On the role of psychological and social factors in pharmacological analgesia: A psychosocial moderation hypothesis. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Ehda Gharavi,Dominik Mischkowski
Identifying safe and efficient pharmaceutical pain treatments remains an enduring challenge. However, despite significant advancements in pharmacological pain management, the inconsistent effectiveness of many analgesics between people remains puzzling. To address this problem, we introduce a new hypothesis suggesting that psychosocial factors exacerbate or attenuate (i.e., moderate) pain-relieving
Do bilingual advantages in domain-general executive functioning occur in everyday life and/or when performance-based measures have excellent psychometric properties? Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Kenneth R Paap,John Majoubi,Regina T Anders-Jefferson,Rin Iosilevsky,Charlotte Ursula Tate
Psychologists have sought to understand individual differences in the ability to control thoughts, emotions, and actions during goal-directed behavior. Issues include whether the ability is unitary or componential and whether it is domain-general or task-specific. If domain-general, is it highly heritable with scant room for environmental influence or can it be enhanced by the right type of life experience
Prosocial religions as folk-technologies of mutual policing. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-10 Léo Fitouchi,Manvir Singh,Jean-Baptiste André,Nicolas Baumard
Why do humans believe in moralizing gods? Leading accounts argue that these beliefs evolved because they help societies grow and promote group cooperation. Yet recent evidence suggests that beliefs in moralizing gods are not limited to large societies and might not have strong effects on cooperation. Here, we propose that beliefs in moralizing gods develop because individuals shape supernatural beliefs
Referential retrieval and integration in language comprehension: An electrophysiological perspective. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Noortje J Venhuizen,Harm Brouwer
Referential processing is part and parcel of language comprehension, but in neurocognitive theories and models of comprehension it typically does not take center stage. Models informed by event-related potentials focus on semantic and syntactic processing in terms of the two most salient event-related potentials components, the N400 and P600, while experimental findings have implicated the Nref component-a
Correction to "One thought too few: An adaptive rationale for punishing negligence" by Sarin and Cushman (2024). Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-13
Reports an error in "One thought too few: An adaptive rationale for punishing negligence" by Arunima Sarin and Fiery Cushman (Psychological Review, 2024[Apr], Vol 131[3], 812-824). In the original article, the copyright attribution was incorrectly listed, and the Creative Commons CC BY license disclaimer was incorrectly omitted from the author note. The correct copyright is "© 2024 The Author(s),"
The theory of mind hypothesis of autism: A critical evaluation of the status quo. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-09 Emily L Long,Caroline Catmur,Geoffrey Bird
The theory of mind (ToM) hypothesis of autism is the idea that difficulties inferring the mental states of others may explain social communication difficulties in autism. In the present article, we critically evaluate existing theoretical accounts, concluding that none provides a sufficient explanation of ToM in autism. We then evaluate existing tests of ToM, identifying problems that limit the validity
The disencapsulated mind: A premotor theory of human imagination. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-09 Peter Ulric Tse
Our premodern ancestors had perceptual, motoric, and cognitive functional domains that were modularly encapsulated. Some of these came to interact through a new type of cross-modular binding in our species. This allowed previously domain-dedicated, encapsulated motoric and sensory operators to operate on operands for which they had not evolved. Such operators could at times operate nonvolitionally
As different as fear and anxiety: Introducing the fear and anxiety model of placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-06 Daryna Rubanets,Julia Badzińska,Sofiia Honcharova,Przemysław Bąbel,Elżbieta A Bajcar
Research suggests that negative affective states, such as fear and anxiety that accompany placebo treatment may be considered predictors of placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia. There is also data showing that the likelihood of developing nocebo hyperalgesia is related to the relatively stable tendency to experience these negative emotions. We aimed to summarize the current state-of-the-art
A unified neurocomputational model of prospective and retrospective timing. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-06 Joost de Jong,Aaron R Voelker,Terrence C Stewart,Elkan G Akyürek,Chris Eliasmith,Hedderik van Rijn
