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沈德魁,男,1981年生,江苏南京人。近年来,主持/主研国家自然科学基金项目5项、国家科技部重点研发计划子项目1项,作为主要研究骨干参与国家“863计划”主题项目1项、国家“973计划”课题项目2项,省部级项目及厅局级项目等7项,主持企业委托项目等20余项,主持国际合作项目2项(欧盟和英国皇家学会项目各1项)。发表SCI收录论文59篇(其中第一作者13篇,除第一作者以外的通讯作者30篇),EI收录论文10篇(第一作者1篇,通讯作者8篇),出版中英文专著3部,授权国家发明专利7项,授权国家实用新型专利13项;相关研究成果获得了2017年度教育部自然科学一等奖、第二十届国际工业博览会(上海)特等奖、中电联中国电力创新二等奖、中国能源研究会技术创新三等奖等。 学习与工作经历: 1999年09月-2003年07月,浙江大学 热能与动力工程专业(本科) 2003年09月-2008年03月,浙江大学 动力工程及工程热物理专业(直接攻博) 其中:2014年10月-2015年10月,香港理工大学 助理研究员 2008年06月-2010年06月,英国南安普顿大学 博士后 2010年12月-2013年05月,东南大学 能源与环境学院 副研究员 2013年06月-2019年05月,东南大学 能源与环境学院 研究员(上岗) 2019年06月至今,东南大学 能源与环境学院 教授 教学课程 本科生:《工程热力学》(双语)、《环境保护与可持续发展》、《Renewable Energy and Advanced Electricity Production Technology》 研究生:《Solid Waste Engineering》 科研 教改项目 1、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,51106030,纤维素类生物质热解过程三大组分的分子动力学表征及其多层面协同作用机理研究,2012.1-2014.12。结题、主持 2、国家自然科学基金面上项目,51476034,基于金属-沸石催化重整的木质素共混热解制备芳香族燃料添加剂机理研究,2015.1-2018.12。结题、主持 3、国家自然科学基金面上项目,51676047,双溶剂-复合催化剂体系下木质素液相解聚制备高价值酚类化合物的研究,2017.1-2020.12。在研、主持 4、国家科技部重点研发计划项目,6303000029,微藻固定烟气CO2和净化废水的复合减排技术,2016.7-2020.6。在研、主持 5、国家自然科学基金面上项目,6503000194A,生物质热解特性映射关系及航油合成系统全生命周期评价研究,2018.08-2021.07。在研、参与 6、国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金,51628601,木质素催化热转化制备芳香族化合物的机理研究,2017.1-2018.12。结题、主持(中方负责人) 7、国家科技部“863计划”主题项目,2012AA051801,生物质化学催化制备含氧液体燃料新技术,2012.1-2014.12。结题、参与(排名第二) 8、国家科技部“973计划”课题项目,2012CB215306,酚类衍生物催化制液体烷烃燃料的基础研究,2012.1-2016.12。结题、参与(排名第二) 9、国家科技部“973计划”课题项目,2011CB201505,可燃固体废弃物高效能源化及产物高值化利用机制,2011.1-2015.12。结题、参与(排名第九) 10、江苏省科技厅国际合作项目,BZ2017014,石化行业燃气装备超低NOx燃烧技术与装备联合研发,2017.7-2019.6。在研、主持 11、江苏省科技厅,7703000076,供氢介质辅助木质素催化热转化制备芳烃化合物的研究,2016.7-2019.6。在研、主持 12、江苏省科技厅社会发展项目,BE2015677,超低温SCR脱硝技术研发与示范,2015.7-2018.6。在研、参与(排名第三) 13、国家留学基金委一般项目,6803000020,纤维素类生物质三大组分碳化过程机理研究,2013.09-2015.03。结题、主持 14、中科院广州能源所开放基金,6803000009,低温微波液相催化降解木质素的机理研究,2012.1-2013.12。结题、主持 15、江苏省环保厅,7603000097,市政污泥生物裂解安全减量处置新技术及其应用示范,2017.12-2019.11。在研、参与(排名第二) 16、南京市科技局,7603000020,污泥生态友好型裂解脱水减量技术研究,2017.8-2019.8。在研、参与(排名第二) 17、企业委托项目,8503000767,石化行业低NOx燃烧技术与装备研发,2014.11-2016.4。结题、主持 18、企业委托项目,8503000738,单床自热式热解气化反应器及热解气化燃烧方法,2014.2-2019.2。结题、参与(排名第三) 19、企业委托项目,8503000871,南京电厂#1机组SCR脱硝运行优化技术开发,2015.1-2015.12。结题、参与(排名第二) 20、企业委托项目,8503000992,多点矩阵测量技术在环保设施中应用研究,2016.12-2017.12。结题、主持 21、企业委托项目,8503000990,SCR脱硝系统诊断技术及ABS预防技术开发,2016.12-2017.6。结题、主持 22、企业委托项目,8503000958,燃煤电站SCR脱硝系统AIG“精细”自动控制技术及装备研发,2016.6-2017.6。结题、主持 23、企业委托项目,8503000949,#2机组SCR系统流场诊断与优化,2016.1-2016.12。结题、主持 24、企业委托项目,8503000995,基于氨烟混合强化及流场均匀化的SCR脱销系统长周期、低成本运行优化,2017.2-2017.6。结题、主持 25、企业委托项目,8503001331,SCR系统反应层在线监测系统开发,2018.1-2019.1。主持 26、欧盟,H2020-MSCA-RISE-643322:FLEXI-PYROCAT,Converting waste plastics and biomass waste into useful products such as bio-oil and syngas,2015.1-2019.1,40.5万欧元。在研、主持 27、英国皇家学会,IE150760,Upgrading of bio-oil produced from biomass pyrolysis,2016.3-2018.3,0.74万英镑。