The Case for QuantCrit: An Analysis of Race and Gender in the Journal of Research in Music Education Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Saleel Adarkar Menon, Anne Martin, Andrew Bohn
The Journal of Research in Music Education ( JRME) is an important resource in music education with a history of eminence in publication, citation, and influence on research trends and practices. Recent qualitative research appearing in the JRME has demonstrated a nuanced focus on the relevance of race and gender and marginalized perspectives within music education. This led us to question whether
2024 Senior Researcher Award Acceptance Address: Perspectives that the Passage of Time Allows Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-04 Christopher M. Johnson
Introduction to the 2024 Senior Researcher Award Acceptance Address Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Wendy L. Sims
Connecting the Social and the Musical: A Longitudinal Study of Swedish Preservice Music Teachers’ Social Positionings Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-24 Carina Borgström Källén, Monica Lindgren
In this article, we explore identity construction in specialist music teacher education. In this longitudinal study, we followed 11 preservice music teachers through their education for five years, 2016 to 2021, in a music teacher training program directed toward upper secondary schools in Sweden. For decades, music education researchers have identified tension between the music teacher and musician
Educating Ungrounded Values: Interrogating Political Versus Academic Epistemologies in Music Teacher Education Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-24 Lauren Kapalka Richerme
All music education endeavors depend on the hierarchical ordering of values. Although philosophical researchers have considered which values should inform music education practices, both the nature of values and possible epistemologies or ways of thinking about values have gone largely unexamined in the music education literature. The twofold purpose of this philosophical inquiry is to examine differences
Musical Counterstories: Racialized Experiences of Asian/Asian American Music Teachers Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-12-06 Joshua Palkki, Betina Hsieh, Carlos A. Fitch
Despite being the fastest growing population in the United States and a part of many music education programs, Asian and Asian American (AAM) music teachers’ voices often are unheard in music education discourses. The purpose of this study was to begin bringing visibility to the experiences of AAM music educators. The research questions explored in this article are: How do AAM music teachers describe
Publishing Preparation, Experiences, and Expectations of Music Education Faculty in Higher Education Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-10-08 Karen Koner, Jennifer Gee
The purpose of this study was to explore research and publishing preparation, experiences, and expectations of music education faculty members employed at higher education institutions. We developed the Publishing Preparation and Expectations Survey (PPES) to examine music education faculty members’ current areas of research, peer-reviewed journals they read and published in, and their experiences
Large Group Performance Evaluation in the United States Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-09-28 Olivia Gail Tucker, Kari Adams, Kelsey Nussbaum
Adjudicated performances have been a component of music education for more than a century, and the policies and structures associated with these events intersect with curriculum, instruction, and teacher evaluation. The purpose of this study was to describe state-organized large group performance evaluation (LGPE) practices for high school bands, choirs, and orchestras across the United States. We
Teacher Feedback in Collegiate Instrumental Music Lessons Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 Gary E. McPherson, Jennifer Blackwell
Teacher feedback is an integral component of helping students understand their current level of achievement and what they can do to improve their performance. This study built on literature in educational psychology by adopting a framework developed by Hattie and Timperley to explore how different types of feedback are used in studio instrumental lessons. For this study, we investigated the use of
A National Analysis of High School Music Course Grades Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-07-27 Brian P. Shaw
The purpose of this study was to describe the grades given to students in U.S. public high school music courses and to examine the relationships between student characteristics, music course grades, and grades in additional subjects. Using descriptive statistics, logistic regression, and latent profile analysis, I analyzed over 5,000 student transcripts from the U.S. Department of Education’s High
Navigating Identities: The Musical Lives of Four Second-Generation Immigrant Children Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 Sandra Sanchez Adorno
This collective case study explored the musical lives of second-generation immigrant children in Miami, Florida, USA, to gain greater insight into music’s role in the negotiation, construction, and expression of their “identities in music” and “music in identities.” Four children between the ages of 8 and 12 who had at least one parent born outside of the United States participated in the study. Data
