Layers split and zip for phase transition Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Stephen D. Funni, Judy J. Cha
Chalcogens for high-energy batteries Nat. Rev. Mater. (IF 79.8) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Ze Chen, Chunyi Zhi
Activating deformation twinning in cubic boron nitride Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Yeqiang Bu, Zhengping Su, Junquan Huang, Ke Tong, Penghui Li, Chong Wang, Tianye Jin, Song Zhao, Zhisheng Zhao, Alexander Soldatov, Yanbin Wang, Bo Xu, Zhongyuan Liu, Anmin Nie, Hongtao Wang, Wei Yang, Yongjun Tian
Anomalous thermal transport in Eshelby twisted van der Waals nanowires Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-12 Yin Liu, Lei Jin, Tribhuwan Pandey, Haoye Sun, Yuzi Liu, Xun Li, Alejandro Rodriguez, Yueyin Wang, Tao Zhou, Rui Chen, Yongwen Sun, Yang Yang, Daryl C. Chrzan, Lucas Lindsay, Junqiao Wu, Jie Yao
Video processing on a self-calibrating analogue memristor array Nat. Electron. (IF 33.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Muhammad Umair Khan, Baker Mohammad
Phase‐Coherent Transport in GeSn Alloys on Si (Adv. Electron. Mater. 2/2025) Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Prateek Kaul, Omar Concepción, Daan H. Wielens, Patrick Zellekens, Chuan Li, Zoran Ikonic, Koji Ishibashi, Qing‐Tai Zhao, Alexander Brinkman, Detlev Grützmacher, Dan Buca
Magnetic Field Screening of 2D Materials Revealed by Magnetic Force Microscopy (Adv. Electron. Mater. 2/2025) Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Diego A. Aldave, Guillermo López‐Polín, Esther Calle, Adrián Begué, Rocío Ranchal, Raúl Martínez, Cristina Bran, Enrique Burzurí, Julio Gómez‐Herrero, Pablo Ares, Miriam Jaafar
Issue Information Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-11
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Highly Efficient Spin‐Orbit Torque Switching in a Topological Insulator/Chromium Telluride Heterostructure with Opposite Berry Curvature Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Kewen Zhang, Yuhang Wu, Jingyan Song, Yitian Guo, Xiaolun Cai, Long Cheng, Dongxing Zheng, Aitian Chen, Peng Li, Xixiang Zhang
A Review of Ga₂O₃ Heterojunctions for Deep‐UV Photodetection: Current Progress, Methodologies, and Challenges Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Alfred Moore, Saqib Rafique, Ciaran Llewelyn, Dan Lamb, Lijie Li
Moisture Harvesting by the Structure Regulation of Hygroscopic Hydrogel for Energy and Water Sustainability Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Yujie Du, Yongliang Zheng, Hong Liu, Shujing Zhao, Xiaomian Wang, Lin Yang
Getting Under the Sensor's Skin: The Importance of Electrical Contact Characterization for Conductive Composite Elastomers Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Claire C. Onsager, Lev Rovinsky, Can C. Aygen, Shira K. Cohen, Noa Lachman, Matthew A. Grayson
Visible-to-THz near-field nanoscopy Nat. Rev. Mater. (IF 79.8) Pub Date : 2025-02-10 Rainer Hillenbrand, Yohannes Abate, Mengkun Liu, Xinzhong Chen, D. N. Basov
Adding superconductivity to highly coherent electronic spins Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-10 Ilan T. Rosen
A quantum dot in germanium proximitized by a superconductor Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-10 Lazar Lakic, William I. L. Lawrie, David van Driel, Lucas E. A. Stehouwer, Yao Su, Menno Veldhorst, Giordano Scappucci, Ferdinand Kuemmeth, Anasua Chatterjee
General approach for synthesizing hexagonal diamond by heating post-graphite phases Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-10 Desi Chen, Guwen Chen, Long Lv, Jiajun Dong, Yuchen Shang, Xuyuan Hou, Yan Wang, Jianqi Shang, Saisai Wang, Yankun Yin, Ran Liu, Wei Zhang, Zhou Jiang, Yan He, Bingchen He, Chengwen Mao, Shengcai Zhu, Bertil Sundqvist, Bingbing Liu, Mingguang Yao
