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个人简介 李政道,阳江市阳春人,研究生学历、工学博士、经济学博士,博士论文获香港理工大学CIB最佳博士论文奖。主持及参与国家级和省部级科研等纵向项目10余项包括国家科技部重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金项目、国家教育部人文社科项目、广东省自科基金项目香港创新科技基金项目及香港优配研究基金项目等项目,其中作为主持人承担了国家自然科学基金项目1项、国家重点研发计划子课题1项、国家教育部人文社科项目1项, 广东省自然科学基金项目1项;积极推动技术转化及社会服务,主持与参与横向项目10余项。近年来发表SSCI/SCI等学术论文40余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Cleaner Production (中科院大类1区TOP期刊), Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews(中科院大类1区TOP期刊), Automation In Construction(中科院小类1区TOP期刊), Applied Energy(中科院小类1区TOP期刊), Energy and Building(中科院小类1区TOP期刊), Habitat International(SSCI,JCR一区), Land Use Policy(SSCI,JCR一区)等国际权威刊物发表文章15篇。根据Web of Science数据,近五年发表的学术论文被SCI期刊引用350次,他引265次;被SSCI引用111次,他引98次;ESI高被引文章2篇。申报国家专利发明专利15项,授权国家实用新型专利7项,授权软件著作权4项。担任国家自然科学基金委员会项目评审专家;国家教育部人文社科项目评审专家;广东省科学技术厅项目评审专家;多本国际知名学术期刊审稿人及国际学术期刊International Journal of Construction Management (ESCI)“智慧建造及智能建筑运维”特刊主编



主持科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金项目,装配式建筑项目风险动态测度及智能决策:基于复杂适应系统视角的研究, 2019-2021,主持,在研; 2. 国家教育部人文社科项目, 装配式建筑项目风险识别与分担机制:基于利益相关者视角下的研究,2018-2020,主持,在研; 3. 国家科技部重点研发计划子课题,地下基础设施多灾害耦合作用模型及风险测度研究,2019-2022,主持,在研; 4. 广东省自科基金项目,多主体视角下的装配式建筑供应链跨组织协同管理机制研究, 2018-2020,主持,在研; 5. 深圳市高层次人才启动项目,装配式建筑检测与评价关键技术研究,2019-2021, 主持,在研; 6. 深圳大学科研项目,装配式建筑项目精益建造关键技术研究,2019-2020,主持,在研; 7. 深圳大学科研项目,基于社会网络理论的建筑信息模型(BIM)多利益相关者跨组织协同管理机理,2018-2020,主持,在研; 8. 深圳市政府横向课题,深圳市水务工程领域装配式技术专项实施方案(2019-2021),2019-2020,主持,在研; 9. 国有企业横向课题,超大型城市综合体、环保水务以及海绵城市项目管理理论及工程案例应用研究,2018-2020,主持,在研; 10. 国有企业横向课题,变电站工程装配式标准施工作业指导编制及标准建设研究,2018-2019,主持,在研; 11. 民营企业横向课题,基于物联网和3D-GIS的建筑废弃物全生命周期精准管理智慧P-BIM平台核心技术研发,2018-2020,主持,在研; 12. 民营企业横向课题,基于物联网及AI技术的超大建筑项目群智能建造供应链BIM管控平台关键技术研发,2019-2022,主持,在研; 主持教研项目 1. 深圳大学聚徒教学项目,粤港澳大湾区房产投资调研及分析,2019-2020,主持,在研; 2. 深圳大学教学改革研究项目,新工科背景下的“BIM及虚拟现实可视化技术”课程建设的实践与思考,2019-2020,主持,在研; 参与科研项目 1. 科技部国家重点研发计划(子课题),国内外工业化建筑标准体系与产业链研究,2016-2019,在研; 2. 科技部国家重点研发计划(子课题),基于BIM的预制装配建筑体系应用技术,2016-2019,已结题; 3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于系统视角的建筑废弃物管理成本补偿模型研究, 2016-2018, 已结题; 4. 香港创新科技基金课题,基于RFID的香港预制房屋BIM平台的核心技术研发,2014-2016,已结题; 5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,商业建筑绿色翻新改造协同设计过程及智能化网络平台的研究,2013-2016,已结题; 6. 香港建筑业协会课题, 评估装配式建筑对香港建筑行业的影响,2014-2016, 已结题; 7. 深圳市民企横向课题, P-BIM技术在项目生命周期中的应用案例研究, 2018-2019,已结题; 8. 深圳市国企横向课题,基于P-BIM的绿色建造集成技术应用与示范,2018-2019,已结题; 9. 深圳市住建局课题,深圳市建筑节能发展专项资金申报项目评审规则和实施细则研究,2018-2019,已结题 发明专利 1. 第一发明人,一种装配式建筑预制构件定位数据采集方法及装置,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018100717421。 2. 第一发明人,基于物联网与北斗定位技术的预制构件吊装装置及方法,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018100762906。 3. 第一发明人,一种装配式建筑预制构件安装的导航装置及方法,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018100717309。 4. 第一发明人,一种装配式建筑预制构件的室内仓储定位装置及方法,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:201810071739X。 5. 第一发明人,一种装配式建筑预制构件的塔吊定位装置及方法,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018100717262。 6. 第一发明人,一种基于BIM5D的装配式建筑预制构件及其管理方法,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018104802067。 7. 第一发明人,一种基于BIM的装配式建筑内墙隔板及其排版方法,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:201810479623X。 