God and Group: The Religious Ecology of Hate Crimes Against Jews and Muslims in the United States Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-08-29 Christopher H. Seto
In the United States, hate crimes that are motivated by religious bias disproportionately impact minoritized religious groups. This study investigates religious ecological predictors of hate crimes...
Assessment of the Dimensionality and Comparability in Legal Cynicism Measurement Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-08-22 Daniel Seddig
Legal cynicism refers to a general contempt of people toward the law and legal authorities. Gifford and Reisig proposed a scale to measure the construct and provided evidence for its multidimension...
Never Going to Let You Down: Preventing Predictive Shrinkage via the STRONG-R Assessment Method Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 Zachary Hamilton, Alex Kigerl, Baylee Allen, John Ursino, Amber Krushas
Risk-needs assessments (RNAs) are an evidence-based practice used by practitioners to assign supervision and programming. While foundational to day-to-day practices, these tools are typically appli...
Shining a Light on Racial Privilege: An Empirical Examination of the Role of Whiteness in Willingness to Commit Elite White-Collar Crime Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-08-06 Melissa Rorie, Tracy Sohoni, Shon Reed
A significant amount of criminological research has focused on explaining the overrepresentation of Black individuals in crime, attributing them with disproportionate criminal involvement. However,...
Public Perceptions of Gangs: An Experimental Test of Nomenclature, Race/Ethnicity, Violence, and Organization Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-07-17 James A. Densley, David C. Pyrooz, Jose Antonio Sanchez
This study examines how the public views gangs, surveying 1,000 US adults using a vignette of a teenage collective. Through a factorial design, elements crucial to gang definition debates were rand...
Fines and Fees in Flux: Exploring Changes in Municipal Violation Sentencing after Court Reform Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-07-15 Kristina J. Thompson, Paige E. Vaughn, Andrea Giuffre, Beth M. Huebner
Monetary sanctions are a ubiquitous part of punishment in the criminal legal system. In recent years, highly publicized events have drawn attention to monetary sanctions at the intersection of pove...
The “Reasonableness Divide”: Comparing Community Members’ Assessments of Force Reasonableness to Legal Standards Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-07-15 Dustin A. Richardson, Lorie A. Fridell
Headlines frequently call attention to the frustrations that many in the community express when members of law enforcement use force. Some believe that the police frequently use excessive force, an...
Being Better People: Drug Using Careers and Peyote Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-06-27 Heith Copes, Curdajah Bonner, Jared Ragland, Peter S. Hendricks
Our aim is to understand how narratives relating to personal identities and specific drugs shape people’s drug using careers. To do this, we rely on data from a photo-ethnography of people who used...
Political Ideology and Attitudes Toward Pretrial Justice: Exploring the Mediating Role of Racial Resentment Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-06-20 Stacie St. Louis, Nick Petersen
Although jurisdictions across the U.S. have implemented pretrial justice reforms with varying support from lawmakers across the political divide, there is limited research exploring public opinion ...
Immigrant Culture and Neighborhood Perceived Violent Crime and Violent Victimization: A Multi-Level Test of Enculturation to México, Acculturation to the US, and Support for the Code of the Street Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-06-19 Theodore R. Curry, Hyunjung Cheon, Nicole Cebak
Research on neighborhood immigration and crime rarely tests cultural explanations for the null or inverse associations typically found. We examine if support for the code of the street and measures...
Neighborhood Disadvantage, Social Groups, and Adolescent Violence: Assessing Mechanisms in Structural-Cultural Theories Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-06-12 Kyle J. Thomas, Jennifer O’Neill, Matt Vogel
Structural-cultural perspectives link contextual characteristics to interactions with associates who transmit definitions favorable to crime, thus influencing behavior. Drawing on this, we predict ...
Correction Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-06-09
Published in Justice Quarterly (Ahead of Print, 2024)
Revisiting the Effect of Rapid Response on the Frequency of Reported Crimes Using an Instrumental Variable Approach Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-06-02 Steven Briggs, Sarah Boonstoppel
Rapid response to emergency calls for service is among the most widely adopted crime prevention strategies used by police today while practitioners, policy makers, and researchers differ on its cri...