Time is a central dimension against which perception, action, and cognition play out. From anticipating when future events will happen to recalling how long ago previous events occurred, humans and animals are exquisitely sensitive to temporal structure. Empirical evidence seems to suggest that estimating time prospectively (i.e., in passing) is qualitatively different from estimating time in retrospect
Episodic retrieval for model-based evaluation in sequential decision tasks. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-30 Corey Y Zhou,Deborah Talmi,Nathaniel D Daw,Marcelo G Mattar
It has long been hypothesized that episodic memory supports adaptive decision making by enabling mental simulation of future events. Yet, attempts to characterize this process are surprisingly rare. On one hand, memory research is often carried out in settings that are far removed from ecological contexts of decision making. On the other hand, models of adaptive choice only invoke episodic memory in
Object substitution pretense reflects a general capacity to interpret objects as symbols. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Barbu Revencu
Nonlinguistic external representations, such as diagrams, animations, or puppet shows, involve local relations between a perceptually available object (a symbol) and an entity that is relevant in the current communicative context (a discourse referent). By analyzing the empirical evidence on early pretend play, I argue that object substitution pretense can be fully accounted for if it is conceived
Theories of consciousness from the perspective of an embedded processes view. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Nelson Cowan,Nick I Ahmed,Chenye Bao,Mackenzie N Cissne,Ronald D Flores,Roman M Gutierrez,Braden Hayse,Madison L Musich,Hamid Nourbakhshi,Nanan Nuraini,Emily E Schroeder,Neyla Sfeir,Emilie Sparrow,Luísa Superbia-Guimarães
Considerable recent research in neurosciences has dealt with the topic of consciousness, even though there is still disagreement about how to identify and classify conscious states. Recent behavioral work on the topic also exists. We survey recent behavioral and neuroscientific literature with the aims of commenting on strengths and weaknesses of the literature and mapping new directions and recommendations
The development of kind concepts: Insights from object individuation. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Jenna Croteau,Erik Cheries,Fei Xu
Object individuation studies have been a valuable tool in understanding the development of kind concepts. In this article, we review evidence from object individuation paradigms to argue that by their first birthday, infants represent at least three superordinate-level sortal kinds: OBJECT, ANIMATE, and AGENT (possibly also ARTIFACT). These superordinate sortal-kind concepts share key characteristics
The interpersonal neural coupling in group creative ideation. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Kelong Lu,Ning Hao
Group creative ideation, the capacity of group to produce novel and useful ideas, is essential for navigating challenges and embracing opportunities. Despite its significance, research to decode its neurocognitive underpinnings utilizing interpersonal neuroscience paradigm has just commenced, linking group creative ideation to interpersonal neural coupling. In this perspective, we propose an interpersonal
Human visual clustering of point arrays. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Vijay Marupudi,Sashank Varma
Although the importance of unsupervised learning has been recognized since William James's "blooming, buzzing confusion," it has received less attention in the literature than supervised learning. An important form of unsupervised learning is clustering, which involves determining the groups of distinct objects that belong together. Visual clustering is foundational for ensemble perception, numerosity
The role of expectancy in Pavlovian conditioning. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Peter F Lovibond,R Frederick Westbrook
A review of Pavlovian conditioning in animals and humans reveals a critical role for expectancy in the learning of an association between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an unconditioned stimulus (US), as well as in the expression of this association in a conditioned response (CR). The automatic and involuntary nature of CRs has traditionally been explained in terms of the formation of excitatory or
From interoception to control over the internal body: The ideomotor hypothesis of voluntary interoaction. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Sam Verschooren,Michael Gaebler,Marcel Brass
When it comes to body movements in external space, people are experts in learning fine-grained voluntary control, for example, when manipulating tiny objects. Voluntarily controlling actions in the internal body (e.g., decreasing heart rate), however, is far more difficult and requires dedicated training, for example, in meditation or yoga. Not much is currently known about the learning mechanism underlying
Illusory traits: Wrong but sometimes useful. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Drew H Bailey,Nicolas Hübner,Steffen Zitzmann,Martin Hecht,Kou Murayama
