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教育经历 1986.7 1989.7 抚顺二中 无 2009.9 2012.12 大连理工大学 管理科学与工程 博士 1993.7 1996.7 辽宁大学 国际金融 硕士 1989.7 1993.7 辽宁大学 统计 学士 工作经历 2015.6 至今 金融与会计研究所 教师 2004.9 2015.6 经济学院 金融所副所长 1996.7 2004.9 大连理工大学管理学院 教师




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Liang Yan,Dong Jianyan,Zhang Lefan.The Influence of Involuntary Excess Reserves on Bank Risk-taking Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Commercial Banks[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH (2018) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FINANCIAL RISK AND CORPORATE FINANCE MANAGEMENT (FRCFM),2018,379-384 梁艳,杨振兴,姜玉萍.银行高管、社会联结与银行的风险承担[J],现代财经(天津财经大学学报),2016,06:80-88 林海波,梁艳,毛程连.房价和知识移民吸引是两难吗?——基于大中城市面板数据的分位数实证研究[J],人口与经济,2016,1:10-18 Liang Yan,Wang Xiaodong,Wang Guoda.Effect of Bank Capital Regulations on Asset Allocation[A],7th International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Finance Management,2015,117-122 梁艳,刘梧.隔夜拆借利率与商业银行风险承担实证研究[J],湖南财政经济学院学报,2014,30(2):132-136 Liang, Yan,Liang, Chaoqun,Liu, Wu.Empirical Study on Effects of Bank Risk-Taking on Credit Scale-Based on Capital Discipline Perspective[A],International Conference on Social Science and Management (ICSSM),2014,390-394 梁艳,贺晓晓.融资约束、研发投资与制造业效益的可持续性增长[J],改革,2013,236(10):54-60 梁艳,原毅军,杨乾坤.基于演化博弈分析的银行业监管研究[J],预测,2013,32(5):34-38 梁艳,董维刚.Reasearch on Strategy of Commercial Bank Risk-taking Behavior and Capital Regulation Based on Signal Game[A],Proceedings of 5th(2013) International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Finance Management,2013,5(5):459-464 梁艳,李爽,杨乾坤.建立离岸金融中心的影响因素分析——基于大连的视角[J],北方经济,2012,6:74-75 梁艳,李爽.银行业竞争对银行风险承担的影响研究[J],当代经济管理,2012,34(1):94-97 Liang Yan,Yang Qiankun,Wang Yangyang.Study on Market Discipline Effect of Subordinated Debts of Commercial Banks Under the Government Implicit Guarantee[A],9th International Forum on International Trade and Investment,2012,315-320 Liang Yan,Yuan Yijun,Liu Yu.Study on Market Discipline Effect of Subordinated Debts of Commercial Banks in China Based on Yield Spreads Model[A],4th International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Finance Management,2012,516-521 梁艳,徐元华.基于不对称SV模型的隔夜信息对股市影响研究[J],大连理工大学学报(社会科学版),2011,32(3):34-38 Liang Y.,Liu L.,Wang Y..The research on the impact of capital requirements on credit channel of monetary policy[A],2011 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce, AIMSEC 2011,2011,2617-2620 Liang Yan,Li Shuang.The Impact of Banking Competition on Bank Risk-taking[A],3rd International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Finance Management,2011,662-667 梁艳,刘洋.基于VaR的商业银行静态资本优化研究[J],现代商业,2010,29:23-25 梁艳,孙珩,李爽.美国银行管理层利益与过度投资相关性研究[J],中国证券期货,2010,09:124-125 Liang Y.,Yang X..The bank assets allocation under equilibrium liquidity management strategy[A],2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2010,2010 梁艳,亢晗.基于风险调整的中国商业银行成本效率研究[J],统计与决策,2009,15:85-87 梁艳,刘美珍.金融学本科专业实验教学存在的问题及对策[J],中国科教创新导刊,2009,23:109 梁艳.Analysis on the Relationship between Executive Compensation and Over-investment in U.S. Banks[A],The 5th International Symposium For Corporate Governance,2009,1695-1700 Liang Yan,Sun Heng,Li Shuang.Analysis on the Relationship Between Executive Compensation and Over-investment in US Banks[A],5th International Symposium for Corporate Governance,2009,1695-1700 梁艳,吕尚霖,赵璐璐.区域经济发展与地方财政关系实证分析:以辽宁省为例[J],大连理工大学学报(社会科学版),2008,29(4):36-39 梁艳.The Relationship between Regional Economy Growth and Local Fiscal Expenditure: Evident from Liaoning Province[A],Jinan University 2008 Conference on Regional Economy and Sustainable Development,2008,705-709 Liang Yan,Lv Shanglin.The Relationship between Regional Economy Growth and Local Fiscal Expenditure: Empirical Study of Liaoning Province[A],Conference on Regional Economy and Sustainable Development,2008,705-709 杨德权,梁艳.金融发展与经济增长:国外研究综述[J],财经问题研究,2005,3:15-19