结题、主持 专著 1. Dekui Shen, Rui Xiao, Sai Gu and Huiyan Zhang, The Overview of Thermal Decomposition of Cellulose in Lignocellulosic Biomass (Chapter 9), In “Cellulose-Biomass Conversion” edited by T. Van de Ven and J. Kadla,Croatia: InTech Publication Ltd., pp 193-225, 2013.8. 2. Dekui Shen, Chongbo Cheng, Rui Xiao, Lignin Depolymerization (LDP) with Solvolysis for Selective Production of Renewable Aromatic Chemicals (Chapter 10), In “Production of Biofuels and Chemicals from Lignin” edited by Zhen Fang and Richard L. Smith, Springer, pp 289-320, 2016.10. 3 .肖睿,张会岩,沈德魁 著,生物质选择性热解制备液体燃料与化学品,中国科学出版社, 2015.03. 专利申请 1.沈德魁,董承健,肖睿,张会岩,一种将黑液木质素液相降解制取4-羟基-3-甲氧基苯基乙酮的方法,国家发明专利,授权号:ZL201310514513.X; 2.肖睿,张会岩,张勇,沈德魁,一种生物油催化转化制备含氧液体燃料的装置和方法,国家发明专利,授权公告号:CN102653691B; 3.肖睿,张会岩,陈星,沈德魁,一种水相生物油制备混合醇类液体燃料的方法和装置,国家发明专利,申请公布号:CN103436305A 4.沈德魁,姚书恒,用于去除水中铅离子的微波硝酸改性活性炭的制备方法及其应用,申请号:201510164437.3 5.沈德魁,程崇博,肖睿,用于合成气甲烷化的低温高活性纳米复合催化剂及其制备方法,国家发明专利,申请公布号:201510185731.2 6.沈德魁,刘国富,钟毅,肖睿,一种基于权重阀调控的SCR脱硝系统喷氨优化方法,国家发明专利,申请号:201510514520.9 7.沈德魁,刘国富,肖睿,基于喷氨区域(AIG)敏感阀锁定的SCR系统自动控制方法,国家发明专利,申请号:201610102338.7 8.沈德魁,程宗博,肖睿,一种烟气流量与污染物一体化测量的方法及其装置,国家发明专利,申请号:201610207402.8 9.沈德魁,何鹏飞,肖睿,一种Cu-Mn双金属复合低温SCR脱硝催化剂及其制备方法,国家发明专利,申请号:201610248133.X 10.沈德魁,刘娜娜,肖睿,一种木质素液相解聚产物中低聚物分子结构判定的方法,国家发明专利,申请号:201610240699.8 11.沈德魁,金伟,肖睿,一种木质素与低密度聚乙烯、聚碳酸酯或聚苯乙烯共混热解制备芳烃类化合物的方法,申请号:201610803616.1 12.沈德魁,何鹏飞,刘国富,张文杰,一种抗硫抗水的低温脱硝复合分子筛催化剂及其制备方法,国家发明专利,申请号:201710333319.X 荣誉 奖励 1、2018年度东南大学第八届“我最喜爱的研究生导师”评选中获得“十佳导师”称号 2、2017年度教育部自然科学 一等奖(排名第四) 3、2018年度国家科技部产学研促进会成果创新 一等奖(排名第一) 4、2018年度国际工业博览会高校展区创新成果 特等奖(排名第一) 5、2018年度中电联技术创新 二等奖(排名第五) 6、2018年度中国能源研究会技术创新 三等奖(排名第五) 7、2018年度中泰国立奖教金 三等奖 指导学生 硕士研究生: 1、王秀文:木质素催化热解制备芳香族单体化合物的研究,2012.09-2014.06 2、董承建:微波辅助酸解木质素制备酚类化合物的研究,2012.09-2015.03(获得2014年度国家研究生奖学金) 3、毛川川:超级电容器用活性炭的制备及性能研究,2012.09-2015.06 4、程崇博:常压下固体废弃物热解的不可凝气体产物的甲烷化研究,2013.09-2015.09 5、赵静:木质素快速催化热解制备芳香烃的研究,2013.09-2016.06(获得2015年度国家研究生奖学金) 6、姚书恒:用于脱除水中重金属离子的生物质基炭材料制备及改性研究,2013.09-2016.06 7、金伟:木质素共混热解制备单体芳香族化合物机理研究,2014.09-2017.06 (获得2016年度国家研究生奖学金,获得2018年度江苏省优秀硕士学位论文) 8、刘娜娜:微波辅助醇解木质素制备高价值酚类化合物的机理研究,2014.09-2017.06(获得2016年度国家研究生奖学金) 9、张岚清:含氧气氛下的稻秆烘焙机理及其产物吸附性研究,2014.09-2017.06 10、何鹏飞:双金属基SAPO-34低温SCR催化剂制备及性能研究,2014.09-2017.06 11、周娇:木质素共混热解耦合催化重整制备芳香烃的研究,2015.09-2018.06 (获得2019年度江苏省优秀硕士学位论文推荐资格) 12、李明:木质素基活性炭对水中重金属离子吸附的研究,2015.09-2018.06 13、蔡雯雯:生物质组分的分级热解与协同作用,2016.09-2019.06 14、王瑾之:木质素(催化)氧解制备高价值化学品,2016.09-2019.06 15、崔依冬:多相流动系统颗粒流动特性测量技术,2017.09- 16、龙柯沅:生物质催化热转化制备航空燃油的全生命周期评价,2018.09- 17、王翰涛:太阳能光热转换系统储热材料及工艺研究,2018.09- 18、顾学新:太阳能蓄热材料开发及性能研究,2018.09- 19、迂文兵:木质素定向解聚及产物保护机制研究,2018.09- 20、黄阳鹏:生物质基多孔材料对土壤改性的研究,2018.09- 博士研究生: 1、Jiajun Zhang:Quantum simulation and experimental research on the catalytic cracking of lignin-related model compounds, 2014.06-2017.07 (英国Cranfield大学注册博士,2014.10-2016.12月在东南大学开展研究工作,与Prof. Sai Gu共同指导) 2、王章鸿:木质素共混催化热转化制备碳纳米材料,2015.09- (获得2017年国家研究生奖学金、2017年获得省优博论文培育资助计划;2018年1月-2019年1月,获得CSC资助前往英国赫尔大学交流1年) 3、程崇博:木质素液相深度解聚与定向断键制备单体酚类化学品,2015.09- (2017年获得省优博论文培育资助计划;2018年9月-2019年9月,获得CSC资助前往美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校交流1年) 4、刘国富:燃煤电站SCR系统智能控制技术与工程应用,2016.03- 5、李鹏飞:市政污泥耦合农业秸秆厌氧发酵的基础研究,2017.09- (与河南农业大学 焦有宙教授联合指导) 6、朱玲莉:燃气装备超低NOx燃烧技术模拟研究,2018.09- (与西安交通大学 苏中军教授联合指导) 7、王启昌:燃煤烟气中ppm级浓度NOx的气敏测量技术研究,2018.09- 8、张文杰:燃煤烟气中低温SCR催化剂抗硫抗水性能研究,2019.03- 9、朱伟伟:太阳能光热/电联产系统设计及工程应用,2019.03-




