Imaginative Interdependence: Imagination, Speculation and Aesthesis The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-15 Dennis Atkinson
This paper addresses the importance of creativity, speculative imagination and the production of novelty in pedagogic practices in art education and art practice. These terms refer to always incomplete assemblages or agencements of experiencing. Whitehead's ideas on imagination, speculation and propositions are linked with Stengers's work on speculation and the cosmic adventure. The paper proceeds
Issue Information The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-14
Explorative Interaction with Materiality in Norwegian Primary School Makerspaces from the Perspective of Arts and Crafts Education The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-13 Lovise Søyland, Ingrid H. Høibo, Camilla Groth, Pirita Seitamaa‐Hakkarainen
Educational makerspaces have now been established in many Norwegian schools. Makerspace initiators promote active learning by using new and traditional materials, tools and technologies in creative activities. Arts and crafts (A&C) education shares many ideas with makerspaces, inviting pupils to explorative interaction through material engagement that promotes multiple ways of knowing. In this study
Artivist Childhoods The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-11 Tahlia Lasczik, Alexandra Lasczik, Amy Cutter‐Mackenzie‐Knowles
The rise in the number of young people disengaged from mainstream schooling is reaching critical proportions. This paper explores a child‐framed participatory inquiry known as The Walking A/r/tography Project, which sought to challenge, empower and engage youth at risk in one Special Assistance Secondary School in Southeast Queensland through a/r/tographic mappings of place and subsequent critical
All Together and Separately: Learning to Learn in the Studio The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Pınar Koç
This study aims to develop learning to learn and self‐learning in the architectural design studio. The study considers that one of the ways in which the architectural design studio can be resistant to environmental conditions is to be aware of and manage the way the architecture student learns. The main theme of the methodological approach is learning how to learn, and its experients are first‐year
Biophilic Design: An Experiment in Teaching Furniture Design Studio The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-21 Wael Rashdan, Ayman Fathy Ashour
In response to increasing societal concerns for environmental issues, there is a growing demand for products that are both functional and eco‐friendly. This study investigates how integrating nature‐inspired furniture design into educational curricula prepares students for the evolving demands of the design industry. Conducted within an undergraduate furniture design studio, students were tasked with
The Quiet Learner of the UK Art Classroom The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Mags Ryder
This paper investigates the perceptions and implications of quietness among students in the UK classroom, challenging the prevalent notion that vocal participation equates to engagement and success. Despite concerns from educators and parents about quiet students' engagement, this research explores how silence and quietness function as integral components of classroom dynamics. Through interviews with
Becoming Materially Aware with Mushrooms: A Sociomaterial Analysis of Biomaking The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-18 Päivikki Liukkonen, Henriikka Vartiainen, Sirpa Kokko
Biomaking and other bio‐oriented creative approaches are beginning to gain traction in education. Operating at the intersections of arts and sciences, they represent a field of integrative practices that involve creative making with the biological. In educational contexts, however, bio‐oriented creative practices have been studied primarily from hylomorphic perspectives that do not account for the
The Influence Aesthetic Processes Can Have on Daycare Children's Play The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 Johan Bundgaard Nielsen
This article argues for a reconceptualisation of early childhood education, where learning and development are not only valued by outcome, and aims to investigate how aesthetic processes are organised in ways for the children to be inspired, to compare, explore, and play. Inspired by a Vygotsky perspective and his theories of play, imagination, and creativity, the article argues for developmental perspectives
Digital Infographic Creation in Design Education: A Participatory Learning Algorithm Measuring Location‐Based Spatial Impact The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Emel Birer, Esin Hasgül, Elif Gizem Metin
Design education includes many pursuits that deal with creativity, thinking and visual communication techniques in the learning process. This study aims to create a participatory learning algorithm based on a location, while measuring the spatial impact through an emergent situation. The exemplified issue is determined as fire that emerged due to climate change, which has become a significant agenda
Visions of the Future of Craft Education The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Sanna Mommo, Anna Kouhia, Marja‐Leena Rönkkö
This study examines the history of craft education, especially in the context of social and temporal changes, and envisions its future based on narratives collected by student teachers at two Finnish universities. The research material covers essay responses that discussed the future of craft education in the light of forecasted megatrends. The essay responses were analysed using narrative methods
