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刘莹,社会福利博士(Ph.D in Social Welfare),东南大学社会学系讲师、副系主任,安徽芜湖人。 联系方式:东南大学九龙湖校区文科楼A座 教育背景 2006-2010北京大学社会学系法学学士 2010-2017香港中文大学社会工作学系社会福利博士 2014.2-2014.7澳大利亚新南威尔士大学社会政策研究中心访问学者 科研项目 2017.8-今北京市自闭症儿童家庭抗逆力的行动研究,北京市社会科学基金项目,项目参与人 2012.11-2013.6 Life of Work-Disabled Individuals in Mainland China: Struggle to Find a Way Out(Outstanding Research Project ofI.CARE Research and Studies Scheme 2012-13),I-CARE Programme,香港中文大学,项目负责人 2011.11-2012.5 Social Impacts of Minimum Wage Policy on Family Relationships of Chinese Immigrant Women(Outstanding Research Project ofI.CARE Research and Studies Scheme 2011-12)I-CARE Programme,香港中文大学,项目负责人




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Liu, Y., Fisher. K. (2017).Engaging with disability services: experiences of families from Chinese backgrounds in Sydney.Australian Social Work, 70(4), 441-452 (SSCI). Liu, Y., Lam, C. M., & Yan, M. C. (2012).A challenged professional identity: the struggles of new social workers in China.China Journal of Social Work, 5(3), 189-200. 林静雯,刘莹(2011)。结合理论、实践与研究:以“共创成长路”青少年培育计划为案例。青年探索,第3期,18-22页。 刘莹(2011)。社会融入的困局:自闭症儿童家长非正常化理念建构初探。载于李敬,程为敏。透视自闭症:本土家庭实证研究与海外经验。北京:研究出版社。 学术会议 2015,Family carers of people with disabilities from Chinese backgrounds in Sydney,East Asian Social Policy Conference 2015, Singapore 2015,Understanding identity of parents having children with Autism in Beijing: an explorative study,Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium 2015, Hong Kong 2014,The parenting experience and identity construction of parents having children with autism in China,SPRC Seminar Series, Australia 2013,Struggling moments: life of injured workers in China,The 9th Social Policy International Conference, Shanghai
