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Firms and Skills: The Evolution of Worker Sorting
Journal of Human Resources ( IF 5.784 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-21 , DOI: 10.3368/jhr.56.2.0517-8801r2
Christina Håkanson , Erik Lindqvist , Jonas Vlachos

We document a significant increase in the sorting of workers by cognitive and non-cognitive skills across Swedish firms between 1986 and 2008. The weight of the evidence suggests that the increase in sorting is due to stronger complementarities between worker skills and technology. In particular, a large fraction of the increase can be explained by the expansion of the ICT sector and a reallocation of engineers across firms. We also find evidence of increasing assortative matching, in the sense that workers who are particularly skilled in their respective educational groups are more likely to work in the same firms. Changes in sorting pattens and skill gradients can account for a about half of their increase in between-firm dispersion.



我们记录了 1986 年至 2008 年间瑞典公司通过认知和非认知技能对工人进行分类的显着增加。证据的权重表明分类的增加是由于工人技能和技术之间更强的互补性。特别是,很大一部分增长可以通过 ICT 部门的扩张和公司间工程师的重新分配来解释。我们还发现了分类匹配增加的证据,从某种意义上说,在各自教育群体中特别熟练的工人更有可能在同一家公司工作。分拣模式和技能梯度的变化可以解释其公司间离散度增加的大约一半。