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曹慧群,女,1976年生,九三学社成员,吉林人,2003年长春理工大学应用化学专业获硕士学位,2006年东华大学材料科学与工程专业获博士学位,2014年浙江大学材料学博士后,2006年至今深圳大学化学与化工学院任教。主要从事用于高分辨成像的纳米功能材料和纳米荧光探针的制备及在生物活体细胞、组织成像、医学诊断和治疗中的应用的研究工作,近年来在国内外学术刊物《Nanotechnology》、《Journal of Molecular Liquids》、《Journal of solid state chemistry》等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文40多篇。申请国家发明专利14项,获授权12项



1.核-壳结构铌酸盐纳米线控制合成及非线性光学特性的研究,广东省自然基金纵项协同,(2017A030310132),2017.1-2019.12. 2.新型工业化海洋水产养殖循环水处理装置的研制与工程示范,深圳市战略性新型产业发展专项资金项目,(SWCYL20150331010038),2015.11.1-2017.12.31 3.用于纳米线光源的单晶铌酸纳米线的控合成及光学性能的研究深圳市基础研究计划(JCYJ20140711144809545),2014.1-2016.12. 4.单晶铌酸盐纳米线的控制合成及在纳米线光源超分辨显微技术中应用研究,广东省普通高校青年创新人才项目,2014.12-2016.12. 5.CIGS纳米粒子的绿色合成及低成本印刷技术制备CIGS薄膜太阳能电池吸收层的研究,深圳市基础研究计划(JC201005280520A),2011.1-2012.12. 6.高速列车车窗玻璃的研制,“十一五”国家科技支撑计划“中国高速列车关键技术研究及装备研制”项目子项目(2009BAG12A07-E05-1),2010.1-2012.6. 7.Ce:Y3Al5O12透明荧光陶瓷的制备及用于白光LED的研究, “硅材料国家重点实验室”开放课题(SKL2012-6),2012.7-2014.6. 8.红外/雷达兼容吸收的铁氧体包覆碳纳米管/环氧有机硅树脂吸波涂层的研究,中国科学院特种无机涂层重点实验室开放基金,2010.8-2012.7.


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[1]Bin Yu, Bo Cao, Huiqun Cao*,Synthesis and nonlinear optical properties of single-crystalline Nb3O8 nanowires, Nanotechnology,2013,24 , 085704 (4pp) [2]Huiqun Cao, Bing Lu, Hong Xin, Qi Qiu, Bin Yu*, Rui Ma, Biyu Lin, and Jingjing Chen,Co-Precipitation Synthesis of YAG:Ce Nanophosphor and Vacuum Sintering Fabrication of Transparent Ceramic,Science of advanced materials,2017,9:541-545 [3]Rui Ma, Bing Lu, Huiqun Cao*, Juguang Hu, Zhang Xianghua, Qi Qiu,Ruisheng Zheng, Zhongkuan Luo, Bai Xue, Preparation and characterization of YAG:Ce thin phosphor films by pulsed laser deposition,International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2017,14(1):22-30 [4]Huiqun Cao, Cheng You, Jie Yu, Bo Cao, Hong Xin*, Bin Yu, Synthesis of single-crystalline KNbO3 nanowires with a sacrificial template method and their second harmonic generation response, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016,45(6), 1391-1395 [5]Huiqun Cao, Rui Gong, Hong Xin*, Morphology tunable organogels based on benzoylhydrazine derivatives, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2014, 196: 94-97 . [6]Huiqun Cao, Meifang Zhu, Yaogang Li, Jianhong Liu,A highly coercive carbon nanotube coated with Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanocrystals synthesized by chemical precipitation hydrothermal process,Journal of solid state chemistry,2007,180(11), 3218–3223. [7]Cao Huiqun, Zhu Meifang, Li Yaogang,Decoration of carbon nanotubes with iron oxide,Journal of solid state chemistry, 2006, 179: 1206-1210. [8]Cao Huiqun, Zhu Meifang, Li Yaogang,Novel carbon nanotube-iron oxide magnetic composites,Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 2006, 305(2),321-324. [9]Cao Huiqun, Zhu Meifang, Li Yaogang,One-dimension magnetic composite of polypyrrole cooperated with carbon nanotubes/Ni0.75Zn0.25Fe2O4,Journal of macromolecular science, Part B: Physics, 2006, 5(4):541-547. [10] H. Cao, C. You, J. Yu, etal, Effect of potassium chloride amount on structures of hydrothermally grown KNbO3 nanstructure,Materials research innovations, 18, S696–S699, 2014Materials research innovations 2014, 18(5):696-699.
