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David John Procter was born in Leyland in Lancashire, England. He obtained his BSc in Chemistry from the University of Leeds in 1992 and his PhD in 1995 working with Professor Christopher Rayner on the asymmetric oxidation of sulfides with novel selenoxide salts. He then spent two years as a postdoctoral research associate with Professor Robert Holton at Florida State University in Tallahassee, USA working on the synthesis of analogues of the anticancer agent Taxol. In late 1997 he took up a Lectureship at the University of Glasgow in Scotland and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in February 2004. In September 2004, he moved to a Readership at the University of Manchester. David was promoted to Professor in October 2008. His research interests lie in the development of new synthetic methods, target synthesis, and catalysis.


David has introduced new strategies for the efficient construction of organic molecules with important properties. For example, he has completed the total synthesis of challenging natural architectures using new cyclizations developed in his team (incl. the antibacterial pleuromutilin), prepared novel organic materials using his new methods, developed copper-catalyzed multicomponent couplings, and invented metal-free coupling processes that lessen our reliance on expensive and supply-risk late transition metals. Much of his work has been carried out in collaboration with Industry (30 grants from Industry) and with academic teams in theoretical, physical organic, and materials chemistry and in physics and biology.


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Radical Anions from Urea-type Carbonyls: Radical Cyclizations and Cyclization Cascades Huang, H., McDouall, J. J. W. & Procter, D. 1 Mar 2018 In : Angewandte Chemie. Biocatalytic conversion of cyclic ketones bearing α-quaternary stereocenters to lactones in an enantioselective radical approach to medium-sized carbocycles Morrill, C., Jensen, C., Just-Baringo, X., Grogan, G., Turner, N. & Procter, D. 2018 In : Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Synthesis of C2 Substituted Benzothiophenes via an Interrupted Pummerer/[3,3]-Sigmatropic/1,2-Migration Cascade of Benzothiophene S-Oxides He, Z., Shrives, H., Fernandez-Salas, J. A., Abengozar, A., Neufeld, J., Yang, K., Pulis, A. & Procter, D. 2018 In : Angewandte Chemie. Radical heterocyclization and heterocyclization cascades triggered by electron transfer to amide-type carbonyls Huang, H. & Procter, D. 26 Dec 2017 In : Angewandte Chemie. 56, 45, p. 14262-14266 5 p. Reduction of selenoamides to amines using SmI2-H2O Thurow, S., Lenardão, E. J., Just-Baringo, X. & Procter, D. 6 Jan 2017 In : Organic letters. 19, 1, p. 50-53 4 p. Dearomatizing radical cyclizations and cyclization cascades triggered by electron-transfer reduction of amide-type car-bonyls Huang, H-M. & Procter, D. 2017 In : Journal of the American Chemical Society. 139, 4 Dual vicinal functionalisation of heterocycles via an interrupted Pummerer coupling/[3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement cascade Siauciulis, M., Sapmaz, S., Pulis, A. & Procter, D. 2017 In : Chemical Science. Enantioselective copper catalysed, direct functionalisation of allenes via allyl copper intermediates Pulis, A., Yeung, K. & Procter, D. 2017 In : Chemical Science. 8, p. 5240-5247 8 p. Enantioselective cyclizations and cyclization cascades of samarium ketyl radicals Kern, N., Plesniak, M., Mcdouall, J. & Procter, D. 2017 In : Nature Chemistry. Regioselective synthesis of C3 alkylated and arylated benzothiophenes Shrives, H., Fernandez-Salas, J. A., Hedtke, C., Pulis, A. & Procter, D. 2017 In : Nature communications. 8, 7 p., 14801 Selective Construction of Quaternary Stereocentres in Radical Cyclisation Cascades triggered by electron-transfer reduction of amide-type carbonyls Huang, H., Bonilla Dominguez, P. & Procter, D. 2017 In : Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 15, p. 4159-4164 6 p. SmCpR 2-mediated cross-coupling of allyl and propargyl ethers with ketoesters and a telescoped approach to complex cycloheptanols Plesniak, M., Just-Baringo, X., Ortu, F., Mills, D. & Procter, D. 10 Nov 2016 In : Chemical Communications. 52, p. 13503-13506 4 p. Metal-free C–H thioarylation of arenes using sulfoxides: A direct, general diaryl sulfide synthesis Fernandez-Salas, J. A., Pulis, A. & Procter, D. 27 Sep 2016 In : Chemical Communications. 83 Selective synthesis of cyclooctanoids by radical cyclization of seven-membered lactones: neutron diffraction study of the stereoselective deuteration of a chiral organosamarium Just-Baringo, X., Clark, J., Gutmann, M. & Procter, D. 19 Sep 2016 In : Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 55, 40 Enantioselective generation of adjacent stereocentres via a copper-catalyzed three component coupling of imines, allenes and diboranes Yeung, K., Ruscoe, R., Rae, J., Pulis, A. & Procter, D. 12 Sep 2016 In : Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 55, 39, p. 11912-11916 5 p. C–H coupling reactions directed by sulfoxides: teaching an old functional group new tricks Pulis, A. & Procter, D. Aug 2016 In : Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 55, 34, p. 9842–9860 Iron-mediated oxidative C-H coupling of arenes and alkenes directed by sulfur: An expedient route to dihydrobenzofurans Cavanagh, C., Aukland, M., Laurent, Q., Hennessy, A. & Procter, D. 21 Jun 2016 In : Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 14, 23, p. 5286-5292 7 p. Highly selective SmI2–H2O-promoted radical cyclisation of five-membered lactones Procter, D. J. Mar 2016 In : Tetrahedron. Copper-Catalyzed Borylative Cross-Coupling of Allenes and Imines: Selective Three-Component Assembly of Branched Homoallyl Amines Rae, J., Yeung, K., McDouall, J. J. W. & Procter, D. J. 18 Jan 2016 In : Angewandte Chemie (International Edition). 55, 3, p. 1102-1107 6 p. Metal-Free CHCH-Type Cross-Coupling of Arenes and Alkynes Directed by a Multifunctional Sulfoxide Group Fernandez-Salas, J. A., Eberhart, A. J. & Procter, A. D. J. 2016 In : American Chemical Society. Journal. 138, 3, p. 790-793
