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Peter Parker Principle: From White Privilege to Gifted Critical Discourse
Gifted Child Quarterly ( IF 2.409 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-03 , DOI: 10.1177/00169862211037704
Angela M. Novak 1

With the understanding that diverse perspectives contribute to scholarship, different lenses open our eyes to worldviews, and that contextualization is key in research, I offer this brief commentary on Peters’ (2021) article on challenges to achieving equity within public gifted programs. Although the article starts with a definition of disproportionality based on ethnicity, the content staggers into poverty as a comorbidity of race. This is mirrored in the positionality statement which largely focuses on material advantages of Peters’ economic status rather than his White privilege. “I write this article as one of the more privileged human beings on the planet,” Peters (2021, p. 1-2) acknowledged. As a White woman, I do not hold more privilege when I am pulled over by the police compared with my cousin, a Black man. My cousin has no more or less privilege because of socioeconomic status, the power and position of his parents, summer camps he attended, or his (or his spouse’s) chosen career. White privilege exists for me in a way it does not for my cousin. It is nurtured starting in childhood by master narratives, perpetuated by the government, and preached from the pulpit.



了解不同的观点有助于学术,不同的视角让我们看到世界观,并且情境化是研究的关键,我对 Peters (2021) 关于在公共天才项目中实现公平的挑战的文章提供了这篇简短的评论。尽管文章以基于种族的不成比例定义开始,但内容却将贫困视为种族的共病。这反映在立场声明中,该声明主要关注彼得斯经济地位的物质优势,而不是他的白人特权。彼得斯(2021 年,第 1-2 页)承认:“我是作为地球上享有特权的人之一撰写这篇文章的。” 作为一个白人女性,我不持有更多与我的黑人堂兄相比,我被警察拦下时的特权。我的表弟没有或多或少的特权,因为社会经济地位、他父母的权力和地位、他参加的夏令营或他(或他的配偶)选择的职业。白人特权对我来说存在的方式对我的表弟来说是不存在的。它从孩提时开始由大师级的叙事培育,由政府延续,并在讲坛上宣讲。