Exploring the Effect of Cultural Inspiration Distance and Timing on Designer’ Creativity in in Targeted Cultural Creative Design Pattern The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Guodong Chen, Zuting Li, Qixun Zhao, Bei Kong, Yana Gao, Rong Pan
Cultural creative design activity and education involve the application of cultural inspiration. This study examines the impact of cultural inspiration distance and timing on designer’ creativity in Targeted Cultural Creative Design Pattern (TCCDP). Four design novice groups attended the cultural product design experiment with a combination of distance (far or near‐cultural inspiration) and timing
A Design School for Social Innovation: Reflections on a Pilot Case in Japan The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-13 Fumiya Akasaka, Fuko Oura, Kentaro Watanabe
The paradigm of design must drastically change to promote sustainable social development that considers not only economic growth but also human well‐being and environmental sustainability. Some scholars argue that the central paradigm of design should focus more on the societal perspective. This article refers to such a socially oriented design approach as design for social innovation (DfSI). Our study
How Children Draw, Write and Tell About Portraying Mixed Emotions in Themselves and Others Children The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Esther Burkitt, Dawn Watling
Children alter their drawings in multiple ways depending on whether they are drawing happy, sad or mixed happy and sad experiences. However, their explanations of why they may use features to show emotions may be overlooked in interpretation. The present study therefore used the Draw–Write–Tell paradigm which integrates children's explanations of feature use to explore children's drawn representations
Exploring the Artistic Identity of Elementary Art Teachers The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Tara Carpenter Estrada, Molly Neves, Connie Broadbent, Kara Aina, Rachel Wadham
Art teachers straddle two identities those of a teacher and those of an artist. While these two identities may complement each other it is clear that, particularly for elementary art teachers, they are often in conflict. As art teachers look towards balancing this dichotomy, they must discover what is necessary to equalise and maintain both their teaching and artistic identities. This self‐study offers
Graphic Design Education in the Era of Text‐to‐Image Generation: Transitioning to Contents Creator The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Younjung Hwang, Yi Wu
The advancement of generative artificial intelligence (AI) presents innovative opportunities and new challenges across various industries and academic fields. Particularly, recent advancements in generative AI, which can create images from text, are introducing new challenges in the field of graphic design education. This study discusses methods of graphic design education utilising generative AI,
What Drives Design Education in Korean Classrooms? The History of South Korea's National Curriculum and Some Proposals for Design Education in Its Current Iteration The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2025-01-10 Seolyung Choi, Eunryung Hyun
In South Korea, the National Curriculum and textbooks, especially within design education, are closely intertwined. The Curriculum is critical in establishing educational goals and standards for each subject, acting as a blueprint for schooling. Textbooks, which must be approved, are designed to align with this Curriculum. This article introduces new content for design textbooks guided by the 2022
Your Session Has Expired: Art, Education and Timing Out The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-11-27 Claire Penketh
Issue Information The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-11-27
Out of Time, Pedagogy, Temporality and the Affective Encounter. Film and Moving Image Making Practice in Art Education The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-11-08 Joanna Fursman
This article explores how lens‐based practices can articulate and respond to art education phenomena. The affective turn in education and appearances of education in artists’ film and moving‐image are explored to help identify different appearances and experiences of art education pedagogy. Interspersed by clip descriptions from students and my affective descriptions of watching Être et avoir by Nicolas
Thinking About Drawing As Cause and Consequence: Practical Approaches in Time The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 Simon Grennan, Miranda Matthews, Claire Penketh, Carol Wild
This paper, a conversation between Simon Grennan, Carol Wild, Miranda Matthews and Claire Penketh, explores drawing as cause and consequence, applying Grennan's thinking to three drawings as a means of exploring and exemplifying ideas discussed in his keynote at the iJADE Conference: Time in 2023. Following an initial introduction to key ideas that were raised for that audience, the paper explores
A Ritornello Pedagogy: Troubling School Art Orthodoxies The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-11-05 Georgia Sowerby, Tabitha Millett
In the studio, there are routines and rituals to be observed. One of those is making gesso. The quantities change each time and the ingredients vary, but the mechanical process remains the same: soak rabbit skin glue for 3 hours, double burner melt the glue, sieve in champagne chalk whiting, stir slowly, and tap the sides to remove air bubbles. Brush on first layer. Dry. Sand. Repeat × 10. Out of repetition
Clients and carers: Healthcare professionals’ roles in medical device development processes in SMEs The Design Journal (IF 0.8) Pub Date : 2024-10-29 Harun Kaygan, Pınar Kaygan
With the call for patient-centred healthcare, designers and healthcare professionals collaborate increasingly, as both health and design researchers advocate closer engagement between the two. Yet ...