Psychological measures frequently show trait-like properties, and the ontological status of stable psychological traits has been discussed for decades. We argue that these properties can emerge from causal dynamics of time-varying processes, which are omitted from the analysis model, potentially leading to the estimation of traits that are, at least in part, illusory. Theories positing the importance
A spiking neural model of decision making and the speed-accuracy trade-off. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Peter Duggins,Chris Eliasmith
The speed-accuracy trade-off (SAT) is the tendency for fast decisions to come at the expense of accurate performance. Evidence accumulation models such as the drift diffusion model can reproduce a variety of behavioral data related to the SAT, and their parameters have been linked to neural activities in the brain. However, our understanding of how biological neural networks realize the associated
Dynamics of covert signaling: Modeling the emergence and extinction of identity signals. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Zackary Okun Dunivin,Paul E Smaldino
Covert identity signals permit the communication of group membership to ingroup members while avoiding potentially costly detection by members of other groups. If individuals are incentivized to detect others' group memberships, however, covert signals may not remain covert for very long. We propose a theoretical extension to the literature on covert signaling in which conventionalized identity signals
Psychological adaptations for fitness interdependence underlie cooperation across human ecologies. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 Kristen Syme,Daniel Balliet
Humans evolved to solve adaptive problems with kin and nonkin across fitness-relevant domains, including childcare and resource sharing, among others. Therefore, there is a great diversity in the types of interdependences humans experience across activities, relationships, and ecologies. To identify human psychological adaptations for cooperation, we argue that researchers must accurately characterize
How does depressive cognition develop? A state-dependent network model of predictive processing. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-11-14 Nathaniel Hutchinson-Wong,Paul Glue,Divya Adhia,Dirk de Ridder
Depression is vastly heterogeneous in its symptoms, neuroimaging data, and treatment responses. As such, describing how it develops at the network level has been notoriously difficult. In an attempt to overcome this issue, a theoretical "negative prediction mechanism" is proposed. Here, eight key brain regions are connected in a transient, state-dependent, core network of pathological communication
Advancing the network theory of mental disorders: A computational model of panic disorder. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-11-01 Donald J Robinaugh,Jonas M B Haslbeck,Lourens J Waldorp,Jolanda J Kossakowski,Eiko I Fried,Alexander J Millner,Richard J McNally,Oisín Ryan,Jill de Ron,Han L J van der Maas,Egbert H van Nes,Marten Scheffer,Kenneth S Kendler,Denny Borsboom
The network theory of psychopathology posits that mental disorders are systems of mutually reinforcing symptoms. This framework has proven highly generative but does not specify precisely how any specific mental disorder operates as such a system. Cognitive behavioral theories of mental disorders provide considerable insight into how these systems may operate. However, the development of cognitive
A theory of flexible multimodal synchrony. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-24 Ilanit Gordon,Alon Tomashin,Oded Mayo
Dominant theoretical accounts of interpersonal synchrony, the temporal coordination of biobehavioral processes between several individuals, have employed a linear approach, generally considering synchrony as a positive state, and utilizing aggregate scores. However, synchrony is known to take on a dynamical form with continuous shifts in its timeline. Acting as one continuously, is not always the optimal
Bouncing back from life's perturbations: Formalizing psychological resilience from a complex systems perspective. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-21 Gabriela Lunansky,George A Bonanno,Tessa F Blanken,Claudia D van Borkulo,Angélique O J Cramer,Denny Borsboom
Experiencing stressful or traumatic events can lead to a range of responses, from mild disruptions to severe and persistent mental health issues. Understanding the various trajectories of response to adversity is crucial for developing effective interventions and support systems. Researchers have identified four commonly observed response trajectories to adversity, from which the resilient is the most
Measuring the impact of multiple social cues to advance theory in person perception research. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-23 Samuel A W Klein,Jeffrey W Sherman
Forming impressions of others is a fundamental aspect of social life. These impressions necessitate the integration of many and varied sources of information about other people, including social group memberships, apparent personality traits, inferences from observed behaviors, and so forth. However, methodological limitations have hampered progress in understanding this integration process. In particular
