The Impact of International Mergers and Acquisitions on Rivals’ Performance: The Role of Formal and Informal Institutions Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 Dimitrija Kalanoski, Francesco Cappa, Michele Pinelli, Jean-Philippe Bonardi
The article examines how firms' institutional environments influence rivals' expected performance following horizontal M&A announcements of competitors. Grounded in institutional economics, we propose that institutional distance affects M&As' economic efficiency by influencing deal completion and creating subsequent differential costs and benefits post-deal completion. Our analysis of 124 international
Overcoming legitimacy challenges of novel HRM practices during internationalization: The case of two food-delivery platforms Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-28 Alex Veen, Jeroen Meijerink, Tom Barratt, Anne Keegan, Caleb Goods
Food-delivery platforms seemingly confound the organizational logic that firms, upon internationalization, must gain legitimacy. We contribute to the literature on HRM in multinational enterprises by studying how Deliveroo and Uber Eats expanded into Australia and the Netherlands. Using an organizational legitimacy lens, we trace how these platforms navigate the legitimacy challenges arising from their
An advanced meta-ranking for the expanding international business field – Journal status and future trajectories Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-26 Heinz Tüselmann, Rudolf R. Sinkovics, Grigory Pishchulov
We re-examine and advance the landscape of academic journal publishing, specifically focusing on international business (IB) journals. While previous journal rankings have identified sixteen domain-specific IB journals, a renewed look at the journal space shows that the landscape of publications for IB has grown, while at the same time, mostly, retained or even improved its quality propositions. Utilizing
Revealing the promise of microfoundations for international business research: A modular approach Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-12-23 Tina C. Ambos, Ulf Andersson, Rian Drogendijk, Randi Lunnan, Pamela Sharkey Scott, H.Emre Yildiz
The microfoundations perspective offers promising avenues for advancing theoretical and empirical research in international business (IB). However, two key challenges have limited progress so far: first, uncovering micro-macro relationships in complex, often nested, IB phenomena; second, applying the multiple theoretical lenses offered by IB to coherently explain relationships. This paper addresses
Competent suppliers as a missing link: A supplier-centered view on cascading private labor governance in global value chains Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-20 Jinsun Bae, Joonkoo Lee, Sun Wook Chung, Hyunji Kwon
How does a multinational enterprise (MNE) monitor and regulate the working conditions of a multi-tiered global value chain? Literature based on internalization theory focuses on the role of an MNE as the sole regulator, assuming the passivity of suppliers within the chain. We challenge this approach as it is not feasible for a single firm to monitor and regulate hundreds of independent suppliers. We
International product adaptation and performance: A systematic analysis of the literature and agenda for future research Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-11-18 Eleni Tsougkou, John W. Cadogan, Nathaniel Boso, Ian R. Hodgkinson, João S. Oliveira, Tommi Laukkanen, Nahid Yazdani, Vicky M. Story
There is a lack of consensus on what the international product adaptation (IPA) concept involves, and only a partial understanding of its outcomes. Our analysis of the IPA-performance link uncovers, for the first time, the multidimensional nature of IPA. We show how the operational approaches used to explore IPA change its meaning across studies, demonstrate that IPA has different impacts across performance
The home country effect on between- and within-firm performance differences Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-30 Daniel S. Andrews, Stav Fainshmidt, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra
This study estimates the home country effect on multinational firm performance using data from 117 home countries (28,079 firms) and 123 host countries (85,579 affiliates) from 2010 to 2019. Using a variance decomposition approach, we find that the effect explains a sizable portion of variance between firms but is mostly trivial for performance differences among foreign affiliates within firms. These
Should we stay or should we exit? Dilemmas faced by multinationals under sanctioned regimes Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-09-05 Htwe Htwe Thein, Anna Grosman, Sergey Sosnovskikh, Anton Klarin
This study investigates how multinational enterprises (MNEs) navigate sanctioned regimes using the Myanmar context following a 2021 military coup. We find that without formal institutional pressures, MNEs exit voluntarily due to informal stakeholder pressures. However, such exits are often considered irresponsible as MNEs transfer assets to unethical buyers or the sanctioned regime, thus potentially
Advantages of foreignness and accelerator selection: A study of foreign-born entrepreneurs Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-29 Mohammad Fuad, Mohsen Mohaghegh, Shavin Malhotra
Foreign-born entrepreneurs are crucial for new ventures and regional growth. A key driver of their success is selection into business accelerator programs. We theorize that foreign-born founders with local residency and work experience are more likely to be selected by these programs. However, the institutional distance between an entrepreneur's host and the birth country reduces their likelihood of
