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教育工作经历 2020/07-至今,福州大学,机械工程及自动化学院,讲师 2016/08-2019/11,澳门大学 (Universidade de Macau),科技学院,博士\助教 2015/01-2015/05,加拿大蒙特利尔大学工学院 (Polytechnique Montréal),交流访问 2012/09-2016/03,马来西亚理工大学 (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia),机械工程学院,硕士 2008/09-2012/07,厦门理工学院,机械与汽车工程学院,学士 主讲课程 1、汽车理论 主要科研项目 1、澳门大学研究基金项目,MYRG2019-00028-FST,Adaptive Control of Vehicle Yaw Stability using Active Front Steering and Random Projection Neural Network(基于随机映射神经网络的主动前轮转向车辆横向稳定性自适应控制),2020-01至2021-12,在研,主要参与人员。 2、广汽集团汽车工程研究院对外合作项目,X72项目人车驾驶性开发,2018-05至2019-11,已结题,主要参与人员。 专利: 1、魏翔宇, 黄炜, 吴剑斌, et al. 可自动回收垃圾的道路清扫车[P]. 中国专利: CN202117004U, 2012-01-18.


主要从事车辆驾驶自动化、辅助主动化及交互信息化方面研究工作,具体领域涉及: 1、分布式全线控底盘域控制 2、驾驶辅助人机交互协同机制 3、自动驾驶环境感知和路径规划 4、人车路动态特征提取和匹配


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学术论文: 1、Wei Huang, Jing Zhao, Guokuan Yu, and Pak Kin Wong. "Intelligent vibration control for semi-active suspension systems without prior knowledge of dynamical nonlinear damper behaviors based on improved extreme learning machine." IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (2020). doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2020.3031840. [TOP, SCI] 2、Wei Huang, and Pak Kin Wong. "Integrated vehicle dynamics management for distributed-drive electric vehicles with active front steering using adaptive neural approaches against unknown nonlinearity." International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 29.14 (2019): 4888-4908. [TOP, SCI] 3、Wei Huang, Pak Kin Wong, Ka In Wong, Chi Man Vong, and Jing Zhao. "Adaptive neural control of vehicle yaw stability with active front steering using an improved random projection neural network." Vehicle System Dynamics (2019). https://doi.org/10.1080/00423114.2019.1690152 [SCI] 4、Pak Kin Wong§, Wei Huang§, Chi Man Vong, and Zhixin Yang. "Adaptive neural tracking control for automotive engine idle speed regulation using extreme learning machine." Neural Computing & Applications (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04482-5 [SCI, §: Co-first author] 5、Wei Huang, Pak Kin Wong, Jing Zhao, and Xinbo Ma. "Output-feedback model-reference adaptive calibration for map-based anti-jerk control of electromechanical automotive clutches." International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 32.2 (2017): 265-285. [SCI] 6、Wei Huang, Pakharuddin Mohd Samin, and Kamarul Baharin Tawi. "Feasibility investigation on novel concept of clutched train system to substitute for vehicular friction clutch." Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 10.1 (2016): JAMDSM0007-JAMDSM0007. [SCI] 7、Di Ao, Pak Kin Wong, Wei Huang, Xing Tai Mei, Yu Cong Cao, and Jing Zhao. "Analysis of co-relation between objective measurement and subjective assessment for dynamic comfort of vehicles." International Journal of Automotive Technology 21.6 (2020): 1553-1567. [SCI]