8. 第一发明人,一种基于BIM的消防管道及其下料方法,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018104801878。 9. 第一发明人,一种基于BIM的装配式建筑跟踪装置、方法及系统,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018104808561。 10. 第一发明人,一种基于P-BIM的装配式建筑信息交换方法及装置,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018104801740。 11. 第一发明人,一种基于MBD的装配式建筑数据管理方法及装置,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018104808472。 12. 第一发明人,基于倾斜摄影预测废弃物产生量的方法、系统及介质,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018108530095。 13. 第一发明人,一种基于仿真模型的建设项目工期风险模拟方法及系统,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2018108528983。 14. 第一发明人,一种基于变风量空调系统的容错送风静压设定方法及装置,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2019100173836。 15. 第一发明人,一种基于Revit的数据共享方法及装置,发明专利,已进入实审阶段。专利申请号:2019100385187。 实用新型专利 1. 第一发明人,基于物联网与北斗定位技术的预制构件吊装装置,实用新型专利,已授权。专利申请号:2018201300469,专利号ZL 2018 2 0130046.9,授权公开号:CN 208218233 U。 2. 第一发明人,一种装配式建筑预制构件安装的导航装置,实用新型专利,已授权。专利申请号:2018201295973,专利号ZL 2018 2 0129597.3,授权公开号:CN 208780821 U。 3. 第一发明人,一种装配式建筑预制构件的塔吊定位装置,实用新型专利,已授权。专利申请号:2018201246515,专利号ZL 2018 2 0124651.5,授权公开号:CN 207844903 U。 4. 第一发明人,一种基于BIM5D的装配式建筑预制构件,实用新型专利,已授权。专利申请号:2018207499156,专利号ZL 2018 2 0749915.6,授权公开号:CN 208689614 U。 5. 第一发明人,一种基于BIM的装配式建筑内墙隔板,实用新型专利,已授权。专利申请号:2018207529965,专利号ZL 2018 2 0752996.5,授权公开号:CN 208280447 U。 6. 第一发明人,一种基于BIM的消防管道,实用新型专利,已授权。专利申请号:2018207542565,专利号ZL 2018 2 0754256.5,授权公开号:CN 208281807 U。 7. 第一发明人,一种基于BIM的装配式建筑跟踪装置,实用新型专利,已授权。专利申请号:2018207540771,专利号ZL 2018 2 0754077.1,授权公开号:CN 208283963 U。 8. 第一发明人,一种可排水环保景观砖,实用新型专利,已授权。专利号:ZL 2015 2 0697728.4。 软件著作 1. 基于物联网与P-BIM技术的装配式建筑智慧建造核心技术研发-构件标准化设计软件V1.0.0,软件著作权,已授权。软件著作权登记号:2019SR0446323。 2. 基于物联网与P-BIM技术的装配式建筑智慧建造核心技术研发-构件预制生产软件V1.0.0,软件著作权,已授权。软件著作权登记号:2019SR0475680。 3. 基于物联网与P-BIM技术的装配式建筑智慧建造核心技术研发-构件运输软件V1.0.0,软件著作权,已授权。软件著作权登记号:2019SR0446329。 4. 基于物联网与P-BIM技术的装配式建筑智慧建造核心技术研发-现场安装施工软件V1.0.0,软件著作权,已授权。软件著作权登记号:2019SR0446072。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

期刊论文 2019 1. Li, X., G. Q. Shen, P. Wu, F. Xue, H.-l. Chi and Clyde Zhengdao Li. Developing a conceptual framework of smart work packaging for constraints management in prefabrication housing production. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2019, 42: 100938. (SCI,中科院大类3区小类2区) 2. Lizi Luo, Xin JIN, Yingjie Wang, Xin LIANG, Xiao LI, Clyde Zhengdao LI. Investigating supply chain management for prefabricated building projects in Hong Kong. Journal of Management in Engineering. Accepted in press. (SCI,中科院大类3区小类3区) 3. Clyde Zhengdao Li; Yiyu Zhao; XiaoxiaoXu. Investigation of dust exposure and control practices in the construction industry: Implications for cleaner production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 227:810-824. (SCI,中科院大类1区小类1区,Top期刊) 4. Xiaoxiao Xu, Clyde Zhengdao Li* et al. Collaboration between designers and contractors to improve building energy performance. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 219:20-32. (SCI,中科院大类1区小类1区,Top期刊) 5. Cheng Fan, Fu Xiao, Chengchu Yan, Chengliang Liu, Clyde Zhengdao Li, Jiayuan Wang. A novel methodology to explain and evaluate data-driven building energy performance models based on interpretable machine learning. Applied Energy. 