‘Caught in the middle’: Effects on and reactions of Vietnamese timber exporters in the context of US-China economic sanctions Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-21 Quyen Thao Dang, Hussain Gulzar Rammal, Pervez N. Ghauri, Pavlina Jasovska, Santiago Velasquez
The impact of primary sanctions on firms has been well-documented in the literature. However, the impact of secondary sanctions on businesses in third countries and their strategic responses has been under-researched. This study explores this issue by investigating Vietnamese timber exporters in the context of US-China economic sanctions. Taking a case study approach, interviews were conducted with
Foreign identity and organizational crises: Evidence in the U.S. automobile industry Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 Sangbum Ro, Daekwan Kim, Bruce T. Lamont, David Maslach
Multinational corporations (MNCs) adeptly manage Liabilities of Foreignness (LOF) and Assets of Foreignness (AOF) to their advantage, and central to this endeavor is the strategic management of their foreign identity. Our research identifies a critical context where foreign identity remains a liability: organizational crises. Drawing on organizational identity and legitimation process theories, we
Network effects, word of mouth, and entry performance: A study of digital freemium products Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-02 Noman Shaheer, Liang Chen, Jingtao Yi, Sali Li, Huiwen Su
International entry research rarely examines strategies affecting entry performance in a target country, largely due to data limitations in the traditional multinational enterprise setting. However, the emergence of digital business with trackable international performance data helps address this gap. We utilize digital freemium products as our research context to examine the effect of two major demand-side
Antecedents and performance consequences of high-potential programs: The role of firms’ cultural environment Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 Benjamin Philipp Krebs, Rüdiger Kabst
Drawing on neo-institutional and contingency theory, we argue that firms are more likely to use and benefit from a high-potential program when it is accepted and legitimate in and fits with the cultural environment. Drawing on a sample of 1,808 firms from 23 countries, our results provide evidence that the use of high-potential programs is subject to cross-cultural variations, but the pattern is largely
The impact of cultural identity on cultural and language bridging skills of first and second generation highly qualified migrants Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 Cristina Popescu, Markus Pudelko
This inductive study explores on the basis of 134 semi-structured interviews for the case of Germany, the impact of cultural identity on highly qualified migrants’ cultural and language bridging skills. A particular focus is put on the differentiation between first and second generation migrants. We find that cultural identity impacts migrants’ cultural and language bridging skills, prompting differences
The effect of sanctions on macro talent management: The case of Russia Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 Marina Latukha, Ilan Alon, Nikita Kuleshov, Vlad Vaiman
The purpose of our study is to examine how the sanctions imposed on Russia influence talent management. To do so, we review the macro talent management (MTM) framework alongside the literature on sanctions. In addition, we have collected data from 419 media publications discussing the effects of sanctions and analyzed them using critical discourse analysis (CDA). Our findings highlight the predominantly
Regional resilience during a trade war: The role of global connections and local networks Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-07-04 Canfei He, Jing Li, Wenyu Wang, Peng Zhang
Economic sanctions can adversely affect target countries. We study how regions withstand these sanctions amid the US-China trade war. Adopting a geographic relational perspective, we posit that regional resilience hinges on global connections and local networks. Analyzing nightlight data, we find that regional resilience is closely tied to the nature of global connections: cities prioritizing high-value-adding
Reducing freeloading in Global Virtual Teams: A quasi-experimental approach Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-07-03 Vas Taras, Matthew McLarnon, Piers Steel, Thomas O'Neil
Freeloading, a challenge faced by all workgroups but particularly acute in global virtual teams (GVTs), is an increasing concern as GVTs become increasingly ubiquitous in international business settings. This study employed a quasi-experimental design to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of different strategies grounded in equity theory for mitigating freeloading behavior in GVTs. The study used
The South African economic elite and ownership changes in foreign multinationals’ assets during and after Apartheid-era sanctions Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-06-07 Helena Barnard, John M. Luiz
Using a historical lens to investigate sanctions against Apartheid South Africa, we found foreign multinational enterprises (MNEs) lost out repeatedly during sanctions, almost always to the local economic elite. When MNEs departed, they often sold their assets to the local economic elite to salvage some value. To ensure continued operations (and thus payments to them), MNE continued supporting buyers