School Honor Cultures and Violence: The Role of Cultural Orientation and Dispersion Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-05-19 Andrew T. Krajewski, Robert H. Geibler, Bruce A. Jacobs, Mark T. Berg
We examine whether adolescents attending schools with honor-oriented cultures are more likely to engage in violence, net of their own honor attitudes. Studies typically estimate a culture’s strengt...
Incarceration without Dehumanization: Public Support for Policies to Reduce Correctional Officer Misconduct Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-05-13 Alexander L. Burton, Justin T. Pickett, Cheryl Lero Jonson, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton Jr.
Misconduct committed against incarcerated people is severe and dehumanizing. As the media has begun to shine light on correctional officer misconduct, corrections departments have started implement...
Understanding Willingness to Cooperate With Police: Current Perceptions of Bias Matter, But So Does Hope in Future Police Procedural Justice Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-05-06 Adam Fine, Allison Cross, Kwan-Lamar Blount-Hill
To solve crime, police rely on the public’s willingness to cooperate (WTC). While scholarship has focused on how people’s current perceptions of police might impact their WTC, it is likely that the...
What’s in a Label? Public Use and Perceptions of Labeling Alternatives in Criminology Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-04-04 Megan Denver, Abby Ballou, Samuel E. DeWitt
Research indicates that crime-first language (“criminal”) increases stigma, but there is limited evidence comparing person-first language (“person with a conviction”) to other non-deviant terminolo...
A Mixed-Methods Study of Early Intervention System Policy, Supervisory Review Practices, and Effectiveness Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-04-02 Christi L. Gullion, Jason R. Ingram
Early Intervention (EI) systems are police accountability tools widely used to identify and address at-risk officers. Studies have yet to incorporate supervisory review practices into EI evaluation...
Social Framework Testimony and Race Salience: Examining Bias Correction in the Current Context Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-04-01 Evelyn Maeder, Susan Yamamoto
This juror-simulation study tested whether expert testimony about police relations with Black/Indigenous persons would mitigate potential verdict discrepancies by making race a salient issue, and w...
Testing Whether Protective Parenting is a Causal Mediator of Intervention Effects on Decreased Delinquency Using a Randomized Prevention Trial Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-03-25 Man-Kit Lei, Steven R. H. Beach
Protective parenting practices, including parental monitoring and establishing nurturing and supportive rules, are thought to affect the risk of children’s involvement in delinquency. However, ther...
Changing Places: The Role of Household and Community Context in Long-Term Patterns of Recidivism Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-03-19 Audrey Hickert, Breanne Pleggenkuhle, Beth M. Huebner
The period of reentering society after prison is a critical time in the life-course and presents numerous challenges. With whom and where individuals live can determine aspects of social support, a...
Effects of Correctional Body-Worn Cameras on Responses to Resistance: A Randomized Controlled Trial in a Jail Setting Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-03-15 Daniel S. Lawrence, Bryce E. Peterson, Michael D. White, Brittany C. Cunningham, James R. Coldren Jr
Little is known about the scope of use-of-force incidents in carceral settings, nor the impact of efforts to control it. Correctional agencies have recently begun adopting body-worn cameras (BWCs) ...
Exploring Heterogeneous Effects of Victimization on Changes in Fear of Crime: The Moderating Role of Neighborhood Conditions Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 Florian Kaiser, Dietrich Oberwittler, Heleen J. Janssen, Lesa Hoffman
A growing research body shows that victimization increases victims’ fear of crime. Typically, this research estimates average effects, which may conceal that people respond differently to victimiza...
A Model to Assess the Feasibility of 911 Call Diversion Programs Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2024-01-30 Greg Midgette, Thomas Luke Spreen, Lauren C. Porter, Peter Reuter, Brooklynn K. Hitchens
Reforms to deploy civilian responders to non-criminal emergency calls may reduce demands on police departments and reduce negative interactions between police and civilians, but there is presently ...