A flexible threshold theory of change perception in self, others, and the world. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Ed O'Brien
I propose a flexible threshold theory of change perception in self and social judgment. Traditionally, change perception is viewed as a basic cognitive process entailing the act of discriminating informational differences. This article takes a more dynamic view of change perception, highlighting people's motivations in interpreting those differences. Specifically, I propose people's change perceptions
Bridging the gap between subjective probability and probability judgments: The quantum sequential sampler. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Jiaqi Huang,Jerome R Busemeyer,Zo Ebelt,Emmanuel M Pothos
One of the most important challenges in decision theory has been how to reconcile the normative expectations from Bayesian theory with the apparent fallacies that are common in probabilistic reasoning. Recently, Bayesian models have been driven by the insight that apparent fallacies are due to sampling errors or biases in estimating (Bayesian) probabilities. An alternative way to explain apparent fallacies
Violations of transitive preference: A comparison of compensatory and noncompensatory accounts. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Rob Ranyard,Henry Montgomery,Ashley Luckman,Emmanouil Konstantinidis
Violations of transitive preference can be accounted for by both the noncompensatory lexicographic semiorder heuristic and the compensatory additive difference model. However, the two have not been directly compared. Here, we fully develop a simplified additive difference (SAD) model, which includes a graphical analysis of precisely which parameter values are consistent with adherence to, or violation
An entropy modulation theory of creative exploration. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Thomas T Hills,Yoed N Kenett
Compared to individuals who are rated as less creative, higher creative individuals tend to produce ideas more quickly and with more novelty-what we call faster-and-further phenomenology. This has traditionally been explained either as supporting an associative theory-based on differences in the structure of cognitive representations-or as supporting an executive theory-based on the principle that
Networks of beliefs: An integrative theory of individual- and social-level belief dynamics. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Jonas Dalege,Mirta Galesic,Henrik Olsson
We present a theory of belief dynamics that explains the interplay between internal beliefs in people's minds and beliefs of others in their external social environments. The networks of belief theory goes beyond existing theories of belief dynamics in three ways. First, it provides an explicit connection between belief networks in individual minds and belief dynamics on social networks. The connection
Emotion understanding as third-person appraisals: Integrating appraisal theories with developmental theories of emotion. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Tiffany Doan,Desmond C Ong,Yang Wu
Emotion understanding goes beyond recognizing emotional displays-it also involves reasoning about how people's emotions are affected by their subjective evaluations of what they experienced. Inspired by work in adults on cognitive appraisal theories of emotion, we propose a framework that can guide systematic investigations of how an adult-like, sophisticated understanding of emotion develops from
Efficient visual representations for learning and decision making. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Tyler Malloy,Chris R Sims
The efficient representation of visual information is essential for learning and decision making due to the complexity and uncertainty of the world, as well as inherent constraints on the capacity of cognitive systems. We hypothesize that biological agents learn to efficiently represent visual information in a manner that balances performance across multiple potentially competing objectives. In this
How do people predict a random walk? Lessons for models of human cognition. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Jake Spicer,Jian-Qiao Zhu,Nick Chater,Adam N Sanborn
Repeated forecasts of changing values are common in many everyday tasks, from predicting the weather to financial markets. A particularly simple and informative instance of such fluctuating values are random walks: Sequences in which each point is a random movement from only its preceding value, unaffected by any previous points. Moreover, random walks often yield basic rational forecasting solutions
Exploring the underlying psychological constructs of self-report eating behavior measurements: Toward a comprehensive framework. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Clarissa Dakin,Graham Finlayson,R James Stubbs