Cultivating entrepreneurial human capital in multinational corporations: An intercultural paradox mindset lens Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-06-04 Robert J. Pidduck, Daniel R. Clark, Yejun (John) Zhang
The development of an entrepreneurial strategic orientation is of growing concern for global corporations. Through a human capital lens, we probe how and when firms can develop and cultivate managerial entrepreneurial resources; by explicitly encouraging cross-cultural experiences that stimulate systematic shifts in mindset and behavior. Drawing on paradox theory and intercultural psychology, we put
Challenging the orthodoxy in international business research: Directions for “new” research areas Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 Andrew Delios, Jiatao Li, Andreas P.J. Schotter, Demetris Vrontis
A strong critique of the international business field is that it has been “running out of steam” because IB scholars have failed to engage with emerging paradigm shifts in IB practice and management theory. IB research requires rejuvenation with timely, unique, controversial, and challenging new research questions. IB scholars need to move beyond incremental improvements to existing research agendas
Context matters: The signaling role of foreign bidders’ reputation in cross-border acquisition contests Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-05-23 Weiting Zheng, Yaqin Zheng, Jingtao Yi, Noman Shaheer, Sali Li
Existing research offers limited understanding of how foreign acquirers enhance their chance of success in cross-border acquisition (CBA) deals. Engaging and extending signaling theory, this paper argues that during the bidding stage of an acquisition deal wherein information asymmetry is heightened between the bidder and seller, reputation of foreign bidders can serve as a signal of quality, increasing
Language and identity: The dynamics of linguistic clustering in multinational enterprises Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-04-17 Komal Kalra, Wade Danis
Mitigating soft and hard infrastructure deficiencies in emerging markets Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 Juan Bu, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Yadong Luo, Stephanie Lu Wang
This study examines the impact of soft and hard infrastructure deficiencies on foreign firms’ investments in emerging markets and firm strategies to mitigate such impact. infrastructure refers to intangible components such as institutions and regulations, while infrastructure encompasses tangible physical components like transportation, energy systems, and water supply. Drawing on resource dependence
From heterogeneity to inequality: The impact of nationality diversity on leadership in multinational teams Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-03-29 Gouri Mohan, Minna Paunova, Yih-Teen Lee
This study distinguishes heterogeneity and inequality by exploring how nationality diversity influences leadership perceptions in multinational teams. Using two studies that assessed 105 (Study 1) and 40 (Study 2) teams comprising 4,120 and 2,180 dyads respectively, we find that nationality-based status influences leadership perceptions directly and indirectly through perceptions of higher-status peers
Improving global value chain governance: Empowering women through third-party interventions within institutionally fragile contexts Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-03-23 Shengwen Li, Anthony Goerzen
Promoting women's empowerment in institutionally fragile contexts has been overlooked in global value chain (GVC) analysis, despite the recognition of its importance by UN SDG 5. Building on GVC governance and feminist institutional theories, we evaluate three aspects of an intervention led by an international non-governmental organization to empower women within socially and economically fragile environments
Do international new ventures have attraction advantages? Insights from a recruitment perspective Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 Philipp Volkmer, Matthias Baum, Nicole Coviello
This study applies a recruitment lens to examine how the proactive internationalization of new ventures might influence job seeker perceptions of organizational attractiveness. Using signaling theory and person-environment fit theory to develop our hypotheses, we employ a metric conjoint experiment with 209 job seekers (making 3344 decisions). Our multilevel regression results suggest that the international
Dynamic improvisation capabilities as a learning mechanism in early internationalizing firms Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-03-12 Sylvie Chetty, Peter Gabrielsson, Mika Gabrielsson
Our study addresses an inconsistency in the literature on whether a lack of knowledge in early internationalizing firms is an obstacle or an advantage. We integrate learning, capabilities, and improvisation literature to reveal how case firms from New Zealand and Finland internationalize early under uncertainty and time pressure. We develop a process model and propositions to show how firms develop
Family business and international business: Breaking silos and establishing a rigorous way forward Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-03-06 Jean-Luc Arregle, Andrea Calabrò, Michael A. Hitt, Liena Kano, Christian Schwens
Over the past decade, a consensus has crystallized recognizing the significance of family firm internationalization in international business (IB) research. This recognition comes with substantial opportunities, yet it also presents challenges, such as the pressing need for a more cohesive integration of the family business and IB domains. In this article, we (re)emphasize the relevance of family firm
