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个人简介: 洪成雨,助理教授,获哈尔滨工业大学硕士学位,香港理工大学博士学位,获蔡冠深基金优秀青年教师奖、第六届地质(岩土)工程光电传感监测国际论坛最佳论文、第十二届创新国际论坛优秀论文奖等奖项。目前主持国家级项目2项,获发明专利5项(授权);担任30多个SCI期刊审稿人,公开发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI论文40余篇。 教育经历 2001年09月-2005年07月 石家庄铁道大学 土木工程系地下工程专业 学士 2005年09月-2008年01月 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程系岩土工程专业 硕士 2008年05月-2011年10月 香港理工大学 土木与环境工程学系岩土工程专业 博士 个人荣誉 深圳市高层次海外留学人才(孔雀计划C类) 蔡冠深基金优秀青年教师奖 《马克菲尔杯》第三届全国加筋土大赛三等奖指导教师 上海市自强杯创业创新大赛三等奖指导教师 第十二届上海创新国际论坛优秀论文奖 第六届地质(岩土)工程光电传感监测国际论坛最佳论文奖 2017年校级优秀本科论文指导教师 2017年度优秀青年教师



主要科研项目 1. 基于光纤传感器技术的表面裂纹贯通试验研究, 国家地震动力学国家重点实验室开放基金,项目编号: LED2013B01,经费: 25万,2012年9月-2015年8月,已完成,主持。 2. 灌浆压力与钻孔粗糙度对模型土钉摩阻力的综合影响性研究,第五届香港高等科技教育学院种子项目,项目编号:99424。经费:10万港币,2014年10月-2015年9月,已完成,主持。 3. 压力注浆土钉冻融土中抗拔机理的理论与试验研究,国家自然科学基金项目,项目编号:41602352,经费:18万,2017年1月-2019年12月,在研,主持。 4. 熔融沉积制备可测多参数光纤传感器件的研究,深圳大学科研启动项目,经费:20万,2019年10月-2022年9月,在研,主持。 5. 未来韧性城市地下空间先进技术发展策略研究,中国工程科技中长期发展战略研究子课题,经费:25万,2020年1月-2021年12月,在研,主持。 6. 珠江三角洲复杂地质条件下高水压盾构工程施工安全预控和TBM隧洞超前预报关键技术研究,珠江三角洲水资源配置工程子课题,经费:150万,2019年10月-2021年12月,在研,主持。 7. 基于全域智慧感知的软土深基坑安全施工关键技术,中国电建市政建设集团有限公司,经费:300万,2019年10月-2022年9月,在研,主持。 发明专利: 1. 一种基于光纤传感技术的鞋类合脚性评价方法,发明专利授权,授权号:ZL 201510456090.X 2. 一种基于低相干干涉技术的测斜系统及方法,授权号:ZL 201610273675.2 3. 一种基于低相干干涉技术的液位仪及沉降监测系统,授权号:ZL 201610273998.1 4. 基于分布式光纤传感器技术桩完整性和横向位移的评估方法,授权号:ZL 201510274375.1 5. 一种基于光纤传感器技术的地基沉降测量系统及方法,授权号:ZL 201610290208.0


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

代表期刊文章:(*为通讯作者) 1. CY Hong, Y. Zhang, D Su, and Z Yin. (2019). Development of a FBG Based Hoop-Strain Sensor Using 3D Printing Method, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 107154-107160, 2019. (JCR一区) 2. CY Hong, Y. Zhang, Y Yang, and Y Yuan. (2019). A FBG based displacement transducer for small soil deformation measurement, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 286, pp. 35-42, 2019. 3. CY Hong, Z. Ahmed Abro, Z YF, and R Ahmed Lakho. (2019). An FBG-based smart wearable ring fabricated using FDM for monitoring body joint motion, Journal of Industrial Textiles, pP. 1528083719870204, 2019. (JCR一区) 4. Z A Abro, CY Hong*, N Chen, YF Zhang, RA Lakho, and S Yasin. (2019). A fiber Bragg grating-based smart wearable belt for monitoring knee joint postures, Textile Research Journal, p. 0040517519868168, 2019. (JCR一区) 5. Z Lu, CY Hong*, Y Zhang, D Su, and Y Fu. (2019). Development of an FBG Sensor for Measuring Large Range and Multi-Directional Settlement, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 107669-107677. (JCR一区) 6. YY Yang, CY Hong*, ZA Abro, L Wang, and YF Zhang. (2019). A new Fiber Bragg Grating sensor based circumferential strain sensor fabricated using 3D printing method, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2019. (JCR一区) 7. Lakho RA, YF Zhang, JH Jiang, CY Hong, and AA Zamir. (2019). A smart insole for monitoring plantar pressure based on the fiber Bragg grating sensing technique, Textile Research Journal, p. 0040517519833977. (JCR一区) 8. Z. A. Abro, Z. Yi-Fan, C. Nan-Liang, CY Hong, R. A. Lakho, and H. Halepoto. (2019). A novel flex sensor-based flexible smart garment for monitoring body postures, Journal of Industrial Textiles, p. 1528083719832854. 