A New Type Microwave Absorption Materials: Metal–Organic‐Frameworks (MOFs) Used as Non‐Conductive Material Combination with P‐C‐800 Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-09 Guodong Han, Song Zhao, Sai Sui, Bo Feng, Yudeng Wang, Junxiang Zhou, Zhuolun Li, Xiaoxia Tian, Yuxiang Jia, Jiafu Wang, Shaobo Qu
Iterative sublattice amorphization facilitates exceptional processability in inorganic semiconductors Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Yuechu Wang, Airan Li, Youran Hong, Tianqi Deng, Pan Deng, Yi Huang, Kai Liu, Jiangwei Wang, Chenguang Fu, Tiejun Zhu
Room-temperature anisotropic in-plane spin dynamics in graphene induced by PdSe2 proximity Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Juan F. Sierra, Josef Světlík, Williams Savero Torres, Lorenzo Camosi, Franz Herling, Thomas Guillet, Kai Xu, Juan Sebastián Reparaz, Vera Marinova, Dimitre Dimitrov, Sergio O. Valenzuela
The quantum limits of contact resistance and ballistic transport in 2D transistors Nat. Electron. (IF 33.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Deji Akinwande, Chandan Biswas, Debdeep Jena
Realization of Non‐Equilibrium Wurtzite Structure in Heterovalent Ternary MgSiN2 Film Grown by Reactive Sputtering Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Sotaro Kageyama, Kazuki Okamoto, Shinnosuke Yasuoka, Keisuke Ide, Kota Hanzawa, Yoshiomi Hiranaga, Pochun Hsieh, Sankalpa Harza, Albert Suceava, Akash Saha, Hiroko Yokota, Kei Shigematsu, Masaki Azuma, Venkatraman Gopalan, Hiroshi Uchida, Hidenori Hiramatsu, Hiroshi Funakubo
Ultra‐Sensitive Short‐Wave Infrared Single‐Photon Detection Using a Silicon Single‐Electron Transistor Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Pooja Sudha, Shogo Miyagawa, Arup Samanta, Daniel Moraru
Contactless Triboelectric Sensing for Real‐Time 3D Motion Recognition in Human‐Computer Interaction Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-07 Qinghao Xu, Junhao Gong, Jiayi Chen, Yimeng Zhang, Hongfa Zhao, Jiaqi Yin, Runze Zhao, Chuqiao Lyu, Wenbo Ding, Changsheng Wu
Organic solid-state photochromism using porous scaffolds Nat. Rev. Mater. (IF 79.8) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Samraj Mollick, Jin-Chong Tan
YBa2Cu3O7 as a high-temperature superinductor Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Yogesh Kumar Srivastava, Teng Chen Ietro Pang, Manoj Gupta, Manukumara Manjappa, Piyush Agarwal, Jérôme Lesueur, Ranjan Singh
Conductive-bridge interlayer contacts for two-dimensional optoelectronic devices Nat. Electron. (IF 33.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Jisu Jang, Jung Pyo Hong, Sang-Jun Kim, Jongtae Ahn, Byoung-Soo Yu, Jaewon Han, Kihyun Lee, Aelim Ha, Eunki Yoon, Wonsik Kim, Suyeon Jo, Hyun Woo Ko, Seon Kyu Yoon, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Hogil Baek, Dae-Yeon Kim, Kimoon Lee, Sungchul Mun, Kyu Hyoung Lee, Soohyung Park, Kwanpyo Kim, Young Jae Song, Seung Ah Lee, Hyunwoo J. Kim, Jae Won Shim, Gunuk Wang, Ji-Hoon Kang, Min-Chul Park, Do Kyung
Soft and Stretchable Thienopyrroledione‐Based Polymers via Direct Arylation Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-05 Angela Lin, Lorenzo Guio, Garrett LeCroy, Stanley Lo, Adnan Sharif, Yunfei Wang, Alberto Salleo, Xiaodan Gu, Christine K. Luscombe, Helen Tran
Increasing capacity with mixed conductors Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Juhyoun Park, Yoon Seok Jung
A market for metal–organic frameworks Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03
The sorption and storage properties of metal–organic frameworks are extensively reported but their commercialization has been slow. Collaborative efforts from scientists, engineers and investors are needed to accelerate the transition from laboratory to the marketplace.