Language-based discrimination in multilingual organizations: A comparative study of migrant professionals’ experiences across physical and virtual spaces Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-02-13 Hilla Back, Rebecca Piekkari
We compare migrant professionals’ experiences of language-based discrimination across physical and virtual spaces. The minority status of these professionals stems from their foreign origin and lack of proficiency in the local language of their new country of residence. We conducted a case study of a multinational corporation after a shift to remote work triggered by COVID-19. Our findings indicate
Time matters: Rethinking the role of time in the philosophical, conceptual and methodological domains of international business Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-01-30 Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, Eriikka Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, Melanie Hassett, Peter W. Liesch, Ulf Andersson, Elizabeth L. Rose
The purpose of this editorial, and the special issue, is to initiate a dialogue about the role of time in international business (IB) scholarship. While time is inherent in IB phenomena, it has, to date, received limited attention in IB research and theorizing. When IB scholars do account for time, they generally adhere to assumptions representing time as linear and objective. We discuss the importance
Unlearning diversity management Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-01-25 Aneta Hamza-Orlinska, Jolanta Maj, Amanda Shantz, Joana Vassilopoulou
Organizational unlearning occurs when organizations cast-off knowledge, beliefs, or routines. A key assumption is that the discarded information inhibits organizational performance. This view ignores the possibility that organizations may intentionally unlearn practices that are useful for some stakeholders. Using qualitative methods over eight years, we studied the processes by which a subsidiary
Cross-border acquisition completion by emerging market MNEs revisited: Inductive evidence from a machine learning analysis Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2024-01-25 Jianhong Zhang, Arjen van Witteloostuijn, Chaohong Zhou, Shengyang Zhou
Existing empirical studies of cross-border acquisition completion by emerging market multinational enterprises remain highly contextual, yielding inconsistent evidence regarding the determinants of deal success or failure. We apply machine learning to expose underlying complexities. The learning results of LightGBM, from data on 24,693 cross-border acquisition deals involving 29 emerging countries
To export or to FDI? A configurational approach to family firm internationalization Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-11-26 Maria Lapeira, Georges Samara, Sumit Kundu, Arun Kumaraswamy
Using socioemotional wealth, this study advances our understanding of the various internationalization strategies family businesses adopt by exploring the governance and resource configurations that exist when family firms pursue distinct internationalization strategies. Using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (FsQCA) on a sample of 775 Colombian family firms, our findings reveal a distinct
The business family as an institutional arbitrageur: Internationalization across institutional contexts Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-11-20 Ramzi Fathallah, Michael Carney
Much research on family business internationalization centers on the firm but is inattentive to the family behind the firm. We examine how business families internationalize from unstable and fragile institutions. Based on a qualitative multi-case study, we theorize business families as institutional arbitrageurs who facilitate international transactions between incompatible institutional contexts
Emerging market multinationals’ liability of outsidership Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-10-21 Nan Zhou
This study investigated how the liability of outsidership affects emerging-market multinationals. We argue that besides lack of access to local networks, lack of access to leadership positions in global value chain networks is another possible source of the liability of outsidership, and it affects emerging market firms more than multinationals from developed countries. Accordingly, multinationals
Sustainable value creation in multinational enterprises: The role of corporate governance actors Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-10-18 Nikolaos Kavadis, Niels Hermes, Jana Oehmichen, Alessandro Zattoni, Stav Fainshmidt
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are increasingly expected to make their global operations sustainable, while overcoming important obstacles in a rugged global landscape. In this perspective article, we argue that a focus on their corporate governance (CG) actors – i.e., owners, directors, and executives – is key for understanding the premises of MNEs’ sustainable value creation. We develop an actor-centered
Institutional fragility and internationalization of Indian firms: Moderating effects of inward FDI and linkages Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-10-04 Vikrant Shirodkar, Rishika Nayyar, Sumati Varma
In this paper, using institutional and organizational learning theories, we argue that institutional fragility within India impacts the internationalization of Indian firms such that firms from more fragile regions are likely to have lower internationalization levels. We also suggest that this effect is moderated by inward (industry-level) foreign direct investment (FDI) and inward (firm-level) linkages
