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教育经历 2006.9 2011.1 大连理工大学 技术经济及管理 博士 2004.9 2006.6 大连理工大学 技术经济及管理 硕士 2000.9 2004.6 大连理工大学 信息管理与信息系统 学士 1997.9 2000.6 天津市第43中学 工作经历 2013.12 至今 大连理工大学 副教授 2013.3 2013.12 大连理工大学 讲师 2011.3 2013.3 大连理工大学




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Chen X Y., Cui Miao*(通讯作者). Understanding platform transformation from internal to external: A resource orchestration perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022(9): 121868. (JCR一区, ABS3, 影响因子10.884) Cui Miao*, Jinfang Qian. Business transformation from B2C to B2C & B2B: a fintech company case study. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2022. (ABS2,影响因子3.745). Cui Miao, Jinfang Qian, Lili Cui*. Developing precision agriculture through creating information processing capability in rural China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2022, 92: 237-252. (JCR一区, ABS3, 影响因子5.157) Cui Miao, Wanling Li, Li Cui*, Yibo Jia, Lin Wu. How do keystones govern their business ecosystems through resource orchestration? Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2022, 122(9): 1987-2011. (JCR二区, ABS2, 影响因子4.224) Cui Miao, Jinfang Qian, Xin Dai*, Mengjun Liu. Transition from offfline to online through digital resource bricolage in a health crisis. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2021, 13(4): 69-96. (ABS2) Cui Miao, Li X, Kamoche K. Transforming from Traditional to E-intermediary: A Resource Orchestration Perspective. International Journal of Electronic Commerce,2021,25(3): 338-363. (ABS3, 影响因子 7.730) Cui Miao*, Liu Y, Qian J. Achieving continuous interaction with users: An in-depth case study of Xiaomi. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 2021, 60 (April-June), 101630. (SSCI, ABS2,影响因子3.347) Pan S L, Cui Miao*(通讯作者), Qian J. Information resource orchestration during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of community lockdowns in China. International Journal of Information Management, 2020, 102143. (ESI高被引论文,ESI热点论文,JCR一区,信息系统领域TOP1期刊,影响因子18.958,谷歌学术被引121次) Cui Miao*, Pan S L, Cui L. Developing community capability for e‐commerce development in rural China: A resource orchestration perspective. Information Systems Journal, 2019, 29(4): 953-988. (JCR一区,ABS 4, 信息系统领域TOP6期刊, 影响因子7.767,谷歌学术被引26次) Du Y, Cui Miao*(通讯作者), Su J. Implementation processes of online and offline channel conflict management strategies in manufacturing enterprises: A resource orchestration perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 2018, 39: 136-145. (JCR一区,信息系统领域TOP1期刊, 影响因子18.958,谷歌学术被引25次) Cui Miao, Pan S L, Newell S, Cui L L*. Strategy, resource orchestration and e-commerce enabled social innovation in Rural China. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 2017, 26(1): 3-21. (JCR一区,ABS4, 信息系统领域TOP2期刊, 影响因子14.682,谷歌学术被引145次) Cui Miao*, Pan S L. Developing focal capabilities for e-commerce adoption: A resource orchestration perspective. Information & Management, 2015, 52(2): 200-209. (JCR一区,信息系统领域TOP5期刊, 影响因子10.328,谷歌学术被引144次) Hong Y, Cui Miao* (通讯作者), Zhang H H. Distribution structure and evolution of global innovators based on patent coupling analysis: a study of the flat panel display industry. International Journal of Technology Management, 2019, 81(1-2): 94-117. (JCR三区, 影响因子1.160) Cui Miao, Sitara A, Whether sharing economy creates social value. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 2019. Cui Miao, Su J, Cao J, et al. Dalian Sanyo Cold Chain: The Service Industrialization as a New Development Engine. Asian Case Research Journal, 2015, 19(01): 1-28. Cui Miao, Dong C, Liu Y, et al. A cultural integration path for cross-border mergers and acquisitions from the perspective of acculturation: A double case study. Nankai Business Review International, 2016, 7(3): 395-422. (ESCI检索,被引7) Qiu J,Wang C,Cui Miao.The influence of cognitive conflict on the result of collaborative editing in Wikipedia. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2014,33(12):1361-1370.
