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教育经历 2003.10 2006.9 名古屋大学 交通规划与管理 博士 2000.9 2003.4 同济大学 城市规划 硕士 1995.9 2000.7 同济大学 城市规划 学士 工作经历 2009.4 至今 大连理工大学 副教授 2008.4 2009.3 日本神户大学 学术振兴研究员 2007.1 2008.3 日本神户大学 COE特别研究员 2006.10 2006.12 日本丰田都市交通研究所 研究员(兼职) 2006.10 2006.12 名古屋大学 博士后研究员 2003.4 2003.9 上海博宏咨询有限公司 城市规划师


先进交通信息系统,交通行为模型; 城市和区域规划,交通规划,交通地理学; 时空行为和交通需求管理,互联网定制交通; 新能源交通系统,行为差异和系统耦合; 智能交通诱导系统,交通节能减排


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Dou, Xueping.Customized bus service design for uncertain commuting travel demand[J],TRANSPORTMETRICA A-TRANSPORT SCIENCE,2021,17(4):1405-1430 Gao, Hong,Liu, Kai,Peng, Xinchao,Li, Cheng.Optimal Location of Fast Charging Stations for Mixed Traffic of Electric Vehicles and Gasoline Vehicles Subject to Elastic Demands[J],ENERGIES,2020,13(8) Wang, Jiangbo,Yamamoto, Toshiyuki,Liu, Kai.Key determinants and heterogeneous frailties in passenger loyalty toward customized buses: An empirical investigation of the subscription termination hazard of users[J],TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES,2020,115 刘锴,Peng X,Chen Z.A deep learning method for travel demand predictions of dynamic internet based ride-sharing[A],2019 刘锴,刘超.基于站点分割聚类算法的定制公交站点和线路规划研究[A],2019,8 Wang, Jiangbo,Liu, Kai,Yamamoto, Toshiyuki.Role of Customized Bus Services in the Transportation System: Insight from Actual Performance[J],JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION,2019,2019 Ullah, Irfan,Liu, Kai,Tran Vanduy.Examining Travelers' Acceptance towards Car Sharing SystemsPeshawar City, Pakistan[J],SUSTAINABILITY,2019,11(3) Liu, Kai,Wang, Jiangbo,Yamamoto, Toshiyuki,Morikawa, Takayuki.Exploring the interactive effects of ambient temperature and vehicle auxiliary loads on electric vehicle energy consumption[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2018,227(,SI):324-331 刘锴,潘宝峰,张术琳.辩论式教学法在交通地理信息系统教学中的应用[J],高等建筑教育,2018,27(4):106-109 Liu, Kai,Zuo, Zhi,Ando, Ryosuke,Jia, Jie.Heterogeneity in the effectiveness of cooperative crossing collision prevention systems[J],TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES,2018,87:1-10 Liu Kai,Wang Jiangbo,Yamamoto Toshiyuki,Morikawa Takayuki.Exploring the interactive effects of ambient temperature and vehicle auxiliary loads on electric vehicle energy consumption[J],Applied Energy,2018,227:324-331 刘锴,刘超,安藤良辅,贾洁.车路协同环境下道路无信号交叉口防碰撞系统警示效果[J],中国公路学报,2018,31(4):222-230 Wang, Xu,Liu, Kai.A Crash Surrogate Metric considering Traffic Flow Dynamics in a Motorway Corridor[J],JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION,2018,2018 Xu, Min,Meng, Qiang,Liu, Kai,Yamamoto, Toshiyuki.Joint charging mode and location choice model for battery electric vehicle users[J],TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL,2017,103(,SI):68-86 Luo, Xiao,Dong, Liang,Dou, Yi,Li, Yan,Liu, Kai,Mai, Xianmin,Ren, Jingzheng,Liang, Hanwei.Factor decomposition analysis and causal mechanism investigation on urban transport CO2 emissions: Comparative study on Shanghai and Tokyo[J],ENERGY POLICY,2017,107:658-668 Liu, Kai,Yamamoto, Toshiyuki,Morikawa, Takayuki.Impact of road gradient on energy consumption of electric vehicles[J],TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT,2017,54:74-81 Xu, Min,Meng, Qiang,Liu, Kai.Network user equilibrium problems for the mixed battery electric vehicles and gasoline vehicles subject to battery swapping stations and road grade constraints[J],TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL,2017,99:138-166 Tang, Tie-Qiao,Zhang, Jian,Liu, Kai.A speed guidance model accounting for the driver's bounded rationality at a signalized intersection[J],PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2017,473:45-52 孙叶,刘锴.