/tripolyphosphate microgels. Langmuir2011, 27, 10392-10399. Richardson, K. E.; Xue, Z.; Huang, Y.; Seo, Y.; Lapitsky, Y., Physicochemical and antibacterial properties of surfactant mixtures with quaternized chitosan microgels. Carbohydr. Polym.2013, 93, 709-717.


SoftMatter,Langmuir, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Journal of Materials Chemistry B等杂志审稿人