Social design education in Brazil: Historical preambles to what got us here and pedagogical experiences to get us there The Design Journal (IF 0.8) Pub Date : 2024-10-29 Gustavo Cossio
This paper prompts an introductory overview regarding the historical paths and the theoretical-practical properties of social design in the realm of design education in Brazil. Initially, the prece...
Time: Friend or Foe The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-31 Moulis Charlotte
Using many years of experience in the UK's state primary schools, I consider that a limited understanding of time has damaging implications for both pupils and adults within the education system. The sector neglects the fact that time has much potential, many definitions and is a powerful influence on man. I share how education took clock‐time and manipulated it to an extreme, leading to the rule clock‐time
Sounding of the idols. Visual deception and religious images in Brazil Visual Studies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-10-31 Mihai Andrei Leaha, Roger Canals
This article is a visual analysis of “deceptive religious imagery” employed by the campaign teams of Bolsonaro and Lula during the 2022 Brazilian presidential race with the aim of garnering votes t...
Editorial Fashion Practice (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-10-28 Fiona Dieffenbacher
Published in Fashion Practice: The Journal of Design, Creative Process & the Fashion Industry (Vol. 16, No. 3, 2024)
The Pedagogical Power of Paper The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-29 Suzanne Rodgers
In this research, I explore the potential of a material‐led, embodied pedagogical approach to cultivate diverse modes of thinking, knowing and becoming within a pre‐GCSE curriculum. Drawing from my experiences as both an artist and educator, I acknowledge the transformative power inherent in recognising the agency of all forms of matter, whether human or non‐human. Through the implementation of a project
The Neuroaesthetics of Art and Design Education The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-29 Carol Wild
Teaching is increasingly defined through the syntax of cognitive science, by retrieval practice, spaced learning, and interleaving, generating a computational rhythm for learning as a system of inputs and outputs that builds up an individual's memory over time. This, I argue, is at odds with the choreography of art and design education as an aesthetic, social, and material practice. An alternative
Never Enough Time The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-28 Christopher Samuel
The unlimited joy, ‘once you start you can’t stop’: masculinity in domestic technology commercials in Turkey Visual Studies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-10-22 Defne Karaosmanoğlu, Leyla Bektaş Ata, Bahar Emgin
Recently, studies have begun examining men’s interaction with domestic space to explore changing forms of masculinity and domesticity, arguing that housework has become a leisure activity for men, ...
Design for shared driverless vehicles of the future The Design Journal (IF 0.8) Pub Date : 2024-10-24 Jiayu Wu, Sheila Clark, Ashley Kennard, Katrine Dalum Hesseldahl, Cyriel Diels
On-demand shared transportation is a major new mobility innovation and potentially the main mode of transport in coming decades. Studies show that driverless vehicles have potential to accelerate u...
