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Y. Chen, H. Wu. Study on the interaction between bovine serum albumin and scopoletine by fluorescence spectroscopy, Luminescence. 2010: 25: 277 Y. Chen, Z. Su. Rapid and sensitive determination of nucleic acids at nanogram levels with natural polymer—chitosan by light scattering technique, Luminescence. 2010: 25: 271 Yanjing Chen, Jinghe Yang, Zhiling Wang, Xia Wu and Fei Wang. Scopoletine as fluorescence probe for determination of protein, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007, 66(3): 686-690 Chen Yanjing, Yang Yunhong, Yang Jinghe. Interaction of Tb3+–protocatechuic acid complex with nucleic acids and its use in the determination of nucleic acids based on fluorescence quenching. Luminescence,2008,23(2): 634. 陈艳晶,杨景和,苏震. 壳聚糖与DNA相互作用的研究及分析应用,南昌大学学报, 2006, 30:1085-1086 陈艳晶,王志玲,田延东. 四溴荧光素分光光度法测定蛋白质,济南大学学报, 2007,21(2):137-139 Weiping Sui, Yin Changqing, Chen Yanjing, Zhang Zhiguo and Kong Xiangzheng, Self-assembly of an amphiphilic derivative of chitosan and micellar solubilization of puerarin, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,2006, 48(1):13-16 Limin Zhai, Zhao mei, Yanjing Chen, Kong Xiangzheng, Weiping Sui. Effect of PVP on the stability of spontaneously formed zwitterionic/anionic vesicles. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2005, 26: 291-296