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SCI论文 1.Cai, Wenwen; Liu, Qian; Shen, Dekui, Py-GC/MS analysis on product distribution of two-staged biomass pyrolysis, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS, 138 (2019 Mar) 62-69. 2.Jin, Wei; Pastor-Perez, Laura;Shen, DeKui, Catalytic Upgrading of Biomass Model Compounds: Novel Approaches and Lessons Learnt from Traditional Hydrodeoxygenation - a Review, CHEMCATCHEM, 11(3) (2019 Feb) 924-960. 3.Zhang, Jiajun; Fidalgo, Beatriz; Shen, Dekui*, Xiaolei Zhang, Deoxygenation in anisole decomposition over bimetallic catalysts supported on HZSM-5, Fuel, 238 (2019 Feb) 257-266 4.Zhanghong Wang, Dekui Shen*, Chunfei Wu*, State-of-the-art on the production and application of carbon nanomaterials from biomass, Green Chemistry, 20 (2018 Nov) 5031-5057 5.Cheng, Chongbo; Shen, Dekui*; Gu, Sai, Adsorption of C-C Linkage-Contained Lignin Model Compound Over the Metal Surface of Catalysts: Quantum Simulation. TOPICS IN CATALYSIS, 61(15-17) (2018 Oct) 1783-1791 6.Chongbo Cheng, Dekui Shen*, Sai Gu and Kaihong Luo, State-of-the-art catalytic hydrogenolysis of lignin for the production of aromatic chemicals, Catalysis Science and Technology, 8 (2018) 6275-6296 7.Zhang, Jiajun; Fidalgo, Beatriz; Shen, Dekui*, Mechanism of hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) in anisole decomposition over metal loaded Bronsted acid sites: Density Functional Theory (DFT) study, MOLECULAR CATALYSIS, 454 (2018 JUL) 30-37 8.Wang, Zhanghong; Dekui Shen*; Wu, Chunfei*, Thermal behavior and kinetics of co-pyrolysis of cellulose and polyethylene with the addition of transition metals, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, 172 (2018 SEP) 32-38 9.Jiao Zhou, Dekui Shen*, Sai Gu*, Formation of aromatic hydrocarbons from co-pyrolysis of lignin-related model compounds with hydrogen-donor reagents, 134 (2018 Sep) 143-149 10.Xiaoxiang Jiang, Jiao Zhou, Jing Zhao, Dekui Shen*, Catalytic conversion of guaiacol 1 as a model compound for aromatic hydrocarbon production, Biomass and bioenergy, 111 (2018 Apr) 343-351 11.Jiajun Zhang, Xiaolei Zhang, Sai Gu, Dekui Shen*, Mechanism of deoxygenation in anisole decomposition over single-metal loaded HZSM-5: Experimental study, Chemical Engineering Journal, 336 (2018 Mar) 211-222. 