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1、以禾本科模式植物C4谷子和C3水稻以及我们新近开发出的研究C4光合作用的模式植物-白花菜为材料,研究C4植物高光效的发育机理,尤其是植物激素如生长素、脱落酸等在C4叶片发育中的分子调控机理。目前通过高通量测序已获得大量一手数据,正通过生物信息手段逐步绘制C4发育的蓝图 2、以高等植物烟草为材料,深入研究ABA在植物抗逆境胁迫中的分子机理,并通过调控ABA代谢途径培育抗旱作物新品种 3、以康乃馨、唐菖蒲、百合等重要的商业花卉为材料,研究切花保鲜的分子机理,培育具有商业价值的花卉新品种


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Jinjin Cheng, Hongyun Liu, Hui Fan, Zheng Liu (刘征, 通讯作者)* (2017) Genome-wide identification and expression analyses of RPP13-like genes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Biochip Journal, accepted, (SCI) 2.Hongyun Liu, Jiajia Qin, Hui Fan, Jinjin Cheng, Lin Li, Zheng Liu (刘征, 通讯作者)* (2017) Genome-wide identification, phylogeny and expression analyses of SCARECROW-LIKE (SCL) genes in millet (Setaria italica), Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 23(3):629-640, (SCI) 3.Shuangcheng Gao, Wei Zhao, Xiang Li, Qingbo You, Xinjie Shen, Wei Guo, Shihua Wang, Guoan Shi, Zheng Liu (刘征, 通讯作者)*, Yongqing Jiao* (2017) Identifcation and characterization of miRNAs in two closely related C4 and C3 species of Cleome by highthroughput sequencing, Scientific Reports, 7:46552 (SCI) 4.范会、刘红云、程金金、刘征(通讯作者)*(2017)谷子蔗糖磷酸合成酶及互作蛋白的生物信息和基因表达分析,基因组学与应用生物学,http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/45.1369.Q.20170209.1531.004.html 5.Hongyun Liu, Jinjin Cheng, Siyuan Cheng, Hui Fan, Bo Wen, Zheng Liu (刘征, 通讯作者)* (2016) Genome-wide identification and expression analysis along leaf developmental gradient of sigma factor gene family in foxtail millet (Setaria italica), Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, 4(04):11-30 6.程金金、刘红云、范会、程思远、张书敏、陈宇龙、刘征 (通讯作者)* (2016) 谷子、大麦、高粱抗黄矮病候选基因的生物信息学比较分析,基因组学与应用生物学,35(7):1767-1779(核心期刊) 7.刘红云、程思远、程金金、范会、刘征 (通讯作者)* (2016) 林烟草Sigma因子Nssig2的生物信息学分析,分子植物育种,14(7):1672-1677(核心期刊) 8.Zheng Liu (刘征, 通讯作者)*, Shumin Zhang, Ning Sun, Hongyun Liu, Yanhong Zhao, Yuling Liang, Liping Zhang, Yuanhuai Han* (2015) Functional diversity of jasmonates in rice, Rice, 8(5):1-13 (SCI一区Top) 9.Wenjing Guo, Yuxuan Liu, Xin Yan, Mingyi Liu, Hui Tang, Zheng Liu (刘征), Liping Zhang (2015) Cloning and characterization of a phytoene dehydrogenase gene from marine yeast Rhodosporidium diobovatum, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 107(4):1017-1027 (SCI) 10.张书敏、刘红云、程金金、冯丹忆、刘征 (通讯作者)* (2015) 快速徒手切片法观察谷子和水稻叶片显微结构,基因组学与应用生物学,34(7):1527-1530(核心期刊) 11.张书敏、杨尚君、刘红云、刘征(通讯作者)* (2015) 微波快速石蜡切片法观察谷子幼嫩叶片组织技术的优化,基因组学与应用生物学,34(3):669-673 (核心期刊) 12.刘红云、张书敏、程金金、刘征 (通讯作者*) (2015) 谷子Sigma 因子基因家族生物信息及基因表达分析,全国植物生物学大会,长春,2015年10月 13.Zheng Liu(刘征, 通讯作者)*, Shuangcheng Gao, Shumin Zhang, Shangjun Yang, Ning Sun (2014) Complex structures of transgene rearrangement implicate novel mechanisms on RNA-directed DNA methylation and convergent transcription, Genes & Genomics, 36: 95-103(SCI) 14.Shi-Hua Wang, Shu-Min Zhang, Hong-Yun Liu, Ning Sun, Shuang-Cheng Gao, Xiao-Qin Wang, Zheng Liu (刘征, 通讯作者)* (2014) Evolution of chloroplast 16S ribosome RNA dependent spectinomycin resistance and implications for chloroplast transformation, Journal of Plant Studies, 3(2): 50-57 15.Zheng Liu(刘征, 通讯作者)*, Shangjun Yang, Shumin Zhang (2014) Gene expression profiling associated with minor leaf vein development in C4 foxtail millet (Setaria italica), The 1st International Setaria Genetics Conference, Beijing, pp39 (国际会议) 16.Zheng Liu(刘征, 通讯作者)*, Ning Sun, Shangjun Yang, Yanhong Zhao, Xiaoqin Wang, Xingyu Hao, Zhijun Qiao (2013) Evolutionary transition from C3 to C4 photosynthesis and the route to C4 rice, Biologia, 68(4):577-586 (SCI) 17.Zheng Liu (刘征, 通讯作者)*, Ning Sun (2013) Enhancing photosynthetic CO2 use efficiency in rice: approaches and challenges, Acta Physiol Plant, 35:1001-1009 (SCI) 18.Xiaoqin Wang, Zheng Liu (刘征,并列第一), Li Niu, Bin Fu (2013) Long-term effects of simulated acid rain stress on a staple forest tree plant, Pinus massoniana Lamb: a proteomic analysis, Trees Structure and Function, 27:297-309 (SCI 二区) 19.刘征 (通讯作者)*、杨尚君、张书敏、赵彦宏、高双成、韩渊怀 (2013) C4植物白花菜叶片发育不同阶段的基因表达谱分析,植物生理学报,49(7): 700-708(一级学报及核心期刊) 20.刘征 (通讯作者)*、高双成、杨尚君、孙宁、杜蕊、赵彦宏(2013) 一个新型原核诱导表达系统的建立,生物技术通报,2013年第8期(核心期刊)