2019, 235: 1551-60. (SCI,中科院大类1区小类1区,Top期刊) 6. 喻博, 李政道, 杨爱琦, 向中儒. 基于霍尔三维结构的海绵城市建设PPP模式研究[J]. 建筑经济, 2019, 已录用. 7. 李政道, 赵祎彧, 白杰, 姜炜. 超大型城市综合体总承包项目管理探索与实践[J]. 建筑经济, 2019, 已录用. 2018 1. Xiaoxiao Xu, Jiayuan Wang, Clyde ZhengdaoLi et al. Schedule risk analysis of infrastructure projects: A hybrid dynamic approach. Automation in Construction.2018, 95:20-34. (SCI JCR一区) 1. Hong, Jingke, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Clyde Zhengdao Li et.al. An integrated framework for embodied energy quantification of buildings in China: A multi-regional perspective. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2018, 138: 183-193. (SCI JCR一区) 2. Li Xiao, Liu X, Clyde Zhengdao Li. Foundation pit displacement monitoring and prediction using least squares support vector machines based on multi-point measurement[J]. Structural Health Monitoring, 2018.(SCI JCR一区) 3. Clyde Zhengdao Li, Jingke Hong, Geoffrey Qiping Shen. Schedule delay analysis of prefabricated housing production in Hong Kong: a hybrid dynamic approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 195:1533-1545. (SCI JCR一区) 4. Clyde Zhengdao Li, Fan Xue, Gangyan Xu, Ke Chen, Jingke Hong, Weisheng Lu, George Guoquan Huang, Geoffrey Qiping Shen. A platform for on-site assembly services of prefabricated construction: Integration of Internet of Things and BIM. Automation in Construction. 2018, 89:146-161. (SCI JCR一区) 5. Clyde Zhengdao Li, Xiaoxiao Xu, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Cheng Fan, Xiao Li, Jingke Hong. A model for simulating schedule risks in prefabrication housing production: a case study of six-day cycle assembly activities in Hong Kong. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 185:366-381. (SCI JCR一区) 6. Hong, J., G. Q. Shen, Clyde Zhengdao Li*, B. Zhang and W. Zhang (2018). Barriers to promoting prefabricated construction in China: A cost–benefit analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 172(Supplement C): 649-660. (SCI JCR一区) 7. Cheng Fan, Fu Xiao.Clyde Zhengdao Li*, Jiayuan Wang. Unsupervised Data Analytics in Mining Big Building Operational Data for Energy Efficiency Enhancement: A Review. Energy and Building. 2018, 159:296-308. (SCI JCR一区) 8. 高宇, 李政道, 张慧,等. 基于LCA的装配式建筑建造全过程的碳排放分析[J]. 工程管理学报, 2018(2). 9. 喻博, 李政道, 洪竟科, 王家远, 孙茹. 前沿信息技术在装配式建筑建设管理中的应用研究[J]. 工程管理学报,2018,32(6). 10. 王兴冲, 王家远, 李政道, 喻博, 周福萍. GFC数据在机电安装软件间的适用性研究[J]. 工程管理学报.2018(4):27-31 11. 肖冰, 任晓聪, 李政道. 农村互联网金融的发展现状与转型路径[J]. 江苏农业科学, 2018(11). 2017 1. Clyde Zhengdao Li, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Xiaoxiao Xu, Fan Xue, Lucila Sommer, Lizi Luo. Schedule Risk Modelling in Prefabrication Housing Production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017, 153: 692-706(SCI JCR一区) 2. Clyde Zhengdao Li, Ray Y. Zhong, Fan Xue, Gangyan Xu, Ke Chen, George Guoquan Huang, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Integrating RFID and BIM technologies for mitigating risks and improving schedule performance of prefabricated house construction. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017, 165:1048-1062 (SCI JCR一区) 3. Jingke Hong; Clyde Zhengdao Li*; Qiping Shen; Fan Xue; Bingxia Sun; Wei Zheng. An Overview of the Driving Forces behind Energy Demand in China’s Construction Industry: Evidence from 1990 to 2012. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017, 73: 85-94. (SCI JCR一区) 4. Zheng, W., G. Q. Shen, H. Wang, J. Hong and Clyde Zhengdao Li*. Decision support for sustainable urban renewal: A multi-scale model. Land Use Policy, 2017, 69(Supplement C): 361-371. (SSCI JCR一区) 5. Mok, K. Y., G. Q. Shen, R. J. Yang and Clyde Zhengdao Li. Investigating key challenges in major public engineering projects by a network-theory based analysis of stakeholder concerns: A case study. International Journal of Project Management 2017, 35(1): 78-94. (SSCI JCR一区) 6. Yu, T., G. Q. Shen, Q. Shi, X. Lai, Clyde Zhengdao Li and K. Xu. Managing social risks at the housing demolition stage of urban redevelopment projects: A stakeholder-oriented study using social network analysis. International Journal of Project Management. 2017, 35(6): 925-941. (SSCI JCR一区) 2016 1. Clyde Zhengdao Li, Jingke Hong, Fan Xue, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Xiaoxiao Xu, Lizi Luo. SWOT analysis and Internet of Things-enabled platform for prefabrication housing production in Hong Kong, Habitat International. 2016, 57: 74-87. (SSCI JCR一区) 2. Clyde Zhengdao Li, Jingke Hong, Fan Xue, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Xiaoxiao Xu, Margaret Kayan Mor. Schedule risks in prefabrication housing production in Hong Kong: a social network analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 134: 482-484.(SCI JCR一区) 3. Jingke Hong, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Chao Mao, Clyde Zhengdao Li, Kaijian Li. Life-cycle energy analysis of prefabricated building components: An input-output-based hybrid model. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016,112: 2198-2207.(SCI JCR一区) 4. 李政道, 任晓聪. 区块链对互联网金融的影响探析及未来展望[J]. 技术经济与管理研究. 2016, 10:75-78. 5. 李政道, 任晓聪. 博弈论视角下第三方物流企业金融信用管理[J]. 企业经济. 2016, 11: 183-187. 2015 1. Chao Mao, Liyin Shen and Clyde Zhengdao Li. Risk factors affecting practitioners’attitudes toward the implementation of an industrialized building system: A case study from China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. 2015, 22(6):622-643. 2014 2. Clyde Zhengdao Li, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Xiaolong Xue. Critical review of the research on the management of prefabricated construction, Habitat International. 2014, 43: 240-249. (SSCI JCR一区) 3. Clyde Zhengdao Li, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Mustafa Alshawi. Measuring the impact of prefabrication on construction waste reduction. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2014, 91: 27-39. (SCI JCR一区) 4. Jiayuan Wang, Clyde Zhengdao Li, Vivian W. Y. Tam. Identifying best design strategies for construction waste minimization. The Journal of Cleaner Production. 2014, 92: 237-247. (SCI JCR一区) 2013 1. Jiayuan Wang, Clyde Zhengdao Li, Vivian W. Y. Tam. Critical factors in effective construction waste minimization at the design stage: a Shenzhen case study, China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2013, 82(1): 1-7. (SCI JCR一区). 