Editors’ Introduction to: Evidence-Based Policing Strategies to Improve Justice and Reduce Disparities Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-12-30 Bryanna Fox, Marv Krohn
Published in Justice Quarterly (Vol. 40, No. 7, 2023)
Does the Rapid Deployment of Information to Police Improve Crime Solvability? A Quasi-Experimental Impact Evaluation of Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC) Technologies on Violent Crime Incident Outcomes Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-12-30 Rob T. Guerette, Kimberly Przeszlowski
Despite advances in police practices, national case clearance rates of violent crimes are at an all-time low. One recent trend in American policing involves the rapid deployment of various technolo...
Region-Specific Structural Covariates of Homicide Rates in Latin America: State Legitimacy and Remittances Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-12-18 Guillermo Jesús Escaño, William Alex Pridemore
The goal of this study was to examine region-specific structural covariates of homicide rates in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). LAC nations possess 8% of the global population but 33% of ho...
“Hesitation Gets You Killed:” Perceived Vulnerability as an Axiomatic Feature of Correctional Officer Working Personalities Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-12-18 William J. Schultz
Research on correctional officers (COs) has expanded over the past two decades, giving us a broad picture of the mental health, culture, and discretionary practices of a traditionally overlooked br...
Jail Utilization and Court Sentencing: Does Jail Overcrowding Influence State Court Sentencing Decisions? Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-12-06 C. Clare Strange, Joshua C. Cochran, John Wooldredge, Joshua S. Long
Drawing upon organizational perspectives and focal concerns theory, this article tests the impacts of jail utilization (i.e. the ratio of jail population: rated capacity) on sentencing practices. U...
Comparing Meters to Yards: A Nationally Representative Evaluation of Gender Bias in Risk Assessment Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-12-01 Zachary Hamilton, Melissa Kowalski, Michael Campagna, Addison Kobie, Alex Kigerl
Risk-needs assessments (RNAs) assist correctional staff in assigning supervision and programming. While gender is a well-known predictor of crime, for decades contemporary RNAs have claimed “gender...
Shooting the Messenger: How Expert Statements on Stigmatized Populations Negatively Impact Perceived Credibility Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-10-14 Jason Rydberg, Kelly M. Socia, Christopher P. Dum, Katrina Cole
Policies regulating individuals convicted of sexual offenses (ICSOs) are widely supported, despite little empirical evidence that they promote public safety. While research suggests this support is...
Intersecting Rape Myths with Race: Examining Race- and Ethnicity-Specific Effects of Rape Myth Factors on Police Responses to Sexual Assault Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-10-09 Suzanne St. George
In the current study, I integrate the focal concerns perspective, rape myths, and intersectionality to propose a theoretical framework through which rape myths contribute to racial disparities in c...
Assessing Gender Differences in Prison Rule Enforcement: A Focus on Defiance Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-10-02 Melinda Tasca, Erin A. Orrick, H. Daniel Butler
This study focuses on gender disparities in defiance prison infractions—an understudied and highly discretionary type of rule violation—which have important implications for individuals’ prison ex...
Court Delays and Criminal Recidivism: Results from Danish Administrative Data and a Policy Reform Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-09-25 Lars Højsgaard Andersen
Delays at court are an everlasting and potentially consequential reality of criminal justice systems, although most would agree that the timely adjudication of cases is needed from both administrat...
Cheap on Punishment: Examining the Impact of Prison Population Racial Demographics on State-Level Corrections Spending Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-09-23 Joshua H. Williams, Paige E. Vaughn
Research has explored the effects of various state-level characteristics, such as racial composition and economic conditions, on correctional budgetary decisions. However, researchers have yet to c...
Judges on the Benchmark: Developing a Sentencing Feedback System Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-09-07 Viet Nguyen, Greg Ridgeway
Judges receive limited information on how their sentencing practices contribute to inter-judge sentencing disparities which can undermine equity and the perceptions of legitimacy. We use doubly rob...
