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中共党员,南京师范大学二级教授,江南大学兼职教授,江苏省生物功能材料协同创新中心常务副主任。1978-1982于安徽师范大学化学系学习;1985-1987在北京大学化学系研究生课程学习;1991 -1992在北京大学作高级访问学者;1994为硕士生导师;2003为博士生导师;2006年被聘国家发改委稀土专家;2008年被聘江苏省高级人民法院知识产权审判技术专家及其人民陪审员; 2009年被聘中国稀土学会农医专业委员会副主任等。江苏省首批优秀青年骨干教师获得者、“333人才”及世界著名期刊PNAS、Nature Communications等审稿人;曾获省部级教学和科研奖、教育部等个人荣誉称号共16次。




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Na Jiang, Lihong Wang, Chunlei Du, Xiaolan Ding, Xiaohua Huang*. The formation of a new horseradish peroxidase binding rare earth. Environ. Chem. Lett.2011.9(2):191-196. Wenbo Zhao, Guohui Zhang, Lancao Jiang, Tianhong Lu, Xiaohua Huang∗, Jian Shen∗. Novel polyurethane ionomer nanoparticles displayed a good biosensor effection. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.2011, 88 : 78–84. Guohui Zhang,Yi Fang, Jian Shen, Chun Mao∗, Xiaohua Huang∗. Cytocompatible Performance of Thermosensitive Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) Nanoparticles. Journal of Biomaterials Science. 2011, 1–10. Guohui Zhang, Ningbo Yang, Yalong Ni, Jian Shen, Wenbo Zhao∗, Xiaohua Huanga∗. A H2O2 electrochemical biosensor based on biocompatible PNIPAM-g-P(NIPAM-co-St) nanoparticles and multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified glass carbon electrode. Sensors and Actuators B. 2011,158 : 130–137. Zhenping Chen, Dongmei Sun∗, Yiming Zhou, Jiayue Zhao, Tianhong Lu, Xiaohua Huang∗,Chenxin Cai, Jian Shen. Nano polyurethane-assisted ultrasensitive biodetection of H2O2 over immobilized Microperoxidase-11.Biosensors and Bioelectronics.2011,29:53-59. Wang L, Jiang N, Zhao B, Li X, Lu T, Huang X∗. Structural basis for the decrease in the outward potassium channel current induced by lanthanum. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 2010,15(7):989-993. Wang L, Zhou Q, Lu T, Ding X, Huang X*. Molecular and cellular mechanism of the effect of La(III) on horseradish peroxidase. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 2010, 15(7):1063-1069. Lihong Wang, Aihua Lu, Tianhong Lu, Xianlan Ding, Xiaohua Huang*. Interaction between lanthanum ion and horseradish peroxidase in vitro. Biochimie. 2010,15(7):989-993. Wang LH, Zhou Q, Zhao B, Huang XH* .Toxic effect of heavy metal terbium ion on cell membrane in horseradish. Chemosphere. 2010,80:28-34. Wang LH, Zhou Q*, Huang XH* Effects of heavy metal terbium on contents of cytosolic nutrient elements in horseradish cell Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2010,73:1012-1017. Guo SF, Wang LH, Lu TH, Ding XL, Huang XH∗. Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of complex of horseradish peroxidase and La (III) at nano-gold colloid/cysteine/gold. Electrode Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2010, 644(1):80-84. Wenru Wu,Yuzhi Rong,Bo Zhao,Peipei Sun*,Xiao hua Huang* The study on the interaction between Tb(III) and ligand in Tb–acetylsalicylic acid complex and fluorescence mechanism. Journal of Luminescence. 2010,130:92-95. Guo SF, Wang LH, Lu AH, Lu TH, Ding XL, Huang XH∗ Inhibition mechanism of lanthanum ion on the activity of horseradish peroxidase in vitro. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2010,75(2): 936-941 Xiaohua Huang, Qing Zhou, Tianhong Lu,Shaofen Guo. Design and preparation of plant growth regulator of rare earth element-amino acid-vitamine, 2009, United States Patent(EFSID;4978659;PCT/CN07/01912). Mao, C., Jiang, L.C., Luo, W.P., Liu, H. K., Bao, J. C., Huang, X. H*., Shen, J*. Novel Blood-Compatible Polyurethane Ionomer Nanoparticles. Macromolecules. 2009, 42 (23): 9366–9368.. Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Photosynthetic responses to heavy metal terbium stress in horseradish leaves. Chemosphere. 2009, 77:1019-1025. Shaofen Guo, Lihong Wang, Aihua Lu , Tianhong Lu , Xiaolan Ding, Xiaohua Huanga*.Inhibition mechanism of lanthanum ion on the activity of horseradish peroxidase in vitro. Spectrochimica Acta Part A. 2009, SAA-7462. Wang, L.H., Huang, X.H.*, Zhou, Q.* Effects of Rare Earth Elements on the Distribution of Mineral Elements and Heavy Metals in Horseradish. Chemosphere. 2008,73(3): 314-319. Shaofen Guo, Xiaolan Ding, Tianhong Lu, Qing Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Inhibition Mechanism of Tb(III) on Horseradish Peroxidase Activity in vitro Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2008, 5: 2050-2059. Shaofen Guo, Qing Zhou, Tianhong Lu, Xiaolan Ding, Xiaohua Huang*. One of the Possible Mechanism for the Inhibition Effect of Tb(III) on Peroxidase Activity in Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)Treated with Tb(III). Journal of Bioogical Inorganic Chemistry. 2008, 13:587-597.