Magnetic skyrmions achieve weighted summations in a scalable structure Nat. Electron. (IF 33.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-03
Copper Paste Printed Paper‐Based Dual‐Band Antenna for Wearable Wireless Electronics Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Wendong Yang, Xun Zhao, Jingchang Nan, Michael Hengge, J. W. List‐Kratochvil
Adv. Electron. Mater. 2024 2400522 DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202400522 The authors regret an error in Figure 4 and Figure 7 of the published article and have provided corrected versions, see below. Accordingly, the related analysis in the text has been updated as follows. Corrected Figure 4: Figure 4. a) XRD results of copper films sintered at different plasma power for 30 min, b,c) XPS results of copper film
A global policy framework for the circular use of forest biomass as building materials Nat. Rev. Mater. (IF 79.8) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Victor De Araujo, Maximilian Pramreiter, André Christoforo
Double-sided van der Waals epitaxy across an atomic layer Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Xiao Feng, Yayu Wang
Tensile strain and low coordination activate pure copper for hydrogen evolution Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03
Electroreduction-driven distorted nanotwins activate pure Cu for efficient hydrogen evolution Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Zhe Li, Yueshuai Wang, Hui Liu, Yi Feng, Xiwen Du, Zhiheng Xie, Jihan Zhou, Yang Liu, Yun Song, Fei Wang, Manling Sui, Yue Lu, Fang Fang, Dalin Sun
Printable molecule-selective core–shell nanoparticles for wearable and implantable sensing Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Minqiang Wang, Cui Ye, Yiran Yang, Daniel Mukasa, Canran Wang, Changhao Xu, Jihong Min, Samuel A. Solomon, Jiaobing Tu, Guofang Shen, Songsong Tang, Tzung K. Hsiai, Zhaoping Li, Jeannine S. McCune, Wei Gao
Solution-processed wafer-scale indium selenide semiconductor thin films with high mobilities Nat. Electron. (IF 33.7) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Jing He, Jifeng Ge, Junying Xue, Tingyi Xia, Yongping Dai, Shengqi Wang, Wenjie Li, Zhaoyang Lin
Publisher Correction: Compact angle-resolved metasurface spectrometer Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-02-03 Guiyi Cai, Yanhao Li, Yao Zhang, Xiong Jiang, Yimu Chen, Geyang Qu, Xudong Zhang, Shumin Xiao, Jiecai Han, Shaohua Yu, Yuri Kivshar, Qinghai Song
Correction to: Nature Materials https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-023-01710-1, published online 2 November 2023.