2012 1. 王家远, 李政道, 王西福. 基于系统动力学的建筑废弃物经济成本评估[J]. 建筑经济. 2012, 8:95-99. 2. 王家远, 李政道, 王西福. 设计阶段建筑废弃物减量化影响因素调查分析[J]. 工程管理学报. 2012, 4:27-31. 会议论文 2019 1. Zhengdao Li, Zhe Chen, Yiyu Zhao*, Meizhuan Zhou, et al. 2019 Research on design and application of prefabricated substation based on BIM technology. The 24th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. (已录用) 2. Zhengdao Li, Yiyu Zhao, Zhe Chen*, Bo Yu, et al. 2019. Applying Advanced Technologies in Construction and Demo-lition Waste Management: A Review. The 24th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. (已录用) 2017 1. Wu, H., Yuan, H., Wang, J., Ouyang, L., & Li, Zhengdao. (2017). An Investigation of Demolition Waste Management: Case of Shenzhen in China. In Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (pp. 1157-1167). Springer Singapore. Merit Paper Award. 2016 1. Huang, W., Xu, X., Chen, K., Wu, H., & Li, Zhengdao. (2016). Causal loop analysis on the impact of schedule risks in prefabrication housing production in Hong Kong. The 21th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Hong Kong, December 2016. 2. Li, Y., Wu, H., Wu, Z., Wang, J., Duan, H., Zuo, J., Li, Zhengdao, & Zhang, X. (2016). A framework for quantifying carbon emissions generated during demolition waste processing. The 21th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Hong Kong, December 2016. 2015 1. Zhengdao Li, Fan Xue, Geoffrey Qiping Shen. (2015). Current housing situation and the need for prefabrication housing production in Hong Kong. COBRA 2015. Sydney. RICS. 2. Zhengdao Li, Fan Xue, Geoffrey Qiping Shen. (2015). Building information technologies and challenges in precast housing construction in Hong Kong. The 7th International Conference of SuDBE 2015, Reading, UK. 3. Mao, C., L. Shen, L. Luo and Zhengdao Li. (2015). Identification of Risk Factors Influencing the Implementation of Industrialized Building System in China. Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Springer. 2014 1. Zhengdao Li, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Chuang Ji, Jingke Hong. (2014). Stakeholder-Based Analysis of Drivers and Constraints in the Use Off Site Construction. ICCREM 2014. ASCE. 26-36. 2012 2. Zhengdao Li, Xifu Wang, Pengpeng Li. (2012). The Conceptual Model of the Design for Construction Waste Minimization Based on System Dynamics. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp: 1071-1078. (Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP)) 3. Shichao Ma, Zhengdao Li. (2012). A Multi-level Grey-Based Approach to Evaluating the Indicators for Sustainable Housing Development. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp: 131-139. (Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP)) 4. Zhengdao Li, Xifu Wang, Pengpeng Li. (2012). The Conceptual Model of the Design for Construction Waste Minimization Based on System Dynamics.17th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management & Real Estate. 1071-1078(2012)


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