里程焦虑对纯电动汽车使用意愿的影响[J],武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2017,41(1):87-91 Tang, Tie-Qiao,Liu, Kai,Yu, Qiang.Analysis of the traffic running cost in a two-route system with feedback strategy[J],PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2017,466:1-9 刘锴.Improving estimation accuracy for electric vehicle energy consumption considering the effects of ambient temperature[J],Energy Procedia,2017,105(1):2904-2909 刘锴.Exploring the interactive effects of ambient temperature and vehicle auxiliary loads on electric vehicle energy consumption[J],Applied Energy,2017,In press(In press):1-12 Wang, Jiangbo,Liu, Kai,Yamamoto, Toshiyuki.Improving Electricity Consumption Estimation for Electric Vehicles Based on Sparse GPS Observations[J],ENERGIES,2017,10(1) Liu, Kai,Wang, Jiangbo,Yamamoto, Toshiyuki,Morikawa, Takayuki.Modelling the multilevel structure and mixed effects of the factors influencing the energy consumption of electric vehicles[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2016,183:1351-1360 Wang, Jiang-bo,Liu, Kai,Yamamoto, Toshiyuki,Morikawa, Takayuki.Improving estimation accuracy for electric vehicle energy consumption considering the effects of ambient temperature[A],2016,105:2904-2909 Tang, Tie-Qiao,Luo, Xiao-Feng,Liu, Kai.Impacts of the driver's bounded rationality on the traffic running cost under the car-following model[J],PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2016,457:316-321 刘锴,李昂,孙小慧.电动汽车充电站布局优化研究[J],城市交通,2016,14(4):64-69 Sun, Yutao,Liu, Kai.Proximity effect, preferential attachment and path dependence in inter-regional network: a case of China's technology transaction[J],SCIENTOMETRICS,2016,108(1):201-220 Liu, Kai,Cui, Meng-Ying,Cao, Peng,Wang, Jiang-Bo.Iterative Bayesian Estimation of Travel Times on Urban Arterials: Fusing Loop Detector and Probe Vehicle Data[J],PLOS ONE,2016,11(6):e0158123 Tang, Tie-Qiao,Yu, Qiang,Liu, Kai.Analysis of the traffic running cost under random route choice behavior in a network with two routes[J],PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2016,449:408-415 左志,王涛,潘晓锋,刘锴.基于通勤行为的电动汽车充电站选址模型[J],武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2016,40(2):233-237 王东磊,刘锴,安藤良辅.低排放导向的交叉口速度引导策略研究[J],交通运输研究,2016,2(1):31-37 左志,王涛,刘锴.新能源汽车购买行为及其环境影响效果研究[J],交通运输研究,2016,1(6):40-44,50 刘锴.Improving the estimation accuracy of electric vehicle energy consumption considering the effects of ambient temperature[A],2016,1(1):1-6 孙玉涛,刘锴.Proximity effect, preferential attachment and path dependence in inter-regional network[J],Scientometric,2016,108(1):201-220 王欢明,刘锴.基于责任理论的定制公交服务政府干预研究[J],复旦公共行政评论,2016,1:47-64 刘锴,王江波,陈晋.基于多层混合效应的电动汽车能耗估计模型[J],武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2015,39(6):1115-1118,1124 姚荣涵,王筱雨,赵胜川,徐洪峰,刘锴.基于机动车比功率的单点信号配时优化模型[J],交通运输系统工程与信息,2015,15(5):89-95 Zuo Z.,Pan X.-F.,Liu K..Parameter Calibration in Cumulative Prospect Theory for Travelers' Route Choice Behavior[A],2015,2696-2708 刘锴,孙小慧,左志.电动汽车充电站布局优化方法研究综述[J],武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2015,3:523-528
