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学习工作简历 2015/9 – 现在,燕山大学,机械工程学院塑性成形工程系,讲师 2010/09 – 2015/05,中南大学,机电工程学院机械工程专业,博士 导师:易幼平教授 2007/09 – 2010/06,中南大学,机电工程学院机械工程专业,硕士 导师:蒋炳炎教授 2003/09 – 2007/06,中南大学,机电工程学院机械制造及其自动化专业,本科 本科教学信息 模具专业限选课《塑料成型模具设计》 研究生教学信息 学科及研究方向 1.[硕士]材料加工工程(080503) 2.[硕士]机械工程(430102)


在研项目信息 国家重点实验室开放课题,铝合金锻件组织性能均匀性的形变热处理调控及其机理研究,2018/01-2019/12,主持 完成项目信息 1.国家科技重大专项,2012ZX04010-081,大飞机关键构件成型共性技术研究(子课题:高档数控机床与基础制造装备),2012/01-2015/12,已结题,参加 2.国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973计划),2010CB731701,航空航天用高性能轻合金大型复杂结构件制造的基础研究(子课题:大型复杂构件整体/局部塑变成形与晶体缺陷组态调控),2010/01-2014/08,已结题,参加


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[16] J.L. Hu, H. Bo*, L.B. Liu , Z.P. Jin, Thermodynamic study of the Al-Sc-Y system,Thermochimica Acta,2018,661:147-159 (SCI) [15] 胡建良, 易幼平*, 宋雷钧, 金淼, 薄宏. 航空接头锻件低速等温模锻成形及其塑性变形微观机理分析, 中国有色金属学报, 2017, 27 (11): 2260-2266(EI) [14] H. Bo*, L.B. Liu, J.L. Hu, Z.P. Jin, Experimental study and thermodynamic modeling of the Al-Sc-Zr system Computational Materials Science, 2017, 133: 82-92 (SCI). [13] Jianliang Hu, Youping Yi*, Shiquan Huang, Experimental study and microstructure analysis of aviation component by isothermal forging process, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2015, 30(1): 79-84 (SCI). [12] H. Bo*, L.B. Liu, J.L. Hu, W.C. Zhang, Z.P. Jin, Experimental study and thermodynamic assessment of the Zr–Al–Gd system, Thermochimica Acta 2015, 609, 36-48(SCI) [11] H. Bo*, L.B. Liu, J.L. Hu, Z.P. Jin, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the Al–Dy–Zr system, Journal of Materials Science 2015, 50, 6427–6436 (SCI). [10] Jianliang Hu, Youping Yi*, Shiquan Huang, Analysis of isothermal forging process and mechanical properties of complex aluminum forging for aviation, Journal of Central South University, 2014, 21(7): 2612-2616 (SCI). [9] Jianliang Hu, Youping Yi*, Shiquan Huang, Effects of die temperature on microstructure evolution of 7A85 aluminum forging, 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Hangzhou, China, Applied Mechanics and Materials 2014, 633-634:628-633 (EI, ISTP). [8] H. Bo*, L.B. Liu , J.L. Hu, X.D. Zhang , Z.P. Jin, Thermodynamic re-assessment of the Al–Gd and Gd–Zr systems, Thermochimica Acta 591, 51–56 (2014, SCI) [7] JIANG Bing-yan*, HU Jian-liang, LI Jun, LIU Xiao-chao. Ultrasonic plastification speed of polymer and its influencing factors, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2012,19:380-383 (SCI). [6] Jianliang Hu, Youping Yi*, Shiquan Huang. A Novel Method of Modeling the Deformation Resistance for Clad Sheet, The 8th Internatinal Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Seoul, Korea, 2011,August (EI, ISTP). [5]樊广军, 李俊, 蒋炳炎, 胡建良. 聚合物超声塑化流变系统软件的UML建模,郑州大学学报(工学版) , 2011, 32(1): 99-102 (CSCD). [4] 胡建良,蒋炳炎*,李俊,林名润,王仁全.聚合物超声熔融塑化实验研究, 中南大学学报,2010, 41(4): 1369-1373 (EI). [3] Bingyan Jiang*, Jianliang Hu , Wangqing Wu , Shuye Pan. Research on the Polymer ultrasonic Plastification, Advanced Materials Research, 2010,87-88: 542-549 ( EI,ISTP). [2]蒋炳炎, 申瑞霞, 沈龙江, 胡建良. 注射成型工艺参数对微结构零件复制度的影响, 光学精密工程, 2008, 16(2): 248-256 (EI). [1]蒋炳炎, 吴旺青, 胡建良, 沈龙江. 微注射成型中聚合物熔融塑化技术, 工程塑料应用, 2007, 35(11): 67-69 (CSCD) .