9. 施令飞, 洪成雨*, 魏显虎, 张宗科,叶虎平, "新型岩土工程 FBG 测斜传感器的开发与验证," 传感技术学报, vol. 32, pp. 485-490, 2019. 10. 任芳昉,洪成雨*,张孟喜,李操. 基于Flex无线传感技术的边坡位移监测研究[J/OL]. 传感技术学报,2019(07):1-5 11. CY Hong, YF Zhang*, L Borana. (2019). Design, Fabrication and Testing of a 3D Printed FBG Pressure Sensor, IEEE Access, 7, 38577-38583. (SCI影响因子 IF= 3.557, 中科院2区) 12. CY Hong, YF Zhang*, Z Lu, ZY Yin. (2019). A FBG Tilt Sensor Fabricated Using 3D Printing Technique for Monitoring Ground Movement, IEEE Sensors, 19(15), 6392 – 6399. (SCI影响因子 IF= 2.617, 中科院3区) 13. CY Hong, YF Zhang*, YY Yang, Y Yuan. (2019). A FBG based displacement transducer for small soil deformation measurement, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 286, 35-42. (SCI影响因子 IF= 2.311, 中科院3区) 14. CY Hong*, YF Zhang. (2019). A simple FBG pressure sensor fabricated using fused deposition modelling process, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 285, 269-274. (SCI影响因子 IF= 2.311, 中科院3区) 15. CY Hong, YF Zhang*, AA Zamir. (2019). A Fiber Bragg Grating Based Inclinometer Fabricated Using 3D Printing Method for Slope Monitoring, Geotechnical Testing Journal ASTM, 43 (1), Article number GTJ20170277. (SCI影响因子 IF= 1.279, 中科院4区) 16. CY Hong*, YF Zhang, GW Li, MX Zhang, and ZX Liu. (2017). Recent Progress of using Brillouin Distributed Fiber Sensors for Geotechnical Health Monitoring, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 258, 131-145. (SCI影响因子 IF= 2.311,被引11次,中科院3区) 17. CY Hong*, YF Zhang, YW Zhang, L Borana, RF Wang. (2017). New LGFBG based Structural Integrity Evaluation Method for Cement Grouted Soil Nails, International Journal of Geomechanics, 04017026, 1-12 (SCI 影 响 因 子 IF= 2.332,中科院3区) 18. CY Hong*, YF Zhang, and LQ Liu. (2016). Application of Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor for Monitoring the Mechanical Performance of a Driven Pile, Measurement, 88, 186-193. (SCI影响因子 IF= 2.218,被引6次,中科院3区) 19. CY Hong*, JH Yin, and YF Zhang. (2016). Deformation Monitoring of Long GFRP Bar Soil Nails using Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing Technology, Smart Materials and Structures, 25(8), 085044. (SCI影响因子 IF= 2.963,被引6次,中科院2区) 20. CY Hong*, YF Zhang, LQ Liu, Meng-Xi Zhang, Lai Ming Gordon Leung, and Li-Qiang Liu. (2016). Application of FBG Sensors for Geotechnical Health Monitoring, A Review of Sensor Design, Implementation Methods and Packaging Techniques, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 244, 184–197. (SCI影响因子 IF= 2.311,被引66次,为该杂志2015年来Most cited paper,中科院3区) 21. CY Hong*, YF Zhang, JW Guo, and GY Li. (2015). Experimental Study on the Influence of Drillhole Roughness on the Pullout Resistance of Model Soil Nails, ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000491, 04015047. (SCI影响因子 IF= 2.332,被引2次,中科院4区) 22. CY Hong*, JH YIN, HF Pei, and WH Zhou (2013). Experimental Study on the Pullout Resistance of Pressure Grouted Soil Nails in the Field. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 50, 693-704. (SCI影响因子 IF= 2.565,被引18次,中科院3区) 23. CY Hong*, JH YIN, and HF Pei. (2013). Comparative Study on the Pullout Behaviour of Pressure Grouted Soil Nails from Field and Laboratory Tests. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 20, 2285-2292. (SCI影响因子 IF= 0.761,被引6次,中科院4区) 24. CY Hong*, JH Yin, WH Zhou, and HF Pei. (2012). Analytical Study on Progressive Pullout Behavior of a Soil Nail. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 138(4), 500-507.(UT WOS:000302956900009) (SCI影响因子 IF= 3.305,被引15次,中科院3区) 25. CY Hong*, JH YIN, W Jin, C Wang, WH Zhou, and HH Zhu. (2010). Comparative Study on the Elongation Measurement of a Soil Nail Using Optical Lower Coherence Interferometry Method and FBG Method, Advances in Structural Engineering, 13(2), 309-319.(UT WOS:000277975900008) (SCI影响因子 IF=0.968,被引8次,中科院4区) 26. Y Yang, CY Hong*, ZA Abro, L Wang, Z Yifan, (2019). A new Fiber Bragg Grating sensor based circumferential strain sensor fabricated using 3D printing method, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 295, 663-670. (SCI影响因子 IF= 2.311, 中科院3区) 27. RA Lakho, YF Zhang*, JH Jiang, CY Hong, Z Ahmed Abro. (2019). A Smart Insole for Monitoring Plantar Pressure based on the Fiber Bragg Grating Sensing Technique, Textile Research Journal, 0040517519833977. 28. ZA Zbro, YF Zhang*, NL Chen, CY Hong, RA Lakho, H Halepoto. (2019). A Novel Flex Sensor-based Flexible Smart Garment for Monitoring Body Postures, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 1528083719832854. 29. YQ Hu, CY Hong*, YF Zhang, and GW Li. (2018). A Monitoring and Warning System for Expressway Slopes using FBG Sensing Technology, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 14(5), 1-12. (SCI影响因子IF= 1.787,被引0次,中科院4区) 30. IA Sahito, CY Hong, and SH Jeong. (2019) Functional Nanomaterials for Energy Applications, Editorial, Journal of Nanomaterials, Article ID 7814784. (SCI) 31. YF Zhang, CY Hong*, R Ahmed, and Z Ahmed. (2017). A Fiber Bragg Grating based Sensing Platform Fabricated by Fused Deposition Modeling Process for Plantar Pressure Measurement, Measurement, 112, 74-79. (SCI影响因子IF= 2.218,被引2次,中科院3区) 32. JH Yin, CY Hong*, WH Zhou, and WM Cheung. (2012). Simplified Analytical Method for Calculating the Maximum Shear Stress of Nail-soil Interface. ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 12(3), 309-317. (SCI 影响因子 IF= 2.332,被引11次,中科院3区) 33. CY Hong*, YF Zhang, and MX Zhang. (2017). Influence of Critical Parameters on the Peak Pullout Resistance of Soil Nails under Different Testing Conditions, International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, 3(2), 19. 