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Blindspots in acculturation research: An agenda for studying majority culture change
European Review of Social Psychology ( IF 5.652 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-12 , DOI: 10.1080/10463283.2022.2079813
Hanna Zagefka 1 , Katharina Lefringhausen 2 , Lucía López Rodríguez 3 , Ana Urbiola 3 , Nali Moftizadeh 1 , Alexandra Vázquez 4


Research has investigated conditions which lead to minority members’ wanting to maintain their culture of origin, and to them wanting to adopt the majority culture. Majority members’ ideas for what minority members should do have also received attention. However, past research has developed a blindspot for some important questions: majority and minority members will also have preferences for whether they desire majority culture change, and members of both groups will have perceptions regarding the respective outgroup’s preference. This paper will present a 2X2X2 framework yielding 8 different foci: 2 (focusing on the perspectives/wishes of the minority vs. majority) X 2 (acculturation preferences regarding oneself vs. the outgroup) X 2 (own preferences vs. perceptions of what the respective outgroup wants). This framework will be used to crystalize what is known and what is not yet explored, suggesting a research agenda for the future. 




研究调查了导致少数群体成员希望保持其起源文化并希望采用多数文化的条件。多数成员对少数成员应该做什么的想法也受到关注。然而,过去的研究在一些重要问题上形成了盲点:多数和少数成员也会对他们是否渴望多数有偏好文化发生变化,两个群体的成员都会对各自外群体的偏好有看法。本文将提出一个 2X2X2 框架,产生 8 个不同的焦点:2(关注少数与多数的观点/愿望)X 2(关于自己与外群体的文化适应偏好)X 2(自己的偏好与对什么的看法)各自的外群想要)。该框架将用于明确已知和尚未探索的内容,并提出未来的研究议程。 