Rapid and Ultra‐Sensitive SARS‐CoV‐2 Subgenomic RNA Detection Using Single‐Molecule With a Large Transistor‐SiMoT Bioelectronic Platform Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-02 Eleonora Macchia, Anna Maria D'Erchia, Mariapia Caputo, Angelica Bianco, Claudia Leoni, Francesca Intranuovo, Cecilia Scandurra, Lucia Sarcina, Cinzia Di Franco, Paolo Bollella, Gaetano Scamarcio, Luisa Torsi, Graziano Pesole
Mobility‐Lifetime Products in Organic Infrared Photodiodes with Peak Absorption at 1550 nm Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-02 Bogyeom Seo, Tyler Bills, Paramasivam Mahalingavelar, Woojo Kim, Hyeong Ju Eun, Jong H. Kim, Jason D. Azoulay, Tse Nga Ng
Ion Intercalation‐Mediated MoS2 Conductance Switching for Highly Energy‐Efficient Memristor Synapse Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-02 Bin Zhao, Xuan Zhao, Xiaochen Xun, Fangfang Gao, Qi Li, Jiayi Sun, Tian Ouyang, Qingliang Liao, Yue Zhang
Micro‐Engraving UV‐Sensitive Thin‐Film Transistor from Metal–Metal Oxide Nanoparticles with Band‐Gap Engineering Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-02-02 U Jeong Yang, Sehyun Park, Woosung Choi, Vladimir V. Tsukruk
Large language models for reticular chemistry Nat. Rev. Mater. (IF 79.8) Pub Date : 2025-02-01 Zhiling Zheng, Nakul Rampal, Theo Jaffrelot Inizan, Christian Borgs, Jennifer T. Chayes, Omar M. Yaghi
Topological linking determines elasticity in limited valence networks Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Giorgia Palombo, Simon Weir, Davide Michieletto, Yair Augusto Gutiérrez Fosado
Dendrite formation in solid-state batteries arising from lithium plating and electrolyte reduction Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Haoyu Liu, Yudan Chen, Po-Hsiu Chien, Ghoncheh Amouzandeh, Dewen Hou, Erica Truong, Ifeoluwa P. Oyekunle, Jamini Bhagu, Samuel W. Holder, Hui Xiong, Peter L. Gor’kov, Jens T. Rosenberg, Samuel C. Grant, Yan-Yan Hu
Betting on qubits Nat. Electron. (IF 33.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-30
Quantum computing is our 2025 technology of the year.
How we controlled the superconducting qubit Nat. Electron. (IF 33.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Yasunobu Nakamura
How to scale the electronic control systems of a quantum computer Nat. Electron. (IF 33.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Anton Potočnik
The success and failure of quantum computing start-ups Nat. Electron. (IF 33.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Barry C. Sanders
High‐Frequency Inductors by Co‐Design Optimization of Self‐Rolled‐up Membrane Technology Adv. Electron. Mater. (IF 5.3) Pub Date : 2025-01-31 Kristen Minh‐Thu Nguyen, Zhendong Yang, Allen Tsingyuan Wang, Scott Ambros Wicker, Xiuling Li
Efficient catalyst for alkaline water Nat. Rev. Mater. (IF 79.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Charlotte Allard
An article in Nature Communications presents a yttrium-doped NiMo/MoO2 catalyst that enhances water dissociation and optimizes intermediate dynamics for efficient hydrogen production from alkaline water.
Make metal–organic frameworks safe and sustainable by design for industrial translation Nat. Rev. Mater. (IF 79.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Swaroop Chakraborty, Dhruv Menon, Iuliia Mikulska, Christian Pfrang, David Fairen-Jimenez, Superb K. Misra, Iseult Lynch
A universal inverse-design magnonic device Nat. Electron. (IF 33.7) Pub Date : 2025-01-30 Noura Zenbaa, Claas Abert, Fabian Majcen, Michael Kerber, Rostyslav O. Serha, Sebastian Knauer, Qi Wang, Thomas Schrefl, Dieter Suess, Andrii V. Chumak
Modular lattice structures Nat. Rev. Mater. (IF 79.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Ariane Vartanian
An article in Communications Materials introduces a modular assembly approach to scale up pyrolytic carbon lattice structures while retaining their strength and ductility.
Design of oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications Nat. Rev. Mater. (IF 79.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Bowon Lee, Yunjung Lee, Nohyun Lee, Dokyoon Kim, Taeghwan Hyeon
Large-scale single MoS2 crystals unlocked Nat. Rev. Mater. (IF 79.8) Pub Date : 2025-01-28 Giulia Pacchioni
An article in Nature Materials reports an adaptation of the Czochralski method that enables the growth of centimetre-scale single-crystal MoS2 flakes with ultra-low defect density.
Dynamic flow control through active matter programming language Nat. Mater. (IF 37.2) Pub Date : 2025-01-29 Fan Yang, Shichen Liu, Heun Jin Lee, Rob Phillips, Matt Thomson