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助理教授,工学博士,硕士生导师,深圳大学杜彦良院士团队“城市智慧交通与安全运维研究院”成员,深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”C类和深圳市南山区“领航人才”C类 教育背景 2009.09-2012.06 东南大学 桥梁与隧道工程 硕士; 2012.09-2017.06 同济大学 桥梁与隧道工程 博士; 2014.11-2015.11 墨尔本大学 基础工程 公派联合培养博士; 2018.03-至今 深圳大学 土木与交通工程学院 助理教授。



科研项目 2019年深圳孔雀计划科研启动项目,新型组合浮置板轨道系统的减振降噪效果研究与应用,项目主持人,在研; 2019年深圳大学新引进教师科研启动项目,不同气动外形下超大跨度悬索桥的非线性颤振控制研究,项目主持人,在研; 国家自然科学基金资助面上项目, 51678436和51078276,基于风振制振原理的大跨度桥梁箱形主梁气动外形优化、分体箱梁气动性能演化规律及其机理,2017.01-2019.12 和2011.01-2013.12,在研,主要参与; 科技部国家重点基础研究计划(973计划),2013CB036300,特大跨桥梁全寿命灾变控制与性能设计的基础研究,2013.01-2017.12,已结题,参与; 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划, 91215302,强/台风场以及建筑与桥梁结构风致灾变,2013.01-2015.12,已结题,参与


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学术论文 已公开发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI论文15篇,10篇EI论文和3篇国际会议论文,3个软件著作权,申请发明专利4项。代表性论文如下: 1. Rui Zhou, Yaojun Ge, Yongxin Yang, Shiyi Liu, Yanliang Du, Lihai Zhang. “A nonlinear numerical scheme to simulate multiple wind effects on twin-box girder suspension bridges”. Engineering Structures, 2019, 183:1072-1090. (SCI,JCR1区) 2. Rui Zhou, Yaojun Ge, Yongxin Yang, Yanliang Du, Shiyi Liu, Lihai Zhang. “Nonlinear behaviors of the flutter occurrences for a twin-box girder bridge with passive countermeasures”. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 447:221-235. (SCI,JCR1区) 3. Rui Zhou, Yaojun Ge, Yongxin Yang, Yanliang Du, Lihai Zhang. “Wind-induced nonlinear behaviors of twin-box girder bridges with various aerodynamic shapes.” Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 94:1095–1115. (SCI,JCR1区) 4. Rui Zhou, Yongxin Yang, Yaojun Ge, Lihai Zhang. “Comprehensive Evaluation of Aerodynamic Performance of Twin-box Girder Bridges with Vertical Stabilizers.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2018, 175:317–327. (SCI,JCR1区) 5. Rui Zhou, Yongxin Yang, Lihai Zhang, Yaojun Ge. “Interference effect on stationary aerodynamic performance between parallel bridges.” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2017,17(02), DOI: 10.1142/S0219455417500171. (SCI,JCR2区) 6. Rui Zhou, Yongxin Yang, Yaojun Ge, Priyan Mendis, Damith Mohotti. “Practical countermeasures for the aerodynamic performance of long span cable-stayed bridge with open deck.” Wind and Structures. 2015, 21(2):223-229. (SCI,JCR3区) 7. Rui Zhou, Zhouhong Zong, Xueyang Huang, and Zhanghua Xia. “Seismic response study on a multi-tower cable-stayed bridge under multi-support excitations. Part II: Numerical analysis.” Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2014,6(15): 405-418. (SCI,JCR3区) 8. Yongxin Yang, Rui Zhou*, Yaojun Ge, Lihai Zhang. “Flutter characteristics of twin-box girder bridges with vertical central stabilizers.” Engineering Structures, 2017,133,33-48. (SCI,JCR1区) 9. Yongxin Yang, Rui Zhou*, Yaojun Ge, Damith Mohotti, Priyan Mendis. “Aerodynamic instability performance of twin-box girder for long-span bridges.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2015,145:196-208. (SCI,JCR1区) 10. Yongxin Yang, Rui Zhou*, Yaojun Ge, Lihai Zhang. “Experimental studies on VIV performance and countermeasures for twin-box girder bridges with various slot width ratios.” Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2016,66,476-489. (SCI,JCR2区) 11. 周锐,杨詠昕,葛耀君,钱国伟.平行双幅桥梁的颤振控制试验研究. 振动与冲击, 2014,33(12): 126-132. 12. 杨詠昕,周锐,葛耀君.大跨度分体箱梁桥梁的涡振性能及其控制.土木工程学报,2014,47(12):107-114。 13. 杨詠昕,周锐*,李渊,葛耀君.不同风嘴形式的大跨度分体箱梁桥梁颤振性能.振动工程学报,2015,28(5): 673-682. 14. 杨詠昕,周锐*,张凯歌,葛耀君. 不同风嘴形式分体箱梁桥梁的静风稳定性能,土木工程学报,2016,49(6):84-93. 15. 杨詠昕,周锐,罗东伟,葛耀君.不同槽宽分体箱梁的涡振及其控制措施.工程力学,2017,34(7):30-40. 国际学术期刊邀请审稿人:《Engineering Structures》、《Journal of Structure Engineering (ASCE)》、《Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE)》、《Sensors》和中国公路学报等