12.Qi Wang, Sipian Guan, Dekui Shen*,Experimental and Kinetic Study on Lignin Depolymerization in Water/Formic Acid System, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18 (2017) 2082; doi:10.3390/ijms18102082 13.Wei Jin, Dekui Shen*, Sai Gu, Pyrolytic behavior of lignin-related -O-4 contained model compound with addition of methanol, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 128 (2017 Nov) 363-369 14.Dekui Shen, Wei Jin, Sai Gu, Enhancement of aromatic monomer production from pyrolysis of lignin relatedβ-O-4 contained model compound, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 127 (2017 Sep) 176-182 15.Jiajun Zhang, B. Fidalgo, Dekui Shen*, Sai Gu,Mechanism of transmethylation in anisole decomposition over Brønsted acid sites: Density Functional Theory (DFT) study, Sustainable Energy and Fuel, 1 (2017) 1788 - 1794 16.Xiaoxiang Jiang, Dekui Shen*,Pb(II) ion adsorption by biomass-based carbonaceous fiber modified by the integrated oxidation and vulcanization, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34(10) (2017) 2619–2630. 17.Chongbo Cheng, Jinzhi Wang, Dekui Shen*,Catalytic Oxidation of Lignin in Solvent Systems for Production of Renewable Chemicals: A Review, POLYMERS, 9(6) (2017) 240-264. 18.Zhanghong Wang, Dekui Shen*, Fei Shen, Chunfei Wu, Sai Gu. Equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics of cadmium ions (Cd2+) removal from aqueous solution using earthworm manure-derived carbon materials, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 241 (2017), 612-621 19.Zhanghong Wang, Dekui Shen*, Fei Shen, Chunfei Wu, Sai Gu. Ginkgo biloba L. shells-based adsorbent for the removal of Cu2+ and Cd2+ from aqueous solution: Kinetics, isotherm, thermodynamics and mechanism. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 241 (2017), 603-611 20.Zhanghong Wang, Dekui Shen*, Fei Shen, Chunfei Wu, Sai Gu. Kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamics studies on biosorption of Rhodamine B from aqueous solution by earthworm manure derived biochar. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 120 (2017) 104-114. 21.Chongbo Cheng, Chunfei Wu, Dekui Shen*, Preparation of different Ni-Fe/TiO2-Al2O3 catalysts for H2/CO methanation under atmospheric pressure, Energy Technology, 5(8) (2017) 1218-1227. 22.Bin Zhou, Zhanghong Wang, Dekui Shen, Chunfei Wu, Key, Low cost earthworm manure-derived carbon material for the adsorption of Cu2+from aqueous solution: Impact of pyrolysis temperature, Ecological Engineering 98 (2017) 189–195 23.Qian Liu, Dekui Shen*, Lignin depolymerization to aromatic monomers and oligomers in isopropanol assisted by microwave heating, Polymer Degradation and Stability 135 (2017) 54-60 24.Chongbo Cheng, Dekui Shen*, Chunfei Wu, Methanation of syngas (H2/CO) over the different Ni-based catalysts, Fuel 189 (2017) 419–427 25.Zhanghong Wang, Fei Shen, Dekui Shen*, Rui Xiao, Immobilization of Cu2+ and Cd2+ by earthworm manure derived biochar in acidic circumstance, Journal of Environmental Sciences 53 (2017) 293-300 26.Jiajun Zhang, Dekui Shen*, Sai Gu, Mechanism of transmethylation in anisole decomposition overHZSM-5: Experimental study, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 122 (2016) 323–331 27.Shiliang Wu, Dekui Shen, Rui Xiao*, Role of ˇ-O-4 glycosidic bond on thermal degradation of cellulose, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 119 (2016) 147–156; 28.Wei Jin, Dekui Shen*, Qian Liu, Rui Xiao, Evaluation of the co-pyrolysis of lignin with plastic polymers by TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 133 (2016) 65-74 29.Dekui Shen, Jing Zhao, Rui Xiao, Catalytic transformation of lignin to aromatic hydrocarbons over solid-acid catalyst: Effect of lignin sources and catalyst species, Energy Conversion and Management, 124 (2016) 61-72 30.Zhanghong Wang, Dekui Shen*, Fei Shen, Tianyu Li, Phosphate adsorption on lanthanum loaded biochar, Chemosphere, 150 (2016) 1-7 31.Shuheng Yao, Jaijun Zhang, Dekui Shen*, Rui Xiao, Sai Gu, Removal of Pb(II) from water by the activated carbon modified by nitric acid under microwave heating, Journal of Colloid and interface Science, 463 (2016) 118-127 32.Jun Hu, Dekui Shen, Ru Xiao, Catalytic cleavage of C–O linkages in benzyl phenyl ether assisted by microwave heating, RSC Advances, 5 (2015) 43972-43977 33.Dekui Shen, Wei Jin, Jun Hu, Rui Xiao, Kaihong Luo, An overview on fast pyrolysis of the main constituents in lignocellulosic biomass to valued-added chemicals: Structures, pathways and interactions, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 51 (2015) 761–774 34.Dekui Shen, Shuheng Yao, Shiliang Wu Qian Liu, Rui Xiao, Kinetic study on the thermo-oxidative degradation of glyceraldehyde under different oxygen concentrations, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 113 (2015) 665-671 35.Dekui Shen, Lanqing Zhang, Jiangtao Xue, Shipian Guan, Qian Liu, Rui Xiao, Thermal degradation of xylan-based hemicellulose under oxidative atmosphere, Carbohydrate Polymers, 127 (2015) 363-371 36.Dekui Shen, Guofu Liu, Jing Zhao, Jiangtao Xue, Shipian Guan, Rui Xiao, Thermo-chemical conversion of lignin to aromatic compounds: Effect of lignin source and reaction temperature, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 112 (2015) 56-65 37.Dekui Shen, Nana Liu, Chengjian Dong, Rui Xiao, Sai Gu, Catalytic solvolysis of lignin with the modified HUSYs in formic acid assisted by microwave heating, Chemical Engineering Journal, 270 (2015) 641-647. 38.Dekui Shen, Jing Zhao, Rui Xiao*, Sai Gu, Production of aromatic monomers from catalytic pyrolysis of black-liquor lignin, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 111 (2015) 47-54. 