Food and eating are fundamental for survival but also have significant impacts on health, psychology, sociology, and economics. Understanding what motivates people to eat can provide insights into "adaptive" eating behavior, which is especially important due to the increasing prevalence of health-related conditions such as obesity. There has been considerable interest in developing theoretical models
A formal analysis of the standard operating processes (SOP) and multiple time scales (MTS) theories of habituation. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Orlando E Jorquera,Osvaldo M Farfán,Sergio N Galarce,Natalia A Cancino,Pablo D Matamala,Edgar H Vogel
In this article, we compare two theories of habituation: the standard operating processes (SOP) and the multiple time scales (MTS) models. Both theories propose that habituation is due to a reduction in the difference between actual and remembered stimulation. Although the two approaches explain short-term habituation using a similar nonassociative mechanism based on a time-decaying memory of recent
Learning emotion regulation: An integrative framework. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Rachael N Wright,R Alison Adcock,Kevin S LaBar
Improving emotion regulation abilities, a process that requires learning, can enhance psychological well-being and mental health. Empirical evidence suggests that emotion regulation can be learned-during development and the lifespan, and most explicitly in psychotherapeutic interventions and experimental training paradigms. There is little work however that directly addresses such learning mechanisms
Decisions among shifting choice alternatives reveal option-general representations of evidence. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Peter D Kvam,Konstantina Sokratous,Anderson K Fitch
Dynamic models of choice typically describe the decision-making process in terms of the degree or balance of support for available response options. However, these alternative-specific representations of support are liable to fail when the available options change during the course of a decision. We suggest that people may use alternative-general representations, where stimulus feature information-rather
The (absence of the) presence-absence distinction in motivation science. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 Andrew J Elliot,E Tory Higgins,Emily Nakkawita
A focal stimulus (object, end state, outcome, event, experience, characteristic, possibility, etc.) may represent a presence, an occurrence, or something, or it may represent an absence, a nonoccurrence, or nothing. This presence-absence distinction has received extensive and explicit attention in cognitive psychology (it is the central figure), but it has received minimal and primarily implicit attention
Social exploration: How and why people seek new connections. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 Shelly Tsang,Kyle Barrentine,Sareena Chadha,Shigehiro Oishi,Adrienne Wood
Just as animals forage for food, humans forage for social connections. People often face a decision between exploring new relationships versus deepening existing ones. This trade-off, known in optimal foraging theory as the exploration-exploitation trade-off, is featured prominently in other disciplines such as animal foraging, learning, and organizational behavior. Many of the framework's principles
Understanding self-control as a problem of regulatory scope. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 Kentaro Fujita,Yaacov Trope,Nira Liberman
Although the focus of research for decades, there is a surprising lack of consensus on what is (and what is not) self-control. We review some of the most prominent theoretical models of self-control, including those that highlight conflicts between smaller-sooner versus larger-later rewards, "hot" emotions versus "cool" cognitions, and efficient automatic versus resource-intensive controlled processes
An integrated model of semantics and control. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 Tyler Giallanza,Declan Campbell,Jonathan D Cohen,Timothy T Rogers
Understanding the mechanisms enabling the learning and flexible use of knowledge in context-appropriate ways has been a major focus of research in the study of both semantic cognition and cognitive control. We present a unified model of semantics and control that addresses these questions from both perspectives. The model provides a coherent view of how semantic knowledge, and the ability to flexibly
Open-mindedness: An integrative review of interventions. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 Stephanie Y Dolbier,Macrina C Dieffenbach,Matthew D Lieberman
Partisan animosity has been growing in the United States and around the world over the past few decades, fueling efforts by researchers and practitioners to help heal the divide. Many studies have been conducted to test interventions that aim to promote open-mindedness; however, these studies have been conducted in disparate literatures that do not always use the same terminology. In this review, we
Unifying approaches to understanding capacity in change detection. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 Lauren C Fong,Anthea G Blunden,Paul M Garrett,Philip L Smith,Daniel R Little