Participation and Persistence in High School Elective Music Ensembles Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-04-29 Kenneth Elpus, Carlos R. Abril
In this study, we examined demographic patterns of participation and persistence in high school elective music ensembles. We extend prior research that has only compared music and non-music students by explicitly modeling persistence across multiple years of ensemble enrollment. The research draws on data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 and employs a zero-inflated Poisson regression
Lived Experiences of Adult Caregiver “Nonmusicians” and “Nonsingers” in Early Childhood Music Classes Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-04-26 Karen Salvador, Saleel Adarkar Menon
Many adults do not see themselves as musical, and about 17% believe they are tone deaf. People who identify as tone deaf often believe this condition is congenital and permanent and prevents them from ever singing accurately. In many early childhood music (ECM) classes, adults participate as musical models, interacting with their children by moving, chanting, vocalizing, and singing. Using phenomenological
How Does Increasing Contextual Interference in a Musical Practice Session Affect Acquisition and Retention? Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 Thomas Mathias, Andrew Goldman
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of three schedules of practice on high-level violinists’ learning. The contextual interference (CI) effect occurs when two or more tasks are practiced in an interleaved manner, which has been shown to impair initial learning but improve retention. How a musician alternates between tasks during practice can have a great impact on learning. This
A Grounded Theory of Early Preservice Music Teacher Identity Development Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 Nicole K. Ramsey, Heather Babb Graham, Tami J. Draves, Drew Brooks
The purpose of this grounded theory was to discover the process of undergraduate students’ music teacher identity development in the first 2 years of their preservice music education program. Participants in this study were 21 undergraduate students from an introduction to music education course. We collected multiple types of data, including interviews and written artifacts, from a course-based undergraduate
“I’ve Sat in Your Seat Before”: A Study of the Experiences of Three Black Women Music Educators Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-02-24 Marjoris Regus, Kate R. Fitzpatrick, Sean Grier
This descriptive collective case study explored the experiences of three Black women music educators through the framework of community cultural wealth. Analysis of data collected through Seidman’s three-stage phenomenological interview model revealed three themes. The first, “path to teaching,” represented the formative experiences that shaped participants’ development, including a deep level of embodied
Describing Engagement in the Collegiate Concert Band Rehearsal Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-02-21 Ryan D. Shaw, David Hedgecoth, Andrew Bohn, Emily Moler Huddleston, Nathan Irby, Charles Oldenkamp, Gentry Ragsdale, Lorenzo L. Sánchez-Gatt, Austin D. Thomas
The purpose of this multiple case study was to investigate engagement in the collegiate concert band setting. Research questions were: (1) How do collegiate band students describe their engagement in large ensemble rehearsals? (2) How do collegiate band directors describe engagement in large ensemble rehearsals? and (3) What does rehearsal engagement look like in action? Cross-case analysis suggested
The Effect of Memory and Presentation Mode in Melodic Error Detection Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 Bryan E. Nichols, Logan Barrett
Previous research has variably indicated the role of working memory in error detection by which working memory played a role in rhythmic error detection but not melodic error detection. Here, we devised a longer melodic error detection task for college musicians in an auditory, rather than visual, condition using classical excerpts, which we compared to briefer visual and auditory control conditions
Effects of Conducting With or Without a Musical Score on Observers’ Perceptions of Conductors Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-05-15 D. Gregory Springer, Brian A. Silvey, Nickolas Doshier, Faith Hall
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of conductor score use (conducting with a musical score vs. conducting without a score) on observers’ perceptions of conductors. We also examine...
Why Do Music Students Attend Counseling? A Longitudinal Study of Reasons in One UK Conservatoire Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-04-27 Raluca Matei, Jane Ginsborg
Music students in tertiary education struggle with a range of health-related problems. We investigated students’ self-referrals for counseling at a UK conservatoire to explore trends in students’ a...
A Grounded Theory of Culturally Responsible Music Teaching Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-04-21 Catherine Bennett
The purpose of this study was to examine the nature of culturally responsible music teaching (CRMT) from the perspective of U.S. music teachers working in various formal settings. “Cultural respons...