39.Jing Zhao, Xiuwen Wang, Dekui Shen*, Rui Xiao, Baosheng Jin, Thermal degradation of softwood lignin and hardwood lignin by TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 108 (2014) 133-138 40.Chengjian Dong, Chunguang Feng, Qiang Liu, Dekui Shen*, Rui Xiao, Mechanism on microwave-assisted acidic solvolysis ofblack-liquor lignin, Bioresource Technology, 162 (2014) 136-141 41.Shiliang Wu, Dekui Shen, Jun Hu, Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao*, Intensive Interaction Region during Co-pyrolysis of Lignin and Cellulose: Experimental Observation and Kinetic Assessment, BioResources, 9(2) (2014) 2259-2273 42.Jun Hu, Dekui Shen, Shiliang Wu, Rui Xiao*, Huiyan Zhang,Effect of Temperature on Structure Evolution in Char from Hydrothermal Degradation of Lignin,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 106 (2014) 118-124 43.Jun Hu, Dekui Shen, Shiliang Wu, Rui Xiao*, Huiyan Zhang,Composition analysis of organosolv lignin and its catalytic solvolysis in supercritical alcohol, Energy and Fuels, 28 (2014)4260-4266 44.Shao SS, Zhang HY, Xiao R, Dekui Shen, Zheng J. Comparison of Catalytic Characteristics of Biomass Derivates with Different Structures Over ZSM-5. BioEnergy Research, 6 (2013) 1173-1182 45.Dekui Shen, Jiangming Ye, Rui Xiao, Huiyan Zhang, TG-MS analysis for thermal decomposition of cellulose under different atmospheres, Carbohydrate Polymers, 98(1) 2013, 514-521,-236YO 46.Dekui Shen, Jun Hu. Rui Xiao, Huiyan Zhang, Shefeng Li, Sai Gu, Online evolved gas analysis by Thermogravimetric-Mass Spectroscopy for thermal decomposition of biomass and its components under different atmospheres: Part I. Lignin, Bioresource Technology, 130 (2013) 449-456;--104YI 47.Dekui Shen, Rui Xiao, Mengxiang Fang, Wanki Chow, Thermal-balanced integral model for pyrolysis and ignition of wood, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30 (2013) 228-234;--066QH 48.Qian Liu, Dekui Shen*, Rui Xiao, Mengxiang Fang, Thermal Behavior of Wood Slab Under a Truncated-Cone Electrical Heater: Experimental Observation, Combustion Science and Technology, 185 (2013) 848-862;--130DZ 49.Qian Liu, Dekui Shen*, Rui Xiao, Huiyan Zhang, Mengxiang Fang, A mathematical description of thermal decomposition and spontaneous ignition of wood slab under a truncated-cone heater, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30 (2013) 613-619;--101CK 50.Jun Hu, Dekui Shen, Rui Xiao, Shiliang Wu, Huiyan Zhang, Free-Radical Analysis on Thermochemical Transformation of Lignin to Phenolic Compounds, Energy and Fuels, 27 (2013) 285-293; 51.Jun Hu, Rui Xiao, Dekui Shen, Huiyan Zhang, Structural analysis of lignin residue from black liquor and its thermal performance in thermogravimetric-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Bioresource Technology, 128 (2013) 633-639; 52.Shiliang Wu, Dekui Shen, Jun Hu, Rui Xiao, Huiyan Zhang, TG-FTIR and Py-GC-MS analysis of a model compound of cellulose – glyceraldehyde, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 101 (2013) 79-85; 53.Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao, Dekui Shen, Baosheng Jin, Co-catalytic pyrolysis of biomass and waste triglyceride seed oil in a novel fluidized bed reactor to produce olefins and aromatics integrated with self-heating and catalyst regeneration processes, RSC Advances, 3 (2013) 5769-5774. 