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柏浩,1983年出生于重庆,2006年于浙江大学高分子系获工学学士学位;2012年于中国科学院国家纳米科学中心获物理化学专业博士学位(导师:江雷 院士);2012-2015年,于美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室和加州大学伯克利分校从事博士后研究(导师:Antoni P. Tomsia教授)。2015年入选浙江大学”百人计划“,任浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院研究员、博士生导师。 代表性成果多次作为封面文章发表在Nature,Nature Materials,Science Advances,Nature Communications,Advanced Materials等著名学术期刊上,引用1000余次。 曾获香港求是科技基金会“求是杰出青年学者奖”、中国科学院院长特别奖、中国科学院优秀博士学位论文奖、卢嘉锡优秀研究生奖等多项荣誉。


主要从事仿生智能材料,特别是仿生界面材料、生物支架材料和结构材料的研究。通过研究生物材料的设计原理、形成过程、及其优异性能,向自然学习,将生物灵感应用于新材料的设计和开发。 作为新材料研究的前沿交叉领域,仿生智能材料的设计开发越来越依赖于数学、物理、化学、生物、计算机等多学科的交叉和融合。利用现有的先进测试技术对生物材料进行深入研究,揭示其复杂多级结构与其优异材料性能之间的“结构-功能关系”,往往能够为新材料的设计提供取之不尽的灵感。在此基础之上,通过理论模拟和计算机辅助设计,人们就能够有的放矢地制备、开发具有模仿甚至超越天然生物材料优异性质的仿生材料。 与合作者一起系统研究了蜘蛛丝和仙人掌表面的定向集水性能,揭示了生物材料表面微结构与其浸润特性之间的关系,并利用多种物理、化学方法,制备开发了一系列模拟天然蜘蛛丝和仙人掌表面浸润特性的仿生智能界面材料。另外,通过对生物材料优异力学性能的仿生研究,发展了冰模板法和三维打印等方法,用于轻质、高强、增韧仿生结构材料和生物支架材料的开发,取得了多项有重要意义的成果。


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Yongmei Zheng#,Hao Bai#, Zhongbing Huang, Xuelin Tian, Fu-QiangNie, Yong Zhao*, Jin Zhai, and Lei Jiang, " Directional water collection on wetted spider silk."[#Equal contribution] Nature,2010, 463(7281), 640-643. (Front Cover) Jie Ju#, Hao Bai#, Yongmei Zheng, Tianyi Zhao, Ruochen Fang, and Lei Jiang*, “A multi-structural and multi-functional integrated fog collection system in cactus.” [#Equal contribution] Nature Communications 2012, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2253 (Featured Image) News of the week, “Thirsty Cacti Collect Fog on Spines.” Science 2012, 338 (6113), 1402-1402. Ulrike G. K. Wegst*, Hao Bai, Eduardo Saiz, Antoni P. Tomsia, and Robert O. Ritchie*, “Bioinspired structural materials.” [All authors contributed equally] Nature Materials 2015, 14 (1), 23-36. (Invited Review) Hao Bai, Xuelin Tian, Yongmei Zheng*, Jie Ju, Yong Zhao, and Lei Jiang*, “Direction controlled driving of tiny water drops on bioinspired artificial spider silks.” Advanced Materials 2010, 22 (48), 5521-5525. (Front Cover) Research Highlights, Materials: Controlling water on synthetic silk. Nature 2010, 468 (7324), 603-603. Research Highlights, Bioinspired polymers: Driving droplets. NPG Asia Mater. 2011, DOI:10.1038/asiamat.2011.21. Hao Bai, Jie Ju, Ruize Sun, Yuan Chen, Yongmei Zheng*, and Lei Jiang*, “Controlled fabrication and water collection ability of bioinspired artificial spider silks.” Advanced Materials 2011, 23 (32), 3708-3711. (Front Cover) Hao Bai, Jie Ju, Yongmei Zheng*, and Lei Jiang*, “Functional fibers with unique wettability inspired by spider silks.” Advanced Materials 2012, 24 (20), 2786-2791. (Back Cover) (Invited) Hao Bai, Lin Wang, Jie Ju, Ruize Sun, Yongmei Zheng*, and Lei Jiang, “Efficient water collection on integrative bioinspired surfaces with star-shaped wettability patterns.” Advanced Materials 2014, 26 (29), 5025-5030. Hao Bai, Ruize Sun, Jie Ju, Xi Yao, Yongmei Zheng*, and Lei Jiang*, “Large-scale fabrication of bioinspired fibers