34. GW Li, CY Hong*, J Dai, L Yu, and WH Zhou. (2013). FBG-Based Creep Analysis of GFRP Materials Embedded in Concrete, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 631216. (SCI影响因子IF= 1.145) 35. GW Li, SK Bakarr, JQ Wang,Lu Xue and CY Hong. (2018). Effect of Stress Corrosion on Relaxation of Large Diameter BGFRP Bars, International Journal of Corrosion, (Accepted on 30 Oct 2018) (ESCI) 36. M Gao, YF Zhang*, CY Hong (2018). Analysis of the difference of plantar pressure distribution in different contact surfaces based on Force Sensing Resisters technique, China Leather, (Accepted) 高敏, 张一帆*, 洪成雨. (2018). 基于薄膜压力传感技术的不同接触面足底压力分布的差异分析,中国皮革, 接受发表待刊. 37. AA Zamir; YF Zhang*; CY Hong; AL Rafique; NL Chen. (2018). Development of a Smart Garment for Monitoring Body Postures based on FBG and Flex Sensing Technologies, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 272, 153-160. (SCI影响因子IF= 2.311) 38. 高敏,张一帆,洪成雨,(2018). 柔性传感器在足底压力测量系统中的应用,服装学报,3(4),301-307. 39. 洪成雨*, 刘子雄, 张孟喜, 周奇. (2017). 灌浆压力与上覆土压力对土钉摩阻力的影响研究, 岩土力学,38 (S2), 317-322. (EI) 40. YF Zhang, CY Hong*, YW Zhang, and R Ahmed. (2017). Application of Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors for Monitoring Pavement Settlement. International Symposium on Environmental Vibration and Transportation Geodynamics, Springer, 689-699. (EI) 41. YF Zhang, CY Hong, PH Zhang, Z Ahmed, JC Xu, and SQ Zhang. (2017). Fiber Bragg Grating Platform for Foot Plantar Pressure Measurement, Journal of Donghua University, 34(6), 730-735. 42. 洪成雨,殷建华,张一帆,张孟喜,刘力强,王晓峰(2016)考虑注浆压力的土钉峰值摩阻力的计算模型,东南大学学报(自然科学版),46,204-209。(EI) CY Hong*, JH Yin, YF Zhang, MX Zhang, LQ Liu, and XF Wang. (2016). A theoretical model for calculating the peak pullout resistance of soil nails considering grouting pressure, Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 46,204-209 (EI). (In Chinese) 43. ZY Pan, GY Li, CY Hong, KH Ling, Y Yu, FX Feng, Liu DM, and H Du. (2015). Modified Waste Concrete Aggregates for Asphalt Mixture Using Microbial Calcite Precipitation, RSC Advances - An international journal to further the chemical sciences,5(44), 34854-34863. (SCI影 响 因 子 IF= 2.936) 44. WH Zhou, JH Yin, and CY Hong. (2011). Finite Element Modelling of Pullout Testing on a Soil Nail in a Pullout Box under Different Overburden and Grouting Pressures. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 48(4), 557-567.(UT WOS:000291325700004) (SCI影 响 因 子 IF= 2.565,被引21次,中科院3区) 45. HH Zhu, JH Yin, CY Hong, W Jin, and YL Ho. (2010). Fiber Optic based Monitoring Technologies of Slope Engineering, Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying, 38(3), 6-10. 朱鸿鹄, 殷建华, 洪成雨, 靳伟, 何毅良. (2010). "基于光纤传感的边坡工程监测技术." 工程勘察, 38(3), 6-10. (EI) 46. GW Li, HF Pei, and CY Hong (2013). Study on the Stress Relaxation Behavior of Large Diameter B-GFRP Bars Using FBG Sensing Technology, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2013, Article ID 201767, 12 pages. (SCI影 响 因 子 IF= 1.787)


国家自然科学基金项目评审专家 第七届智能基础设施结构健康监测国际会议分会主席 中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程青委会委员 世界交通运输大会技术委员会委员(智慧型交通基础设施系统学部) 上海“一带一路”岩土与地下空间研讨会组委会委员 第六届全国土工合成材料加筋土学术研讨会组委会委员 Functional Nanomaterials for Energy Applications (SCI)客座编辑 国际土力学与岩土工程学会会员 香港岩土工程协会会员 International Conference on Geosynthetics 会员 美国土木工程师协会会员 国际智能结构健康监测(ISHMII)协会会员