Increasing Liberalization: A Time Series Analysis of the Public’s Mood toward Drugs Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-09-06 Benjamin Thomas Kuettel
Previous research suggests that American drug sentiment is becoming more liberal. However, the absence of a reliable and valid over time measure limits our understanding of changes in drug attitude...
The Residue of Imprisonment: Prisoner Reentry and Carceral Gang Spillover Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-08-17 David C. Pyrooz
What happens to the gang ties of people when they leave prison and return to the community? There is much speculation but little empirical research concerning carceral gang spillover, which refers ...
Disparities in Segregation for Prison Control: Comparing Long Term Solitary Confinement to Short Term Disciplinary Restrictive Housing Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-08-06 John Wooldredge, Joshua C. Cochran, Claudia N. Anderson, Joshua S. Long
Following a recent study of disparities in solitary confinement (SC) placements in Florida, we examined related disparities in the use of extended restrictive housing in Ohio (SC conditions) while...
The Relevance of Targets’ Sexual Knowledge in the Progression of Online Sexual Grooming Events: Findings from an Online Field Experiment Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-08-03 Eden Kamar, David Maimon, David Weisburd, Dekel Shabat
Although the typical end goal of an online grooming event is to lure a minor into performing sexual activity (either online or offline), no previous study has examined the relevance of targets’ sex...
Salvation Scripts: How Religion Matters for Women’s Desistance Narratives Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-07-25 Rachel Ellis, Victoria Inzana
Criminologists are increasingly interested in narrative mechanisms of desistance, and a growing body of research shows that many justice-involved individuals draw on religion in constructing desist...
Extending a Social Control Framework to Explain the Link between Romantic Relationships and Violent Victimization by Non-Intimate Perpetrators: A Study of Actor and Partner Effects* Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-07-22 Christopher J. Schreck, Andrew Krajewski, Mark T. Berg
Victim data reveals that romantic relationships correspond to significant reductions in violent victimizations committed by strangers and acquaintances. This study offers a more detailed exploratio...
Police Stops and Subsequent Delinquency and Arrest: Race and Gender Differences Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-07-20 Abigail Novak, Shelby Gilbreath
Research suggests police stops are associated with delinquency and arrest in adolescence, but limited research has examined the extent to which these associations vary by intersectional identities....
Depolicing in Chicago: Assessing the Quantity and Quality of Policing after the Fatal Police Shooting of Laquan McDonald Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-07-10 Ashley N. Muchow, William P. McCarty, Patrick Burke, Rafael Moreno Jr.
The release of dashcam footage showing a Chicago Police Department (CPD) officer fatally shooting 17-year-old Laquan McDonald in 2015 placed extraordinary scrutiny on CPD to avoid another controver...
“You Get Hit or You Get Put in Check, at the End of the Day, the Love is Still There”: Hmong Culture, Diaspora, Immigration, and Gang Continuity Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-07-02 Sou Lee
There has been an increased focus on the factors that influence gang continuity given the short- and long-term consequences associated with gang membership. Despite this, Asian gangs—notably the Hm...
Applying Video-Based Systematic Social Observation to Police Use of Force Encounters: An Assessment of De-Escalation and Escalation within the Context of Proportionality and Incrementalism Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-06-21 William Terrill, Laura Zimmerman, Logan J. Somers
Although researchers have generated many studies related to police use of force, with an increasing focus on de-escalation, none have sought to systematically assess escalation, related factors, an...
The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on the Adjudication of Citizen Complaints of Police Misconduct Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-06-21 Suat Cubukcu, Nusret Sahin, Erdal Tekin, Volkan Topalli
We use citizen complaint data from the Chicago Police Department and Civilian Office of Police Accountability filed between 2013-2020 to determine the extent to which Body-worn camera (BWC) footage...
What’s in a Name? The Framing of Gang Interventions in a City with No “Gangs.” Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-06-19 Brook Kearley, Hayley Wight, Jesse Brey, Jamie J. Fader, Natalie Flath
This study examines an observed contradiction in a city with a high level of group-based youth violence and some juvenile justice stakeholders who deny the presence of gangs. Drawing on interviews ...