Joseph E. Maddy’s Instrumental Music Lessons via Radio Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-04-20 Phillip M. Hash
The purpose of this study was to examine instrumental music lessons taught for schoolchildren over the radio by Joseph Maddy in the 1930s and early 1950s. Research questions addressed (a) condition...
Public High School Music Education in Maryland: Issues of Equity in Access and Uptake Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-04-20 David S. Miller
The purpose of this study was to investigate issues of equity in access, uptake, and outcomes of high school music education in the context of an individual state, Maryland. I explored equity throu...
Motherhood in the Music Academy Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-02-17 Kate Fitzpatrick, Bridget Sweet
This study explored the perceptions of music professors as to their experiences navigating both the academy and motherhood. We utilized a multiple critical case study approach to understand the exp...
Jazz Improvisation Pedagogy: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Beginning Jazz Improvisation Learning Environment for Middle School Instrumentalists Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-01-30 Sara E. Marino, Clark A. Chinn
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a beginning jazz improvisation learning environment for middle school instrumentalists, including whether one of two instructional ...
A Phenomenology of First-Year Music Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-01-20 Marta Frey-Clark, Olivia G. Tucker, Justin J. West
The purpose of this phenomenology was to examine the lived experience of being a first-year music teacher during the COVID-19 pandemic. Across two data waves, the first in winter 2020 and the secon...
Adaptation of a Self-Regulated Practice Behavior Scale for Chinese Music Majors Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-01-16 Chunxiao Zhang, Joyce Lok Yin Kwan, Bo-Wah Leung
In this study, we evaluated the validity and reliability of a Chinese adaptation of the Self-Regulated Practice Behavior (SRPB) scale developed by Miksza. Tasks included supplementing, altering, an...
Examining Ensemble Requirements for Music Education Majors Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2023-01-13 Stuart Chapman Hill, Marshall Haning, Dennis P. Giotta, Briana Nannen, Jocelyn Stevens Prendergast, Amy Spears, Elizabeth Tracy, Jill Wilson
To better understand existing ensemble requirements for music education majors at U.S. institutions, we conducted a content analysis of ensemble requirements for 1,021 degree programs at 465 colleg...
About Crows and Nightingales: Which Factors Predict Vocal Abilities in Elementary School Children? Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-11-23 Zyxcban Wolfs, Henny P. A. (Els) Boshuizen, Saskia Brand-Gruwel
In this study, we explored associations between perception of musical features (pitch, tonality, timing, timbre, and loudness), vocal abilities (singing accuracy, melodic achievement, and rhythmic ...
Music Teacher Role Stress: A Structural Equation Model Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-11-07 Seth A. Taft
Teaching music can be very stressful. The music education literature includes investigations of sources of stress and suggestions for stress relief, although it lacks a consistent underlying concep...
A View From the Inside: Ensemble Directors’ Perspectives on Standards-Based Instruction Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-10-03 Kristin Harney, Jennifer L. R. Greene, Heather Katz-Cote, Krista Mulcahy, Laura Moates Stanley
In this mixed-methods study, we explored perspectives of ensemble directors (N = 306) regarding standards-based instruction and circumstances impacting standards-based instruction in the areas of c...
Burnout and Perceived Agency Among Texas Choir Teachers Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-09-29 Jessica Nápoles, Jamey Kelley, Thomas J. Rinn
The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine variables that contribute to burnout among Texas choral teachers. Specific research questions included: (1) What demographic variables predict b...
Relationships Between Self-Regulated Learning, Big Five Personality Traits, and Amount of Instrument Practice Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-09-21 Sabahat Burak, Oğuzhan Atabek
The purpose of this research was to investigate the potential relationships between self-regulated learning with regard to instrument practice, amount of instrument practice time, and Big Five pers...
Who Takes Music With Them When They Transition to High School? Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-09-13 Tevis L. Tucker, Adam Winsler
According to music educators, persistence beyond a student’s initial enrollment in middle and high school music is a problem; however, there has been little research to substantiate this claim. Alt...
Characteristics and Formative Experiences of DEI Leaders in Music Education Professional Associations Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-09-09 Karen Salvador, Amy Sierzega
In music education professional associations (MEPAs), volunteer member-leaders collaborate to guide music education and provide services such as professional development. Recently, we observed some...