for directional water collection.” Small 2011, 7 (24), 3429-3433. (Frontispiece) Research news, Water-catching spinout from synthetic spider silk. Chemistry World 2011. Hao Bai*, Alessandro Polini, Benjamin Delattre, and Antoni P. Tomsia, “Thermo-responsive composite hydrogels with aligned macroporous structure by ice-templated assembly.” Chemistry of Materials 2013, 25 (22), 4551-4556. Hao Bai*, #, Dong Wang#, Benjamin Delattre#, Weiwei Gao, Joel De Coninck, Song Li, and Antoni P. Tomsia, “Biomimetic gradient scaffold from ice-templating for self-seeding of cells with capillary effect.” [#Equal contribution] Acta Biomaterialia 2015, 20 (1), 113-119. Li Chen, Mingjie Liu, Hao Bai, Peipei Chen, Fan Xia, Dong Han*, and Lei Jiang*, “Antiplatelet and thermally responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) surface with nanoscale topography.” The Journal of American Chemical Society 2009, 131 (30), 10467-10472. Xuelin Tian, Hao Bai, Yongmei Zheng*, and Lei Jiang, “Bio-inspired heterostructured bead-on-string fibers that respond to environmental wetting.” Advanced Functional Materials 2011, 21 (8), 1398-1402. (Back Cover) Xuelin Tian, Yuan Chen, Yongmei Zheng*, Hao Bai, and Lei Jiang*, “Controlling water capture of bioinspired fibers with hump structures.” Advanced Materials 2011, 23 (46), 5486-5491. (Front Cover) Hua Dong, Nü Wang, Li Wang, Hao Bai, Jing Wu, Yongmei Zheng, Yong Zhao*, and Lei Jiang*, “Bioinspired electrospun knotted microfibers for fog harvesting.” ChemPhysChem 2012, 13 (5), 1153-1156. (Front Cover) Xi Yao, Hao Bai, Jie Ju, Ding Zhou, Jing Li, Hao Zhang*, Bai Yang, and Lei Jiang*, “Running droplet of interfacial chemical reaction flow.” Soft Matter 2012, 8 (22), 5988-5991. Alessandro Polini*, Hao Bai, and Antoni P. Tomsia, “Dental applications of nanostructured bioactive glass and its composites.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 2013, 5 (4), 399-410. (Invited) Ruize Sun, Hao Bai, Jie Ju, and Lei Jiang*, “Droplet emission induced by ultrafast spreading on superhydrophilic surface.” Soft Matter 2013, 9 (39), 9285-9289. Jie Ju, Kai Xiao, Xi Yao, Hao Bai, and Lei Jiang*, “Bioinspired conical copper wire with gradient wettability for continuous and efficient fog collection.” Advanced Materials 2013, 25 (41), 5937-5942. Benjamin Delattre*, Hao Bai, Robert O. Ritchie, Joel De Coninck, and Antoni P. Tomsia, “Unidirectional freezing of ceramics suspensions: In situ X-ray investigation of the effects of additives.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6 (1), 159-166. Alessandro Polini*, Jianglin Wang, Hao Bai, Ye Zhu, Antoni P. Tomsia, and Chuanbin Mao*, “Stable biofunctionalization of hydroxyapatite (HA) surfaces by HA-binding/osteogenic modular peptides for inducing osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.” Biomaterials Science 2014, 2 (12), 1779-1786. Yongmei Zheng*, Jingxia Wang, Youping Hou, Hao Bai, and Michael Z. Hu, “Bioinspired functional materials.” Journal of Nanomaterials 2014, 1 (1), 1-2.