To navigate changes within a highly dynamic and complex environment, it is crucial to compare current visual representations of a scene to previously formed representations stored in memory. This process of mental comparison requires integrating information from multiple sources to inform decisions about changes within the environment. In the present article, we combine a novel systems factorial technology
Dynamic retrieval of events and associations from memory: An integrated account of item and associative recognition. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 Gregory E Cox
Memory theories distinguish between item and associative information, which are engaged by different tasks: item recognition uses item information to decide whether an event occurred in a particular context; associative recognition uses associative information to decide whether two events occurred together. Associative recognition is slower and less accurate than item recognition, suggesting that item
What causes social class disparities in education? The role of the mismatches between academic contexts and working-class socialization contexts and how the effects of these mismatches are explained. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 Sébastien Goudeau,Nicole M Stephens,Hazel R Markus,Céline Darnon,Jean-Claude Croizet,Andrei Cimpian
Within psychology, the underachievement of students from working-class backgrounds has often been explained as a product of individual characteristics such as a lack of intelligence or motivation. Here, we propose an integrated model illustrating how educational contexts contribute to social class disparities in education over and beyond individual characteristics. According to this new Social Class-Academic
Productive explanation: A framework for evaluating explanations in psychological science. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-07-18 Noah van Dongen,Riet van Bork,Adam Finnemann,Jonas M B Haslbeck,Han L J van der Maas,Donald J Robinaugh,Jill de Ron,Jan Sprenger,Denny Borsboom
The explanation of psychological phenomena is a central aim of psychological science. However, the nature of explanation and the processes by which we evaluate whether a theory explains a phenomenon are often unclear. Consequently, it is often unknown whether a given psychological theory indeed explains a phenomenon. We address this shortcoming by proposing a productive account of explanation: a theory
Individual differences link sensory processing and motor control. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-06-13 Alexander Goettker,Karl R Gegenfurtner
Research on saccadic and pursuit eye movements led to great advances in our understanding of sensorimotor processing and human behavior. However, studies often have focused on isolated saccadic and pursuit eye movements measured with respect to different sensory information (static vs. dynamic targets). Here, we leveraged interindividual differences across a carefully balanced combination of different
Learners restrict their linguistic generalizations using preemption but not entrenchment: Evidence from artificial-language-learning studies with adults and children. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-06-06 Anna Samara,Elizabeth Wonnacott,Gaurav Saxena,Ramya Maitreyee,Judit Fazekas,Ben Ambridge
A central goal of research into language acquisition is explaining how, when learners generalize to new cases, they appropriately restrict their generalizations (e.g., to avoid producing ungrammatical utterances such as *the clown laughed the man; "*" indicates an ungrammatical form). The past 30 years have seen an unresolved debate between statistical preemption and entrenchment as explanations. Under
Longtime nemeses or cordial allies? How individuals mentally relate science and religion. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-06-06 Rizqy Amelia Zein,Marlene Sophie Altenmüller,Mario Gollwitzer
Science and religion are influential social forces, and their interplay has been subject to many public and scholarly debates. The present article addresses how people mentally conceptualize the relationship between science and religion and how these conceptualizations can be systematized. To that end, we provide a comprehensive, integrative review of the pertinent literature. Moreover, we discuss
The double empathy problem: A derivation chain analysis and cautionary note. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-06-03 Lucy A Livingston,Luca D Hargitai,Punit Shah
Work on the "double empathy problem" (DEP) is rapidly growing in academic and applied settings (e.g., clinical practice). It is most popular in research on conditions, like autism, which are characterized by social cognitive difficulties. Drawing from this literature, we propose that, while research on the DEP has the potential to improve understanding of both typical and atypical social processes
Beyond Newton: Why assumptions of universality are critical to cognitive science, and how to finally move past them. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 Ivan Kroupin,Helen E Davis,Joseph Henrich