Are Men Reluctant to Assault Women Even When Intoxicated? Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-05-31 Andrew T. Krajewski, Richard B. Felson, Mark T. Berg
Alcohol intoxication leads to anti-normative behavior. Because violence against women is more anti-normative than violence against men, we suggest that the effects of alcohol on violence against wo...
Disparities in the Pretrial Process: Race, Ethnicity, and Citizenship Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-05-10 William M. Casey, Jennifer E. Copp, Stephen Demuth
Prior work establishes that Black and Latino people face harsher treatment during the pretrial phase of the justice system. Yet, the mechanisms underlying pretrial racial and ethnic disparities rem...
Does Bail Reform Increase Crime in New York State: Evidence from Interrupted Time-Series Analyses and Synthetic Control Methods Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-05-10 Sishi Wu, David McDowall
In 2019, New York State passed bail reform legislation that limited the use of money bail and expanded pretrial release. The bail reform law took effect on January 1, 2020. We evaluated the effect ...
The Essex Risk-Based Policing Initiative: Evidence-Based Practices in Problem Analysis and Crime Prevention in the United Kingdom Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-05-10 Iain Agar, Chris Bradford, Joel M. Caplan, Les W. Kennedy, Mark Johnson
This study draws insights from environmental criminology to implement a policing initiative focused on risky places and the micro-spatial attractors that create vulnerable settings for crime to eme...
Does Stable Employment after Prison Reduce Recidivism Irrespective of Prior Employment and Offending? Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-04-20 Simon Kolbeck, Steven Lopez, Paul Bellair
Sampson and Laub’s (1990, 1993) life course theory posits that stable employment can rehabilitate a criminal trajectory, irrespective of criminal history. Others contend that post-prison employment...
Under God and Under Threat: Christian Nationalism and Conspiratorial Thinking as Links between Political Orientation and Gun Ownership Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-04-05 Christopher H. Seto, Laura Upenieks
Conservative political orientation is a strong predictor of gun ownership in the United States. We explore the extent to which this relationship is mediated by two related belief systems: Christian...
Campus Carry Attitude, Intention, Behavior, and Impact: A Multilevel Meta-analysis Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-04-05 Bitna Kim
Numerous studies have examined the correlates and predictors of campus carry among various campus communities. There were, however, too many risk factors included, raw effect sizes were too small, ...
Estimating effects of short-term imprisonment on crime using random judge assignments Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-04-03 Hilde T. Wermink, A. A. J. Blokland, J. Been, P. M. Schuyt, N. Tollenaar, R. Apel
Noncustodial sanctions may present an attractive way to reduce the prison population rate, but only when noncustodial sanctions meet custodial ones in terms of deterring recidivism. Using administr...
The Pretrial Detention Penalty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pretrial Detention and Case Outcomes Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-27 Stacie St. Louis
It has long been argued that defendants detained pretrial face more severe case outcomes than released defendants. Considering the magnitude, directionality, and significance of these findings, thi...
Identifying and Explaining the Harmful Effects of Stalking Victimization: An Analysis of the National Crime Victimization Survey Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-16 Bradford W. Reyns, Ryan Randa, Patrick Brady
The criteria used to identify the crime of stalking have been debated since the 1990s, with most definitions including a so-called “fear standard” as a form of harm experienced by victims. The curr...
Peculiar Institution? The Legacy of Slavery and Prison Expansion in the United States, 1970–2015 Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-15 Scott W. Duxbury
Despite a long line of scholarship on race and social control, evidence that incarceration can be connected to slavery is difficult to provide. This study evaluates whether slavery had long-term ef...
Examining Differences in the Individual and Contextual Risk Factors for Police Officer, Correctional Officer, and Non-Protective Service Suicides Justice Quarterly (IF 2.6) Pub Date : 2023-03-15 Gregory M. Zimmerman, Emma E. Fridel, Natasha A. Frost
Suicide rates vary across occupational groups, with protective service occupations at elevated risk for suicide. Yet, research on correctional officer suicide remains sparse, as does research linki...