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教育经历 2004.9-2010.10 大连理工大学 | 船舶与海洋结构物设计构造 | 博士 2007.10-2009.9 广岛大学 工学研究科 | 輸送・環境システム総合工学 | 特别研究生(国家留学基金委公派项目) 2000.9-2004.7 大连理工大学 | 船舶与海洋工程 | 学士 工作经历 2010.10-至今 大连理工大学 船舶工程学院 | 讲师、副教授 2010.10-2012.10 大连理工大学机械工程博士后流动站 | 博士后 社会兼职 [1] 英国皇家造船师学会会员(MRINA)




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[1] Yang, Guiqiang.A Unified Framework for Nonrigid Point Set Registration via Coregularized Least Squares[J],IEEE Access,2022,8:130263-130280 [2] 李瑞.Automatic design method and application in complex ship block lifting[A],International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding 2015, ICCAS 2015,2022,3:115-121 [3] 刘玉君.Automatic Design Method and Application in Complex Ship Block Lifting[J],Journal of Ship Production and Design,2022,33(4):283-290 [4] Wei, Zhi-yuan.Numerical and Experimental Research on Distribution and Evolution of Coupling Residual Stresses Induced by Cutting-Welding Continuous Process[J],Journal of Ship Production and Design,2022,34(2):134-143 [5] 汪骥.Numerical simulation of hull curved plate forming by electromagnetic force assisted line heating[A],2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIAL ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING (ICMEM 2017),2022,265(1) [6] 李瑞.Performance evaluation in shipbuilding based on earned value theory[J],Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering University,2022,30(3):244-249 [7] 汪骥.Research of fast point cloud registration method in construction error analysis of hull blocks[J],International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering,2022,12:605-616 [8] 李瑞.Research on the intelligent design method of block lifting in shipbuilding[A],International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding 2013, ICCAS 2013,2022,2:183-188 [9] 李瑞.Research on the ITOC based scheduling system for ship piping production[J],Journal of Marine Science and Application,2022,9(4):355-362 [10] 刘勃.Research on the two-dimensional PSO based method for sub-assembly identification in ship block building[A],RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - 19th International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding, ICCAS 2019,2022,3 [11] 汪骥.Research on the weight control technique in the manufacturing of offshore engineering structure[J],Advanced materials research,2022,314-316:2140-2151 [12] 李瑞.Ultimate bearing capacity research on hybrid-junction scaffold[A],2012 3rd International Conference on System Science, Engineering Design and Manufacturing Informatization, ICSEM 2012,2022,1:88-92 [13] wangshun.Analysis of Forming Regularity in Line Heating Process for Curved Hull Plate by Considering the Plate Deflection[J],Journal of Ship Production and Design,2022,35(3):211-219 [14] Yang, Guiqiang.A robust nonrigid point set registration framework based on global and intrinsic topological constraints[J],VISUAL COMPUTER,2022 [15] 刘玉君.海洋结构物重量控制软件系统开发研究[A],2011年CAD/CAM学术交流会议,2022,16-20 [16] 丰军华.焊接顺序对多筋板结构残余应力和变形的影响[A],2012中国大连国际海事论坛,2022,52-56 [17] 刘玉君.焊接顺序对底板结构变形影响的数值研究[J],热加工工艺,2022,11:189-191 [18] 汪骥.大型船舶推进轴系轴承位移调整优化及负荷预报方法研究[J],中国造船,2022,4:152-160 [19] 汪骥.大型船舶推进轴系轴承位移调整优化及负荷预报方法研究[J],中国造船,2022,56(4):152-160 [20] 刘晓.大型轴系运转工况下轴承负荷测量方法[J],实验技术与管理,2022,37(10):67-71
