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Achieving Consensus Through a Modified Delphi Technique to Create the Post-concussion Collegiate Return-to-Learn Protocol
Sports Medicine ( IF 9.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s40279-022-01788-8
Allyssa K Memmini 1, 2 , Michael J Popovich 3 , Kristen H Schuyten 4 , Stanley A Herring 5 , Katie L Scott 6 , James R Clugston 7, 8 , Meeryo C Choe 9 , Christopher M Bailey 10 , M Alison Brooks 11 , Scott A Anderson 12 , Michael A McCrea 13 , Anthony P Kontos 14 , Jessica S Wallace 15 , Johna K Register Mihalik 16 , Tricia M Kasamatsu 17 , Tamara Valovich McLeod 18 , Michelle L Weber Rawlins 19 , Traci R Snedden 20 , Matthew Kaplan 21 , Briana Akani 22 , La'Joya C L Orr 23 , Rebecca E Hasson 23 , Sami F Rifat 24, 25 , Steven P Broglio 2


Sport-related concussions (SRCs) affect millions of adolescents and young adults annually in the USA; however, current SRC consensus statements provide limited guidance on academic support for students within higher education.


To generate consensus on appropriate academic recommendations for clinicians, students, and academic stakeholders to support university students during their recovery.


Panelists participated in three stages of a modified Delphi procedure: the first stage included a series of open-ended questions after reviewing a literature review on post-SRC return-to-learn (RTL) in higher education; the second stage asked panelists to anonymously rate the recommendations developed through the first Delphi stage using a 9-point scale; and the final stage offered panelists the opportunity to change their responses and/or provide feedback based on the group’s overall ratings.


Twenty-two panelists including clinicians, concussion researchers, and academic stakeholders (54.5% female) from 15 institutions and/or healthcare systems participated in a modified Delphi procedure. A total of 42 statements were developed after round one. Following the next two rounds, 27 statements achieved consensus amongst the panel resulting in the four-stage Post-Concussion Collegiate RTL Protocol.


There are several unique challenges when assisting university students back to the classroom after SRC. Explicit guidelines on when to seek additional medical care (e.g., if they are experiencing worsening or persistent symptoms) and how to approach their instructor(s) regarding academic support may help the student self-advocate. Findings from the present study address barriers and provide a framework for universities to facilitate a multidisciplinary approach amongst medical and academic stakeholders.




在美国,每年有数百万青少年和年轻人受到运动相关脑震荡 (SRC) 的影响;然而,当前的 SRC 共识声明为高等教育学生的学术支持提供了有限的指导。




小组成员参与了修改后的德尔菲程序的三个阶段:第一阶段包括在回顾高等教育中 SRC 后重返学习 (RTL) 的文献综述后提出一系列开放式问题;第二阶段要求小组成员使用 9 分制对通过第一德尔菲阶段提出的建议进行匿名评分;最后阶段为小组成员提供了改变他们的回答和/或根据小组的总体评分提供反馈的机会。


来自 15 个机构和/或医疗保健系统的 22 名小组成员,包括临床医生、脑震荡研究人员和学术利益相关者(54.5% 女性),参与了修改后的德尔菲程序。第一轮后总共制定了 42 份声明。在接下来的两轮之后,专家组就 27 份声明达成共识,制定了四阶段的脑震荡后大学劳教协议


在 SRC 结束后协助大学生返回课堂时存在一些独特的挑战。关于何时寻求额外医疗护理(例如,如果他们的症状恶化或持续存在)以及如何向导师寻求学术支持的明确指南可能有助于学生自我倡导。本研究的结果解决了障碍,并为大学提供了一个框架,以促进医学和学术利益相关者之间的多学科方法。