Broken Time: On the Fragmentation of the Experience of Art School and the Impact on Identity Formation and Ttransformation The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-25 Magnus Quaife
This paper explores how increases in modularisation, elements of professional practice and even our relationship to screens and social media are amongst the factors that have changed the way time is experienced in higher fine art education. I draw upon my experience as a student, educator and pedagogical researcher to propose that identity formation and/or transformation are amongst the key functions
Quick, Quick, Slow: Making Time for Sustainable Photography Practices in Contemporary Higher Education The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-25 Tracy Piper‐Wright, Tabitha Jussa
As environmental awareness grows, so do questions about the environmental impact of photography, in particular traditional film development and processing, which includes the use of plastics, gelatine and other environmentally harmful chemicals notwithstanding water usage and waste. Pioneering practice and research into sustainable alternatives to conventional processes has quickly established, supported
Disruptive Timetables and Frameworks Within the Gamification of Critique and Peer Review The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-25 Justin B. Makemson
Researchers define gamification as the phenomenon of creating “gameful experiences” and the use of “game mechanics” in non‐gaming contexts (Deterding et al. 2011; Hamari et al. 2014). Gamification within education is the translation of design elements historically associated with gaming, e.g., embodiment, restructured timetables, probability, risk and reward, into the design of pedagogical approaches
Dressing the Future: The Bibliometric Interplay Between Sustainability and Fashion Studies Amidst the Neoliberal Era Fashion Practice (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-10-22 M. Ada Özdil, Emrah Konuralp
The concept of sustainability has significantly influenced various industries, notably the fashion sector. This study conducts a thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis of the interplay betw...
The Sun Is in Your Hand(held): mediating solar imaginaries and technological ambivalence Digital Creativity (IF 1.3) Pub Date : 2024-10-21 Alex Custodio, Hanine El Mir, Michael Iantorno
This paper adopts a media archaeological perspective to excavate the social, technical, and ecological protocols embedded within videogames with the goal of imagining engaged users and alternative ...
Autoethnographical Research on the Experience of Identity Change as an Artist, Teacher and Teaching Artist The International Journal of Art & Design Education (IF 1.1) Pub Date : 2024-10-16 Ok‐Hee Jeong
An autoethnographic exploration of identity formation raises the question of how individuals inhabit, negotiate, accommodate and resist the social groups to which they belong, continually coming to terms with who and what they are. This paper discusses, through this researcher's autobiographical exploration, the ways in which pedagogical discourse and practice produce identities that are constructed
Looking at things strangely: Defamiliarisation as a design approach for media literacy education The Design Journal (IF 0.8) Pub Date : 2024-10-15 Yaron Meron
Design methods have long been proposed as educational devices and, increasingly, as approaches for engaging with societal issues. While media, cultural and political narratives continue to debate b...
Video game structural layers for narrative design and articulation Digital Creativity (IF 1.3) Pub Date : 2024-10-08 Eoghain Meakin
Video Games are composites of interlocking structures that collectively create meaning for the player to investigate and act upon. The most apparent form of meaning for the player is the narrative ...
Designing with words: exploring the integration of text-to-image models in industrial design Digital Creativity (IF 1.3) Pub Date : 2024-10-10 Mário Barros, Qi Ai
This study investigates the effectiveness of Text-to-image (T2I) models in assisting industrial designers with the visualization of product concepts. Using action research and a reflection-in-actio...
Poems, portraits, and paper: Raphael’s sonnets and the fabric of friendship Word & Image (IF 0.2) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 Lisa Pon
In this essay, I argue that Raphael’s double portrait of Agostino Beazzano and Andrea Navagero formed the painter’s fullest response—made in purely pictorial terms—to Renaissance prosody as it was ...
Art, illusion, and recycled images in Johannes Pauli’s anecdotes on painters Word & Image (IF 0.2) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 Marta Faust
This article considers selected book illustrations that were published in the 1530s by Augsburg printer Heinrich Steiner. It compares Steiner’s choice of images for Schimpff und Ernst (1534), a pop...
‘Very curious and romantick Views’: Captain Cook’s Antarctic explorations and aesthetic education Word & Image (IF 0.2) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 Hélène Ibata
In all three of James Cook’s expeditions to the Pacific, visual artists were hired by the Royal Society and the Admiralty to communicate scientific information that relied on visual evidence, while...