Cognitive science is a study of human universals. This assumption, which we will refer to as the Newtonian principle (NP), explicitly or implicitly pervades the theory, methods, and prose of most cognitive research. This is despite at least half a century of sustained critique by cross-cultural and anthropologically oriented researchers and glaring counterexamples such as the study of literacy. We
"The eyes are the window to the representation": Linking gaze to memory precision and decision weights in object discrimination tasks. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 Emily R Weichart,Layla Unger,Nicole King,Vladimir M Sloutsky,Brandon M Turner
Humans selectively attend to task-relevant information in order to make accurate decisions. However, selective attention incurs consequences if the learning environment changes unexpectedly. This trade-off has been underscored by studies that compare learning behaviors between adults and young children: broad sampling during learning comes with a breadth of information in memory, often allowing children
The development of implicit leadership theories during childhood: A reconceptualization through the lens of overlapping waves theory. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-05-09 Claudia Escobar Vega,Jon Billsberry,John Molineux,Kevin B Lowe
Implicit leadership theories (ILTs) are people's lay theories, definitions, or conceptualizations of leadership. In adults, they determine what actions we perceive as leadership, influence to whom we grant leadership status, and shape our own behaviors when we want to be seen as leader. Naturally, there has been an enduring interest in how these ILTs develop in children. Current theorizing on the development
Limited information-processing capacity in vision explains number psychophysics. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-04-22 Samuel J Cheyette,Shengyi Wu,Steven T Piantadosi
Humans and other animals are able to perceive and represent a number of objects present in a scene, a core cognitive ability thought to underlie the development of mathematics. However, the perceptual mechanisms that underpin this capacity remain poorly understood. Here, we show that our visual sense of number derives from a visual system designed to efficiently encode the location of objects in scenes
Imprecise probabilistic inference from sequential data. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 Arthur Prat-Carrabin,Michael Woodford
Although the Bayesian paradigm is an important benchmark in studies of human inference, the extent to which it provides a useful framework to account for human behavior remains debated. We document systematic departures from Bayesian inference under correct beliefs, even on average, in the estimates by experimental subjects of the probability of a binary event following observations of successive realizations
Identifying resource-rational heuristics for risky choice. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-04-18 Paul M Krueger,Frederick Callaway,Sayan Gul,Thomas L Griffiths,Falk Lieder
Perfectly rational decision making is almost always out of reach for people because their computational resources are limited. Instead, people may rely on computationally frugal heuristics that usually yield good outcomes. Although previous research has identified many such heuristics, discovering good heuristics and predicting when they will be used remains challenging. Here, we present a theoretical
One thought too few: An adaptive rationale for punishing negligence. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 Arunima Sarin,Fiery Cushman
Why do we punish negligence? Some current accounts raise the possibility that it can be explained by the kinds of processes that lead us to punish ordinary harmful acts, such as outcome bias, character inference, or antecedent deliberative choices. Although they capture many important cases, these explanations fail to account for others. We argue that, in addition to these phenomena, there is something
Correction to "Levels of analysis and explanatory progress in psychology: Integrating frameworks from biology and cognitive science for a more comprehensive science of the mind" by Al-Shawaf (2024). Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-03-14
Reports an error in "Levels of analysis and explanatory progress in psychology: Integrating frameworks from biology and cognitive science for a more comprehensive science of the mind" by Laith Al-Shawaf (Psychological Review, Advanced Online Publication, Jan 22, 2024, np). Incorrect italic formatting was removed throughout the article, and an unnecessary paragraph of text was removed from the "Levels
PONG: A computational model of visual word recognition through bihemispheric activation. Psychological Review (IF 5.1) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 Joshua Snell
Orthographic processing is an open problem. Decades of visual word recognition research have fueled the development of various theoretical frameworks. Although these frameworks have had good explanatory power, various recent results cannot be satisfactorily captured in any model. In order to account for old and new phenomena alike, here I present a new theory of how the brain computes letter positions