You Don’t Look Sick: Voices of Music Educators Living With Chronic Illnesses Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-08-23 Kristina R. Weimer, Jessica Vaughan-Marra
The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of music educators at varying career stages and teaching positions who experience chronic illnesses. Participants (n = 8) represented a var...
Editorial Forum Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-08-10 Peter Miksza
The collection of articles included in this issue of the Journal of Research in Music Education address a range of topics sure to be of interest to many in the field. In the first article, Kenneth Elpus leveraged data gathered from the 2016 Arts National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) to investigate the proportions of middle school students in the US who participate in music classes as well
Effects of Transitional Elements on Listeners’ Aesthetic Responses to a Choral Performance Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-07-20 Kari Adams, D. Gregory Springer, John M. Geringer, Jessica Nápoles, M. Nicole Davis
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of transitional elements on listeners’ aesthetic responses. Participants (N = 81) viewed an excerpt of a choral performance while manipulatin...
Preservice Music Teachers’ World Music Preference for Taught Pieces and Its Transfer to Untaught Pieces Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-07-03 Sangmi Kang, C. Victor Fung, Hyesoo Yoo
We investigated whether preference transfer occurred from 18 taught world music pieces to 18 untaught pieces from the same regions among preservice music teachers. Eighty-three preservice music tea...
Forum Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-06-15 Peter Miksza
I write this Forum for the July 2022 issue of the Journal of Research in Music Education at the onset of a new period of geo-political instability and war while, at the same time, we continue to experience the lingering effects of a the global COVID-19 pandemic and strive to maintain our collective health and well-being.1 I remain inspired by the work our colleagues in music education continue to do
An Exploratory Study of Music Teachers’ Flow Experiences Between Performing and Teaching Music Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-06-06 Sangmi Kang
The purpose of this study was to examine music teachers’ experiences with flow while performing and teaching music. A model with four flow antecedents (Challenge, Skills, Goal Clarity, and Feedback...
Differences in Attention Allocation in Relation to Music Teacher Experience and Expertise Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-05-10 Laura K. Hicken, Robert A. Duke
To assess allocation of attention by music teachers with different levels of experience and expertise, we recruited five participant flautists: an artist teacher, two graduate students, and two undergraduates, all of whom observed nine brief video recordings of flute, clarinet, and saxophone players; a juggler; a baseball batter; and a ballerina. We tracked participants’ gaze using wearable eye-tracking
Digital Listening Tools to Facilitate Children’s Self-Regulation of Instrumental Music Practice Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-05-04 Lydia Wan, Renée Crawford, Louise Jenkins
In this study, we explored the ways in which listening tools within technology-mediated environments can facilitate children’s self-regulation of instrumental music learning between lessons. This interpretive multiple case study utilized a software application assigned for 22 weeks to a piano teacher and four students (ages 8–10). Data sources include student and teacher semistructured interviews and
Effects of Score Study and Conducting Gesture on Collegiate Musicians’ Ability to Detect Errors in a Choral Score Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-04-23 Mark Montemayor, Jessica Nápoles, Brian A. Silvey, Lia Wiese
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of score study and conducting gesture on collegiate musicians’ ability to detect errors in a choral score. Is there a combined effect of gesture and score study that impacts undergraduate conductors’ identification of errors in a score? Participants (N = 53) viewed a sequence of four choral score excerpts presented via Zoom video conferencing. We
Band Teacher Agency in a High-Stakes Performance Environment Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-04-08 Olivia G. Tucker
The purpose of this instrumental case study was to investigate band teacher agency in a high-stakes performance environment. Research questions were: (1) What experiences and professional relationships were most salient in the past (iterative), present (practical-evaluative), and future (projective) dimensions of band teacher agency in a high-stakes performance environment? and (2) How did high-stakes
Mentoring Graduate Students in Music Education: A Mixed-Methods Phenomenological Study Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-03-08 Vanessa L. Bond, Martina Vasil, Julie D. Derges, Bryan E. Nichols
Mentoring is a critical element in the well-being, socialization, and professional identity development of graduate students. Yet in music education, little is known about the graduate student mentoring experience from the mentors’ perspective. Therefore, the purpose of this mixed-methods study was to examine music teacher educators’ perspectives on and experiences with graduate student mentoring.