Speaking of diversity: Can linguistic structural differences explain cultural values toward equity, diversity, and inclusion across the globe? Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-09-29 Karoline M. Summerville, Victor Zitian Chen, Amir Shoham, Vasyl Taras
We theorize that linguistic grammar structures related to gender, pronoun use, and politeness distinctions influence individuals’ cultural values toward diversity, including masculinity, collectivism, and power distance, respectively. Based on first-handed data collected from a large sample of individuals (N = 9,058) who speak various native languages, our analysis shows that languages require speakers
The interplay of international alliance and subsidiary portfolios: Implications for firms’ innovation and financial performance Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-09-21 Mariia Koval, Viacheslav Iurkov, Gabriel R.G. Benito
The benefits of having an internationally diverse alliance portfolio are well known. However, the challenges remain overlooked, especially the potential to curb firms’ international expansion beyond such alliances. Building on global connectivity literature, we study how firms’ international footprint through their foreign subsidiaries is affected by the geographical spread of their international alliances
From cultural intelligence to workgroup inclusion through synchrony preference and perceived workgroup similarity Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-09-15 Amy E. Randel, Valerie Alexandra
Inclusion is an important consideration for international firms to fully realize their strategic human resources, yet there is limited research on how international business competencies relate to perceived inclusion. This study proposes and tests a social identity-based framework about how cultural intelligence relates to perceived inclusion through the mediating effects of synchrony preference and
Family firm internationalization and top management team collaboration: Roles, emotional attachment, and risk perceptions Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-09-04 Julia de Groote, Moritz Feninger, Nadine Kammerlander
This study examines how collaboration within top management teams (TMTs) composed of family owner-managers (FOMs) and nonfamily managers (NFMs) influences internationalization decisions. Based on a qualitative multi-case study, we identify four roles taken by TMT members: drivers (typically FOMs), experts (both FOMs and NFMs), boundary spanners (typically NFMs), and administrators (typically NFMs)
Escaping the rut: Bridging research on expatriate and organizational newcomer adjustment Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-08-22 Mihaela Dimitrova, John Kammeyer-Mueller, Margaret A. Shaffer, Marlene Gruber
To ‘escape the rut’ of narrowly focusing on expatriate adjustment as a psychological state, we look to the literature on the adjustment of organizational newcomers. From this perspective, we extend theoretical and empirical concepts regarding dynamic social and proactive development processes into the study of expatriate adjustment. Our integrative review of both literatures provides the basis for
Exogenous shocks and MNEs: Learning from pandemics, conflicts, and other major disruptions Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-08-19 Luciano Ciravegna, David Ahlstrom, Snejina Michailova, Chang Hoon Oh, Ajai Gaur
Exogenous shocks have long been a feature of the global economy, yet they have become particularly salient in recent years. This Special Issue of the Journal of World Business addresses the shift to a New Normal characterized by frequent events that disrupt the international business context, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In this Introduction to the Special Issue, we
Reconsidering, refashioning, and reconceptualizing research methodology in international business Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-08-02 Andrew Delios, Catherine Welch, Bo Nielsen, Herman Aguinis, Chris Brewster
We introduce this Journal of World Business special issue on methodological advances in international business (IB) research. Due to technological advances and the availability of bigger, deeper, and multi-level data, there is a need to reconsider, refashion, and reconceptualize IB research methodology. To do so, we discuss ethnography, multilevel modeling, textual analysis and multimodal data, visual
Do liberal and conservative-leaning CEOs approach de-internationalization differently? Zooming in on the onset of the 2022 Russia/Ukraine crisis Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-06-21 Yannick Thams, Luis Alfonso Dau
We explore multinationals’ de-internationalization at the onset of the 2022 Russia/Ukraine crisis, based on their CEO's political ideology. Using motivated cognition logic, we propose that the differences between conservative- and liberal-leaning CEOs regarding their attitudes toward change and social justice influence their receptivity to stakeholders’ demands regarding divestment. Using a sample
CSR as a capability-building response to exogenous shocks by Lebanese MNEs Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-06-08 Marguerite Eid, Mark Loon
Exogenous shocks have become more frequent in recent years. Responses to one major crisis have often been discussed though there has been little research on now firms can handle multiple shocks, sometimes back-to-back ones. Using Lebanon as a strategic research site, we explore how MNEs’ CSR practice helps them to adapt to multiple exogenous shocks over a period of time. First, employing a process