54.Jun Cao, Gang Xiao, Xiao Xu, Dekui Shen, Study on carbonization of lignin by TG-FTIR and high-temperature carbonization reactor, Fuel Processing Technology, 106 (2013) 41-47 55.Xiaoxiang Jiang, Ellis. Naoko, Dekui Shen, Jianchun Jiang, Thermogravimetry-FTIR Analysis of Pyrolysis of Pyrolytic Lignin Extracted from Bio-Oil, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 35 (2012) 827-833 56.Dekui Shen, Jun Hu, Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao, Estimation of Thermal Instability of Two Lignins from Black Liquor by Thermogravimetric-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Journal of Bioprocess Engineering and Biorefinery, 1 (2) (2012) 176-182; 57.Dekui Shen, Shiliang Wu, Rui Xiao, Jun Hu, Theoretical study on the evolition of CO from glyceraldehyde decomposition through quantum simulation, Journal of Bioprocess Engineering and Biorefinery, 1 (2) (2012) 156-163; 58.Dekui Shen, Rui Xiao, Sai Gu, Kaihong Luo, The pyrolytic behavior of cellulose in lignocellulosic biomass: a review, RSC Advances, 1 (2011) 1641-1660; 59.Dekui Shen, Sai Gu, Baosheng Jin, Mengxiang Fang, Thermal degradation mechanisms of wood under inert and oxidative environments using DAEM methods, Bioresource Technology, 102 (2011) 2047-2052; 60.Jubing Zhang, Zhaoping Zhong, Dekui Shen, Characteristics of a fluidized bed electrode for a direct carbon fuel cell anode, Journal of Power Sources, 196 (2011) 3054-3059 61.Jubing Zhang, Zhaoping Zhong, Dekui Shen, Preparation of Bamboo-Based Activated Carbon and Its Application in Direct Carbon Fuel Cells, Energy and Fuels, 25 (2011) 2187-2193 62.Dekui Shen, Sai Gu, Anthony Bridgwater, Study on the pyrolytic behavior of xylan-based hemicellulose using TG-FTIR and Py-GC-FTIR, Journal of Analytic and Applied Pyrolysis, 87(2) (2010) 199-206. 63.Dekui Shen, Sai Gu, Kaihong Luo, Shurong Wang, The pyrolytic degradation of wood-derived lignin from pulping process, Bioresource Technology, 101(15) (2010) 6136-6146. 64.Dekui Shen, Sai Gu, Pyrolytic behavior of cellulose in a fluidized bed reactor, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 44(1-3) (2010) 79-87. 65.Dekui Shen, Sai Gu, Anthony Bridgwater, The thermal performance of the polysaccharides extracted from hardwood: cellulose and hemicellulose, Carbohydrate Polymers, 82(1) (2010) 39-45. 66.D.K. Shen, S. Gu, K.H. Luo, M.X. Fang and A.V. Bridgwater, Kinetic study on thermal decomposition of woods in oxidative environment, Fuel, 88(6) (2009) 1024-1030. 67.D.K. Shen, S. Gu, K.H. Luo and A.V. Bridgwater, A study on the structural changes of wood during rapid pyrolysis by thermal radiation, Energy and Fuels, 23 (2) (2009) 1081-1088. 68.D.K. Shen,S. Gu, The mechanism for thermal decomposition of cellulose and its main products, Bioresource Technology, 100 (2009) 6496-6504.
