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Remembering Thomas Postlewait 1941–2021
Theatre Research International ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-22 , DOI: 10.1017/s0307883322000086

The picture of the group of scholars on the steps of the University of Helsinki in 1993 is typical of Thomas Postlewait and depicts at the same time an important moment in the history of the International Federation for Theatre Research (Fig. 1). Tom keeps in the background, furthest back in the top row, next to Selma Jeanne Cohen and Martine de Rougemont, then the vice president of IFTR. This position was in a way typical of Tom. He remained in the background and at the same time he supported and pushed those around him. This characterized his role as the editor of the University of Iowa Press series called Studies in Theatre History and Culture. During twenty years he published forty books by authors from many countries. Some of them can be seen assembled around him on the photograph. Anyone who was lucky to be coached by Editor Tom will easily confirm the strong directions that were given with a soft hand, preserving the particularities of the author within the overall framework of the series.


纪念托马斯·波斯特莱维特 1941–2021

1993年赫尔辛基大学台阶上的一群学者的照片是Thomas Postlewait的典型,同时描绘了国际戏剧研究联合会历史上的一个重要时刻(图1)。汤姆一直在后台,排在最靠后的位置,紧挨着塞尔玛珍妮科恩和当时的 IFTR 副总裁 Martine de Rougemont。这个位置在某种程度上是汤姆的典型。他留在幕后,同时他支持和推动他周围的人。这体现了他作为爱荷华大学出版社系列剧《戏剧历史与文化研究》的编辑所扮演的角色。在 20 年间,他出版了 40 本书,作者来自多个国家。照片上可以看到他们中的一些人聚集在他周围。