Fight or flight? Understanding family firm internationalization when the rules of the game change Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-06-07 Ivan Miroshnychenko, Kimberly A. Eddleston, Alfredo De Massis
Building on the mixed gamble perspective, we examine family versus nonfamily firms’ propensity to increase or decrease their internationalization in response to different sources of risk. Our framework explains how a firm's mixed gamble calculus of internationalization can change as it adjusts to business, industry, and institutional circumstances. Using an unbalanced panel of 1031 publicly traded
Using field and quasi experiments and text-based analysis to advance international business theory Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-06-02 Ravi S. Ramani, Herman Aguinis
Methodological developments are critical for driving theoretical advancements in international business (IB) due to the field's diversity regarding disciplinary, theoretical, and conceptual bases. We provide an accessible introduction to two methodological approaches—one related to design and one to analysis—that are currently underutilized in IB despite their great potential: (a) field and quasi experiments
Improving subsidiary performance via inpatriate assignments: The role of host country national subsidiary CEOs’ social ties and motivational cultural intelligence Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-05-05 Samuel Davies, Fabian Jintae Froese, Daniel Han Ming Chng, Fedor Portniagin
Inpatriation experience (i.e., working at headquarters) for host-country national (HCN) subsidiary managers is supposed to be beneficial for foreign subsidiaries’ knowledge transfer and financial performance. Applying upper echelons theory, we investigate whether HCN subsidiary CEOs with inpatriation experience promote knowledge transfer from multinational corporation (MNC) headquarters to their subsidiaries
Organizational scaling: The role of knowledge spillovers in driving multinational enterprise persistent rapid growth Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-05-03 Maksim Belitski, Jeff Martin, Tatiana Stettler, William Wales
Based on insights from the spillover, international business, and knowledge management literatures, we study factors that enhance multinational enterprise (MNE) scaling and growth. Viewing MNEs and their employees as potentially rich knowledge sources, we draw attention to MNE-to-MNE knowledge spillover which fuel MNE scaling throughout organizations and employ panel data spanning 44,256 foreign and
Exit or stay: A critical incident analysis of decision-making in conflict-torn countries Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-04-28 Arrian A D Cornwell, Emmanuel Ogiemwonyi Arakpogun, Mary E. Thomson
Deploying small world representation logic, we examine the context-specific factors that inform managerial decision-making in conflict-torn countries. Drawing on insights from thirty-one managers, we spotlight nine higher-order heuristics that commonly inform MNEs’ mental representations and their managers’ decision to exit or stay. These heuristics were identified by categorising the commonalities
Disasters and international business: Insights and recommendations from a systematic review Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-04-28 Bo Bernhard Nielsen, Heidi Wechtler, Linglin (Gloria) Zheng
Disasters – natural or manmade – are on the rise with far-reaching implications for international business (IB) actors and transactions. While the Covid-19 pandemic has generated much academic interest for its impact on business in general, little effort has been made to consolidate the fragmented research on disasters more broadly in the field of international business. Therefore, it is important
Scaling digital and non-digital business models in foreign markets: The case of financial advice industry in the United States Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-03-30 Murad A. Mithani
This study investigates whether a digital business model helps firms internationalize faster. It tests the hypothesis that a digital business model accelerates the rate of internationalization because economies of scale enabled by digitalization exceed those offered by a non-digital business model. Based on analysis of foreign digital and non-digital entrants in the U.S. financial advice industry,
Time in international strategic alliances: Progress and prospect Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-03-28 Nuno Oliveira, Fabrice Lumineau, Africa Ariño
Time has significant implications for the functioning of international strategic alliances. Drawing on a systematic review (1943–2022), we consolidate the literature around types of time (i.e., clock, event, cyclical, and life-cycle) and time facets (e.g., duration and speed) in international strategic alliances. This review's findings aid us in developing a temporal-relational framework that intends
International Business, digital technologies and sustainable development: Connecting the dots Journal of World Business (IF 8.9) Pub Date : 2023-03-23 Francesca Ciulli, Ans Kolk
Building on emerging debates on the ‘dark’ and ‘bright’ side of digital globalization, and calls for considering its environmental and social implications in more detail, this perspective article seeks to ‘unravel’ these components of ‘the digital age’ for International Business (IB). Inspired by the affordance perspective developed in Information Systems research, we offer IB scholars a new approach