Narrative to icon: the inscriptive origins of Christ Ecce Homo Word & Image (IF 0.2) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 John Lansdowne
This article examines the shifting iconographical meaning and purpose of the Latin phrase ecce homo in visual art in the later Middle Ages. As told in John 19: 4–5, ecce homo was the terse two-line...
Fashion Curation in Latin America Dress (IF 0.2) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 Laura Beltrán-Rubio
This article argues that fashion curation in Latin America must be redesigned in order to disseminate the complex histories of fashion in the region, which are inherently tinted with forms of syste...
Empathy design method based on immersive interactive experiential spaces: A case study of Parkinson’s disease in China The Design Journal (IF 0.8) Pub Date : 2024-09-25 Xinyu Yang, Jianfang Guan, Dongjun Han, Xipei Ren
It is a common challenge for designers to truly understand users’ behaviours and specific needs for universal design in the healthcare setting. This study proposes a new design method that allows d...
Implications of hospital workers’ sense of safety and effectiveness in participatory design The Design Journal (IF 0.8) Pub Date : 2024-09-25 Floris van der Marel
Participatory design initiatives help promote more voice on the work floor—if the social dynamics are encouraging. Interest in understanding employee voice is rising due to being linked to employee...
Reimagining food systems and food futures: a visual approach Visual Studies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Catherine Price
The aim of this article is to reveal some of the different points of view, priorities and visions for the future of food systems which were on display in FOOD: Bigger than the Plate, a temporary ex...
Para/texts for the movie Archie’s Final Project: navigating stigma and profit imperatives to discuss suicide and human connections Visual Studies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-09-20 Alessandra Seggi
In light of the high suicide rates among youth in the United States and the role that media can play in educating the public about it, this paper examines how the independent film Archie’s Final Pr...
Camouflaging colonialism: a case study of a NeoColonial Museum Visual Studies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 Silvia Domínguez, Simón E. Weffer-Elizondo, David Embrick
Museums are presented as institutions housing a society’s most outstanding artistic collective achievements. They are racialized organisations helping preserve white supremacist normativity in the ...
Circular Economy for Fashion Waste in the Indian Fashion Industry: Challenges and Opportunities Fashion Practice (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-09-11 Komal Dhiwar, Madhura Bedarkar
Essential to human survival, textiles, and clothing have witnessed a meteoric rise in production and consumption worldwide, evolving from basic needs to everyday commodities. A more disposable cons...
Visualizing everydayness, questioning interstitiality Visual Studies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 Taher Abdel-Ghani
This visual essay explores the possibility of everyday spaces to be theorized as interstices, i.e. in-between or temporary spaces. The images are black-and-white video snapshots of urban spaces in ...
The photography of José Gómez de la Carrera and the construction of the territorial image of the early Republic of Cuba Visual Studies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 Nieves Acedo
This article studies the group of photographs by José Gómez de la Carrera, active in Cuba between 1885 and 1909, which entered the University of Navarra Museum Collection in 2018. With a multidisci...
Street photography and the flâneur: reflections on Australian city narratives Visual Studies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 Grant Ellmers
This original photographic work investigates the intersection of street photography and the concept of the flâneur within an Australian urban context. By transforming cityscapes into visual texts, ...
#EverydayNile Correspondences Visual Studies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 Emanuele Fantini
Building on Tim Ingold’s theory on human correspondence, this visual essay plays with the photos of #EverydayNile, a project involving photojournalists from different Nile basin countries to re-pic...
Correction Visual Studies (IF 0.7) Pub Date : 2024-09-13
Published in Visual Studies (Ahead of Print, 2024)
Dressed in Time: A World View Dress (IF 0.2) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 Kristina Tollefson
Published in Dress: The Journal of the Costume Society of America (Ahead of Print, 2024)
Jane Austen’s Wardrobe Dress (IF 0.2) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 Ann Buermann Wass
Published in Dress: The Journal of the Costume Society of America (Ahead of Print, 2024)
What Artists Wear Dress (IF 0.2) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 Rebecca McNamara
Published in Dress: The Journal of the Costume Society of America (Ahead of Print, 2024)