Middle School Music Uptake and Achievement: Evidence From the 2016 Arts National Assessment of Educational Progress Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2022-02-21 Kenneth Elpus
The purpose of this study was to examine the demographic characteristics and music achievement of eighth-grade students in the United States using evidence from the 2016 National Assessment of Educational Progress in the Arts (NAEP). Analyzing NAEP data from a nationally representative sample of 4,340 eighth graders attending public and private middle schools in the United States in 2016, The author
Children’s Representations of Music, Musical Identities, and Musical Engagement: Content and Socio-Demographic Influences Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2021-12-17 Giulia Ripani
Using the Theory of Social Representations as a theoretical and methodological framework, the purpose of this study was to describe children’s representations of music, musical identities, and musical engagement across middle childhood. Participants were primary students aged 8 to 11 (N = 132) from four schools in a large city in the Southeastern United States. Previous studies have documented that
The Effect of Register, Direction, and Magnitude on Musicians’ Evaluations of Chamber Ensemble Intonation: A Within-Study Comparison for Analysis of Repeated Measures Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2021-12-13 David S. Miller
This study had two primary purposes: (1) to investigate the effect of register, direction, and magnitude on musicians’ evaluation of chamber ensemble intonation, and (2) determine whether a novel nonparametric technique, ordinal pattern analysis (OPA), was a viable alternative to repeated-measures analysis of variance (rANOVA). I digitally mastered a recording of a string quartet performing a phrase
Corrigendum Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2021-12-11
Coppola, W. J. (2021). Students’ social perceptions of humility and arrogance among band directors. Journal of Research in Music Education. 69(3), 284–302. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022429420981675
Emotional Competence Within the Stress Coping Strategies of Music Education Students Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2021-12-07 Michelle S. McConkey, Christa R. Kuebel
Researchers have identified high levels of stress among music education students, but we know very little about how students manage this stress and how emotional competence skills might be utilized within stress coping mechanisms for this population. Through this qualitative study, we sought to understand the stress coping strategies of eight music education majors through the lens of emotional competence
Forum Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2021-12-02 Peter Miksza
This issue of the Journal of Research in Music Education features the rich topical and methodological breadth that has become typical of contemporary scholarship in music education writ large. Our knowledge of the field can only be enriched when researchers examine pressing issues from multiple points of view. Collectively, the authors who contributed to this issue have employed rigorous qualitative
Relationships Among Band Festival Ratings, Director Gender, and Other Selected Factors Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2021-11-24 Heather Nelson Shouldice, Victoria Woolnough
The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among high school band festival ratings and director gender as well as school locale, school size, student socioeconomic status (SES), student race, repertoire difficulty, and ensemble name. Data included overall ratings of bands (N = 257) that performed at District Concert Assessments held across the state of Virginia during 2019 as well as demographic
Forum Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2021-11-18 Peter Miksza
This issue of the JRME features seven articles relevant to a wide audience, including school music teachers, teacher educators, advocates, and policy makers.
Editorial Committee Members: Journal of Music Teacher Education Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2021-11-18
The Journal of Music Teacher Education seeks nominations for four new members of the editorial review committee. Duties begin July 1, 2022 and continue through June 30, 2028. Deadline for application materials: February 1, 2022.
Experiential and Cognitive Predictors of Sight-Singing Performance in Music Higher Education Journal of Research in Music Education (IF 1.2) Pub Date : 2021-10-25 Justine Pomerleau-Turcotte, Maria Teresa Moreno Sala, Francis Dubé, François Vachon
Sight-singing is prevalent in aural skill classes, where learners differ in experience and cognitive abilities. In this research, we investigated whether musical experience, level of study, and working memory capacity (WMC) can predict sight-singing performance and if there is a correlation between WMC and performance among some subgroups of participants. We hypothesized that more experienced students